There is no wind in the middle of the night, and mosquitoes are raging in the old forest.

Beside Hua Feixue was a wild and murderous horse king, and even the beasts that hunted for food at night in the mountains avoided the group of people.

Po Jun is worthy of being the king of horses among the unicorn unicorns, and the hiding places he found are so hidden that even ordinary practitioners find it difficult to find their hiding places.

This is an underground world, and the entrance is a waterfall.

Hua Feixue felt that the air here was very special, very lively!The pig was naive but horrified and said: Reiki!There is such a strong aura in this crypt!

Spiritual energy is everywhere, but it is relatively rare, and it needs to be breathed out to absorb the spiritual energy. After cultivating, low-level monks can refine it into a breath of true energy and store it in the dantian.

The aura of the outer world is of little use to a sword cultivator at all. A sword cultivator who cultivates by absorbing the aura of the outer world is not a pure sword cultivator.

Authentic sword cultivators cultivate a breath of true qi or true energy through the operation of the inner universe, and this kind of power cultivated in the inner universe can often exert powerful explosive and destructive power.

The human body is an inner universe!The inner universe of the human body is divided into three parts: Jing, Qi, and Shen!

The three realms of the world have a common concept: Qi is the foundation of the world.

It's just that Kendo's concept of heaven and earth is that the gods of the inner universe are the sky, the spirit is the earth, and the spirit is the man!

The first level of cultivation is the three-point return to the original. Before one breath of vitality is cultivated, all that is cultivated is true energy.There are three levels of three-point return to the original: three-point, hold one, and return to the original.

One-third of the level can only cultivate a breath of true energy in the body, and when it reaches the hug one, it is three points of hugging and transforming into one, training a mouthful of true energy, and reaching the state of returning to the original, it is three points of returning to the original, and cultivating a breath of vitality!

At the second stage of comprehension, the three ways of the world began to embark on the way of comprehension with different concepts.

Hua Feixue ignored Zhu Tianzhen who was greedily absorbing the rich aura of the underground world.

Mawang is a born and raised spirit beast, and the aura of heaven and earth is its staple food and nutrition!So there are not many people in the world who can afford Ma Wang.

The little girl didn't close her eyes all night, now that she was safe, she fell asleep on Hua Feixue's lap.Hua Feixue asked Zhu Tianzhen to find a pile of hay and lay out a straw mat, and carried the little girl onto the straw mat.

Feeling that the little girl was sleeping so soundly, Hua Feixue also smiled, letting her bump and drift with him along the way was really hard for her.

After setting up the little girl, Hua Feixue sat quietly by a small pool in the underground world, staring at a jade slip in her hand.

This jade slip had automatically appeared in his hands after he had figured everything out the night before the sloughing dragon list, as if it had been entrusted to him by heaven and earth.

] Later, Hua Tianzhu told him that this was the Jade Slip of a Shedding Dragon!As long as the people who are on the sloughing dragon list will have a sloughing dragon jade slip that symbolizes their status!Because he is a sword cultivator, heaven and earth will not give him any rewards!

There is no innate yuan root reward, and there is no pure heaven and earth aura released from the jade slips.

Each sloughing dragon jade slip has a natural transmission circle, and there will be a steady stream of heaven and earth spiritual energy transported from an unknown time and space.

The sloughing dragon list has just come into the world, and those who are on the list are nothing. In the next 1000 years, there will be infinite killings, and the sloughing dragon jade slips will continue to change hands.If a sword cultivator is killed, the dragon transformation list will give double rewards!

"The one millionth place? Hey, I have to be in the top 100. How can a swordsman be qualified to be a swordsman without the will to move forward?" Hua Feixue put away the slip of the dragon jade slip. , murmured with a smile.

Hua Feixue took out an inheritance jade slip, which was passed to him by Hua Tianzhu.Apart from this jade slip, Hua Tianzhu didn't pass him anything else, including the sword!

Now he doesn't have a suitable sword in his hand. As long as the four-phase sword is made of ordinary materials, it will not be able to withstand the powerful explosive force and will be shattered.

Find it yourself if you don't have a sword.Hua Feixue smiled slightly, and immersed her spiritual consciousness into this inheritance jade slip.

He started to learn sword.The first basic inheritance he learned has nine basic sword chapters, and the first sword chapter is the sword dial chapter!

It is said that this chapter of the basic sword chapter was written by Hua Tianzhu's master himself!Where is this master's school? Hua Tianzhu didn't tell him, but said lightly that she would meet in Jianghu by fate.

But this sect has a name: Imperial Sword Sect!

Pull the sword chapter?Why draw the sword?The sword is not drawn casually, without the purpose and motivation of drawing the sword, the sword drawn cannot kill the enemy!

Before the sword cultivator draws his sword, he can be like a commoner in the city, or a savage in the mountains.As soon as the sword is drawn, the mountains and rivers will be shocked!

The Sword Pulling Chapter is a peerless sword chapter for training the four-phase transformation sword and how to practice the instantaneous burst of power.It needs to combine the spirit and the divine sword instantly and draw the sword out. At the moment when the sword is drawn out, it is necessary to pursue the instant explosive power of the sword!

The momentum will also explode with the power, so as to shock the enemy instantly.

Before the Jing Qi Divine Sword is brewed to become one, pulling the sword is just pulling the sword!

Hua Feixue just stood quietly by the pool, and he kept reminiscing about the perfect moment of Four-Phase Transformation Sword before!Only when he finds that feeling will he draw the sword, otherwise he will never draw the sword!

I can't even pull out the sword, how can I practice with the sword?

Zhu Tianzhen looked at Hua Feixue sitting by the pool in a daze, and felt that the young man was sometimes so quiet that people felt bored, so he ignored Hua Feixue and fell asleep with his legs upside down.But Ma Wang Pojun felt something, quietly came to Hua Feixue's side and lay down, closed his eyes and quietly felt the change of Hua Feixue's aura!

Hua Feixue's breath became extremely calm at this moment!It makes people feel that his world is gradually disappearing!

quiet!very quiet!null!Very empty!

But there is something missing, this kind of stillness and emptiness makes people feel suffocated, as if something is brewing and about to explode, but there is just a lack of introduction!

At this moment, Ma Wang Pojun seemed to have noticed something, staring at the water!No one noticed that there was a murderous intention underwater!A group of giant snakes that had decomposed into half dragons wandered out of a dark channel at the bottom of the pool like ghosts.

This is one of the killers of the underwater world: the scorpion snake!

The scorpion snake is a kind of spiritual beast, between living things and spirits, it lives by sucking the blood of essence, it is ferocious by nature, and behaves strangely.

Hua Feixue on the shore was engrossed in the realm of searching for the Four-Phase Transformation Sword. His sixth sense suddenly sensed the abnormality underwater, and he knew that there was an unknown crisis coming up underwater. His instinct told He ran away immediately, but he firmly nailed himself in place!

At this moment, he finally knew what he lacked in drawing his sword: motivation!

If you draw the sword without motivation, you will not go all out, and drawing the sword is not drawing the sword.

This is the basic skill of Yujianmen to be unrivaled in the world!

If you don't practice the Fa and don't practice Qigong, you'll get old!

Ma Wang Pojun noticed that Hua Feixue was restless, so he knew that the new owner was also aware of the danger, but he was struggling whether to escape.

But at this moment, even the sleeping Zhu Tianzhen woke up, and was about to scream and run away, but Ma Wang Pojun glared at it!Zhu Tianzheng took a look at Hua Feixue, knowing what happened, without saying a word, he picked up the little girl who was still sleeping and fled out of the cave, yelling in his heart: The one who voluntarily suffers from the kitchen knife is a lunatic.

"It's close!" Hua Feixue felt that the horrifying sense of crisis was about to break through the level!He is not not afraid of death, but he knows that if he shrinks back this time, there will be shadows in his heart, and he doesn't know when he will be able to practice the sword!Under the crisis is the most direct and effective way for the potential to explode.It is also the most dangerous!

Even Po Jun's mane stood on end!It is not afraid of a group of snakes, but it is not a group, but tens of thousands!The blackness at the bottom of the pool quickly surged up!

Right now is the most chaotic moment for Hua Feixue. He is afraid and struggling, because he has too many obsessions in his heart that he cannot let go of!He was afraid that he would never miss him after death!

I thought that everything could be buried deeply, but when I faced the choice of life and death again, it resurfaced.

"If you are persistent and don't have the corresponding ability to possess it, what's the use? It's better to die than to survive!" Hua Feixue suddenly figured it out. Snake, Hua Feixue grinned and said, "Come on!"

At this moment, he found the feeling of the moment of the four-phase transformation sword again!

At this moment, he was fully aware of his potential and completed the four-phase transformation sword in a waking state!The innate thunder root hidden in Undead Jie's body was aroused, and Hua Feixue finally cultivated the first ray of true energy: the energy of thunder's breath!

After cultivating true qi, he took another small step forward on the way of comprehension.

After the gas in the four phases is transformed into the gas of thunder breath, the four phases of the sword are instantly completed!

The sword in Hua Feixue's hand was finally unsheathed!That is a three-foot wooden stick!

At this moment, Po Jun felt that Hua Feixue's eyes opened like a god of anger!

Hua Feixue's eruption contained some heaven's wrath!He is the god of this side!

With a sword drawn, the mountains and rivers were broken in anger!

The snake that had jumped in mid-air suddenly felt a wave of wrath descending before it even got close to Hua Feixue!All living beings in the world have an innate fear of the wrath of the sky, and all living beings will be destroyed when the sky is angry!

This is the moment when the sword in Hua Feixue's hand draws a beautiful arc, and thousands of thunder lights pour out, with a trace of indestructible sword intent in the thunder light!

Do not drink the enemy's blood will not die!

After thousands of thunder lights with Immortal Swordsmen blasted into the snake group, it was like a thunderstorm bursting!In an instant, thunder roared, blood mist exploded!

This thunder light is also called sword energy!

This sword qi emptied Hua Feixue's spirit! , After swiping the sword, he stopped as much as he could, and he couldn't swing the second sword again!

Smelling the blood in the air, the instinct of immortality was triggered, and Hua Feixue fell limply on the ground panting, but his body was greedily swallowing the essence of the blood mist in the air!

This is the instinct possessed by the undead body, and it can be triggered automatically if the conditions are sufficient!

Although Hua Feixue felt tired physically and mentally, he could clearly feel that his spirit had undergone a qualitative change, it seemed to be a little bit stronger.The undead body has the innate characteristics of being strong through the ages!The Immortal Sword Soul is also strong through battles!

All living things have soul and flesh.The Immortal Body was sucking the essence in the blood mist, and the Immortal Sword Soul was also sucking the snake soul that hadn't dissipated after death.These absorptions into the body are not absorbed directly, but are repeatedly ground in the yin and yang grinding discs of the spirit and the flesh, until all impurities are removed, leaving a wisp of the most spiritual 'jing blood' and 'jing soul',

Hua Feixue knew that this wisp of blood and soul was not for him to absorb, it was used to conceive the sword!In the Jade Slips inherited from Hua Tianzhu, there is the third peerless secret book of the Hua family: Yin-Yang Yujian!

Yin and Yang are relative, not absolute!The spirit is yin, and the flesh is yang!The immortal sword soul is yin, and the immortal body is yang!

The ray of blood and soul that was sacrificed by the Immortal Body and the Immortal Sword Soul is used to cultivate swords!

Hua Feixue had a sword in her heart, but she didn't have a sword in her hand.He didn't want to raise a sword casually, but now that he didn't have a good sword in his hand, it was indeed a headache!

The wooden stick that was temporarily used as a sword became powder again.

The dawn breaks through the dawn, the silence in the mountains and forests is broken by every bird song, dewdrops drip from the leaves, and ants and insects walk through the grass...

The little girl and Zhu Tianzhen were still lying soundly asleep on the haystack, while Po Jun knelt beside Hua Feixue and fell asleep.Po Jun likes the immortal will and the trace of sky wrath in the immortal sword soul!

Hua Feixue was also sleepy, she didn't fall asleep completely, and was in a state of trance, half asleep and half awake.The Immortal Sword Soul, Immortal Tribulation Body, and Innate Thunder Root form an inner universe that operates with each other, and Jing, Qi, and God are continuously bred in the inner universe!

This breath is the breath of thunder.

This is the orthodox path of penance in kendo, there are no shortcuts!Those who take shortcuts are not authentic sword cultivators.

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