The Three Kingdoms of the Lu family

Chapter 48 Lu Yi's Worries

() Finally, under Zhen Yan's repeated pleas, Lu Yi strongly promised that after returning to Hebei, he would definitely return the marriage certificate to the Zhen family.Only then did Zhen Yan give up, and said angrily: "General Lu, the eldest son has an order, if you are really sincere, you can let the steward brother go first!"

"No problem! Someone, bring the housekeeper brother!" Lu Yi nodded indifferently.He ordered two guards to go among the captives and bring them over.

"I've seen General Lu!" The steward brothers came over, and first hurriedly saluted Lu Yi, regardless of other things.Express your best wishes.

The two brothers were kings and hegemons in Qingzhou, and they were extremely powerful. Since they met Lu Yi, they knew what it means to have someone beyond others and a sky beyond the sky.

In addition, when Lu Yi captured them, he didn't treat them as real prisoners. Instead, he entertained them with good wine and good meat. The two brothers were cannibals with short mouths, so they were naturally cautious, lest something wrong would offend Lu Yi.

There are more rules than anywhere in Yuan Tan.

"Hehe, tell the two generals a piece of good news. This general has decided to join Mr. Yuan. From then on, you and I are colleagues, so there is no need to be so polite!"

Lu Yi smiled and said to the housekeeper brothers.

"Really?" The housekeeper brothers were both surprised and happy, feeling lucky to survive the catastrophe.Hastily expressed his thanks to Lu Yi again.The posture is very low.

He didn't really dare to regard Lu Yi as a colleague.On the contrary, it was more like offering to his superior.

The three of them got together and talked happily.

Zhen Yan at the side saw the faces of the two captives, the butler brothers, and Guan Ping smiled, with a trace of bright red meat residue showing in his teeth, and when he thought about how rough and brown rice was when he was a captive, he was very embarrassed.

Heart sour, extremely unbalanced.I couldn't help but interrupted: "General Lu, since you let him go so quickly, it seems that your sincerity is enough. Now, you can come with me to see the eldest son!"

Lu Yi raised his eyebrows and his face sank.A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The steward brother immediately felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet, rushing straight to his forehead, and hurriedly took a few steps back in fright, and then blushed again, already becoming a frightened bird.

Lu Yi was startled, and hurriedly adjusted a smile on his face to cover up the anger just now, and said with a pleasant smile: "Why, Mr. Yuan, is this going to test my courage? Please let me go to the meeting alone?"

Zhen Yan smiled awkwardly, resisting the shock just now, and said hesitantly: "General Lu can also bring some soldiers and horses, but not too many, otherwise, it will be difficult for me to do it!"

Lu Yi did not answer immediately.He turned around directly, led the people towards the main hall of Wubao, and left Zhen Yan and the housekeeper brothers here.

There was anger in Zhen Yan's eyes, but he dared not speak out.He also knew that Yuan Tan's request was a little too much.

It is normal for Lu Yi to be angry.I can only stand there, not daring to make a real move.

Staying away from Zhen Yan and the others, the smile on Lu Yi's face darkened instantly.There was a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

He didn't believe all of Zhen Yan's words.

After all, a marriage letter doesn't really restrain the behemoth of the Zhen family.If Zhen Yan made up his mind, he would rather lose his family's reputation than put himself to death.

Then Yuan Tan's invitation this time is dangerous.

Walking back to the military tent, without Lu Yi's order, the generals of the Bingzhou Army, large and small, had already consciously gathered together to form a tight small group.

The conversation just now has spread throughout Wubao, and many people frown tightly, showing worried looks.

Yuan Huan came in last, his face darkened slightly, and after saluting to Lu Yi, he couldn't help admonishing him: "My lord, the Zhen family is an aristocratic family, favored by scholars in Hebei. If we are too rude to Mr. Zhen, I'm afraid it will cause criticism from scholars!"

The implication is to euphemistically point out that it is too impolite for Lu Yi to leave Zhen Yan rudely standing outside.

Lu Yi shook his head, of course he knew that if he did so, he might be criticized by those scholars.However, the Bingzhou Army is notorious, even if I entertain Zhen Yan kindly, so what, can I still win the loyalty of the aristocratic family?

But Yuan Huan is a celebrity after all, since he said so, Lu Yi had to give face.After all, the Bingzhou Army faced dangerous situations several times, but he did not leave, and finally chose to stay.

"Go to a few people, send a pot of charcoal fire to the second brother, ask the brother-in-law to be patient, and wait!" Lu Yi thought and thought, and finally decided to be gentle and show his demeanor.

Yuan Huan rolled his eyes.He secretly thought that his lord called the second brother and the second brother affectionate, which is really a little out of place.

There's no reason to hang your in-laws outside to blow the cold wind.

If his family had a daughter, he would rather die of old age than marry.

Zhen Yan outside was so angry that she wanted to jump, and roared loudly: "Lu Zixin, who is your brother-in-law! Tell me clearly...or you can wait until you return to Hebei..."

Zhen Yan couldn't say the rest.The nearby Bingzhou army already looked bad, and surrounded them with their swords out of their sheaths.But the housekeeper brothers looked at each other with a sudden look in their eyes.

No wonder General Lu Da wanted to surrender.After a long time, it turned out that he and the Zhen family were married.However, although there are many daughters in the Zhen family, all of them are married off. Only the youngest one, who is born with a natural beauty and a peerless beauty, is still living in her boudoir.

The son of the family who proposed to marry, I heard that even the threshold of the Zhen family has broken through more than ten thresholds. Could it be that General Lu is going to marry her?For a moment, the envious eyes of the butler brothers turned red.

Naturally, Lu Yi didn't know what a huge wave his unintentional words caused in the hearts of the steward brothers.He is still guessing Yuan Tan's true intentions with everyone.

On the side of the generals, led by Zhang Liao, Lu Yi, who strongly opposed Lu Yi, put himself in danger. Lu Bu passed away, and now Lu Yi is the backbone of the Bingzhou Army.

According to Zhang Liao's words, "The Bingzhou army can't live without Zhang Liao, but it can't live without a lord!"

As for the civil servants, Chen Gong was resourceful and resourceful, but he had an obvious shortcoming, that is, his reaction was a bit slow.At this time, he was frowning and deliberating carefully, unable to make an accurate judgment for a long time.

It was only then that Lu Yi realized that what was said in the history books that Chen Gong was wise but late was not groundless.People like Chen Gong are good at making strategic decisions.

As for improvisation, it's still a bit worse.

"My lord, don't let me go!"

Yuan Huan listened for a long time, but did not say a word.Just when Lu Yi thought that Yuan Huan could not give any advice, he spoke up. "I'm a side branch of the Yuan family, so Mr. Yuan won't make things difficult for me!"

Lu Yi's eyes lit up.I also think Yuan Huan's proposal is very good.After thinking about it for a while, I felt that it was inappropriate for Yuan Huan to go alone.

If this is a Hongmen banquet, Yuan Huan's going here would be like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger, and he would lose a great talent in vain.It seems that I still have to go through it myself.

So he made up his mind and said in a deep voice: "I will go with Mr. Yuan, and General Zhang will lead the wolf cavalry to escort him!"


Everyone was shocked, they couldn't help standing up, and wanted to persuade them again.

"I have made up my mind!"

Lu Yi waved his hand, let everyone sit down, and then said: "With the bravery of Uncle Zhang and I, and the help of the wolf cavalry, even if Yuan Tan has some conspiracy, what can I do! Besides this method, is there any other way to find him?" Any other better ideas?"

"My lord, it's useless for me to wait!" Gao Shun's eyes were cold, and with a plop, the iron-blooded man knelt down, almost gnashing his steel teeth.

If it hadn't been for the betrayal of Hou Cheng and the state army, how could Lu Yi have made such a risky move.

The rest of the generals didn't speak, they just gnashed their teeth, clenched their fists tightly, and made joint crackling noises, obviously their hearts were not at peace.

"Okay, okay, you look like this, it makes me feel like you are going to the guillotine. Don't forget, with the Zhen family coming forward, the chances of Yuan Tan accepting us are still very high!"

Lu Yi smiled, calming down the restlessness of the generals.Then his eyes gradually became sharper, and he said in a deep voice: "A man can bend and stretch. We are retreating now, but it does not mean that we will give in. One day, the Bingzhou Army will make a comeback. On every piece of land in the big man, write down our words. reputation!"


All the generals were emotionally excited. After hearing Lu Yi's words, they felt their blood boiling all over. Sun Guan couldn't help it first, and roared loudly.

subsequently.Everyone shouted wildly.


Lu Yi was infected and couldn't help standing up and screaming, the sound was like gold, stone and thunder, dragons and tigers roared, directly penetrated the military tent, and spread throughout Wubao.


The Bingzhou army in Wubao drew out their swords one after another, pointing angrily at the cloudy sky.The fighting spirit of thousands of people gathered together, as if to make the sky bloody.

Zhen Yan's complexion completely changed.Become pale as paper, become crumbling.He regretted not falling even more in his heart. If he had known this, he should have stopped Yuan Tan's arrogance.

Knowing that Lu Yi was a fierce tiger, Yuan Tan still dared to tease him. Isn't that just looking for death?Can't the two parties sit down and have a good talk with peace of mind?

Although the butler brother is a military general, he was quite frightened by the screams of the Bingzhou army around him.As generals, it was the first time they had seen such a group of ferocious soldiers.

"General Lu, think twice! Everything is negotiable, don't get angry!"

Zhen Yan couldn't care less, fearing that after Lu Yi was provoked, he would really fight Yuan Tanyu to the death.In that case, not to mention that his own life is in danger, even the marriage letter is a terrible thing.

Therefore, Zhen Yan didn't dare to stay where she was, and was about to rush towards Lu Yi's military tent.

"Bold, anyone who breaks into the lord's tent will die!" The guard on duty was furious, and drew his sword to kill Zhen Yan who rushed over on the spot.

"Stop!" Lu Yi, who was in the military tent, heard the movement, hurried out and stopped the impulsive guards.

"General Lu, think twice!" Zhen Yan trembling voice, in the middle of the fierce soldiers, he was like a poor little lamb, exclaimed in surprise: "General Lu, I, Zhen Yan, dare to pledge my head , Eldest Young Master told you to come over, there is absolutely no malice!"

"Second brother, what are you talking about? Do you think I'm doubting the integrity of the eldest son? You really, I misunderstood you!" Lu Yi shouted with grief and indignation, his face full of grievances.

Is not it?Zhen Yan was dumbfounded, and couldn't help asking: "Then why are you roaring?"

"What roaring, we in the Bingzhou Army like to roar a few times when we have nothing to do, to vent. Second brother, you will get used to it after staying for a long time." Lu Yi said with a smile.

"Lu Zixin, you..." Zhen Yan's heart was trembling in anger.Taking a few deep breaths, he calmed down the anger that was about to explode in his heart, and said angrily: "General Lu, you have discussed it, are you willing to go with me to see the eldest son?"

"No problem! I have my second brother as a guarantor, I trust you!" Lu Yi hugged Zhen Yan's shoulder affectionately.The two of them hooked their shoulders and looked very good.

Zhen Yan wanted to struggle, but Lu Yi was so strong that the struggle was futile.Second Master Zhen could only keep a straight face, depressed and speechless.

The dock has been opened, and more than [-] wolf cavalry roared out.Someone brought Lu Yi's war horse.

Lu Yi let go of Zhen Yan's shoulders, turned on his horse, and still didn't give up after thinking about it, he tried his best to fool him: "Second brother, you really don't think about it, if you stay in our army for a while, you will definitely be able to develop a strong and healthy look. Your physique, well, you are just like them."

Lu Yi pointed to the valiant wolf cavalry.

Zhen Yan subconsciously took a look at those hulking and mighty men with strong bodies, and her heart was really moved.He has always been physically weak, and what he longs for most is to have a good body.

However, when he heard Lu Yi's address, Second Young Master Zhen was furious and shouted, "Lu Zixin, you are calling my second brother, I will never end with you!"

"I don't call you Second Brother, but you are older than me. How about I call you Second Brother?" Lu Yi couldn't help joking, intending to punish this arrogant young man.

"" Zhen Yan rolled the whites of her eyes angrily, resisting the urge to vomit blood, got on a fast horse, and rushed out of Wubao quickly.

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