() After a night of deliberation, Lu Yi decided who would go to Yecheng.They are Zhang Liao, Yuan Huan, and more than a hundred of the most fierce wolf cavalry.

The reason why he brought Yuan Huan was Chen Gong's suggestion.After all, Yuan Huan was a side branch of the Yuan family, and Yuan Shao was a bit of a nepotism, with Yuan Huan's face, even if Yuan Shao didn't want to see the Bingzhou Army, he wouldn't be too embarrassed.

As for Zhang Liao, this was what Lu Yi had to bring with him no matter what.This is his trump card.He is also the key person who can guarantee to help Yuan Tan win the first place.

There are only a few famous generals in Hebei. As long as Yan Liangwenchou doesn't attack, with Zhang Liao's martial arts, Lu Yi believes that he can completely ignore all the generals in Hebei today.

Of course, that perverted and excessive Zhao Zilong doesn't count.Thinking about it now, it is estimated that this person was still besieged in Yi Jing with Gongsun Zan.

"I just don't know if this Changshan Zhao Zilong will fall early!" On the carriage to Yecheng, Lu Yi thought silently.With his appearance, many things about Dahan have gone awry.

For example, the Bingzhou army has not been completely wiped out. For example, Xuzhou has been divided into three parts, and it has been occupied by the three forces of Cao Cao, Chen Deng, and Yuan Tan.

If one is not careful, it is not impossible for Zhao Yun to be caught by Yuan Shao or die in battle.

"Zicheng, Yecheng is here!"

There was a cry of surprise from outside the carriage.It was Yuan Tan's voice.On the way early, Yuan Tan insisted on riding a horse and did not hide in the carriage.

Of course, this has something to do with Lu Yi lending him a hundred wolf cavalry.Mr. Yuan seems to enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by a group of murderous wolf cavalry.

It made him feel like he was majestic, that everyone would notice him.

On the contrary, Lu Yi, who hides in the carriage all day and rarely shows up, is absolutely lazy to death.

Yecheng is the seat of Jizhou, and even the most prosperous place in Hebei.Before Lu Yi and his party approached the city wall, the area outside the city was covered with densely packed markets and houses.

Among the crowd coming and going, there are ordinary people dressed in plain clothes, and there are peddlers who peddle all the way.Most of them were young masters of aristocratic families who brought their servants along, cursed angrily in fresh clothes, and flaunted past.

This is still more than ten miles away from Yecheng.Going forward, there are more and more people and more and more crowded.For an ordinary city, the outside of the city is mostly desolate, with occasional fertile fields.

But outside of Ye City, it is densely populated, with houses stretching into stretches.It has almost become a city outside the city, which is very different from the rest of the Han Dynasty.

Going forward, the tall city walls of Yecheng were already clearly visible.Lu Yi finally got out of the carriage, mounted a war horse, and ran to Yuan Tan's side.

He didn't bring Wu Yunju, that horse was too wild and too ostentatious.Lu Yi is now dependent on others, what he has to do is to keep a low profile as much as possible.

"Zicheng, have you ever seen such a majestic city!" Yuan Tan pointed at the tens of feet high city wall of Yecheng, his eyes were disappointed, hot, and complicated.Others can not understand.

Lu Yi shook his head, vaguely, in his vague memory, he had seen a more majestic giant city before, but it was too long ago, and his memory was almost wiped out.

The majestic city in front of him was the largest and most magnificent city he had ever seen.

When the eldest son of the Yuan family returned, the soldiers guarding the city had already received the news and made preparations in advance to clear a road.For Yuan Tan to pass.

Yuan Tan invited Lu Yi to enter the city with him, but Lu Yi refused with a smile, consciously lagging behind Yuan Tan a lot, like a real Qingzhou general.

This made Yuan Tan very satisfied and full of vanity.So he didn't talk too much, and led a group of wolf cavalry, with high spirits, walking in the front with their heads held high.

"Hey! I've blackmailed Brother Yuan so many things. I've condescended to be one step behind this time, and I've paid it off. I'm such a good person!" Lu Yi secretly sighed as he looked at Yuan Tan who was in a state of desperation.

Zhang Liao on the side immediately curled his lips, and looked at Yuan Tan in front of him with some sympathy. If he just took a few steps back, he could get thousands of the best armor and thousands of horses.Such a good thing, not to mention just taking a few steps back, even if he backed away for a long time, Zhang Liao would be happy with it.

"Zicheng, come here quickly, I'll introduce a few people to you!" The advancing team stopped at a pavilion not far from Yecheng.

For this gazebo, someone has already set up curtains in advance, all of which are made of bright silk.Ordinary people may not be able to wear things in their lifetime, but now they are just fabrics used to cover pedestrians.Extremely extravagant, it must be able to be so in a wealthy family.

Lu Yi was very curious, rode his horse and ran over, approaching the gazebo a hundred paces, he had to dismount, a servant already wearing a blue shirt came over and politely asked him to dismount.

As he walked forward, there was already a strong smell of wine in the air, and every few steps, a brazier was placed on the ground.The blazing charcoal fire crackled, and the air around the baking was warm, without any chill.

"Zicheng, come here quickly."

Yuan Tan stood at the gazebo, beckoned Lu Yi to come to him, and solemnly introduced him to everyone.

"This is my General of Qingzhou, Lu Yi, Lu Zicheng. Maybe you have never heard of his name, but his uncle, you must be familiar with him!"

"The name of Marquis Wen, I've heard about it for a long time. I saw General Lu today. He really looks like a tiger and bear, and he has the charm of Marquis Wen!" Those who can come here to welcome Yuan Tan are all scholars who have a heart for Yuan Tan. .Many people have already learned that the Bingzhou Army has joined the Bingzhou Army, and they exchanged greetings.

"Gentlemen, it's a waste of awards. The boy is a little brave. Compared with his uncle, he is still far behind. How can he be called a tiger and bear!" Lu Yi hurriedly humbled.The demeanor is very solemn.

Through Yuan Tan's introduction, he already knew that each of the dozens of scribes in front of him was well-known, and many of them were even famous.

For example, the brothers Xin Pi and Xin Ping are both famous in Hebei, and the wind and cloud side make Yuan Shao condescend to ask for advice.Lu Yi is a warrior, although he doesn't care much about fame, he doesn't dare to really offend this group of people.

Because, this group of people also has a well-known name, Ruying Scholars!Representing all families not born in Hebei, their strength is extremely terrifying.It can influence Yuan Shao's decision-making.

Similarly, this group of people is also the most staunch supporters of Yuan Tan's scholars.For Yuan Shao's desire to abolish his father and establish a young man, he has a lot of complaints and disagrees.

It's just that in the past, although they had a large number of people, they were still unable to intervene in the army.Being so weak, Lu Yi's arrival can be said to be a timely help, so he was naturally welcomed by everyone.

Of course, not everyone looked at Lu Yi differently. Even among this group of people, there were some who looked on coldly and didn't like Lu Yi.Sneered endlessly.

Sensing the hostility, Lu Yi immediately frowned, and asked Yuan Tan beside him in a low voice, "Who is that man? He seems to be looking bad!"

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