"Enlightened again?" Yan Buhui nodded, she was convinced by Hua Feixue, he was her heaven and earth!

At this moment, a war horse covered in black flames came to the main hall, and said to Yan Buhui who was on the Taoist throne: Come on, with or without the master, we are all invincible.

This war horse is Po Jun!His realm is also very strange, he also stays at the peak of the human way of the three cuts and has never joined the Dao, but the number of half-immortal powers he has killed can't be counted by multiplying ten fingers. He has been killed like this for hundreds of years.His killing karma is a hundred times heavier than Hua Feixue's, and now he is covered in karma all the time, and no one dares to approach him unless he wants to.

Everyone in the world knew that Hua Feixue used the throne of King Wei to feed the horses!As long as this horse is killed, he can also take over the throne of King Wei of Tianluo Weilu.So it doesn't matter whether Hua Feixue goes or not, but all the people who participated in the Battle of the Future are Hua Feixue's contemporaries, so if he doesn't go, he may be left behind.

When did the Rakshasa Road pay attention to the eyes of the world?Glory and everything are used to feed pigs!

"Okay, half of the second-generation disciples will stay to guard the Taoist gate, and the remaining second- and third-generation disciples will go with me!" Yan Buhui gave an order and was ready to lead the team to the battlefield outside the sky, but Po Jun called her back and said, " Don’t come back, come up. As a Rakshasa Taoist master, how can he not have a majestic battle seat!”

Yan Buhui was a little flattered, Po Jun was like an uncle next door who was willing to hold her in the palm of his hand, and took the initiative to lie down beside Yan Buhui and wait for the saddle.

Yan Buhui didn't refuse. When riding on the saddle of Pojun, he instantly felt the boundless fighting spirit of the unity of man and nature!

Lawless, fearless and invincible!

What did Yan Buhui realize? Her Wuxin swordsmanship has sublimated to an unfathomable level in an instant!

Tian Wuxin knew that Po Jun wanted to preach!This horse is the most gifted spiritual beast he has ever seen to realize Taoism. It is possible to cultivate into a divine beast the day after tomorrow, but reincarnation is about to be shattered, otherwise his future is limitless.Like his master, the way is endless!

Tian Wuxin also saw something in Po Jun, his realm has been falling, not self-cutting realm but retreating naturally!

Even Yan Buhui had this kind of mutation!

"What did he realize? Is it immeasurable? What is immeasurable? If there is no quality, then there is immeasurable, and what has quality has quantity!" Tian Wuxin was shocked in an instant!Like other gods, he does not have the courage to reincarnate for the ninth life, because reincarnation is designed to weaken the gods. Every time he reincarnates, his level will be weakened by twice, and he will be completely reduced to the bottom monk of the lower world in the ninth life!

Moreover, no one can guarantee that in the process of reincarnation IX, there will be no chance of encountering an opponent's tricks, and it will end in nothingness.stronger.The more afraid the realm will be weakened!

Therefore, the gods only reached the peak in their comprehension of power, but their comprehension of Tao was not as deep as that of Hua Feixue!

The gods are divided into congenital and acquired. The congenital gods are born in chaos, and the acquired gods are cultivated in the beginning.It was broken in the early days, and after the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, there was no holy land of gods, so they could only cultivate into immortals!Tian Wuxin is the supreme immortal who was temporarily accepted as a disciple by Ji Ji in the early ancient times after the destruction of the ancient times, and then cultivated in the middle of the ancient times!Immortal Venerable is as powerful as the acquired gods, and even surpasses the acquired gods, but their status is far inferior to the gods!

Xianju for nine days.The gods live above the nine heavens in their respective divine heavens!The first layer of gods governs thousands of acquired gods, and the first layer of gods has only one main god: the innate gods!

At this time Tian Wuxin smiled, he walked to Pojun on foot, and said to Pojun and Yan Buhui: From today on.I am no longer a master who will not return, nor a protector of the Rakshasa Tao, just call me senior brother!

After finishing speaking, Tian Wuxin laughed and walked out.At this time, in a mountain stream on the ninth floor of the Nine Heavens, there was a young man looking up at the Nine Heavens, and suddenly had a feeling!His original Dao state was like a torrent, and it was reduced to zero in the blink of an eye.And his power realm also dropped from the peak of the immortal to zero in an instant!

In his eyes, there are endless cycles of life that are born and shattered!After one breath, his Dao Realm and Strength Realm merged into one, all the way up to Human Dao Three Cuts, and cut past again, cut grievances, and cut Dao me!

Since then, his Dao realm has been staying in the three cuts of humanity!

Harmony?Just kidding, I am me, I am the Tao, whose Tao should I agree with?

My enlightenment is the way, my words are the law, and I am the only way in the world!

This is what Hua Feixue realized.What he realized made Po Jun feel what he realized in his Dao realm, and then Po Jun realized his own Dao, his Dao is his Dao, there is no shadow of Hua Feixue, I am the only Dao in the world !

Pojun then let Yan Buhui and Tian Wuxin experience his way. Whether they realize it or how much they gain depends on their own fortune.Everyone has his own Tao, and the shadow of others is the Tao of others!

In Tianwu's mind, the myriad phenomena of the universe and the vicissitudes of life and the disillusionment of life are staged at every moment, and he wants to perform reincarnation with his heart!

Reincarnation is the carrier of quantity!As long as you break through reincarnation, you can comprehend infinity.Now there is no time to play the reincarnation of the ninth world, so I can only reincarnate myself in my heart!Perhaps his final understanding of Wuliang is not as good as his master, at least he has a little more vitality, and he will not compete with the gods of the nine heavens for the only chance to break through the chaos and escape from reincarnation!

The origin of chaos is like a placenta!A living being is a life individual composed of matter like a fetus!Breaking through the chaos is like a baby leaving the mother's womb to gain a new life!

Pan Gu broke through the chaos and opened up the world, and finally broke through the prison of chaos, avoiding the end of reincarnation shattered and perishing.But in Tian Wuxin's eyes, can breaking through chaos really escape the end of reincarnation broken and perish?

Before there is no detachment, even if he breaks through the chaos and gains a new life, he is still an individual with a certain amount of life, and his final fate is just to die in a foreign land!

Before it turns into infinity, no matter how you escape, it's just jumping from one cage to another!

No matter who breaks the chaos first, he has the opportunity to escape from the chaos. Pan Gu left behind after breaking through the chaos and turned into the primordial world. It was just to deceive the gods and gods to escape from the chaos. When the gods woke up, Pan Gu had already escaped from the chaos. .

The most feared death in the world is the gods and Buddhas of the heavens!When reincarnation is shattered is the only time to transcend reincarnation!The breakthrough of detaching from reincarnation has the end of chaotic pure man!They also have to be like Pan Gu, but this time no one has the possibility of cheating the world, so they can only set up banners to fight.

The Pure Land of Chaos is the place where all the innate gods were born!

When Tian Wuxin looked up at the sky again, he couldn't help sneering: Is reincarnation really so easy to break through?Breaking through chaos is just the sad end of jumping from one cage to another, which is also reincarnation!Instead of spending time with you guys.It's better to follow Master honestly and listen to the Taoist voice!

When Tian Wuxin thought of this, he broke away from the restriction of the world's five rankings in one step, and returned to his mother world to be one with that thought!

Tian Wuxin's deity has finally returned to her mother!But he didn't cause any reaction from heaven and earth, because he is now a monk standing in front of He Dao with three cuts of humanity!

The original intention of Humane Three Cuts is actually to cut off volume!But the amount is endless, and it is infinite to cut off the endless amount!That is no longer the three cuts of the human way, but the boundless cut of the way.

When will it be the end, no one knows.At least it really reached the Tao!

Zai Tianwuxin believes that what his master has realized is the real Tao, what is the unity of the Tao, and what is the myriad ranks of the gods and spirits of the heavens.It's just to set up a cage for yourself to imprison yourself with hope.

There is no end to the road, and there is no limit to cutting the road!

To cut the way is to cut the amount!

If there is no pure heart of seeking Tao, no matter who it is, it will collapse in the end if it continues so infinitely!

The pursuit of eternal life is also a way, and it must be broken through to infinity, instead of jumping from one cage to another!

It took only a blink of an eye for Tian Wuxin and Yan Buhui to complete a sublimation of Dao!

After Tian Wuxin watched Yan Buhui lead the team to the battlefield outside the sky, he walked towards Xiangxuehai on foot. He was going to meet his master and go fishing with his master.

It is a living Tao, and if you do not worship such a living treasure, it is a lost treasure.

After the Tao of Yan Buhui sublimated.He is no longer worried that Yan will not return, unless the reincarnation is shattered, the gods and immortals can only suppress her.But do they have time to ignore an ant?

After Tian Wuxin came to Xiangxue Sea, he still saw his master fishing intently.

Zhi Rou built a small pavilion next to it.If you feel that your husband is cold, you can build a fire next to him and add some clothes for him.If you feel that he is bored, you can play the piano and play songs in the pavilion, or talk with him beside him.

He hasn't opened his mouth a few times in hundreds of years just sitting here, but Rouge can feel her husband's heart!

The Tao that the husband perceives is not her Tao.She is happy for her husband.Her husband is her way!He is here, the Dao is here, and he will destroy the Dao!

Rouge sees the sky and comes inadvertently.He quickly made tea and entertained him.

"Wuxin, sit down, your master seems to be catching a big fish today." Zhi Yan laughed as if feeling something, she could sense the changes that Hua Feixue had undergone in the ethereal realm!

Tian Wuxin patted her head in embarrassment and said: From today onwards, I'm here to rub the Tao, Master won't drive me away, even if my wife wants to kick me out, I will still stick to Master's side.From now on, Mistress will not be able to speak nasty words in Master's ear.

Rouge blushed a little, and quickly changed the topic and said: Come on, this tea is made with the petals of Saussurea japonica and the leaves of the green blood tree. Drinking it while it is hot will have an indescribably sweetness.It is my latest scented tea, try it!

"Hehe, if I knew that pig often came to miso tea, then I would be lucky in the future." Tian Wuxin sat down on the ground.

Drinking tea and listening to piano music, Tian Wuxin's heart suddenly felt that the world became quiet, and there was only the breeze blowing the mountains and rivers in the world.

The sound of running water ding-dong, and the breeze passing through the road has traces!

In Hua Feixue's ethereal realm...

"Boundless? So that's it, I'm impatient! The way is endless, I'm just wasting endless time sitting here, I have my family and my life, and it's just the way of nothingness .It seems that Taishang has already gone a long way on the road of infinity, and I am just at the beginning! The world of mortals trains the mind, and the Taishang forgets feelings! Feel the immeasurable in the amount, and forget the infinity that you feel in the infinity!"

"Love is a kind of quantity without quality, and it is boundless! Forget about quality, it is love! So that's it! What a great Wangqing, I will borrow your way today, and I will stop and talk about it when I have a destiny in the future!" Hua Fei Xue laughed wildly in the ethereal realm, like a fierce tiger breaking through its cage, that kind of laughter was a roar to the Tao!

The amount is endless, and the prison is infinite.Not cutting it all out is like jumping from one cage to another bigger cage.As long as there is a pure heart of seeking the Tao, the infinite number is just a quantity, and there is always an end to the quantity!

While Hua Feixue roared at Dao in the Ethereal Realm, there was a cracking sound from his body!He is about to complete the second Nirvana nirvana rebirth!

When Hua Feixue was about to be reborn in the fire again, Tian Wuxin came to Dao, which made him complete the sublimation of Dao again, and couldn't help saying excitedly:

"That's how it is! Once Nirvana is nirvana, it will be cut once! Infinite Nirvana, anyone will go crazy! But there is a limit to infinity, as long as you maintain a pure heart, the amount will always be cut off!"

At the same time, Yan Buhui had been waiting for an unknown amount of time on the outer battlefield, and the monks from the Dragon's Back Alliance finally arrived.

Under this future, no one has the concept of time! (To be continued..)

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