
"An enemy attack, an enemy attack!"

Although it was a night attack, the moonlight was like water, and the ground was brightly illuminated. The defenders on the top of the city immediately fell into chaos.

"No, they don't even have a ladder, how can they attack the city!" There were also sober generals on the top of the city, who saw the abnormality of the Bingzhou Army.

Outside the city, thousands of heavy armored infantry of the Bingzhou Army rushed up frantically, as if they were about to charge against the city wall.

Groups of cavalry also kept appearing from afar. They came wearing the stars and wearing the moon. Under the moonlight, the heavy armor and heavy iron halberds all flashed an extremely terrifying breath of death.


Countless people were shouting and struggling to move forward. Arrows rained down on the top of the city, and even a large number of rockets fell on the Bingzhou army, but they were bounced off by the heavy armor and had no effect at all.

Occasionally, some flames stained the clothes of the soldiers, but it was too late for the rushing soldiers to wipe them off, and they all continued to charge frantically, scrambling to get into the city first.

On the top of the city, countless defenders were overwhelmed by the madness of the soldiers outside the city.

"It's impossible. They don't have ladders, bumpers, or even hooks and locks. Could it be that they want to use their flesh and blood to shake the city wall?"

There was a guard with a shocked expression, and his face was full of disbelief. For the Bingzhou army outside, he could no longer be described as tough. This is a group of terrifying lunatics!

Just, are they really crazy?


Just when the defenders in the city were all watching the crazy actions of the Bingzhou Army in disbelief, suddenly, there was a violent shaking from the city gate. The suspension bridge that was supposed to be hanging suddenly fell to the ground. Bounces a lot of smoke and dust.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately, there was another dull sound of rubbing, and the closed city gate suddenly opened without warning, completely exposing everything in the city to the Bingzhou army.


The Bingzhou army who came rushing madly looked more and more crazy, and they all gathered their strength and ran wildly.Follow the open city gate, and you will swarm in.

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

"Where's General Chen Lan Chen, isn't he guarding the city gate?"

The city gate was suddenly opened, and the defenders at the top of the city were completely stunned. They couldn't figure out what happened and why the Bingzhou army rushed into the city so smoothly.

Some people also thought of something, and their expressions immediately changed drastically.He yelled: "It's not good, we were sold by Chen Lan, he is the internal response of the Bingzhou Army!"

But even though someone realized it, after all the gates of the city had been opened, it was too late.

"Kill, fight them! We haven't failed yet, block the city gate and drive the Bingzhou army out of the city!" At the head of the city, there are also Liu Xun's confidant generals, who will not retreat in a deadly battle, and hurriedly lead their subordinates, thinking It is necessary to kill the head of the city and block the gate again.

"Wherever you go, hold out the dog's head to me!"

Seeing that the defenders at the top of the city wanted to resist, Sun Guandan held a knife and rushed to the top of the city with hundreds of grim-looking heavy armored infantry, immediately attracting a brutal fight.

"kill him!"

Several guards at the top of the city saw Sun Guan walking in the front alone, looked at each other, and rushed towards him with roars.


The saber buzzed, drawing an arc-shaped afterimage, and with a click, it cut an enemy general who rushed over into two ends.But before Sun Guan could draw out his saber, countless pawns rushed up behind him.

He heard bursts of puffing sounds of swords piercing flesh from the front, and the enemy generals who rushed over were directly chopped into meat paste by the chaotic blade.

This kind of scene keeps appearing at the top of the city. The first batch of infantry who rushed into the city were almost all Bingzhou fierce soldiers. They were brave men from the frontier. It's like a pack of wolves like a flock of sheep, but within a few breaths, the defenders at the top of the city will be killed to death!


Above the city, there was a loud noise.A large Liu character flag was cut into two ends by Sun Guan, and replaced by a black wolf battle flag. ,


The moment the battle flag was raised, many people and the soldiers of the state army couldn't help raising their heads and let out terrifying screams. The rolling sound waves, like the most terrifying tsunami, swept across the entire Lujiang City.

The army and civilians in the city suddenly became chaotic, and blood filled the ground.

"How could this happen! How could this be happening! Thief Lu, I, Liu Xun, and you will never be at odds!" In the city, Liu Xun's eyes were red, and his face was full of shock.

Hearing that the city gate had fallen, he hurried over with a large army to support him, but when Liu Xun came over, he saw only corpses all over the ground, as well as cheering Bingzhou soldiers.

"My lord, we were careless! That Chen Lan is Lu thief's internal response. Now that the city gate has been lost, it is no different if we keep guarding it. Let me fight to the death and help my lord escape!"

With a loud roar, it appeared from Liu Xun's left side, but it was his clansman Liu Shi who first rushed towards the city gate with a group of soldiers and horses. .

"My lord, let's go!" The iron spear was shining brightly, and Liu Shi was charging wildly on his horse, charging at the forefront. Behind him, hundreds of Liu Xun's private soldiers were full of death, shouting to keep up, to fight Liu Xun fights for time to escape.

This is Liu Xun's most powerful soldier, and he cannot join unless he is a confidant. At this time, they are desperately fighting, and everyone has erupted with incomparably terrifying combat power.

Facing these people, among the rushing Bingzhou army, Gao Shun's face was somber, and he gave orders loudly, and the rushing Bingzhou army suddenly separated towards the two sides.It revealed the three thousand wolf cavalry who had rushed into the city behind them.


The iron cavalry rumbled, with extremely heavy steps. At this time, they trampled from outside the city, and the bluestone slabs on the ground seemed to collapse, revealing countless tiny cracks.

The hooves of the horse were flying, the horse roared, but the knight on the horse was extremely indifferent.


The half-raised iron halberd was flattened, forming a blood-red forest of steel halberds in an instant, and rushed forward swiftly, like a hammer, hitting Liu Shi's body instantly.

Liu Shi, who rushed over madly, didn't have time to let out a scream, and was swept off his horse by more than a dozen iron halberds at the same time, and the heavy iron hooves trampled mercilessly, trampling everything on the ground into mud!

"Liu Shi!"

Seeing Liu Shi's tragic death in the distance, Liu Xun couldn't help crying, his throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out. He roared, desperately wanting to rush up.

But beside him, dozens of personal guards hurriedly stopped him, and shouted sadly: "Master, the big thing is over, let's go, don't let General Liu die in vain!"

"Go, can you go?"

Liu Xun looked around and saw that his soldiers fell one by one, and then looked ahead again. Three thousand heavy armored cavalry, like no one in the land, killed his soldiers in pieces.I couldn't help feeling disheartened, but I still let the guards grab me and fled in embarrassment into the distance.

As soon as Liu Xun fled, the defenders in the city who were still resisting became even more chaotic. Many people immediately dropped their weapons and surrendered on their knees.

Half an hour later, in Lujiang City, the shouts of killing gradually weakened, and then disappeared completely. Only teams of soldiers walked through every corner of the city, looking for possible routs.

The generals of Bingzhou who entered the city came out of the city again at this time, and lined up on both sides of the city gate respectfully.

Outside the city, Lu Yi was dressed in black armor and rode on the back of Wu Yunju with an indifferent expression. From the beginning to the end, he did not participate in the siege and left it to Zhang Liao and others.

It is impossible for him to always lead the army to charge forward. This time, it is to test the ability of the generals to cooperate.Obviously, the performance of the generals satisfied him very much.The horse and infantry soldiers all cooperated very well, and there was no competition for merit.

Nodding his head slightly, Lu Yi rode his horse into the city, but he didn't rush to the eunuch's mansion, but asked Zhang Liao, "Where is Liu Ye now, and has his family been disturbed?"

"Don't worry, my lord. At nightfall, the general has sent someone to guard Liu Ye's house, and it's guaranteed to be safe!" Chen Lan stood up and looked at Lu Yi admiringly.

Lu Yi was noncommittal, but he was quite satisfied with Chen Lan's obedience. He nodded and said, "In this case, you will lead the way, and I will visit this Huainan strange man..."

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