Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 24 Blood Hair Dance, Shura Shang

Even Nie Yu was moved when he saw Hua Feixue's arms.Because both of his arms are wrapped with bandages, and the bandages are full of runes.No one could understand these runes, but as the straps came off, a pair of cracked arms were revealed!

Dao hurt!This is a moral injury!

Hua Feixue's wounds had already begun to spread.The stronger it is, the faster the damage will spread.Moreover, the stronger the force used, the more the damage will spread.So when Hua Feixue left Bailing City, she sealed her body.

This is Shura Dao's 'Blood Demon Self-proclaimed'!The Gorefiend claimed to be able to temporarily seal the heavenly sentencing in his body.Dao injury is a kind of sentencing from heaven!Hua Feixue's eyes were also sealed by Nirvana Jiantong using the Gorefiend's self-proclaimed "Taishang Shenlei" sent down from the sky.

It is possible to prolong life by using the blood demon self-proclaimed, but the power will be weak. The more the blood demon self-proclaimed, the weaker the power will be!Hua Feixue had only sealed his eyes.And finally the arms!The injury spread to his hands!

If the seal is lifted, the damage will continue to spread, but the strength can be brought to the extreme!

The dense cracks in these hands made people shiver in the back of their hearts!

Sensing Nie Yu's gaze, Hua Feixue smiled peacefully: You only need to regard me as an opponent or as my friend, and you don't need to regard me as a poor dying person.

"Very good! You will be the fourth man I have to face up to." Nie Yu said, the taste in her tone changed.

Hua Feixue showed his arms full of scars. Not many people thought he was pitiful, but they felt a kind of joy of being sent by the heavens, and the murderous intention towards Hua Feixue also changed, and gradually developed a feeling of wanting to kill Hua Feixue. Its the pleasure of massacring and then going fast.

The pleasure of killing poor people can only be released through actions.

"Kill this devil! He was sent by heaven a long time ago, and he is not far from death. Let's send him a ride!" Finally, someone couldn't help but strike again!Others were also provoked by this kind of emotion to enjoy the pleasure of killing to their heart's content. This kind of pleasure needs a point of relief and cannot be suppressed!

"Kill this monster!"

"The old man wants to do justice for the sky!"

The torrent of anger that paused for a moment poured down again!This torrent of anger has a little bit more brutal and quick emotions, and it becomes more violent and primitive!This is the purest form of murder!

When the torrent of killing and cruelty descended, Hua Feixue stepped out in one step, and the incarnation of the main elephant transformed into the incarnation of Geng Jinxiang in an instant!Geng Jin masters killing karma, which can make his sword intent more pure!

Countless bloody runes covered the body surface of the Gengjin main elephant incarnation.Condensed into a layer of Shura armor.At the same time, countless Shura runes projected out and condensed a sword formation within a hundred feet of his feet: Shenyou Seven Swords Formation!

Fugue Seven Swords.Seven swords and seven sword intents!After stepping on the bright lamp and entering the Tao, Hua Feixue obtained a stronger inheritance of the Seven Swords of Immortal Journey: the Formation of Seven Swords of Immortal Journey!

With the seven sword intentions as the seven gates, each sword has nine styles, the swords and swords perform together, and the gates and gates grow together.

"Kill!" Hua Feixue roared.Gengjin's roar and Gengjin's extreme speed erupted immediately.Hua Feixue took the sword array and slammed into the crowd of passwords floating between the sky and the earth!These people all wanted him to get what he had in their hands, and they were all looking for a grand excuse to rob him to make him feel justified in robbing him. He was also angry because he was a human being.But anger against the world has been suppressed in his sword!

Turning anger into combat power is a qualified swordsman!

Gengjin Roar is a pure roar of killing intent, Gengjin Speed ​​is a pure explosive speed burst.This is the wrath of the sword.The ultimate rampage of the speed of the sword!There is nothing in the world, only the sword alone: ​​kill!

With the seal on both arms removed, the sword in his hand is like a wild dragon escaping from a cage!No one expected that Hua Feixue would be so strong when fully deployed.

His speed is too fast.So fast that the speed of most monks' imperial weapons can't keep up!Hua Feixue's sudden runaway caught everyone by surprise!But at this time, Kun Fang didn't make a move, he was waiting!

It's raining dumplings in the sky!But the blood pattern sword array under Hua Feixue's feet is like a magic cave, with an instinct of automatic predation!Or it can be said that the phoenix is ​​hungry, and it needs the nourishment of Nirvana. It is a bottomless pit, and it has a tendency to swallow the world and become perfect.

For a moment, this sword array became a big sucker that devours all things!No one can fall to the ground, and after being knocked down, they will all be swallowed by this devil's den.The indestructible sword intent of the sword array completely wiped out the imprints of the outer world in these people's bodies!

After being entered into the body by the immortal sword intent.No one can escape the end of being exploded into blood mist.

There was no screaming, no killing.There is only one repeated picture between heaven and earth!Let people imitate the [-]th floor of hell!

It was those eyes.You can't see the common people, you can't see the color, but it's like a pair of magic eyes that ignore all living beings and pierce the world!Nie Yu will never forget this look!Nie Yu was ignited by Hua Feixue's almost obsessed and crazy fighting intent, which was the most primitive and purest sword intent: live to kill, live to fight!

What pursues the way of forgetting emotions to obtain supreme power, in the face of this primitive and pure sword intent, is a deliberate self-abuse.There is nothing more free and vivid than this state of sword intent!


Nie Yu was ignited by Hua Feixue's sword to ignite the original sword intent that had been restricted by morality!Holding a sword is only for killing, and all the gorgeous rhetoric is a cover-up for the original heart!

Nie Yu also led the Kaitian Sword Formation into the crowd in the sky.Many monks think that the sky is a weak area of ​​Chuan Pure Sword Cultivator!But for the two monstrous sword cultivators who nakedly released their hearts, the sky is just a dish.

The Qiankun knife is more fierce and domineering than the long sword!Nie Yu was no weaker than Hua Feixue in killing.But the aura of the two people is completely opposite, Hua Feixue regards killing as home, and Nie Yu regards killing as if it is a play!

With the addition of Nie Yu, there are fewer and fewer monks in the sky, and many of them shrink back after joining the battle circle, but there is no way to retreat.Because they were imprisoned by Hua Feixue's sword array!

Hate, these two people aroused the anger of many monks who were watching.But Hua Feixue made people gnash their teeth even more!His sword array wouldn't spare even the monks Nie Yu knocked down!

After the ten breaths, there are hundreds of people left in the sky, and all of these people are strong men who have entered the Tao with a lamp!

These powerhouses are all good players who can use one-handed formations, but their magic formations are not as fast as the sword formations.

The sword formation is divided into battle formation and intention formation.The meaning formation is the sword formation that is launched immediately, and the formation is formed out of thin air by the condensed runes of the sword intention!This is the foundation that sword cultivators need to lay at the beginning of the sword array!The Italian formation is also a place where monks are taboo to meet with swordsmen!

With the fierce battle situation, countless pairs of eyes were full of hatred and anger towards Hua Feixue!Especially the existence beyond the light of the light, they can't tolerate a devil running wild under their noses!

Kun Fang shouted a slogan and shot!It's time, what he's waiting for is this moment to make a move, let Hua Feixue push himself into an inexcusable situation. In this life, he will be branded a demon and crooked Luo Yin, and his notoriety will follow this battle. The world knows that there is no room for him in the righteous way of the world, and no one dares to stand up for him!

The Hua family must not dare, and will never do it again! (to be continued..)

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