
Hua Feixue was waiting calmly.But his heart is not as calm as his surface, he can't be calm!

When the first monks gathered at this intersection, Hua Feixue let out a long sigh of relief. What should come will always come. Under the heavens, all living beings are ants. Resisting toys.

Hua Feixue pressed one hand on the handle.But the blood in the body is overwhelming!Those few strikes and five thunder sword spells once again made him feel the self-mutilation pain of using a big kill beyond the boundary.

He doesn't have time to recuperate now, he will feel relieved only when he sees the little girl.As for that pig, he has never been worried. If everyone in the world is dead, it will be absolutely fine.

In the end, all the living monks who were introduced into this misty area by the old monster who picked up the stars gathered at the intersection, and the countless trails disappeared!

Everyone looked at Hua Feixue.

Hua Feixue faced the crowd of ten thousand people, without the slightest displeasure, every breath of Po Jun's breath was filled with blood mist!Po Jun seemed very excited, and a fighting spirit that could not be suppressed was stirring in his body.It was born to be the king of war horses born for battle!

These ten thousand monks stood in front of the two forked roads.

A young girl in a red robe led hundreds of people to ten feet in front of Hua Feixue, pointed at Hua Feixue and snorted coldly: "I don't care who you are, I don't care about the old monster who led us to this ghost place Who is it? Afterwards, there will be a peerless expert in his sect to ask him for an explanation. But you are damned, that old monster’s intentions are too obvious! I took a group of juniors to go out to search for the ancient relics, but because of this, the old monster led me here Come to hell! I brought out a thousand fellow disciples, and now there are less than five hundred left, you really deserve to die!"

Hua Feixue felt a dragon's breath lurking in the red-robed woman's body, it was the breath of the sloughing dragon seal!This girl is strong!

Hua Feixue quietly listened to the young girl's roar.

That's right, how many of the monks killed by him were introduced here inexplicably like this girl, and everyone has the right to survive.Since that old monster has set the rules of survival, if he doesn't obey or struggle, he can only wait for death!

However, I also have the right to survive, and no one can exploit it!This is a law of survival, but also a moral contradiction.

Immediately afterwards, a few more absolutely strong young men came out, some were solo travelers, and some were talented young men from small sects who traveled abroad. Without exception, all of these people had the cultivation talent that shocked the list of slender dragons!

Finally, Hua Feixue's eyes fell on Yun Yang.Facing so many monks, he hid in Yunyang's embrace like a frightened kitten.If there is any disturbance, she will collapse, Yun Yang is afraid that she will be stimulated even a little bit.

As if he hadn't struggled out of the stimulation that Yun Yang had brought him before, he knew that he was impatient and his actions were a bit too much, but he knew that the time God left for him was not much.

Not far from Yunyang, a young sword cultivator Yujian of Immortal Sword Style was floating in the sky. After noticing Hua Feixue's gaze, Li Delong shrugged his shoulders. It is not his style to take advantage of the situation and take advantage of it.He considers himself greedy, but he always thinks he gets it in a right way.

Those who didn't want to fish in troubled waters all stood aside alone, and there were probably only a dozen or so of them.Hua Feixue asked Po Jun to remember these people. If they survived the catastrophe and met in the future, they might not be unable to become friends.

Seeing that Hua Feixue didn't pay attention to their scolding and accusations, these cultivators became even more angry, because all of their classmates, relatives and friends died in this ghost place.But they dare not point to the real culprit.

Hua Feixue wasn't wronged, but she didn't want to take the big pot down. Everyone has the right to struggle for survival!No one is born to die.

At this moment, a phantom appeared in the sky, it was the old demon who picked up the stars.

The star picking old demon is like a god coming to the mortal world, looking down at all the beings who are as low as ants.Then a sly laugh penetrated into the souls of all the monks, and in their minds, the sound of a blowing wind resounded through everyone's consciousness, saying:

"Hey, listen up. You don't need to know who I am, and you don't need to know why I abducted you to this place. It's my playground. I only give you two ways, the first If you kill Hua Feixue, or if Hua Feixue kills all of you, the safe passage on the left will be opened automatically. Second, Hua Feixue chooses the road on the right, which is the way of death. The chance of passing alive is only one in [-], if he passes, everyone will be transferred back to their respective sects, and he will get my reward! This decision is in your hands, hehe, it depends."

The voice disappeared, Hua Feixue fell silent, and Po Jun was angry.Hua Feixue patted his forehead, and said: "Jie Bubu, who made us countless times weaker than him now, there is no room for resistance."He likes to play, and we will play with him until the end.

"It's just that I really can't bear to kill all these young geniuses. They have nothing to do with me at all! They are just hindered by the survival rules set by that old monster." Hua Feixue felt the eyes of these monks looking over, Said calmly!

Hua Feixue faced the monks and said, "I will choose the path on the right."

Hua Feixue's calm at this moment gave people a kind of depression like before the outbreak of the anger of the sky, some monks couldn't help but give way to Po Jun.

Po Jun slowly walked into the crowd.

At this moment, the old demon's voice sounded in everyone's mind, saying: "Whoever kills him, I will reward him with a fairy treasure. Anyone who kills him will be rewarded with a Dao treasure. Such a good show There should be a happy ending, right? Hehe!"

At this moment, everyone was jealous, and their eyes were bloodshot!There was only one thought in their minds: kill him, kill him, kill him!

One of the young immortal cultivators with super talent couldn't resist the temptation of the fairy treasure, and shouted, "This guy is just a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He dare not fight us head-on. His hands are so heavily stained with blood. He's a devil butcher, don't let him go! Kill!"

With a shout, this young cultivator was the first to strike!With the leader, the other monks were also sensational, and those who were greedy showed their magic weapons one after another.

"This is the essence of human nature! Old monster, you won! Let me see the essence of this human nature thoroughly!" After Hua Feixue sneered, the sword was drawn out of its sheath in an instant!

The moment the sword was unsheathed, the monks within a range of several tens of feet were instantly shocked by an aura like the wrath of the sky.This moment is enough for these people to die ten times!

Breaking the army and suddenly running away at the same time, like a speeding meteor piercing through the boundless star field!Apart from being crushed by the bottom, there is nothing to stop Po Jun's destructive charge!

As long as there is a strong killing intent towards him, Hua Feixue's sword will swing towards that place.

There are no innocents here!No victims either!There are only a group of poor wretches who were caught in the urn and killed!

No one has to show mercy to anyone!Po Jun's charge was so fast, it was like a high-speed rolling machine!Anyone who stands in his way will be crushed!

Hua Feixue no longer had the strength to borrow such powerful cheats as the Five Thunder Sword Curse.But the sword in his hand is not vegetarian.

Fast, ruthless, destroy everything!

The star pattern sword is like dragging a thunder dragon, dancing wildly among the crowd of thousands of people!

There are no gorgeous and powerful moves, only the seemingly ordinary Yujian Nine Chapters!The Thunder Breath sword energy was swayed by Hua Feixue like a thunder dragon dancing wildly, roaring all the way, he also forgot how many swords he swung!The arm is numb, and the will is also numb, but the sword in his hand is still chopping melons and vegetables!

In the end, he broke a bloody path and pierced a bloody passage in the sea of ​​people!

At this moment, Hua Feixue was like a Shura from hell who rushed out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

How many monks did he kill?He didn't want to count because he was numb with anger.How should these blood accounts be calculated in the future?

Their wives and children, or relatives and friends, will also continue to seek revenge on themselves.But if you don't kill them yourself, you will be killed yourself!

In order to survive, who would care about these problems?But those who take revenge are innocent, they are wrong but deserve to die.

quiet!The world is quiet!Looking at the pieces of minced meat and the bloody mist in front of them, no one could say a word.

Even if there were ants all over the place, none of the monks present could crush them in an instant. If there were chickens and dogs everywhere, they couldn't bear it either.Every monk must be stained with blood, but it is not a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, some monks began to vomit, and this feeling of nausea and vomiting quickly spread!

"Devil, devil...You butcher, you will be killed by thousands of people! You hell Shura..." The genius girl of Sanqing Daozong finally pointed at Hua Feixue and cursed tremblingly. Describe the words of the blind man.

A huge golden dragon formed above Hua Feixue's head!He didn't know how many monks on the Slough Dragon List he had killed, maybe ten, maybe a hundred!

The huge golden dragon was formed by the sloughing dragon seals of these monks after their death!A phantom of a golden dragon pillar appeared in the sky!

The sloughing dragon list was alarmed, an eye appeared on the golden dragon pillar and opened, then disappeared again!

It confirmed that the victor who surprised him was a swordsman, so all rewards became punishments.

The huge golden dragon turned into a black dragon of catastrophe, and without Hua Feixue's resistance, it submerged into his body!

In just an instant, a powerful shock wave blasted out of his body!

Ji Mie Jian Tong opened his eyes automatically, and shot out an unrivaled sword intent to collide with the black dragon of catastrophe!

This extinction sword intent sealed the huge black dragon of catastrophe, and confined it within Hua Feixue's body!Every drop of blood in Hua Feixue's body is boiling, this black dragon of catastrophe can sing for him all the way to breaking through the second realm of comprehension!

But catastrophe is not easy to absorb, and ordinary people will die when catastrophe enters the body!

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