The Three Kingdoms of the Lu family

Chapter 274: The 2 Army Fights

As soon as Liu Zhang's troops moved, the spies who were in charge of monitoring the Fushui Pass outside immediately learned that the Pegasus had reported to the army.

"Sure enough, Liu Zhang couldn't bear it anymore and came out anyway!"

Hearing that Liu Zhang sent troops, Lu Yi sneered.Then he looked at Zang Ba again, and said in a deep voice: "General Zang, pass on our military order, the whole army is going out, let's go meet Liu Zhang for a while!"

As early as when Zitong was captured, Lu Yi ordered people to go to Brazil to exchange [-] soldiers with Gao Shun's [-] elite Bingzhou Army.

In addition, Zang Ba led the troops from Jiange, and brought another [-] Bingzhou troops.

In the hands of Lu Yi, 1 elite soldiers have been gathered, among them, there are even [-] soldiers, all of which are [-] soldiers from Hebei.

Although Liu Zhang gathered more than 4 soldiers at Fushui Pass, Lu Yi didn't have much to worry about. With an order, groups of Bingzhou soldiers walked out of the barracks in a murderous manner.

Lieutenant General Zang Bawang Pingping Army has already left in advance and began to direct the soldiers to line up

When Lu Yi changed into military uniform, put on heavy armor, and stepped on the black cloud horse, Zhao Yun came to see him with 83 elite cavalry. [

Although these 83 cavalry were not as fierce as the wolf cavalry, they were all selected from the more than ten thousand border soldiers with the best riding skills.

Lu Yi planned to use them as trump cards, so he asked Zhao Yun to accompany him, and then led Fazheng Deng Zhi, and the whole army marched to three miles outside the Fushui Pass, setting up a battle formation.

The ones walking in the forefront were still the elite in Lu Yi's hands, five thousand heavily armored infantry composed of frontier soldiers.Considering that Liu Zhang's subordinates have foreign troops with terrifying combat power like Qingqiang, Lu Yi specially prepared them for them.

What disappointed Lu Yi was that when his army rushed to the battlefield, they didn't find Qing Qiang, and Lu Yi's face immediately turned ugly.

Needless to say.Those Qingqiang.It must have been sent by Liu Zhang to surround Li Yi, and I don't know if Li Yi can withstand it.Lu Yi thought silently, but he still let the army move forward without hesitation, and stopped when it was more than a thousand steps away from Liu Zhang's forward.

As soon as he stopped, Lu Yi saw some unusual soldiers on the opposite side, these soldiers. , all of them are tall and big, especially in their hands, they are still holding spears nearly three meters long, standing there in a square formation.

Next to the leading general, a flag was set up with the word Dongzhou written on it. General Ling Bao, standing under the handsome flag, saw the arrival of the Bingzhou army, and immediately showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yi was also sneering, thinking that Ling Bao was commanding the so-called Dongzhou soldiers, all composed of refugees from Guanzhong who had flowed into Yizhou, and had helped Liu Zhang put down many rebellions in Yizhou.

He is an elite soldier in Yizhou and Liu Zhang's greatest reliance.

Sure enough, with Dongzhou soldiers in hand, Liu Zhang's momentum was also extremely high. He led a group of Yizhou civil and military soldiers, rode out into the battle, and when he came to the front of the battle, he pointed at Lu Yi with the whip in his hand and cursed: "Lu thief, how dare you Invade my border! Today, this old man will definitely take your head!"

"Liu Zhang is a traitor! I was supposed to be the governor of Yizhou under the edict of the emperor, but now you are leading troops to stop me. Could it be that you already have a disobedient heart in your heart and want to rebel?"

When it came to bickering, Lu Yi did not show any weakness, and directly charged Liu Zhang with the crime of treason. Although the Han Dynasty is now in decline, after all, the power is still there.

As soon as Lu Yi's words fell, many people in the Yizhou Army changed their expressions and secretly glanced at Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang's face was livid, he gritted his teeth angrily, and said loudly: "Lu Yi, don't try to slander good people. I am a clan member of the Han family. How could I rebel! But you and Cao Mengde colluded with each other, held the emperor hostage, and issued false edicts. How could this old man do that?" obey!"

Speaking of this, the two sides have no room for relaxation, [

Lu Yi was too lazy to talk to Liu Zhang, and responded directly with actions. He nodded towards Zang Ba, and directly ordered Zang Ba to lead five thousand soldiers from Bingzhou to attack Liu Zhang.

Then Wang Ping was ordered to lead five thousand crossbowmen to cooperate with Zang Ba to launch an attack.

After all, there were spear formations on the opposite side, and without the aid of bows and arrows, it would be difficult to break through Liu Zhang's formation.

Zang Bawang got the order, and immediately roared, leading his own pawns, they stepped forward one after another.


Lu Yi yelled again, and the Bingzhou army immediately burst into thunderous battle drums, and Zang Ba stood at the forefront in person, leading five thousand soldiers, striding forward.

Wang Ping, who was behind, also ordered the soldiers to take out their bows and arrows, and slowly pressed them on.

Liu Zhang's face on the opposite side suddenly changed. He thought that he had a large number of people, and he should attack first if he wanted to attack. Who knew that the Bingzhou Army would attack first without saying a word.Surprised and angry in my heart, I hurriedly ordered Dongzhou soldiers to step forward.

Then let Wu Ban lead a group of archers to charge.

Seeing Liu Zhang's order, Ling Bao and Wu Ban looked at each other and nodded to each other. Ling Bao was in front, rode her horse and raised her knife, and shouted forward: "Dongzhou soldiers, follow me to kill the enemy!"

"Kill the enemy, kill the enemy!"

Ten thousand Dongzhou elite soldiers roared loudly, then shook their spears, looking down, it was like an endless bamboo forest swaying neatly.

Following Wu Ban's order, these Dongzhou soldiers all moved forward, holding spears that were nearly three meters long, roaring and charging.

Immediately, there were loud shouts of killing from the entire battlefield, as well as the heavy footsteps of Dongzhou soldiers galloping across the plain.

Lu Yi's brows suddenly became serious, but when he looked at Zang Ba, his face sank like water. Facing the terrifying impact of Dongzhou soldiers, he still moved forward at a leisurely pace.

However, a group of strong crossbowmen rushed to the front along the gap between the soldiers. Just when the Dongzhou soldiers entered the appropriate range, the strong crossbowmen of the Bingzhou army immediately began to show their power.

Counting the crossbow arrows, they scattered towards the spear array of the Dongzhou soldiers. Although most of the Dongzhou soldiers were wearing leather armor, many of them even wore half-length iron armor.

After all, the penetrating power of the crossbow was too strong, and the closer the distance, the greater the power. The charging Dongzhou soldiers immediately shot down one piece, and various flaws began to appear in the dense formation.

When Zang Ba saw the chaotic formation of Dongzhou soldiers, his face was happy, and he waved his saber in his hand, and immediately there was a loud cry of killing in the state army.

The originally slow-moving soldiers suddenly turned ferocious, and quickly fought with the ancient enemy soldiers.Like two fierce tigers biting together, a bloody fight broke out.

Zang Ba even charged in the front line, flying his saber in his hand, while cutting off the stabbing spear, while killing in the direction of Ling Bao.

Ling Bao is cunning, instead of fighting with Zang Ba, she wants to enter the Bingzhou army and disrupt the army formation, but the Bingzhou army, as the vanguard, is the most valiant soldier in the army.

Lu Yi even put on heavy armor for them, and their defense was extremely astonishing.Ling Bao rushed forward, not only did not kill a few people, but was almost thrown off his horse by a dying Bingzhou army.

The excellent spear array of the Dongzhou soldiers lost their color a lot in the face of groups of Bingzhou troops wearing heavy armor. But after fighting for half an hour, the Dongzhou soldiers couldn't resist and were killed every now and then. step back.

Zang Ba and Ling Bao also fought together, risking their lives for a big battle, the soldiers on both sides wanted to come up to help, and then they killed each other, inseparable.

Lu Yi immediately nodded in satisfaction, and there was a smile on his face. Although Dongzhou soldiers were known as elites, they were still a bit inferior to the Bingzhou army he had painstakingly built.

It's just that Lu Yi was in a happy mood, but Liu Zhang's face turned livid. Seeing that his invincible Dongzhou soldiers were unable to break through, Liu Zhang, who was flustered, hurriedly ordered Wu Ban to retreat and lead Yizhou The cavalry went to help.

On the battlefield at this time, the Bingzhou army had already been fighting with the Dongzhou soldiers, and the bow and arrow were of little use.On the contrary, the cavalry can take advantage of the confusion of the two sides and kill them.

After Wu Ban retreated, he led a thousand cavalrymen and rushed towards the Bingzhou Army again. The sound of rumbling horseshoes could be clearly heard even on the noisy battlefield.

Lu Yi's face suddenly turned cold. He didn't expect that there were more than a thousand cavalry in Liu Zhang's army, which was much more than he expected. He couldn't help turning his head to look at Zhao Yun's eighty cavalry, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, The enemy has a thousand cavalry, do you dare to step forward and fight?"

"Swear to die for the lord!"

More than [-] cavalrymen all raised their iron cavalry and roared loudly, not only did they show no fear on their faces, but they had a strong fighting spirit on the contrary.

Zhao Yun solemnly clasped his fists at Lu Yi, and said in a deep voice, "My lord, leave this group of cavalry to us!"

Although there were only about [-] cavalrymen, Zhao Yun was full of confidence and did not flinch in the slightest because of the disparity in strength. He pointed at the cavalrymen in the distance with his pear blossom gun and shouted: "Soldiers, follow me to kill!" !"


The whip lashed the horse hard, and the painful horse galloped immediately. Zhao Yun raised the spear on the horse, and the pear flower gun shook, and rushed straight towards Wu Ban.

Wu Ban was taken aback when he saw the cavalry dispatched by the Bingzhou Army at first, but when he saw that there were only a few dozen people coming, he immediately burst out laughing.

He didn't fight Zhao Yun either, but sent out [-] cavalry to stop Zhao Yun, while he was the majority of the cavalry, heading towards the middle of the battlefield.

But the result surprised Wu Ban.It also made Lu Yi raise his eyebrows.At first, he was also worried that he had too few cavalry, and he might not be able to take advantage of it.

But I didn't expect that it was just a charge, and those Yizhou cavalry fell off their horses one after another, and were killed by the Bingzhou cavalry rushing past.The degree of ease is like slaughtering chickens and dogs.

Even Zhao Yun, who led the team to fight, was a little unbelievable, and then he was overjoyed. Although he was also a cavalry soldier, Liu Zhang was not martial, and Yizhou was mountainous, which was not conducive to the use of cavalry, so Liu Zhang didn't pay much attention to cavalry.

Although Yizhou also has cavalry, their combat effectiveness is extremely low. Under the suppression of Yizhou, the refugees are okay. For the real frontier warriors, these people who have been riding horses and archery since childhood, the difference is not 01:30.

Zhao Yun and the others also quickly discovered this, and roared excitedly, then raised their big iron halberds and rushed to kill them. All the Yizhou cavalrymen who rushed over died screaming under their horses.

Wu Ban was furious immediately, he simply gave up the opportunity to attack the infantry, and brought all the cavalry to besiege and kill Zhao Yun, wanting to deal with this cavalry first.

This was exactly what Zhao Yun wanted. He sat down and his horse neighed violently, and he shot towards Wu Ban like an arrow.

Wu Ban hurriedly raised his gun to parry, but because of his martial arts, no matter how he was Zhao Yun's opponent, he only fought for more than a dozen rounds before he was stabbed in the shoulder by Zhao Yun.

With a scream of ah, Wu Ban didn't dare to fight anymore, turned around and ran away, but Zhao Yun chased after Wu Ban closely, stabbing out the pear flower gun continuously, killing the enemy soldiers who approached.

He saw two fast horses criss-crossing the chaotic army on Li Xu's battlefield.No matter where Wu Ban hides, it is difficult to escape Zhao Yun's pursuit.

Although Wu Ban had tried his best to hide among the Yizhou infantry, and there were also many Dongzhou soldiers who charged at Zhao Yun with their spears, but Zhao Yun's horses and spears were as if entering the realm of people, and all the soldiers who approached died one after another. under the gun.

In the end, when the Dongzhou soldiers saw Zhao Yun approaching, they all retreated one after another, not daring to stop them. Soon, Zhao Yun brought dozens of cavalry and killed the Dongzhou soldiers' formation without turning around. , Liu Zhang's Chinese army in the distance just killed it.

Liu Zhang's army, and dozens of Yizhou generals, saw that Wu Ban was being chased by Zhao Yun's cavalry and was in danger. Liu Zhang hurriedly shouted: "Who will stop this man, save General Wu!"

"The general is willing to go!"

"I am coming too!"

"Go together, go together!"

A group of Yizhou generals saw that Zhao Yun was only killed by dozens of cavalry, they all wanted to take advantage of it, and shouted one after another, more than a dozen generals rushed to kill Zhao Yun.Let go of Wu Ban first, and then yell at Zhao Yun: "The enemy will stop, and set the head on the neck!"

Seeing more than a dozen military generals fighting out together, dozens of Bingzhou cavalrymen were startled and said in shock: "General Zhao, there are too many enemy generals, I'm afraid they are outnumbered, let's go!"

"Otherwise! Now that the two armies are fighting, our army is still undefeated, so how can we retreat? This is the time for me to serve my lord and show off my army's prestige. Don't say a dozen people, even thousands of people, why should I be afraid!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, Zhao Yun laughed loudly, stopped his horse, but took off the iron bow behind his back, the string was like a full moon, swish, swish, three arrows in a row, and three shots were heard immediately among the Yizhou generals who rushed over Screaming, one after another fell off their horses and died.

The rest of the generals were shocked, lowered their bodies one after another, and charged forward on their horses. Seeing that someone had already approached, the faces of many Bingzhou cavalrymen changed color, and their eyes showed a hint of death, and they were about to move forward bravely. .

But Zhao Yun yelled loudly, dropped his bow and arrow, and the pear blossom gun shook. Suddenly, with Zhao Yun as the center, it seemed that countless pear blossoms were in full bloom, and they roared towards those Yizhou generals.

The three enemy generals rushing to the front suddenly screamed, their throats were pierced by pear flower guns, and they died under their horses.

"Ah, go to hell!"

Another five Yizhou generals came to kill together, trying to take advantage of Zhao Yun's old moves and kill this terrifying general of the Bingzhou Army, but Zhao Yun snorted coldly, the pear flower gun suddenly changed hands, stretched out his right hand, and drew out his saber , the sword light flashed continuously, and three heads soared into the sky,

More than a dozen generals charged forward, and in the blink of an eye, nine of them were killed!The remaining two enemy generals were terrified, and were about to turn around and run away, when one was stabbed to death by the cavalry rushing forward.

The other one was caught up by Zhao Yun, and the pear-blossom spear pierced the back of the man's heart with a bang, and died unexpectedly.

But at this time, in just a few short breaths, Wu Ban, who had escaped, had just fled into Liu Zhang's central army, and before he had time to catch his breath, he saw the scene behind, and his vest suddenly burst into cold sweat.

Liu Zhang of the Chinese army was almost scared to death, because Zhao Yun killed these generals, and he turned out to be fighting towards the Chinese army without stopping!

Liu Zhang's face immediately turned pale, and he shouted in horror: "Quick, stop him, don't let him rush over!"

Master Huang Quan didn't need to order, he had already commanded the soldiers to shoot arrows desperately, Wu Ban also risked his life, re-arranged the soldiers and horses of the Chinese army, formed a defensive formation layer by layer, and charged towards Zhao Yun.


Seeing Liu Zhang's army dispatched, Zhao Yun's fighting spirit became even higher. The pear flower gun danced like a windmill, blocking the rain of arrows, and the horse roared when he sat down, and slammed into the army formation.

The blocking layers of military formations couldn't stop them, and they were broken through one after another. General Wu Ban was so frightened that he didn't dare to pick up the station, and also quickly dodged away.

Only Huang Quan, holding the sword in person and leading more than a thousand Liu Zhang's personal guards, stepped forward desperately to block Zhao Yun, fighting to the death without retreating. Liu Zhang was so frightened that he lost his chariot and horse, surrounded by a group of generals, and headed towards the rear army. Then retreat.

Huang Quan also led his men to fight and retreat, preventing Zhao Yun from approaching along the way. The chaotic Yizhou soldiers around saw that Liu Zhang was in trouble, and they all came back to help.

The entire army formation in Yizhou suddenly became chaotic.

When Lu Yi saw it, he knew that the opportunity must not be missed. A smile appeared on his indifferent face immediately, and he shouted: "Send my military order, the whole army will charge!"

"The lord has an order, the whole army charges!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

At the command of the army, the Bingzhou army went crazy. First, the heavily armored infantry around Zang Ba had their eyes red with blood, and rushed forward desperately. Then, General Wang Pingping ordered the soldiers to follow closely.

The Dongzhou soldiers who were already in a hard fight couldn't hold back at once. Ling Bao was fighting Zang Ba to the death, and the Yizhou soldiers suddenly became confused.

Zang Ba roared violently, and instead of retreating, he advanced, and was hit by Ling Bao's spear. With a puff in his hand, he cut the head of Ling Bao's war horse in half, and Zang Ba himself, too. Swept off the horse by the spear, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

But Ling Bao was even worse. When the horse died, Ling Bao had no time to react and fell off the horse. A dozen or so Bingzhou warriors nearby saw it, and jumped on it without saying a word.

More than a dozen people pressed Ling Bao firmly on the ground like an arhat. The terrifying weight directly made Ling Bao vomit blood wildly, and passed out directly.

Without Ling Bao's command, the Dongzhou soldiers became more and more chaotic. In the end, Lu Yi simply took his personal guards and entered the battlefield, hacking and killing these Dongzhou soldiers wantonly.

In the front, Zhao Yun was also covered in blood and was hit by three arrows. He still didn't take a step back, but just chased in the direction Liu Zhang was retreating, desperately chasing and killing him.The cavalry behind them had long been scattered by the chaos. There were only three cavalry with bloodshot eyes, following around.

However, none of the surrounding Yizhou soldiers dared to come up to stop them anymore. When they saw Zhao Yun's banner, they all fled in all directions in horror.

Liu Zhang was so frightened that his legs became limp and he couldn't even ride a war horse. In order to avoid Zhao Yun's pursuit, he fell off the horse several times and his head was bleeding.

It was still Huang Quan, leading a group of people, carrying Liu Zhang desperately, and retreating towards Fushuiguan!

On the entire battlefield, Yizhou soldiers were completely defeated, and Yizhou soldiers were running for their lives everywhere.Lu Yi was wondering if he would take advantage of Liu Zhang's defeat and simply go all out to kill Fushuiguan!

However, at this moment, suddenly, when Yizhou soldiers were defeated and fled to Fushui Pass, groups of barbarian troops with strange clothes and tattoos suddenly appeared on Lu Yi's flanks.

The leader was Liu Kui. Seeing the defeat of the Yizhou soldiers, Liu Kui was shocked. He hurriedly brought the Qing Qiang who had rushed in, and entered from the car clothes, blocking the way between the Yizhou soldiers and the Bingzhou soldiers.

At the critical moment, the guard Wang Lian also personally commanded the soldiers, drew their bows and set up arrows to welcome the soldiers back.

Lu Yi's face changed suddenly, and Qing Qiang suddenly appeared. Needless to say, Li Yi must have been defeated!Lu Yi hurriedly ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops and let the charging soldiers retreat.


The sound of the Bingzhou army's bell resounded across the battlefield. The soldiers of the Bingzhou army who were killing wildly were all stunned. Although they felt strange, they did not dare to disobey the military order. They stopped their pursuit and retreated in a file. Yizhou soldiers who haven't died yet.

Liu Kui didn't pursue either, but watched with a serious expression as the Bingzhou army retreated slowly, and then led Qing Qiang back into Fushui Pass.

Arranging for the soldiers to clean up the battlefield, Lu Yi took a deep look at the Qingqiang soldiers who had retreated into Fushui Pass, and also asked Zhao Yun to gather his troops and retreat into the barracks.

The attacking generals returned one after another, but many of them had doubts on their faces.Wang Ping was even more puzzled, wiped the blood from his face, cupped his hands and asked: "My lord, our army has won a big victory, and it is time to take advantage of the victory to pursue, why did we retreat?"

Hearing this, Lu Yi gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "The Fushui Pass is dangerous, and Liu Kui's position is also ingenious. If we charge forward and enter the bow and arrow range of the Fushui Pass, we will be living targets! Moreover, Qing Qiang suddenly joined the battle I'm afraid Li Yi's army has already been defeated!",

After explaining the reason to everyone lightly, Lu Yi just stopped talking, but sent someone to inquire about Li Yi with some seriousness.

Hearing that Li Yi was defeated, everyone who just won the victory was taken aback, and then put away their smiles, and sat in the middle army one by one, waiting for Li Yi's news...

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