() Maocheng is the area closest to Taihang Mountain in Jizhou. Similarly, it is also the most important passage for the Shangdang to go to Yecheng. In the past, high-ranking officials transported military supplies to Yecheng, and this is the place they must pass through.

Similarly, if Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army wanted to attack Yecheng, it was the most convenient way to pass through Maocheng besides crossing mountains and ridges.

Therefore, the front of the Black Mountain Army, which came out of the mountain, almost did not stop at all, and immediately rushed towards Maocheng Tiger, which was bound to destroy the small city in one fell swoop.

It's just that although the city of Maocheng is small, it is close to the Black Mountain Army after all. The successive guards of the city have continuously reinforced the city. After hearing that the Black Mountain Army came out of the mountain.

The current city guard, Yin Kai, even mobilized the people in the city to build this place into a fortress.On the top of the city, the torches are brightly lit, and there are countless figures.

Outside the city, there are beacon fires everywhere, and countless soldiers are roaring.The sound wave shook inside and outside the city.It made many people's faces change, and Yin Kai's forehead was full of sweat, like a waterfall.

This is already the third day since the front of the Black Mountain Army appeared. Seeing that the bandits outside the city were in full swing, preparing to attack the city, the reinforcements from Yecheng had not been seen for a long time. This made Yin Kai nervous and terrified, even several times. Every time, I wanted to escape from here, but I held back at the last moment!

The Black Mountain Army outside the city made noise all night, only to retreat slowly when they realized that the city was heavily guarded. ,

In Maocheng, many people cheered immediately.There was also a trace of relief on Yin Kai's face.Finally kept it!

"Report!" At this moment, a soldier stepped forward quickly and handed over a letter, which was sent by a courier outside the city, and a unique mark was attached to it.

Seeing this letter, Yin Kai's expression changed immediately. He hurriedly waved the servants around, with a serious expression, picked up the letter and read it carefully.

During this period, Yin Kai's expression was shocked and hesitant, but finally, he gradually became firm. He walked to the torch on the city wall, lit the letter, and let it burn to ashes.

This kind of situation kept happening in the big and small cities north of Yecheng, or the prefect, or the county magistrate, they almost all received the same letter, and finally burned it!


To the south of Maocheng, a large army was rushing forward, led by a black wolf battle flag with a blood-colored Lu character floating on it.

After that, there was a bright yellow Yuan character battle flag, Sui Gu stood at the bottom, frowning, looking at the wilderness in the distance.

"General Lu, let everyone take a break! It's been a day's journey, and the soldiers can hardly bear it!"

Lu Yi didn't speak, but just rode his horse and ran towards the long marching team behind, ran from the beginning to the end, and then returned, his face was slightly ugly.

Yuan Tan lent him his men, although they were all strong soldiers from Qingzhou, after all, Yuan Tan was not good at running the army, and these soldiers did not receive effective training, they just walked all night, and they were tired and out of breath.

Only the soldiers and horses brought by Suigu from Hanoi were better and could hold on.

"Order, the army rests!"

In the end, Lu Yi had no choice but to let the soldiers stop to rest, and then called all the generals to come together.This time, besides the veteran of the Bingzhou Army, Sui Gu also followed.

What's more, Lu Yi was still next to Sun Guan, and found Xia Houde with a tense face, and couldn't help but froze.

Seeing Lu Yi looking at him, Xia Houde just nodded coldly, turned his face to the side, and did not speak.He really didn't know what to say.

Anyway, Xia Houde had had enough of being locked up in the dungeon.He was also fed up with the days of eating poor food every day, and after learning from the pain, he finally decided.Take up arms and fight for food and freedom.

Seeing Xia Houde like this, Lu Yi just nodded and didn't care too much.

In fact, he had discovered that it was almost impossible to use Xiahoude to threaten Cao Cao. If Cao Cao really wanted to attack the family of the Bingzhou Army, he would not care about Xiahoude.

Therefore, when Xia Houde proposed to come out, Lu Yi didn't think too much about it, and agreed directly.

"My lord, the Qingzhou army is marching too slowly, should we go separately?"

As a general, Zhang Liao spoke first, but when he opened his mouth, he complained.I feel that the Qingzhou Army behind me is very weak.It will drag down the marching speed of the state army.

This made Sui Gu look embarrassed, after all, he led the Qingzhou army.

Lu Yi also rubbed his head with a headache. Maocheng is far away from Yecheng, and Zhang Yan's army may appear inside or outside Maocheng at any time.

What he has to do now is to rush to Maocheng as soon as possible, hoping that the people in the city can still live on.If Maocheng falls, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult to resist the Black Mountain Army.

"Report! My lord, something is wrong. Outside Maocheng, the Black Mountain Army was found!"

Pop scouts came quickly, and once again announced a bad news.

The Montenegro army arrived at Maocheng in the front, but failed to persuade the city to surrender, and has already started to attack!

This made many people's expressions heavy. The Maocheng guards were no more than a thousand soldiers, and the Minzhuang was only in the early three thousand.

With such soldiers and horses, it will definitely be extremely difficult to deal with the elite of the Black Mountain Army who are like wolves and tigers.If the city guards are incompetent, they may be captured in one day!

"We must set off immediately! We must not let Maocheng suffer!"

Lu Yi stood up and glanced at everyone with his blade-like eyes.All the generals stood up and clasped their fists in awe.

Zhang Liao was at the end, but he was still a little worried. He said in a deep voice, "My lord, it is impossible for Yuan Shang to watch us make meritorious deeds. I think the sooner we get to Maocheng, the sooner we can take the initiative!"

"Why don't I know! It's just that we can't leave our infantry and send cavalry over! In that case, even if we run over, we will be exhausted, and we won't have much combat power left! Unless..."

Lu Yi muttered to himself, suddenly, a flash of image flashed in his mind, and he looked at the war horses grazing leisurely in the distance, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Uncle Zhang, immediately gather the horses in the army! Remember, all of them!"


Zhang Liao didn't ask why, Lu Yi had already established his prestige in the army by fighting continuously.Soon, all the war horses of the Bingzhou Army and the Qingzhou Army were gathered.

There are more than four thousand horses!

This is a huge amount of wealth, four thousand horses, if it is in the south, countless princes will fight for it, but in the north, such a group of horses is not uncommon.

"Pass my military order to select 2000 horsemen with the best equestrian skills, and we will ride together and head to Maocheng!"

Lu Yi said in a deep voice.

"Two riders with one person?"

Zhang Liao was taken aback, apparently feeling that Lu Yi's method was a bit novel, but immediately, his eyes lit up, and he understood what Lu Yi meant.

Since one horse rushes to Maocheng, it may run out of horsepower, but if two horses switch rides, it can greatly save horsepower.

Zang Ba and the others were also veterans on the battlefield, and soon they understood Lu Yi's intentions, and they all became excited.He hurriedly ran to the soldiers to choose the best equestrian soldiers.

"One man with two cavalry, General Lu is really a fantastic idea. If so, the cavalry's ability to run will be greatly improved!"

Sui Gu looked at Lu Yi with a trace of awe in his eyes.Although he was not good at cavalry, he also saw the benefits of this method and quickly praised it.

However, Lu Yi's face was pale, two cavalry are nothing, after thinking about it just now, Lu Yi was still wondering whether to let the future wolf cavalry have one person and three horses.

However, Lu Yi later denied this idea. Raising a horse would cost a lot of money. If there were three horses, I am afraid that L would not need to fight. Raising horses alone could even drag down an army.

Unless, he can raise the power of the whole country, he also needs to have a high-quality horse farm to be able to make such equipment!

"Forget it, these are things for the future, it's too early to think about them now!" Lu Yi shook his head, held the steel knife, and threw himself on Wu Yunju's back.

Wu Yunju immediately roared wildly, yelling towards all directions.

Immediately, above the wilderness, a group of fierce horses roared in unison, and the momentum was frightening. Wu Yunju was immediately elated, raised his tail, and patted his horse's buttocks one after another.

Half an hour later, a group of galloping horses were all assembled, and cavalry skilled in equestrianism were also selected.

Without exception, all were soldiers of the Bingzhou Army, all wolf cavalry, and some soldiers who were trapped in the battle.Just formed an army of 2000 people.

They sat down on strong horses selected from the Qingzhou Racecourse, and beside them, each had a war horse from the Qingzhou Army.

"General Sui, after we leave, hurry up and keep in touch with us at any time!"

Lu Yi nodded towards Sui Gu, and solemnly clasped his fists.

"General Lu, go ahead, we will set off later!" Sui Gu looked serious, and did not dare to push himself in front of Lu Yi, even though he had more subordinates than Lu Yi.

Sui Gu still didn't dare to put himself on the same level as Lu Yi, but kept a low profile.He only dared to dismount and bow his hands towards Lu Yi.

This shocked the nearby Qingzhou army, and the resentment they had for taking the horses disappeared immediately.After all, even their chief general had to bow their heads to Lu Yi, so what could a group of soldiers do.

Lu Yi didn't have time to worry about what the Qingzhou army thought. He rode his horse and ordered Wu Yunju to trot past a group of wolf cavalry standing side by side, and shouted: "Soldiers, come with me!"


The fighting intent was terrifying, the murderous aura covered the sun, a group of Bingzhou troops roared loudly, and then urged their horses, more than [-] horses started at the same time, gathered into a whirlwind in the wilderness, and rushed towards Maocheng.


Thousands of horses galloped wildly, the ground trembled, and more than four thousand war horses galloped wildly at the same time, the terrifying sound almost made the ground sink!

The Qingzhou soldiers who stayed behind were all terrified. It's not that they haven't seen cavalry before, but they have never seen such a powerful cavalry in their life!

Looking at the remaining Bingzhou Army, in their eyes, the last trace of dissatisfaction disappeared, and what was left was only deep awe...

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