The Three Kingdoms of the Lu family

Chapter 302 Counterattack 2

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

As the general of the town army, Gao Shun had a very high prestige in the army, and he was a general appointed by Lu Yi himself. When the military order was issued, all the infantry went crazy, and the sky-shattering shouts of killing resounded through the battlefield.

Gao Shun took the lead in person, broke into the enemy's formation, and stabbed repeatedly with steel spears. I don't know how many soldiers died under his guns. Then at this moment, Gao Shun turned his head and saw the coalition cavalry approaching, with a trace of worry in his eyes. .

"My lord, hold on!"


Three thousand cavalry charged together, and their power was terrifying. Lu Yizhong's army was weak, although groups of soldiers went forward to resist, they were all smashed and scattered.

Fazheng's face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly shouted: "My lord, let's quickly retreat into the shield formation!"

Lu Yi was unmoved, but just watched the coalition cavalry approaching coldly.

Seeing Lu Yi not moving, the guards beside him also stood solemnly with indifferent eyes.Immediately, he became anxious when he was engaged in Peng Yi, and he didn't care about his dignity. He took a step forward, pulled Lu Yi's horse rein and said bitterly: "Master, the matter is urgent, please retreat quickly!"

Hearing this, a sneer appeared on Lu Yi's face, he lightly dismissed Peng Yi, and said coldly, "There is no need to persuade Peng Yong! The soldiers fought bloody battles, risking their lives! How could this general run away and ruin a good situation!"

"Since that's the case, my lord can order General Gao to come back for help!" Peng Yi felt embarrassed when he heard this, and he could only think of a compromise.

However, Lu Yi laughed, shook his head and said, "When the spear array was broken, it was all in one go. When Han Sui was defeated, if he came back to help, wouldn't it be a waste of success! Besides, a mob, what would I be afraid of!"

The coalition cavalry were indeed brave, good and bad were mixed, if Ma Chao charged here, Lu Yi would definitely dodge immediately without saying a word.

It's just a mere Hande, how could Lu Yi pay attention to it!

"My lord, there are still a hundred steps left!" A personal guard said loudly, he had leveled the halberd and was ready to fight.

A hundred steps away, Han De personally took the lead and formed an arrow formation. He was ecstatic when he saw Lu Yi standing under the flag of the Commander-in-Chief of the Chinese Army.

"Protect the lord!" Fazheng and Peng Yi's face turned pale, and Fazheng even drew his sword to protect Lu Yi.

But Lu Yi laughed, shook his head and said: "Xiao straight back, let's see that I will kill this person!" After saying that, he patted the horse's head lightly.

"Roar!" Wu Yunju couldn't bear it long ago. As the emperor among horses, how could he tolerate a group of horses rushing towards him, and a terrifying roar came out of its mouth like thunder.

The horses of the coalition army who were rushing wildly screamed again and again, and the horses were in chaos, and many cavalrymen on horseback were thrown off their horses.

"It's time to kill!"

Seeing the cavalry of the coalition army start to be chaotic, Lu Yi's expression turned cold, a bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, he swung the Shu knife in his hand, and roared to kill them.


Lu Yi's personal guards were all fierce soldiers. Although there were only 300 soldiers, facing the impact of [-] cavalry, instead of retreating, they were fierce.Roaring into the enemy army. [

"Leave them alone, kill Lu Yi first!"

Han De was also a little shocked by the ferocity of the group of guards, but seeing Lu Yi charging forward, he immediately commanded a dozen cavalry to charge together, while he himself also secretly hid behind, planning to take the opportunity to sneak attack and kill with one blow!

"My lord!" Fazheng and Peng Yi turned pale. Although the two of them knew that Lu Yi was highly skilled in martial arts, there were more than ten cavalrymen on the opposite side, and Han De and other Xiliang generals!

"Suffer to death!"

However, the cavalry of the coalition army would not give Fazheng and others a chance to remind them. Seeing Lu Yi rushing, a dozen long spears stabbed them extremely fiercely, like a dozen poisonous snakes.

Hande, who was behind, was also eyeing a tiger, with a big ax in his hand like a grinding disc, dancing wildly in mid-air, and followed closely behind the spear.In this way, even if Lu Yi blocked the cavalry's spears, his big axe could still hit Lu Yi.

Fazheng in the back was terrified when he saw it, but Lu Yi was calm and calm. When he saw the spear coming, he snorted coldly, and the Shu knife in his hand trembled.


A bright knife light swept out, click, click!The sharp Shu knife easily cut off the spears of more than a dozen cavalrymen, and cut through their breastplates.

Amidst the screams, a large amount of blood sprayed out like a torrential rain, and with one swing of the knife, more than a dozen cavalrymen with guns and men were all chopped into two ends!

"Ah, Lu Yi, die!"

Although more than a dozen of his subordinates were killed, Han De managed to get close to Lu Yi. At this time, Lu Yi had just swung the Shu Saber. It was the time when the old power was gone and the new power was not born.Even if Lu Yi raised the Shu knife to block, he was still weak in succession.

Seeing that the millstone-like big ax was getting closer and closer to the top of his head, if it was caught, it would definitely be cut in half. Han De showed a ferocious smile on his face.


Then at this moment, Wu Yunju suddenly roared, his body like a black gem moved rapidly, and suddenly accelerated violently, the terrifying speed brought unparalleled power, and Lu Yi's Shu knife was full of waves again. The violent power slammed into Han De's big axe!


The sharp Shu knife and the ax collided violently, sparking dazzling sparks. The sharp Shu knife, carrying more terrifying power, slashed deeply into Han De's big ax with a click.

"How is it possible!" Hande was shocked, and even felt a huge force from the axe, and the tiger's mouth was immediately cracked, and he couldn't hold the axe.

Lu Yi also blushed, and the hand holding the knife was shaken away by the powerful counter-shock force, and the Shu knife flew out of his hand, flying into the distance with the big ax that was tightly stuck.He couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and even felt a soreness in his arms.

However, Lu Yi was prepared and woke up faster than Han De. Although he lost his weapon, he still has hands!Taking advantage of the moment when the two of them crossed paths, Lu Yi's heart skipped a beat, and suddenly he raised his right fist, mustered all his strength, and slammed it towards Han De viciously.

"go to hell!"

With a loud bang, Lu Yi held back the severe pain in his fist, and punched Han De's chest, who had no time to react, and saw a deep fist mark on Han De's solid breastplate.

The terrifying power immediately made Hande vomit blood.The bear-like body was thrown upside down by this punch, and fell heavily on the ground three meters away, rolling continuously.

"Pfft! Lu Yi, you," Hande who fell to the ground struggled to get up, but felt severe pain all over his body, his head was dizzy, and with a plop, he passed out on the ground.

The cavalrymen of the coalition forces nearby were shocked, and looked in disbelief at their own general, a famous Xiliang general, who was beaten to death by Lu Yi's fist.

Everyone was shocked and speechless. They were looking at Lu Yi with deep fear, but not everyone was afraid. A lieutenant of the coalition army suddenly saw the flesh and blood of Lu Yi's right fist. Fuzzy, dripping blood, and no weapon in his hand, he was overjoyed, and immediately shouted: "Look, everyone, he is injured, and he has no weapon, kill him!"

The rest of the coalition cavalry saw that this was indeed the case. Although Lu Yi punched Hande down, he was a flesh and blood body, and he still suffered some injuries when he hit the iron armor.

Dozens of cavalry, taking advantage of this moment, roared and killed them, wanting to take advantage of it.

Seeing this, Lu Yi sneered coldly, and was about to draw out his spare steel knife and go up to kill this group of cavalry, when suddenly, there was a loud shout of killing in the distance.

A veteran with gray beard and hair rushed into the rear of the cavalry with a murderous look and started killing wantonly, but it was the veteran Yan Yan who finally arrived and came to rescue him.

The coalition cavalry who were about to charge were in chaos again.The guard next to him took the opportunity and threw a halberd to Lu Yi from a few meters away. Lu Yi caught it, and with an extremely sharp sweep, all the dozen or so long spears that were piercing him were broken.

Without their weapons, the cavalry of the coalition army rushed up in chaos, turned around one after another, and were about to flee for their lives, but Wu Yunju was extremely fast, catching up quickly, and Lu Yi's halberd on the horse continued to shake.Stab all these soldiers off their horses.

"Send the arrow, release the arrow!"

The crossbowmen of the Bingzhou Army arrived late, panting one after another, but they had no time to catch their breath, and had already drawn their bows and arrows, shooting at the coalition cavalry indiscriminately.

Without Han De's command and being covered by arrow rain, the coalition cavalry who broke into the central army were in bad luck. As a light cavalry charge, they took a great risk. He led his personal guards to kill wildly again.

In less than a while, half of the cavalry of the [-] coalition army had been killed, and the rest of the cavalry was screaming. It was too late to rescue Hande, and they fled towards the distance in extreme embarrassment.

It's just that the fleeing cavalry became the prey of the Bingzhou soldiers who kept coming back for reinforcements. Han Sui's spear array had completely collapsed. Gao Shun, who was free, immediately turned around, surrounded the group of cavalry, and cut them wantonly. kill.

"The big thing is over, the big thing is over!" In the distance, watching his formation gradually collapse, and the cavalry who gave it a go were also surrounded and perishing, Han Suiqi's face was pale, without a trace of blood.Immediately, Han Sui became cruel again, and said to Cheng Gongying, "Military Master, let's go back to Xiping!"

"But General Hou and the others are still fighting, not only in Tianshui, but also our wife and children!" Cheng Gongying looked hesitant.

Han Sui was also a little sad when he heard the words, and then he said very viciously: "You and I are not old yet, as long as we are alive, why don't we have no wives and daughters? Let's retreat quickly while the battlefield is chaotic!"

After Han Sui finished speaking, regardless of whether Cheng Gongying agreed or not, he ordered Cheng Gongying to drive Cheng Gongying, found Yan Xing again, and quickly left the battlefield with thousands of his trusted cavalry with an order.Run away!

"It's not good, Han Sui ran away!"

"Han Sui, you kill a thousand swords! You will die!" Candidate Liang Xing and others were still fighting bloody battles, wanting to fight and retreat, and retreated to Tianshui.Who knew that Han Sui ran away with his subordinates ahead of time, Liang Xing and the others were so angry that they vomited blood, so they could only retreat quickly with their cronies.

As soon as the generals in Guanzhong fled, the coalition soldiers on the battlefield were in chaos, and finally caused a big collapse. They all rushed towards Tianshui in a panic. ;

"Wan Sheng! Wan Sheng!"

Seeing the collapse of the coalition forces, the Bingzhou soldiers who were fighting all cheered.

Zhao Yun even came back with his men and horses. At this time, he was covered in blood, and the white horse was blood-red when he sat down. Zhao Yun was still fighting high, and he cupped his hands and said: "My lord, the enemy army has collapsed. The last general asks for pursuit!"

"Pursuit? No!" Lu Yi smiled coldly when he heard the words, pointed at Tianshui with the halberd in his hand, and shouted: "Pass my military order to enter Tianshui. I demand that Tianshui City be captured before dark!"

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