The Bingzhou Army finally agreed to the alliance's peace request.Not only Ma Teng and his son felt happy, but ordinary soldiers also felt very lucky.No one likes war, especially a war with disparity in strength. If there is no war, the coalition army is very happy even if it is a soldier.

In the entire coalition barracks, the tense atmosphere was swept away.Ma Teng even summoned all the generals to drink happily, firstly to celebrate that there is no need to fight, and secondly, to appease everyone.

Inside the large tent of the Chinese army, there was laughter and laughter.

If anyone in the barracks was unhappy, it was Han Sui and Li Kan.

Han Sui had no extravagant hope that the Bingzhou Army would let him go.Both sons died at the hands of the Bingzhou army, and the hatred between the two sides has reached the point where they cannot share the sky.Now that he saw this letter with a hidden trap, Han Sui immediately believed that Ma Teng was going to betray him, and at the same time he was afraid, he also drove him to a dead end.

In the big camp of the Chinese army, when Ma Teng was talking and laughing loudly with the crowd, a thousand soldiers and horses loyal to Han Sui had been secretly gathered outside the big camp of the Chinese army.

These people are Han Sui's last family assets. He was transferred from Xiping not long ago. Once he fails, Han Sui will really have no room to stand up and become a lonely family.

But Han Sui, who has already decided that he was betrayed by Ma Teng, can no longer control so much. If he fails, he will become benevolent.Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to fight for your life.

Beside Han Sui, Li Kan's thoughts were roughly the same. He was the weakest and most afraid of being annexed by Ma Teng. Since Cheng Yin died, although Ma Teng tried his best to believe that it was the work of the Bingzhou Army, it was very likely that it was the traitor Yan Xing. made.But there was no evidence in the end, and afterwards Ma Teng unceremoniously annexed Cheng Yin's troops. [

This suspicion caused Li Kan to fall into great anxiety. When he saw that Han Sui was going to take action against Ma Teng, Li Kan joined Han Sui's action without hesitation.

Li Kan's remaining [-] subordinates were all gathered by him, plus Han Sui's [-] soldiers, a total of [-] soldiers, all ambushed outside the camp of the Chinese army.

Ma Teng's personal guards outside the camp were also secretly killed by Han Sui and Li Kan with his personal guards. Inside the camp, Ma Teng and his son still didn't know, they were still talking and laughing loudly, and some even sang loudly.

At this time, Han Sui was fully armored, holding a bright long sword in his hand, looked at Li Kan and said, "General Li, are you ready?"

Li Kan nodded, and said worriedly: "General Han, shall we do it now? Ma Chao and Pang De are all brave, why don't we do it after they have a few more drinks?"

"It's too late! You and I have been away from the banquet for a long time. If Ma Teng doesn't see us, he will definitely become suspicious. Let's do it without delay!"

Han Sui said with a gloomy face, and nodded again to Hu Wangyedai beside him.As Han Sui's son-in-law, Yedai also knew about Han Sui's plan, and Han Sui even promised to cede the Western Regions to him to build the country after the matter was completed.

Teams of soldiers have approached the tent of the Chinese army, as long as they take out their weapons and cut open the cowhide tent, they can rush in and kill them.

Without hesitation, Han Sui nodded to Li Kanyedai, and the three of them shouted in a low voice, "Do it!"

Groups of soldiers immediately pulled out their swords and stabbed the tents of the Chinese army. Holding the shining swords, they did not rush in immediately, but raised many torches and threw them in without thinking.

Inside the big tent, many people were drinking heavily, and they didn't have any precautions that there would be enemies outside the tent. A large number of torches were thrown in, which immediately ignited the felt inside.

Some fell on people, and the bodies of several generals were immediately ignited by the fire, screaming miserably, rolling on the ground desperately, trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies.

Some people yelled for help, grabbing the air with their hands indiscriminately, but there was already chaos in the big tent, everyone was busy running for their lives, and someone would stop there to help.

Besides, it's impossible to stop.There were torches flying around everywhere, and people who were ignited by the fire didn't want to run, but they ran involuntarily when they were moved.

Most of them ran towards the outside of the big tent of the Chinese army, hoping to call the soldiers to put out the fire, and some smart people came to Ma Teng, as if they saw something wrong outside. [

Sure enough, the general who rushed out didn't even have a chance to shout, and was shot to death outside by random arrows. The people inside were also uncomfortable, and most of the places were already set ablaze.

The dying man struggled wildly on the ground with his body covered in fire, and the diva screamed for fun, her beautiful face was full of horror, and she ran around like a headless chicken with her palace skirt.

But no one was interested in paying attention to them anymore, all eyes were on Ma Teng who was in the main seat.

"My lord, think of a way, we can't wait to die here!"

A general said loudly, seeing the rebels rushing in from all directions, and said loudly while resisting desperately.

"What can I do, I don't even know who is attacking me! Why, the old man has already made peace with the Bingzhou Army, and he has gained breathing time, time, as long as we are given time, Xiliang is still ours, why are you still fighting?" To betray!"

Seeing one by one of his subordinates rushing up to fight with the rebels, and then dying tragically on the ground one by one, Ma Teng's eyes were red, and tears of blood flowed out of them.

These are the essence of his Ma family. They are the hope of a comeback. If the soldiers die, they can make up for it. If the generals are dead, then everything is over!

What puzzled Ma Teng the most was that he had already negotiated peace with the Bingzhou Army, and these soldiers of the Allied Army had no reason to betray them!

"Kill, kill, kill me hard, kill all the people in the Ma family!"

Outside the military tent, Han Sui laughed wildly. This time he bet him right, the Ma family members were unprepared, and his soldiers rushed in at once. As long as they kill all the Ma family members, the land of Xiliang will be He Han Sui grew up alone.

Thinking of his dominance of Xiliang's scenery, Han Sui's face immediately turned red, as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.Beside Han Sui, Li Kanye Dai was also full of excitement.

Under the light of the fire, the faces of the two were redder than the light of the fire. Seeing that their soldiers had successfully charged into the tent of the Chinese army, they both laughed wildly, and then ordered the soldiers to attack wildly.

"Kill, the one who killed Ma Chao, I will make him a general, and he will be on the same rank as me!" Li Kan roared loudly, shouting hoarsely, the Ma family, he is most afraid of Ma Chao, as long as Ma Chao is killed, Li Kan Can pay any price.He even did not hesitate to promise the position of a general.

You know, Li Kan's so-called general.It is a prince who can stand on his own and recruit trilogy!

Crazy, all the attacking soldiers are crazy. At this time, no Xiliang fierce general or Tianwei general has any real benefits.

Everyone wished that they killed Ma Chao by themselves, and you and I rushed into the Chinese army's tent and killed everyone they saw.

Soon, all the singers and servants in the big tent died, either by being burned to death, or by the invading rebels.For those women, Luan Bing felt a little pity, but when he thought of killing Ma Chao, what kind of women would not be available, he immediately howled, like a wild beast.

All of a sudden, Ma Teng and his son inside couldn't hold it any longer, and the outer layer of the big tent was soon captured. Although a large number of generals and schools fought bravely, they lacked weapons and were killed by the rebels one after another.

Only the inner layer of the big tent, close to Ma Teng's main seat, can only come in by people with status. It is surrounded by wooden buildings and has not been breached. A semi-circular defensive formation, desperately blocking the chaos.

"Go to hell!"

Ma Chao was on the verge of killing madness, and his flamboyant golden armor became his most prominent symbol. He was also the place where the soldiers attacked the craziest, and the soldiers rushed towards Ma Chao desperately.

Although Ma Chao quickly killed these soldiers one by one, there were too many of them.In addition, Ma Chao didn't carry a Panlong Spear, and only had a long knife in his hand, so the soldiers who rushed over were invincible.

If someone didn't pay attention, Ma Chao's shoulder armor was lifted away, and the broken golden armor leaves splashed everywhere, and the enemy soldier who rushed up was also quickly beheaded by Ma Chao.

But after all, this is a powerful signal, proving that Ma Chao is not the enemy, he will be injured, he will die!

"Kill, kill Ma Chao, we are all generals, the riches, gold, silver and beauties are all ours!" A special person sent by Han Sui raised his voice and loudly encouraged morale.

The soldiers rushing into the central army became even more frantic. All of them had blood-red eyes, and rushed towards Ma Chao one after another. The people who went up died one after another, and the pile was more than two meters high, but the people behind still rushed forward desperately. Fearless.

Facing such a crazy rebel army, he was as tough as Ma Chao, and his body began to wear paint. His golden armor had been hacked to pieces long ago, and the long knife in his hand was chopped in half, only the handle of the knife was still tightly held in his hand.

On the rise of killing, Ma Chao simply roared and tore off the armor on his body, grabbed the approaching enemy soldiers as weapons, and smashed wildly in the crowd.

Pound's situation was not much better. He was also a brave man, not as brave as Ma Chao. At the beginning, he wanted to scare off the rebels with his bravery.Rushing and beating, the killed chaos army howled ghosts and wolves.

But wait until the people behind charge up with spears.Pound was immediately unlucky, and was stabbed with three spears.If he hadn't picked up the table not far away as a shield in a hurry, he might have died long ago.

Ma Chao Pound is still like this, let alone Ma Xiu Ma Tie and others. Not long after the battle, Ma Tie was cut in his left arm, and he was sweating coldly in pain. Take back a life.But he also lost his fighting power, and retreated to Ma Teng's side, howling endlessly.

"Father, we can't hold on anymore, we are going to die! Our Ma family is finished!"

After Ma Teng heard this, he also burst into tears, with a look of remorse, and lamented: "This old man is confused, I shouldn't let that bastard Han Sui go! Don't cry, my Ma family can bleed, but absolutely can't cry! Han So, dog thief, the old man is here, if you have the guts, come and kill me!"

After all, it was one of the princes who had struggled in troubled times for half his life. Now that Ma Teng still doesn't know who betrayed him, he can wipe his neck directly.

Han Sui who was outside also heard Ma Teng's cry, immediately burst into laughter, and cursed: "Ma Teng, don't blame me for being cruel. You betrayed me before, and the old man is just retaliation! Soldiers, keep killing, They can't take it anymore!"

"Boys, let's go too!" Ye Dai didn't send any soldiers at first, but seeing more and more rebel soldiers entering, Ma Teng and his son were in danger, so he also wanted to take advantage of it, and sent a group of barbarians to rush up.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill Ma Chao, destroy the Ma family!"

"Xiliang is our world!"

Whether it is Han soldiers or Hu soldiers, they are all in a state of madness now, and they are all scrambling to get into the big tent of the Chinese army.

Within the Chinese army, the defense of the Ma family and his son became even more difficult. The soldiers were already dead, and then the generals. In the end, apart from Ma Teng and his son, only Pang De Ma Dai was still supporting him, but his body was also covered with cuts and bruises;

Pound weighed three spears, and Ma Dai was cut in the lower abdomen.

Ma Chao was even worse. His hair had been shaved off and he almost lost his head.

Faced with a steady stream of crazy rebels, even as powerful as Ma Chao Pound, they will no longer be able to withstand it.

Grabbing another rebel's body, Ma Chao abruptly threw him more than ten meters away, killing and injuring several rebels. He was panting heavily, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and yelled at Ma Teng. Said: "Father, we can't stand it anymore! You prepare, the child will fight to the death for you!"

"Meng Qi, don't worry about me. It doesn't matter if the old man dies. You must live!" Ma Teng was about to shed tears. Facing the crazy rebels, he finally had to rush up to fight with his own sword. Cut the curly blade.

Knowing that he was doomed, he just yelled at Ma Xiu and the others: "Men from the Ma family, show your blood and cover Meng Qi, we will help him break through!"

"No, let's go together! My father and brother are dead, how can I steal my life!" Ma Chao roared, his voice hurt a tiger, and finally, he went mad, and jumped into the chaos army, using his flesh and blood, knocking down several times in a row. Ten rebels grabbed the handle of the long knife, and with a puff, they chopped down a dozen enemies behind them.

The three meters around Ma Chao instantly became empty.

"Kill! Kill!"

Ma Chao's bravery raised a glimmer of hope in the desperate crowd. Pound stared, holding up the table, turning it like a windmill, hitting left and right, smashing the brains of the approaching enemies, and retreating one after another.

Ma Dai covered his lower abdomen with one hand, and while protecting Ma Teng to break through, several scars appeared on his body immediately.

But there were too many rebels, especially when a group of fierce barbarians joined in, the rebels became a little confused, and roared and killed them again.

"Hahaha, good job, they're done! Soon, this Xiliang, Zai Ma's house!" Han Sui laughed loudly, standing outside, his face was both crazy and proud.

"Congratulations to father-in-law, you have unified Xiliang!" Ye Dai also smiled, and cupped his hands at Han Sui.

Li Kan was so happy that he couldn't speak, he just kept dancing and shouting loudly.After being unable to kill for a long time, the wounds on their bodies gradually increased, but the enemy soldiers did not decrease. In the Chinese army, the hearts of the Ma family father and son also felt a sense of despair.

"Why is my Ma family here!" Ma Teng's long sword was cut off, and only one sword was held in his hand. Seeing the breakout, all thoughts were lost, he swung his sword backhand, and was about to kill himself with the broken sword.

However, at this moment, the ground suddenly trembled inexplicably, like water waves shaking.Then as time went by, the ground shook more and more violently.

"This feeling..." Ma Chao's thick arms tightly strangled a rebel's neck, and with a click, he twisted the man's head off.But before he could be happy, his expression changed.

"It's cavalry. There are a large group of cavalry, at least ten thousand people!" Pound's physical strength was almost exhausted, and he was about to close his eyes and wait for death. strength.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the dark night, thousands of horses are galloping, without any concealment, the terrifying sound is even more terrifying than the Yellow River bursting its embankment, this is a torrent made of flesh and blood, indestructible and resistable!

At the front of the horses, Lu Yi's face was sinking like water, and he looked at the coalition army camp that was on fire in the distance with extreme indifference, without saying a word, he pointed the Shu knife in his hand, and said coldly: "Send an order to enter the barracks, anyone who dares to resist will be killed! "

"Soldiers, from now on, I will be the only cavalry in the world!"

Gao Shun also roared, his face flushed with excitement.

"The cavalry of the world, I am the only one in the state, kill! Kill! Kill!"

Tens of thousands of horses galloped wildly, ten thousand soldiers shouted together, all the soldiers became fanatical, like the Yellow River bursting its embankment, roaring and killing the coalition army.

The barracks fell into chaos in an instant, and the cavalry of the state army rushed in, just to start a massacre. All those who did not kneel and surrender, the result was only one, death!

Lu Yi even led the troops himself, charging at the forefront. He did not choose to attack the nearby camps, but directly charged into the central army.There is already a fire there, needless to say that Han Suimateng has already had internal strife, what he has to do now is to clean up the mess and wipe out the two of them!

"It's the Bingzhou army, my lord, listen, it's the Bingzhou army shouting, they're coming to attack the barracks, we're saved, we're saved!"

In the middle army, the desperate Pound felt his whole body full of strength. He would rather be captured by the Bingzhou army than be killed by the rebels.

"Yes, it's the Bingzhou Army, damn Lu thief, I will curse you all my life, but today, I want to thank you!" Ma Teng was also in tears, feeling a little life in despair

He would rather surrender and annex the state army than if none of the Ma family died.

"Kill! Han Sui, you bastard, I will tear you apart with my own hands!" Ma Chao roared, rushing into the crowd like a mad tiger, smashing countless people's heads with just a pair of fists.

"Lu thief, Lu thief! Why do you always fight against this old man!"

Outside the big tent, seeing a large number of cavalry rushing forward with torches, and seeing the extremely glaring Canglang flag under the firelight, Han Sui's face turned purple with anger, and he spurted blood.

Hu Wangyedai was so frightened that the Six Gods got up, and said loudly: "Father-in-law, what should we do, the Bingzhou army is here, the Bingzhou army is here!"

"God damn Bingzhou Army, they don't come early, they don't come late, why come here at this time! I hate it!" On the side, Li Kan was also vomiting blood, just a little short, as long as he was given another half an hour, no With just one stick of incense, he can destroy the Ma family, but at this time, the Bingzhou army is here!

"It's a waste of success, a failure of success, the big thing is over! Brother Li, let's go, flee to the Western Regions, there may not be no chance of a comeback!"

Han Sui's blood spurted wildly, and he instantly aged dozens of years. With his back bent, he rode his horse and fled quickly into the night.

Then at this moment, the curtain of the Chinese army was lifted, and a person covered in red blood rushed out, shouting: "Old dog, where are you going!"

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