Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 2 Breaking Chess with Gu

Looking at the broken silver that the little girl was holding in both hands, the old man narrowed his eyes and was about to say something.

Before the old man could speak, Hua Feixue propped up her body and said with difficulty: "Girl, come back. Let's go."

"No. Master, you are seriously injured!" the little girl said stubbornly.Looking at the little girl's piercing eyes, Hua Feixue felt a little sad, so she could only pat Po Jun's horse's head, endured the pain of the tumbling pieces of internal organs, and said hoarsely: "Take it away!"

Po Jun was also instinctively jealous of the old man who suddenly appeared on the way.How could there be people in this ghost place?Moreover, how could there be such a clean mountain path in this ghost place?

Po Jun didn't allow the little girl to talk too much, he swung her back by the collar in his mouth, and threw the little girl onto the saddle.

The little girl quit immediately, crying and shouting: "Stinky horse, you are bad, you are not a good horse!"

Po Jun ignored the little girl and continued to walk forward with difficulty.Although aimless, you have to stay away from that old man.The feeling of this old man is too weird.

Looking at the figure of Hua Feixue and his party going away, the old ghost picking stars couldn't help but chuckled, and murmured: "This kid is lucky, he found a master to make a furnace to break the cauldron, such a good seedling, we can't waste it gone."

Saying that, the old ghost picking stars continued to walk along the hill, he still had some things to arrange.

Outside the mountains surrounded by thick fog, there was a young man who came from the imperial treasure. This young man hesitated a bit: "Why is there a fog? This fog is so weird."

Then the young man looked at the dragon-hunting compass in his hand. In order to get the reward on the list of sloughing dragons, the young man gritted his teeth and decided to fight. He rushed into the fog-shrouded mountains with the magic weapon.

There are many other people who came here after the same hunt as this young man and hesitated for a while, and they all came from all directions.

It is the desire of many monks to obtain an innate spiritual root, especially the low-level monks who are below the level of self-cultivation.The three-point return to the original realm is the starting point and the most critical cornerstone for monks!

There is a big difference between monks with innate spiritual roots and monks without innate spiritual roots!A monk with innate spiritual roots can practice for thousands of miles, and his potential is stronger than that of monks without innate spiritual roots!

In addition to innate spiritual roots, there are also endless pure spiritual energy as rewards for cultivation!This is irresistible for any sect!

Cultivators who have been on the sloughing dragon list but have no background will undoubtedly become the prey of the world's sects!

"What does this old ghost want to do?" The silver-haired girl who was trying her best stood outside the clouds and mist mountains, watching the young monks who broke into the mist one after another, and then found it interesting, and couldn't help smiling: "Interesting, so you also Want to raise Gu. Hehe, this is a smart move, but unfortunately, you are still human."

The little girl raised her brows suddenly, and smiled, and said, "My first Gu is raised. It should be very interesting!"

The girl disappeared into the mountains again, as if she had never appeared in this world.

In another corner of the mountains, He Liancheng was looking at the senior brother in front of him in panic. How could he not believe this, this is the senior brother he has always respected!No, now he is a devil!

A group of juniors were terrified when they found that Li Zigan was covered in dragon scales. Before they could react, Li Zigan made a move. The two golden sloughed dragon seals turned into two evil golden dragons and charged over. The souls of all the juniors were devoured! .

Just leave Helian as one!Li Zigan suddenly didn't want to kill this little junior brother.

"It's such a pity that Junior Sister also died. It's so rare to come out to perform missions together, why don't you let me enjoy it?" Li Zigan licked his tongue, looked sideways at He Liancheng and said, he looked down on him more and more This little junior was so frightened that he fell limp to the ground.

"Yo, scared to pee!"

Two golden dragons full of evil aura approached Heliancheng!At this moment, He Liancheng realized that he didn't want to die, even if he was a lowly puppy, he wanted to live, and he didn't care about any hatred or hatred.

Li Zigan sniffed the smell of sao in the air, and felt that it was the most comfortable smell in the world.

He Liancheng was so frightened that he lost control of his bladder and bowels, he even forgot how to beg for mercy, he was only terrified.He has been cultivating for 18 years, and he has never killed a chicken.

The senior brother from the same school died in front of him in an instant, and the person who shot was still his senior senior brother.

Looking at Li Zigan who was getting closer and closer, He Liancheng could only shake his body and said in a trembling voice: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I don't want to die..."

"Kill you? I'm jealous that Master spoiled a gifted trash for 18 years, but didn't pay attention to me. So, I will keep you as a trash!" Li Zigan just finished speaking, two little golden dragons in Helian City Once the limbs were hinged, Heliancheng's limbs were severed!

Heliancheng's horrific cry broke the tranquility of the night sky and echoed in the mountains and fields.

Li Zigan closed his eyes and enjoyed He Liancheng's screams. The 18 years of jealousy and the hatred of seizing love were all released in this instant. This pleasure is really incomparable.Li Zigan felt that he fell in love with this kind of pleasure!

Afterwards, Li Zigan thought of the old Taoist priest who tempted him to practice this divine scripture. He was actually tempted to betray the teacher and recognize him as his master. He thought this Taoist priest was really interesting.

"Master? When he completes the ten thousand dragons ascending evil towards me, it's not certain who is the master!" Li Zigan sneered and left.

In Li Zigan's hand, there was also a celestial charm.

As for the life and death of He Liancheng, Li Zigan didn't care about it. Anyway, he would let Gao Antang blame Hua Feixue for the deaths of these juniors, and it would be perfect to let him bear the infamy of a demon.

He Liancheng was struggling painfully on the ground. He didn't want to die, so he didn't dare to let himself pass out. At this moment, he hated, hated the sky, hated the earth, hated Hua Feixue, and hated Li Zigan.

When there was no one around, He Liancheng cried bitterly at Lu Ying's pile of rotten flesh, and howled to the sky: Why, God, why are you doing this!Give me back, give me back my junior sister, give me back my hands and feet, I don't want to die!

The only response to him was the howling of wolves!The smell of blood here attracts wild wolves looking for food around!

Looking at the pair of green eyes that were getting closer and closer, He Liancheng was terrified again, and cried out to the wolves: "Don't come here. Don't come here, let me go..."

How can the hungry beasts in the barren mountains understand human language?

Helian watched in horror as his severed limbs were torn apart by the hungry wolves, but he was too frightened to scream!

Nothing but fear, nothing but despair.

At this moment, an old Taoist appeared behind the wolves. Seeing this old Taoist, He Liancheng saw a savior in despair.

The old man picked up the wolf with one hand, and crushed the wolf's head casually with one hand.The pack of wolves didn't feel any danger from the old man, but they were shocked by the tragic death of the leader wolf, and were about to run away with their tails between their legs, when the old man's eyes frightened the pack of wolves.

The wolves stood there trembling in terror.

"Help me, save me, I'm willing to do anything." He Liancheng was overjoyed to overcome his fear, and even lost his mind a little. This kind of ups and downs of life and death happened so suddenly, it's not something ordinary people can bear.

"Save you?" The Taoist seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world, so he walked through the pack of wolves to Helian City and squatted down, asking, "Why? What can you do?"

In order to survive, He Liancheng no longer had normal reason, and replied in a nonchalant manner: "I can help you kill, I can do anything, I can kill, I can kill everyone in the world."

The Taoist priest let He Liancheng plead at his feet for a while, and then said: "Okay, I will give you a chance to test, kill your senior brother, and slaughter your teacher. Can you do it? "

He Liancheng struggled, he could destroy the whole world, but he didn't dare to kill his teacher!But he wanted to live again, he hated, he was angry, he resented!

"Kill Li Zigan, heh, heh heh." He Liancheng smirked, but couldn't answer the Taoist priest.

Seeing that He Liancheng didn't answer, the old Taoist stood up and said, "Waste is only worthy of being food for wild beasts."

After finishing speaking, the Taoist priest gradually drifted away.The pack of wolves finally resumed their actions, their eyes involuntarily flashed fiercely, they turned their heads and began to bite He Liancheng's body, tearing out even the intestines!

"I am willing, I am willing to do anything!" He Liancheng finally howled, no one would care about the blood and tears in his eyes, let alone the Taoist priest.

The pack of wolves finally stopped, trembling in place again.

"Very good!" The old Taoist turned his head and sprinkled it casually, and the two dolls fell out of his hand, and turned into two weird boys when they fell to the ground.

"No. [-], No. [-], help him transform a pair of blood wolf monsters. This group of beasts should also transform, and they will be his minions in the future." The old Taoist said strangely.

After the two seemingly dull boys received the order, their eyes lit up.

"Hey, when I don't come back to break the game, you guys would rather lie in the coffin and pretend to be dead for thousands of years. Now that I'm back to break the game, all of you come out to scatter chess pieces all over the world. Is luck so contentious? Chess, I will raise Gu."

"Hey, breaking chess with Gu, I like it!"

No one can hear the old Taoist muttering to himself, and even the sky cannot perceive the existence of this old Taoist.

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