The Three Kingdoms of the Lu family

Chapter 328 Suspected Soldiers

Cao Chun didn't dare to wait any longer after uttering such harsh words. He lost his horse and flew over the rocks, only to escape out of the valley in embarrassment with more than two thousand remnants.

The remaining nearly [-] tiger and leopard riders were all beheaded by the trapped soldiers!Layers upon layers of corpses filled the valley, making it almost impossible to move an inch.

Even Lu Yi could barely stand firm by standing on top of two overlapping corpses. As for those trapped in the battle, when they saw the enemy fleeing, they were all tired and limp on the ground, and some even hugged the corpses beside them. , Regardless of the blood stains, just fainted!

But in the end, we still won!

Looking at the exhausted fighters and the terrified people in the valley, Lu Yi suddenly raised his Shu knife, looked around the crowd, and shouted loudly: "Soldiers, we have won! We have survived!"

"Long live the lord!"

"Long live the Bingzhou Army!"

There was a moment of silence in the valley, and then loud cheers erupted. At this time, all the people who were still alive raised their arms and shouted, whether they were soldiers or civilians.

Outside the valley, Cao Chun, who hadn't gone far, heard the cheers inside and felt tightness in his chest. He looked at the more than [-] remnant soldiers around him, and with a wow, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes went dark.almost fainted [

"General, general!" The tiger and leopard cavalry remnants nearby also looked sad, but seeing Cao Chun vomit blood, the remaining dozen school lieutenants still swarmed over, and those who cared wanted to help.

"Get out of the way, I'm going to be fine!" Cao Chun rudely started to help his soldiers, vomited blood, and stared in the direction of the valley with hatred, roaring like a wounded wild animal: "Lv thief, you will Be proud, the prime minister's army has arrived at Hangu Pass, sooner or later, I will let you die!"

After roaring, Cao Chun didn't say much, took the horse outside, wept, and led the remnant soldiers to Wuguan, preparing to go around to Huihangu Pass.

In the valley, Lu Yi's expression changed when he heard Cao Chun's shout.After a long time, he sighed solemnly.

The increasingly excited soldiers and civilians also gradually calmed down, looking at Lu Yi with worried or hopeful eyes.

"My lord, let's run away! Tongguan is not far from Hangu Pass. If what Cao Chun said is true, Cao Cao may already know we are here by now!"

Fazheng came to Lu Yi's side with a pale face, running all the way, even in the carriage, he was very tired!This is not only physical fatigue, but also mentally, many people are almost exhausted.

"Flee, where can we escape? Zhang Liao's army will not arrive in Chang'an until tomorrow at the earliest! Ji Ling may come to help on the way, but we still have to resist Le Jin and other Cao Cao's ambushes in Guanzhong! If we retreat, relying on our current state, sooner or later I will be chased by Cao Cao!"

Hearing this, Lu Yi shook his head. He felt that he was being too careless this time. He thought that Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were fighting so fiercely that he would have no energy left to deal with him, so he dared to come to Chang'an on Qingqi.

But a hero is a hero after all, and Cao Cao's courage is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. Looking at the world, who dares to fight against the powerful Bingzhou army while fighting Yuanshaou, is only Cao Cao!

"My lord, why don't we continue to enter the mountain and find a place for everyone to hide, as long as General Zhang's cavalry arrives, we will be safe!"

Sun Guan had already recovered from his madness, panting heavily, he suggested to Lu Yi.

"No, no, Tongguan is mountainous, but the place is so big, and so many people saw us entering the mountain, Cao Cao's army will definitely come in and search when they arrive! We won't be able to hide for long!"

Fazheng shook his head and rejected Sun Guan's suggestion.

"If only we had more soldiers and horses, it would be great, as long as three thousand, no, two thousand cavalry, unless Cao Cao's soldiers from the Central Plains come, the last general will be able to stop the Lord!" [

Ma Chao also sighed again and again, only when he talked about the cavalry, his eyes showed a hint of arrogance.

Lu Yi also sighed. There were still some soldiers and horses outside the valley, but they were either taken away by Cao Chun, or led by the chaotic Cao army.

Escaping was impossible. If Cao Cao could be held back, it would only take one day. When Zhang Liao arrived tomorrow, Cao's troops who remained in Guanzhong would definitely flee without a fight, and then he would be safe.

Just how can we hold Cao Cao back?

Faced with a dangerous situation, Lu Yi was not pessimistic and depressed, but had a strong cost-seeking instinct, which made him start to use his brain to think, and his eyes were also moving around.

Suddenly, the actions of a nearby fighter made Lu Yi think of something.

The battle in the valley is over, and the Bingzhou Army has won a complete victory. Apart from being sad about the death of their comrades, the surviving fighters first thought of boasting of their achievements. A wolf flag was picked up as a matter of course, and it was to be planted on the top of the mountain. go up!

By the way, it's the flag, Cao Cao has always been suspicious, why can't I do this, although I don't know if it will work, but I can give it a try.

"Let a dead horse be a living horse doctor!"

Lu Yi made up his mind, hurriedly called the soldier who was carrying the flag, and asked in a deep voice, "How many flags are there in our army?"

The fighters looked at Lu Yi puzzledly, but they counted for a long time before saying: "My lord, there are still about ten noodles left. I lost some horses outside, otherwise there will be more!"

"Ten noodles, some less, go out and have a look immediately, are the flags discarded outside still there?" Lu Yi frowned, and ordered the trapper to go out and investigate, hoping to find more flags.

The fighters did not dare to neglect, called a few familiar partners, and flew out of the valley to search and investigate.Outside the valley, a large number of people had long since disappeared, and a lot of luggage and corpses were left on the ground.

The horses of the Bingzhou Army had already been taken away by Cao Chun, but Cao Chun did not take away the flags and other chores because he thought they would be burdensome.The few soldiers who fell into the battle were overjoyed, and hurriedly holding a lot of flags, Jin Gu ran back into the valley.

Seeing that the flag was still there, Lu Yi was also very happy. He hurriedly ordered people to gather some still-strength fighters, and ordered hundreds of young and strong people to flee into the valley to seek refuge, and then each gave a flag. Then he led them to Tongguan not far away.

"My lord, what are you doing? The construction of Tongguan has just started, and there is no defense at all." Ma Chao and Sun Guan were very curious, but both of them were used to talking with their fists, so they didn't understand what Lu Yi was going to do.

Only Fazheng's eyes lit up, and he seemed to understand Lu Yi's intentions, but soon, he frowned slightly, and said to himself: "My lord, this method is good, but Cao Cao is good at using troops, resourceful and resourceful, and he is suspicious of the tactics of soldiers, and fears Cao Cao." I won't fall for it!"

Lu Yi, who led people to plant the flag on Tongguan Mountain, had no idea, but after all, he survived and disabled the elite tiger and leopard cavalry. This is definitely what Cao Cao thought of.

He is now betting again, betting on Cao Cao's suspicious character.Whether you can succeed or not depends on your luck.

And not long after leading people to plant the flag in Tongguan.

Outside Hangu Pass, a Cao army of tens of thousands of people is heading towards Tongguan.On the flag of the commander in chief of the Chinese army, a fiery red flag with the word Cao character is even more buzzing.

Around Shuaiqi, Xia Houyuan, Xiahou Dun, Cao Zhen, Cao Hong and other Cao family generals, and Xu Zhu, Zhang He, Gao Lan and other Cao family generals were all riding on horses with their faces sinking like water.

The one in the middle is naturally Cao Cao, dressed in a luxurious cloak sprinkled with gold, with a dark complexion and slender eyes, half-closed at this time, thinking about the situation in Chang'an.

"According to the time, then Lu Yi must have fallen into Feng Xiao's trap!"

After a long while, Cao Cao, who was about to march, said something to himself, and his eyes became serious.

Ever since Lu Yi's troops entered Longyou, killed Han Sui, and surrendered Ma Teng, the power shocked Qiang Hu, and Guanzhong was terrified. Cao Cao, who was far away in Guandu, was shocked immediately.

Guanzhong is the place where emperors set up their careers, and Yizhou is also known as the land of abundance. Cao Cao was afraid that Lu Yi would occupy Guanzhong and Yizhou, and his strength would greatly increase and it would be difficult to control him.

Under Guo Jia's suggestion, Cao Cao disregarded popular support and forcibly relocated the people, in order to lure Lu Yi's lone army into deep and set up a surprise army to encircle Lu Yi with all his strength.

For this reason, Cao Cao silently prepared for a long time, until Guo Jia considered Lu Yi's every move in a comprehensive way, and did not start to make any mistakes.

But this is the case, Cao Cao is not at ease. After all, the Bingzhou Army is extremely powerful. In a year, it defeated Liu Zhang and merged with Guanlong. The strength is impressive.

Therefore, while setting up an ambush trap, Cao Cao decisively led [-] troops and launched a western expedition in order to prevent Lu Yi from escaping and returning to the mountain.

But Cao Cao still miscalculated. Guo Jia spent months studying Lu Yi's every move with painstaking efforts, but once he missed the calculation, it was that the Bingzhou Army had an indestructible Shu knife. The Leopard Cavalry was almost wiped out!

But now Cao Cao didn't know that the tiger and leopard cavalry had been beaten. After all, Lu Yi occupied the vicinity of Tongguan. Cao Chun didn't dare to break through Tongguan, so he could only go to Wuguan, and then went north to return to Hanguguan.

This coming and going will take at least two days!So Cao Cao received the news that Lu Yi had been ambushed outside Chang'an City and was being hunted down by Tiger and Leopard Riders.Currently fleeing in the direction of Tongguan.

Cao Cao, who had been sitting at Hangu Pass for a long time to prevent accidents, immediately led an army of [-] to fight through the critical moment, intending to attack Cao Chun on both sides and kill Lu Yi completely.

Not long after Lu Yi defeated Cao Chun's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Cao Cao's forward scout came outside Tongguan.It was also natural to discover the flag of the Bingzhou Army looming in the mountains and forests near Tongguan. ,

The spies were frightened and did not dare to go into the mountain to investigate by themselves, so they ran back and told Cao Cao.

Now Cao Cao is still thinking about whether to annex Longyou or Yizhou first after killing Lu Yi. He is a little hesitant, and he is quite embarrassed by Longwangshu.

When the spies reported that the flag of the state army appeared in the direction of Tongguan, Cao Cao was taken aback, his face full of disbelief.

"Could it be that Lu Yi is so fateful that he not only escaped the pursuit of Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, but also occupied Tongguan?"

Cao Cao immediately cried out, almost thinking that he was dreaming again.

"The last general is willing to lead the troops to investigate!" Seeing Cao Cao's surprise, the surrendered general Zhang Yun immediately came out, expressing his willingness to go and test the truth.

Cao Cao nodded slightly, and was about to nod, when he suddenly thought that Lu Yi had been in Hebei, and Zhang He was a famous general in Hebei, so the two may not have no friendship.In addition, Zhang Ying was a new surrender, so Cao Cao shook his head quickly, and said with a smile: "Feng Xiao has been planning for several months for this plan. Is Lu Zicheng really so fateful? I still need to see it myself!"

After finishing speaking, he ordered the whole army to speed up and head towards Tongguan.

In the mountains and forests near Tongguan, groups of fighters were hiding there, looking out secretly.Ma Chao asked Lu Yi more than once: "My lord, your strategy is really effective, why do I feel that I can easily see through it?"

"That's because you are simple-minded, thinking about things without going through your brain, the smarter you are, the more you think, the more scruples you have!" Lu Yi secretly angered Ma Chao for daring to doubt himself, and said angrily.

"I see!"

When Ma Chao heard it, he felt it was reasonable, but he felt that there was something in Lu Yi's words. After thinking for a long time, he realized that he was scolded by Lu Yi, and he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.About to argue.Lu Yi went to cover his mouth.

"Shut up, Cao Cao is here!"

Ma Chao immediately shut up, and Lu Yi also leaned on the edge of a rock, secretly looking out, unconsciously, his palms were also full of sweat.

But what he didn't know was that when Cao Cao came outside Tongguan, looking at the mountains and forests piled up with rocks, the flag of the Bingzhou Army was faintly exposed. Lu Erzhi is so fateful that he even occupied Tongguan, so the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry may have been defeated!"

"Prime Minister, why did you say this? From a certain point of view, this is Lu Yi's plan to suspect soldiers! Besides, tiger and leopard riders are the elite in the world, how could they be defeated by Lu Yi's thousands of tired soldiers!" Glancing at the flag at Tongguan, although he also had a little doubt, he didn't think much about it, and immediately took it seriously that it was a suspicious strategy.

And whenever the strategy of suspicious soldiers is used, it must be the helpless move of the opponent's insufficient troops and being in a weak position.Zhang Yun immediately judged that the Bingzhou Army is now in a weak position.

Cao Cao didn't think so. He hesitated for a while, then pointed to the faint flags in front of him and said, "If it's a trick of the soldiers, why are those flags so obvious?"

"The prime minister is right, I have heard it before. Then Lu Yi has three thousand soldiers under his command, claiming that the formation is not broken, and Ji Ling's army is all stable, including thousands of cavalry from Xiliang. If Lu Yi brings these cavalry to chase , although the tiger and leopard cavalry are elite, they may not be able to resist it!"

Not long after Cao Cao spoke.A scribe beside him rushed out and said loudly.

Cao Cao looked at it, and found that Jiang Gan from Jiujiang was eloquent and very good at talking. Few people could beat him, so Cao Cao liked him.In addition, what Jiang Gan said was also what Cao Cao was most worried about.

After all, now that Lu Yi occupies Tongguan, the news from Guanzhong and the Central Plains is cut off. Although there is Wuguan to communicate with, the news cannot be spread all over.

"Then according to what you said, what should I do now?" Cao Cao looked in the direction of Tongguan with some hesitation. Although he knew that Lu Yi might be inside, he didn't dare to send people in easily, fearing that this was a trick of the Bingzhou Army.

Cao Cao had also heard about Lu Yi's plan to lure Zhang Ren with a suspicious strategy in Yizhou, and then defeated the soldiers in Yizhou, and he hesitated even more.

Seeing Cao Cao's hesitation, Jiang Gan had already guessed Cao Cao's intentions, and immediately said along with Cao Cao's intention: "In my opinion, the prime minister might as well station troops here for the time being, and wait for the news from Guanzhong. The Prime Minister will be notified in time. At that time, it will not be too late for the Prime Minister to join forces with the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry to attack Lu Yi. If Lu Yi has seen through our strategy and defeated the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, the valley must be full of Lu Yi's ambush soldiers. It would be unwise to go in hastily!"

"What Mr. said is very close to my heart! The order is that the army retreat ten miles, and we will set up camp on the spot! Let's see and talk!"

Cao Cao was already suspicious, but after hearing Jiang Gan's analysis, he became more suspicious. Fearing that there might be an ambush inside, and fearing that Lu Yi would send out cavalry to rush forward, he hurriedly ordered the army to retreat ten miles, and set up camp in a dangerous place first. Besides.

Many Cao generals looked at each other in blank dismay, but Cao Cao's military order did not dare to disobey. In an instant, the [-] menacing Cao army turned around quickly and retreated in a hurry.

Fearing that Lu Yi would take the opportunity to lead his cavalry to charge, Cao Cao personally led Xiahoudun, and the Xiahouyuan brothers took charge of the battle. It took half an hour before the [-] troops withdrew.

"Huh, I finally retreated! I was scared to death!"

Inside Tongguan, seeing that he had successfully tricked Cao Cao, Lu Yi's tense nerves were relieved, and he couldn't help but swear.

Only then did he realize that his whole body was drenched, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

But he didn't care about wiping his sweat, so he hurriedly looked at Fazheng, and asked in a deep voice, "Military Master, now that Cao Cao has retreated, what should we do?"

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