Thousands of miles of plank roads, thousands of miles of dangerous mountains.If you haven't approached Ziwu Valley, you can't understand its precipitousness. There are steep mountains on both sides, and a deep mountain stream flows in the middle. It has nine bends and eighteen bends, and it can only be passed by a section of plank road erected on the cliff.

Especially in the valley, it is not a road. In the dense forest, there are often various forks. Once you walk out of the road, you may get lost in it and waste time.It also consumes military rations.

There are also some areas that are naturally suitable for ambushes. Every time Lu Yi passes through these areas, he is trembling, fearing that he will encounter ambushes from Hanzhong.

Although Lu Yi knew in his heart, not to mention Zhang Lu, I am afraid that all the princes in the world thought he was still fighting in Guanzhong. Who would have thought that he would dare to go through many dangerous places and enter Hanzhong?

In the mountain forest, it is hard to distinguish east, west, north, south, dense forests everywhere, and the roar of ferocious beasts can be heard from time to time.At some point, everyone walking forward will encounter some fierce tigers and bears.

Fortunately, in the past few years, Zhong Yao was in Chang'an, and many of the people who had fled in Hanzhong returned to Chang'an through Ziwu Valley, and then became part of the generals in Guanzhong.

In Duan Yan's army, there were many refugees who had passed through Ziwu Valley, and it was because of them that Lu Yi was able to make such a quick decision to attack Hanzhong.

The army has been marching in a hurry for several days. Although it is clear that Zhang Lu is still fighting Liu Zhang at this time, it is impossible to set up defenses in Ziwu Valley.But everything has to be planned for the worst.

Along the way, Lu Yi continued to urge the army to march quickly, not daring to delay for a moment.The women he was looking for were also healthy women from the countryside, all of them were strong, with dark faces, and had experienced years of hard work, so even though the army was in a hurry, they could keep up with them. [

At night, these healthy women can also fetch clean water and dry food to serve the soldiers for dinner. Of course, Lu Yi dare not raise the fire.

Who knows if there are any spies from Zhang Lu in Ziwu Valley.

While eating dry food and resting, I heard some jokes between the soldiers and the village women, and eight days passed in a blink of an eye.The road in Meridian Valley gradually opened up, and it was no longer so steep.

"My lord, we will be able to get out of the valley in a dozen miles or so!" A middle-aged man who was in charge of leading the way came over. Ziwugu entered Guanzhong and lived in Duan Yao's farm.

When Lu Yizheng was familiar with the terrain of Ziwu Valley, he chose him as a guide.Along the way, relying on this person to lead the way, he did not go wrong.

He actually walked out of Meridian Valley two days earlier than the scheduled ten days!This has to be said to be a miracle. Of course, the plank road in Ziwu Valley has not been damaged, which also greatly facilitates the march of the army.

Otherwise, Lu Yi would definitely not be able to pass hundreds of miles of steep canyons in eight days.

"The order, everyone hurry up, we must rush out of the valley as soon as possible!" Although there are still more than ten miles away, Lu Yi does not dare to take it lightly.

This distance is already very close to Hanzhong. If he encounters a spy in Hanzhong or a hunter in the mountains, his actions will definitely be exposed!

"My lord has orders, move on!"

The order was passed down layer by layer, and the soldiers in the formation and the bell soldiers were all the best of the best. Hearing the words, they immediately got up, even though they all had tired faces on their faces.

The rest of the women were crying bitterly. Although they endured hardships and stood hard work, they had never marched at such a high intensity. Many of them had bleeding blisters on their feet, and they sat on the ground crying bitterly.

"Get up, who dare not leave, we will be the first to kill you!"

A group of bell soldiers cursed and drew out their daggers, threatening the woman to go on their way.

Lu Yi frowned immediately, and hurriedly ordered people to stop, then looked at the people who followed, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I would know that everyone is tired, but if we can reach Chenggu today, everyone People, I will reward ten gold!" [

"Ten gold?"

The people sitting on the ground exclaimed, many people's eyes showed a trace of fiery, ten gold is definitely not a small amount for the people, and it can even change the fate of a family.


"With this money, I can buy some good clothes for my son!"

"It's settled for my boy to marry a wife!"

Under the heavy reward, the common people who were still complaining to the sky became motivated, and many of them got up immediately and started to move forward.

"My lord, ten gold per person, does this amount seem too much?" Zhang Xiu felt that it was too much.There are at least a thousand people here, if one person has ten gold, wouldn't it be ten thousand?

But Lu Yi laughed loudly, shook his head and said: "It's just ten thousand gold, if you can exchange it for one Hanzhong, it's one hundred thousand gold, I won't frown, everyone work harder, the one who walks out the fastest, I will reward a hundred thousand gold gold!"


The common people going forward were in an uproar, that is, the eyes of many soldiers were red, and without waiting for Lu Yi's order, they all scrambled to be the first, and ran desperately forward, and the plank road under their feet was trampled and shaken violently.

Lu Yi's face immediately turned pale. He was standing on the suspension bridge on the cliff. As soon as the soldiers started running, the suspension bridge shook violently, almost making him think that the suspension bridge was about to collapse.

Fortunately, all the way forward, there are thrilling adventures, encouraged by the rewards, both the soldiers and the people are all running wildly, the original distance of more than ten miles.It's a quick pass.

Outside Meridian Valley, there are no enemy troops!

"We passed!"

The soldiers who rushed out of the valley all cheered.Lu Yi also sighed in his heart, stomping hard on the firm ground with both feet.

"Standing on the ground feels the best!" Zhang Xiu even wiped the sweat from his forehead, looking at Ziwu Valley behind him with lingering fear.

Lu Yi also nodded unconsciously. The road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky, but he has finally passed the most difficult part of the road now.

"General Su, immediately send troops to deliver a message to the troops in the rear!"

Lu Yi looked at the cheering crowd and gave Su Fei cold instructions. Before Su Fei could agree, he strode towards the middle-aged guide and asked, "How far is it from Chenggu here?"

"Go back to the lord, and we will arrive within three miles at most!" The guide was still immersed in the excitement of overcoming the natural danger, and said dancing.

But Lu Yi heard that his eyes are bright, is it only three miles away?This is another piece of good news!

"Xingba, Uncle Gao, did you hear that? Chenggu is only three miles away from us!" Lu Yi looked at the recruited generals, his expression a little excited.

"My lord, the last general is willing to be the front!" After passing Ziwu Valley, Zhang Xiu's confidence increased greatly, and he also wanted to make up for his mistakes, so he took the initiative to ask for orders!

Lu Yi looked at Zhang Xiu, smiled slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Among the generals, only General Zhang and General Hu speak with a Guanzhong accent. Even if you don't say it, I want you two to be the front line!"

Zhang Xiu was overjoyed, and Hu Che'er also grinned.Although the rest of the generals were unwilling, they were not from Guanzhong.

But the Bingzhou army is currently dressed up and is a refugee in Guanzhong, so they can only retreat in embarrassment.

After arranging the candidates for attacking the city, Lu Yi did not attack Chenggu immediately, but ordered everyone to find a hidden hillside to rest temporarily.

After all, after eight consecutive days of rapid marching, no matter how elite soldiers are, it is impossible to fight again, and it will take a period of rest.

After several hours, the soldiers' physical strength gradually recovered.

Gao Shun, Gan Ning, Zhang Xiu and other generals could not wait to surround Lu Yi and said in unison: "My lord, the soldiers have almost rested. Shall we rush to Chenggu now?"

"Very good, order. Let's keep going, just go to Chenggu at your usual speed!" Lu Yi looked up at the sky, it was getting late, and he was afraid that Zhang Lu's spies would find him, so he revealed flaw.

Immediately got up, took a short halberd handed over by the guard, and hid it behind his back.The rest of the soldiers also got up one after another, or picked up their daggers.Or pick up a halberd.

They are all weapons that are easy to hide, they are all hidden close to the body, and they cannot be seen from the outside at all.

Then, a group of soldiers.Or supporting the healthy woman next to him, or carrying a short boy on his back, it is really like dragging his family and fleeing to refugees.All the way to Chenggu City.

The appearance of a group of refugees almost immediately aroused the vigilance of the city. Many soldiers hurried to the top of the city, and someone rushed out on a fast horse and asked loudly: "Stop, where are you refugees, where are you from? came here?"

Lu Yi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the defenders of this city to be quite vigilant, but fortunately he took Zhang Xiu, a native of Guanzhong, and immediately winked at Zhang Xiu.

Zhang Xiu understood, and said with a Guanzhong accent: "Generals, we are the people of Guanzhong. Because the Bingzhou army entered Guanzhong and killed and looted everywhere, we had no choice but to flee again and come to Hanzhong to escape the military disaster."

"Yes, yes, generals, please be merciful and let us enter the city!" A group of healthy women had already received the order, and all of them covered their faces and pretended to cry at this time, their voices were more mournful.

"What about these people?" A soldier saw many healthy women crying miserably, and most of his doubts disappeared.

"It turned out that they came from Guanzhong to escape. I also heard that. The Bingzhou Army recently fought in Guanzhong. But you are refugees after all. We don't care if we let you enter the city!"

"It still needs to be decided by the city guard!"

A few Hanzhong soldiers spoke in a hurry, but their eyes wandered among the nearby crowd.

Lu Yi's heart skipped a beat, thinking that these people had discovered a flaw, the guide next to him hurriedly lowered his head and said in a low voice: "My lord, don't worry, these soldiers are looking for money, and they can be sent away with money!"

"So that's the case!" Lu Yi suddenly realized that he wanted to blackmail the refugees, but as long as these soldiers love money, he quickly picked up a piece of gold and handed it to Zhang Xiu without a trace.

As soon as the Hanzhong soldiers saw the gold, a greedy look flashed in their eyes. Zhang Xiu also understood, quickly picked up the gold, handed it to the soldiers, and said with a smile: "You generals have worked hard. Please It's convenient."

One of the soldiers in the lead took the gold unceremoniously, weighed it, showed a satisfied expression on his face, and softened his tone, and said with a smile: "Seeing that you have come thousands of miles, it is not easy, come with me! This I'll take you into town!"

As they spoke, these Hanzhong cavalry turned back to the city. Not long after, the gate of the city was slowly opened.

Lu Yi's expression turned cold, he nodded towards Gan Ning and the others, and secretly pulled out the short halberd, hiding it behind his back.

Eight hundred trap soldiers and eight hundred bell soldiers also stepped forward one after another, striding towards the gate of the city, but a group of women, all of them trembling at this time, dared to follow behind them from a distance.

At the gate of the city, a general who looked like a school lieutenant happened to be patrolling over. When he saw the gate suddenly open, he couldn't help scolding: "What's going on, why is the gate open?"

"General Wang, a group of refugees came from Ziwu Valley, so we opened the door to let them in!" A soldier said hastily.

"Refugees from Ziwu Valley? It's strange. There are mountains everywhere in Ziwu Valley. They don't hide in the mountains, but they travel hundreds of miles away. They come to Hanzhong. It's really not right!"

The man called General Wang was full of doubts, but he still led the people out of the city gate and looked outside.

At this time, it was also the time when Lu Yi led more than a thousand elite soldiers and walked quickly towards the city gate.

Just now everyone was mixed with women, and they couldn't see anything, but at this time, all the people were standing in the distance in fear, leaving only the elite soldiers in front.

That kind of terrifying murderous aura is immediately revealed unconsciously, especially the soldiers who are in the battle, less than [-], but can rival thousands of people. The real elite soldiers, even if they wear ordinary clothes.It is also difficult to hide the breath of the whole body.

General Wang just glanced at it, then took a breath, and shouted: "No, they are not refugees, they are soldiers. Come here, close the city gate, the enemy is attacking, it is the enemy attacking!"

Lu Yi knew something bad was going to happen when he saw a military general suddenly appearing from the city, and he didn't expect that this person would notice something strange at a glance, and his heart skipped a beat.

In the eyes, there is a murderous intent!After finally getting close to Chenggu, how could he let the city gate close.

Immediately, he took out his halberd and threw it towards the general at high speed.

At the same time, Lu Yi stomped on the ground with both feet, rushed towards the city gate like a cheetah, and shouted: "Generals, enter the city!"


Seeing that their whereabouts were exposed, the soldiers and the bell soldiers shouted at the same time, let out a terrifying roar, and rushed towards the city gate. Several soldiers were caught off guard and were immediately pushed to the ground and their weapons were taken away.

"Enemy attack, it's not good, someone stole the city!" It wasn't until this time that the Hanzhong soldiers in the city reacted, and many people exclaimed loudly, wanting to close the city gate.

General Wang even pushed away the short halberd thrown by Lu Yifei with a single blow, and raised his leg to retreat into the city gate.

; "Where to go!"

The two sides were already very close to the city gate, but within a distance of dozens of steps, Lu Yi ran wildly again, rushing to the city gate within a few breaths.

With a buzzing sound, Lu Yi rushed to the city gate, punched out a soldier who wanted to close the city gate, vomiting blood, and flew backwards, but before he could fly out, Lu Yi's other big hand was already clamped like iron tongs. Grabbed the man's breastplate, dragged it back, used it as a weapon, and slammed it wildly towards the crowd.

On one side of the city gate, a dozen soldiers who were still trying to close the city gate were thrown on their backs and fell to the ground vomiting blood.

"Kill him!" There were also two brave soldiers in the city, armed with knives and guns, and rushed towards Lu Yi.

"court death!"

Lu Yi's expression turned cold, and instead of retreating, he advanced, smashed one person's head with a punch, and kicked another person's sternum, taking advantage of the moment that person fell down.With big hands like eagle claws, he grabbed the long knife that was slashing at him, and with a violent shake, he snatched it away.

The four generals Gan Ning, Gao Shun, Sun Guan, and Su Fei who were following Lu Yi were all mad, rushing into the city gate, and the defenders retreated steadily wherever they passed.

It turned out that it directly killed through the corridor in the city and rushed into the city.The fighters and bell soldiers who followed closely behind shouted at the same time, and began to look for people and fight in all directions.

"How is it possible?" General Wang, who had already retreated into the city, never expected that the city gate would fall so quickly, and his face was full of shock.

"General, what should we do? We can't stand it anymore!" Although there are more than [-] soldiers in the city, without the protection of the city gate, how can they be the opponents of the wolf-like soldiers and the bell soldiers? It could be that he kept retreating, leaving behind the corpses all over the place.

General Wang was even more shocked, and then with a decisive look, he shouted: "Come to me, let's kill together, as long as we regain the city gate, we still have hope of victory!"

"Okay, follow General Wang!" The remaining soldiers cheered up when they saw someone taking the lead. In addition, the soldiers brought by Lu Yi were only a thousand or so, and the defenders still had a great fighting spirit.

Lu Yi, who was fighting, immediately realized that General Wang who was commanding the soldiers was also the same person just now, and saw through his disguise!

To capture a thief, you must first capture the king!Lu Yi's expression suddenly turned cold, he picked up a long knife he had snatched casually, and charged towards the guard.But at this moment, behind Lu Yi, a burly man rushed out like a whirlwind.Haha laughed long and roared: "My lord, watch me kill this man!"

It turned out to be Gan Ning, who also noticed that General Wang, raised a short halberd in his hand, and pecked towards General Wang.

"Don't underestimate people!"

General Wang saw that Gan Ning was just fighting with him with a short halberd, and he was furious. He waved the spear in his hand, shaking more than ten gunshots, and stabbed towards Gan Ning.The momentum is extremely astonishing.

"Good time!" Gan Ning's eyes lit up suddenly, the short halberd in his hand shook lightly, and hit the tip of the long spear with a bang.

The two huge forces clashed violently. General Wang only felt the spear shake violently. A terrifying force made him retreat several steps crazily, leaving several deep footprints on the ground.

But General Wang was not allowed to stand firm, the short halberd in Gan Ning's hand flew out abruptly, and shot towards General Wang's heart like lightning.

"Not good!" General Wang was shocked and wanted to dodge, but the center of gravity of his body was not stable yet, so he could only grit his teeth and rolled on the ground, narrowly dodging the almost fatal blow.


More than a thousand soldiers had already rushed in, but Lu Yi was not doing anything, but standing aside and commanding. Out of the corner of his eye, he happened to catch a glimpse of General Wang dodging Gan Ning's ultimate move.

With a slight movement in his heart, he shouted: "Xingba, don't kill him, catch him alive!"

In the battlefield, Gan Ning had already snatched a long knife again, and fought with General Wang, and was about to kill General Wang with one knife. Hearing Lu Yi's words, he hurriedly changed his attack to swimming, and stood with General Wang. one place.

Lu Yi also walked over and watched from the sidelines.This seemed to irritate the guard. General Wang's face immediately showed a look of shame and anger, and the spear in his hand swung more quickly. Originally, one spear could only stab more than a dozen spear shadows, but now it has increased to two. More than ten articles!

But he was inspired to fight, and his martial arts improved to a higher level!

Gan Ning also looked slightly surprised, and then laughed loudly. He held a broken knife in his hand, and kept chopping horizontally and vertically. All the shadows of guns approaching him were easily blocked.

On the contrary, every time Gan Ning attacked, he forced General Wang to defend desperately, not daring to be careless.The sounds of attack and shouts of killing around him became weaker and weaker.

There are only [-] defenders in the city, how can they be the opponents of the Bingzhou Army, within half an hour, the defenders either died or surrendered, only Gan Ning was here, the two were still excited.

The two sides fought fifty times, and there was no winner or loser!

This made the surrounding soldiers all excited, clamoring loudly, cheering for Gan Ning.

Lu Yi was also a little shocked. Although he knew that this was the reason why Gan Ning had scruples and did not dare to let go of the fight, but this person was able to support Wuhe under Gan Ning's hands, which is quite good!

If the fight continued, if Gan Ning couldn't hold back and killed this person, it would be a pity. It was easy for the Bingzhou Army to capture Hanzhong, but to rule Hanzhong, it was necessary to use some old Hanzhong people to appease the people.

Lu Yi was determined to recruit this person, so he shouted: "Xingba, it's almost time, step back!"


Hearing Lu Yi's order, Gan Ning hurriedly backed up a few steps and jumped out of the battle group, but General Wang was a little bit red-eyed from the fight, and he stabbed a few more random shots in the same place before he came to his senses.

It didn't matter what he looked at, General Wang was immediately shocked, he looked around, all were murderous soldiers, tougher than Liu Anji's soldiers, and his own soldiers and horses.I couldn't even see a single one.

General Wang's face turned pale immediately, but his eyes were fixed on Lu Yi. He could see that this group of people was headed by Lu Yi, so he shouted at Lu Yi: "Where are you soldiers and horses? Even if I am going to die, I, Wang Ping, will die to understand!"

"Wang Ping! It turned out to be Wang Ping!"

Hearing the other party's self-reported family background, Lu Yi was secretly happy. This is a rare talent. Although his family background is not good, Bingzhou Army has never mentioned such a background.

No wonder this man was able to fight Gan Ning fifty times. Isn't Wang Ping in history the general of the Shu Han? Naturally, his martial arts would not be too weak.

"It turns out to be General Wang. I'm under Lu Yi, and I've admired him for a long time!" Knowing that the person in front of him was Wang Ping, Lu Yi smiled slightly, and solemnly clasped his fists.

"Lu Yi? Are you Lu Yi of the Bingzhou Army?" Wang Ping was shocked. He looked at Lu Yi carefully, and then at the sturdy soldiers nearby. His face was blue and white, and he smiled wryly, "I've been here for a long time. It's time to think about it. Hanzhong and Guanzhong have been at war for more than ten years. Only the Bingzhou Army attacked Chang'an, but in fact they wanted to attack Hanzhong."

"Hehe...General Wang is right. The ultimate goal of me and the state army is to attack Hanzhong! To tell you the truth, I have followed His Majesty's secret decree to come here to wipe out Zhang Lu's traitors. General Wang, you are also a man of the people. Are you willing to sacrifice your life for traitors like Zhang Lu?"

Lu Yi persuaded, and even borrowed the name of the Son of Heaven without blushing. Anyway, what the people of the Han Dynasty wanted, it was absolutely right to use the Son of Heaven as a cover.

Although he knew that Lu Yi's words were just a cover, Wang Ping still hesitated. After all, Zhang Lu was different from other princes. It's a traitor.

Wang Ping was not a foolish and loyal person either. Seeing that he was besieged on all sides, he had no choice but to throw away his spear and prostrated himself on the ground, saying, "Since the general came here at the king's order, Wang Ping is willing to surrender!"

"Hahaha... General Wang, get up quickly! We are all from the north, and we are not familiar with Hanzhong. I will need to listen to your opinions more about Hanzhong in the future!"

Within a day, he captured Chenggu and got a general like Wang Ping. Lu Yi was so happy that he couldn't tell, he ordered people to clean up the battlefield, and sent people to notify the soldiers and horses who were still in Chang'an, and let everyone go into Ziwu Valley .

After finishing a lot of work, Wang Ping was called to inquire about the situation in Hanzhong in detail...

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