() In the midwinter weather, there is no such thing as dusk.As soon as the sun went down, night fell.In the camp where the Taishan Army stationed troops, several raging bonfires were burning.

A few domestic dolphins, whether they were snatched or self-raised, were put on the campfire rack, and the grilled ones were already half-cooked.After sprinkling a little bit of salt and star foam, the strong smell of meat spread out of the camp.

Taishan soldiers in twos and threes, wearing all kinds of clothes, gathered together in small groups by the campfire.While swallowing his saliva, he stared at the delicious food that was about to be baked.While receiving the wine sac from who knows where, he took a sip happily, dispelling the chill in his body.

Occasionally, one or two Taishan soldiers in ragged clothes would catch a glimpse of their comrades' worn-out leather jackets or newly-made boots, showing unabashed envy.

Then he thought again, after a few days, he would be able to put on the same clothes and show off in front of the woman he had snatched, and he felt hot again.The last bit of guilt in that corner for betraying Sun Guan was also thrown away to feed the dog

With wine and meat, the whole camp was very noisy.

Only in the central hut of the camp.The three leaders of the Taishan Army were frowning and complaining to each other.Wu Dun said that Sun Kang was so heartless that he let that reckless man Sun Guan go.Sun Kang would not be convinced, he drew out his knife, and was going to fight Wu Dun desperately, and let him see that he was not easy to mess with.

Yin Li was caught in the middle, both sides were not pleased, so after persuading him for a while, he got angry instead.He simply threw away the wine jar, took his entourage, and went back to his room to sleep.

The other two continued to quarrel, swearing at each other, swearing a lot, and their voices shook the sky.Even outside the camp, it could be faintly heard.

Fortunately, there was no fight.The soldiers in the camp were also surprised.It's better if the chiefs quarrel, and no one restrains them. In addition, they drink alcohol and eat meat, and everyone's mind is lazy.

The soldiers guarding the gate looked outside the camp. The snow-capped land was covered with silver, and the ground was brightly reflected.It's time, that bastard with no eyes, dare to come to Taishan Army's territory to act wildly.As time passed, vigilance gradually dropped to the lowest point.

"My lord, the guards are beginning to relax."

At the gate of the camp, on top of a crude watchtower, the last Taishan soldier yawned and walked down slowly holding a torch.

In the quiet and open snow field, a human head suddenly appeared.His face was pale with cold, and his tightly pursed lips were slightly black and blue.It's just a pair of eyes, full of arrogance.

It's not who Gao Shun is.

"Be patient, there's still a lot of noise inside." In the snow, another head popped out.Lu Yi's eyes were like lightning, and he quickly glanced at the loosely guarded camp in front of him.Secretly recorded the nearby things in his mind, and pondered carefully.

"Call General Sun!"

"My lord, you call me!" On the right side of Lu Yi, a head popped out from the empty snow field.Almost scared Lu Yi and gave him a knife.

In the middle of the night, suddenly a head popped out from beside him, who could bear it, I don't know how this reckless man got here, I didn't even notice it.

"General Sun, this is your territory. You are familiar with the terrain. You will take the lead later, go in and open the camp gate. Can you do it?"

"Leave it to my grandson!" Sun Guan wanted to pat his chest to express his determination as usual.It was only at the end that I remembered that I was still lying on the snow, and my whole body was buried in the snowflakes.He could only retract the hand he was going to raise in embarrassment, but the movement was too big, and he didn't line up, but hit a furry thing next to him, which made Sun Guan shrink back.A suppressed growl was heard.

But accidentally, he captured Zhang Liao's head, which was secretly moving over, which made Zhang Liao furious.It's just because he was still in ambush, afraid of ruining Lu Yi's event, so he suppressed it and didn't attack.

Waited for another full hour.In the snow, there was a chattering sound of teeth chattering from the soldiers lying in ambush.Zang Ba was wrapped in a blanket with piles of snow on it. He quietly crawled to Lu Yi's side, and said in a low voice, "My lord, we are stealing the camp, and the brothers can't take it anymore."

"Hmph! A group of weak soldiers!"

Zhang Liao was annoyed at being patted on the head by Sun Guan just now, and now he seized the opportunity, and couldn't help but sarcastically said.There was still a little complacency in the tone, they were not in the state army, but they hadn't complained yet.

"Don't say a few words. General Sun, it's up to you." Lu Yi stopped the two of them and motioned for Sun Guan to step forward.

In the camp at this time, there was silence, only the snowflakes were continuously falling from the night sky.


Like a flash of lightning, Sun Guan, who was lying quietly beside Lu Yi, rushed out like a rabbit. After a few ups and downs, he had already rushed under the wooden wall made of wooden fences outside the camp gate.

The wooden wall is not very high, only about two meters.On a snowy day, no torches were placed.The soldiers in the camp rested one after another, and the night watchmen also hid in the corners, avoiding the wind and snow, and secretly dozed off.

Under Lu Yi's watchful eyes, Sun Guanqing, who was at the corner of the wall, was familiar with the road, threw out the hook and hemp rope prepared in advance, and climbed up the wooden wall like an ape, without disturbing anyone.

This camp was originally Sun Guan's old den.He knew the layout inside like the palm of his hand, but after a while, the closed camp gate slowly and silently opened.


The gate of the camp opened, and Lu Yi, who was prostrate in the snow, stood up. He rubbed his frozen face, and holding a sharp knife, he strode towards the gate of the camp.

Without saying a word, Zhang Liao and Gao Shun followed closely behind Lu Yi with their guns pressed against their knives.In the snow, one by one soldiers got up from the snow covered in snowflakes.

After a few breaths, the snowy ground, which was originally empty, suddenly appeared with two thousand murderous soldiers.Following closely behind Lu Yi, they swarmed in along the camp gate that Sun Guan opened.

"who are you?"

The sound of chaotic footsteps woke up a night watchman, holding a broken knife with a curly blade, and was about to question him loudly.But at the next moment, the soldier only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his head flew up entirely.People were in the air, and bright red blood gushed out, staining the unfallen snow red.

"The one who killed you!"

Withdrawing the head knife, Lu Yi sneered, and raised his foot. The headless corpse flew more than ten meters away like a cannonball, knocking over an elevated brazier.Coincidentally, there happened to be two night watchmen sleeping there, and the pouring brazier was turned upside down, and two screaming firemen appeared in an instant.

The whole camp suddenly became chaotic.

"Kill them all, leave no one behind!" Lu Yi hated this group of rebels.Holding the blood-dripping knife, he rushed to the enemy army who had heard the news.Take the lead and chop vigorously.Cut a soldier into two pieces on the spot.Intestinal viscera shattered all over the place.Another kick flew up, kicking a soldier who wanted to sneak into the tent next to him.It caused the screams of the sleeping soldiers.


Lu Yi's actions were like a signal.More than two thousand tigers and wolves who had been lurking for a long time roared loudly, and instantly divided into dozens of small groups and rushed into the camp.Kill and set fire.

Chaos, Taishan army chaos.

Many soldiers were still sleeping soundly, and were burned to death by the fire thrown into the tents, screaming miserably, and even pulling the dilapidated tents, rolling desperately in the snow.

But before they could extinguish the flames on their bodies, countless swords had already greeted them, and they died tragically in the chaos.

"Don't worry about the others, General Sun will lead the way, kill Wu Dun's group of traitors first!" Lu Yi took the lead, dancing wildly with the first sword in his hand, and slashed at any enemy who dared to stand in front of him.

Wherever he went, there was blood and bones all over the ground.Since none of them were complete, the scene was extremely bloody and terrifying.Even a reckless man like Sun Guan, who is used to seeing life and death, couldn't help swallowing.He hurriedly pulled up his legs to follow, leading the way for everyone.

"Sun Guan, it's you, you dare to come back!" The turmoil in the camp had already alarmed Wu Dun and the others.The three of them got up in a hurry and rushed out with their guards dragging their guns and sticks. At first they thought it was Ying Xiao, and they were about to shout loudly to order the soldiers to be quiet.Leng didn't wait to see Sun Guan bring a group of people to kill him.They were all taken aback.

"Wu Dun, I told you earlier that I told you to wait!" The enemies were extremely jealous when they met each other.Sun Guan didn't care about the roar of more than 100 people on the opposite side, he raised his knife and went up.The speed is jaw-dropping.

"Brother, Hugh is so rude. Kneel down and apologize, and we will spare you!" Sun Kang trembled with anger.Raising a knife to hold the maddened Sun Guan, he still wanted to persuade him to surrender.

"Old Sun doesn't have a brother like you!" Sun Guan snorted, his bloodshot eyes looked like a mad bull.After just a few strokes, Sun Kang was sweating profusely, and he was a little overwhelmed.

"Let's go together!"

Regarding Sun Guan's ability, the Taishan generals knew well that Sun Kang was not an opponent, Wu Dun rolled his eyes, took a short halberd, and was about to step forward to help.

"Wu Dun, your opponent is me!"

With a roar like thunder, a burly man rushed out from the crowd. He was also carrying a huge boshou knife, but the blade had been broken into two pieces, and he was holding half of it. The sticky blood almost stained his entire arm. .

"Thief, do you recognize Zang Ba?"

"What, it's Zang Ba!"

"How did he come here?"

The three of Wu Dun lost their colors in shock.Sun Kang was even more flustered, and without paying attention, he was stabbed by Sun Guan, and the flesh and blood on his chest were rolled up, and the bones were visible.Immediately there was a scream, and he gritted his teeth to fight Sun Guan desperately.

"No, that's Zhang Liao and Gao Shun from the Bingzhou Army!" Yin Li has sharp eyes, and even went to Xiapi with Zang Ba. Dazed.

As the Taishan Army who had fought against the Bingzhou Army, he naturally knew that Zhang Liao Gaoshun, the two Lv Bu's left and right hands were terrible.At this time, these two people were like personal guards, guarding the side of a young general, and the identity of this person was revealed.

"Lu Yi, how is it possible, aren't you in Langya?" Wu Dun dared not accept this fact.But Lu Yi was standing in front of him alive, Zhang Liao Gaoshun, these two fierce generals of the Bingzhou Army were also guarding him.There is no room for doubt.

"That's right, it's me. Back when you betrayed my uncle halfway, you didn't expect this to happen!" Lu Yi expressed indifference, and smashed the head of a Taishan soldier who rushed towards him with his fist, blood splashed all over his face, as if A bloody Shura approached the three of them step by step.

"Lu Yi, count yourself as ruthless, Qingshan will not change, this revenge will be revenged in the future!"

Zang Ba and Lu Yi appeared at the same time, which completely frightened Wu Dun and others.Almost unprepared.The two looked at each other, took a few steps back in a tacit understanding, turned around and fled.

The green hills left behind are not afraid of lack of firewood.Besides, their main soldiers and horses are still in their lairs, and they don't have any desperate thoughts at all.While Lu Yi and the others were blocked by the rebel army, they quickly retreated.

Without Wu Dun Yinli's help, Sun Kang's pressure increased greatly, and he almost vomited blood in anger.After being stabbed by Sun Guan, he didn't dare to fight anymore, and fled towards the rear camp in a flash.While yelling: "Sun Guan, your subordinates are still locked in the kiln, if you don't want them to die, go and put out the fire!"

"What? They're still alive?" Sun Guan was surprised and delighted.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sun Kang has already mixed into the chaos army and disappeared without a trace.

"How stupid!" Zhang Liao still hated being slapped on the head by Sun Guan in the snow, so if he didn't sarcasm now, let alone when.

"You..." Sun Guan felt ashamed.

Grabbed the nearby enemy army, roared, and tore the man in half...

Lu Yi nodded slightly, although he felt that it was a pity to let the three go.But he was more concerned about what Sun Kang said before leaving, grabbed the maddened Sun Guan, and said in a deep voice, "Quick, let me go to the kiln to have a look."

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