Now the clans that are offended are not limited to Azure Dragon City.Even the family that waited to see if they could fish in troubled waters was pulled into the water, and many of their disciples who came to watch the play and waited for their actions were all knocked down by Hua Feixue.Except for the masters of Kun Fang's level who escaped, none of them survived.

But Kun Fang and the others who escaped are now also vomiting non-stop!Many knowledgeable monks were horrified to discover that this was the legendary inheritance of the Plague Demon Dao that was lost!

Immediately, the words "Devil's Existence" spread throughout Tianluo Weilu, and the Fenyanghua family also learned about it immediately, and watched the crystal photos of the entire battle!

The Fenyanghua family continued to choose silence.But more people choose to kill Hua Feixue at this moment. This is a very good excuse, everyone wants to get what he has.

That stone heart.

So Yan Qiu Yuluo caught up with Hua Feixue, and dozens of big monks from different families chased after him.Hua Feixue was intercepted again, this time there was really no way out.None of these people will be lower than the level of enlightenment of enlightenment.More than half of them have surpassed the light lamp and entered the Tao to reach the state of breaking the pill and turning into a baby.

Even those cultivators at the enlightenment level are hundreds of times stronger than Hua Feixue, and they are not in the same level circle as Hua Feixue!Every monk here who has entered the realm of enlightenment has an aura that needs Hua Feixue to look up to.

These cultivators who had entered the Dao Enlightenment stage stared at Hua Feixue's Dao wounds like cracks in incomparable disgust.That kind of look is like a nouveau riche pretending to be noble meets a poor scholar who is in trouble!

Feeling these gazes, Hua Feixue was not moved by them.This is the appearance of all living beings, and it cannot convince people in the world to like oneself, nor can it refuse others to hate themselves.

"You evil bastard of the evil way! Now that things have happened, what else do you have to say." One of the cultivators who had attained enlightenment pointed at Hua Feixue and shouted.

"If you can get to this point, who dares to say that the blood on your hands will be much cleaner than mine? Could it be that you are flowers cultivated in a greenhouse? The natural materials and earthly treasures obtained by your sect are mined by you disciples." , or 100% received from others at full price. Or, if I stand there and let you kill me, I am not a devil. That is courting death!" Hua Feixue faced this accusation .Finally asked back.

He doesn't like this kind of person who stands on the shoulders of giants and pretends to be great to himself.

This person is Ming Yan of the Wrath Flame Immortal Sect!He is indeed a pure greenhouse flower that has been cultivated since childhood.It was only now released to practice.Perhaps Mingyan was too stupid and naive, seeing Hua Feixue dare to slander her own sect, she immediately jumped into a rage.

Hua Feixue is happy to talk nonsense with Ming Yan to delay time!At this moment, someone noticed that countless blood-colored runes came out from Hua Feixue's feet!

But they found out a little too late!Hua Feixue unreservedly took out her own trump card, the Inner Space Dome Furnace projected to the outer world, consecrating the space with a radius of ten miles into a formation plate!

Hua Feixue tried the power of the Inner Universe Dome Furnace for the first time, but she did not expect that the Neiyu Dome Furnace's ability to twist hands into tools is so strong!Whatever is convenient.Everything needs a price!After refining the ten-mile spatial sacrifice into a formation plate, Hua Feixue's dao injuries increased by a point, this is unavoidable!

Hua Feixue's action also frightened many people, feeling that this is not real!How can someone twist their hands into a weapon?What's more, it is necessary to refine ten miles of space into a formation plate in one thought!

This formation plate imprisoned everyone!Countless Shura runes swam across the array in an instant, and every moment an object was remelted into a new object: the sword!

Everything happened so fast, it just passed in a breath!A powerful sword formation has been formed in the formation: Flesh and Flesh Sword Grinding!

Array plate is grinding.The sword array is the blade!

Although he was overwhelmed, the great monks who did not transcend the light to enter the Tao took Hua Feixue seriously. Before the absolute strength gap, no matter how strong the talent was, it would only look more pitiful!

"Naughty beast, what do you want to do!" The big monk who surpassed the light and entered the Tao shouted angrily, and even Hua Feixue took the lead.This guy is too weird, you can't give him room to toss!

With one underling, all of them will collectively kill Hua Feixue.There is nothing too much nonsense to say!When the great cultivators massacred Hua Feixue.The flesh and blood sword mill started to turn!The ten miles of space are millstones, and countless sword blades are smashing in the millstones.

This flesh and blood sword grinding made these big monks instantly uncomfortable.It's like falling into a mountain of knives, a sea of ​​fire, or a grinding disc of heaven and earth.But the absolute gap in strength can crush all skills and struggles!Dozens of big monks who surpassed the light and entered the Tao attacked Hua Feixue at the same time. Even if Hua Feixue was in the same realm as them, he would still be beaten into a sieve!

Compared to these big monks, Hua Feixue was so weak that he only had energy that was hard to digest.So at this time, Hua Feixue fell into a kind of madness of extreme pleasure.The moment the flesh and blood sword mill collided with the great monks, it was violently crushed!But in the next moment, the flesh and blood sword mill was refined again.He used a huge amount of energy to fight and consume these powerful men!

This kind of hard-to-right confrontation really makes people feel the thrill of frenzy!Every time Shi Dian grinds flesh and blood, the tortoise on Hua Feixue's body becomes more and more cracked!At this moment, a phantom of a green dragon roared down from the sky, rolling towards Hua Feixue!

This is a green dragon woven by spells, with endless power in its body!This blow directly sank Hua Feixue into a deep pit several feet away. Hua Feixue didn't even have time to sacrifice the formation plate again, and then welcomed the second green dragon phantom.

It was Yan Qiuyu, who had been silent all the time, who made the move.Facing this blow, Hua Feixue mobilized all his strength in an instant, and managed to block it, but was sent flying tens of feet away!

Hua Feixue knew that staying was futile.Can only break through and escape.

"Hmph, just want to sneak away after killing thousands of my disciples, leave them to me!" When Yan Qiuyu was about to strike again, Hua Feixue unleashed his ultimate combat power, and the Inner Universe Vault of Furnace wiped out the backlog at this instant. Thirty percent of the catastrophe was consumed, and a space within tens of miles was raised from the ground, directly smashing at Yan Qiuyu.

When Yan Qiuyu wanted to blow up the land that was falling on him with one move, he found that it had been smelted into a big iron block of Daobao level!Yan Qiusha didn't have time to use the first move before he was smashed by this Taobao-level iron handle that was forged in an instant.

Yan Qiuyu was instantly stunned!

Following a loud noise, many people were smashed onto a distant mountain peak by the huge discus thrown from the ground in an instant.

Not only Yan Qiuboyu was stunned, but the other Yan Bayu and other great powers were also stunned.

If you don't leave at this time, when will you wait?Huafa rode away on a horse.When Yan Qiuyu reacted, Hua Feixue had already fled to nothing!Look at the killers I brought, several more died!Under the mocking eyes of Nuyan Xianzong and other disciples, Yan Mieyu led the crowd to chase away angrily.

But at this time, Hua Feixue didn't have time to get excited, and a round of white moon was suppressed towards Hua Feixue!This moon wheel is a top grade Tao treasure.

As for this round of moon rolling down, Hua Feixue felt a sense of powerlessness!In the end, Hua Feixue decided to fight. Just as she was about to release the projection of the Inner Universe Dome Furnace to condense a piece of space into a formation, she discovered that the moon could restrain the space, and the Inner Universe Dome Furnace could not project it.

If there is no life-saving trick, Hua Feixue will have to be killed on the spot.The other party and Ben didn't treat him as a junior, it was like an elephant crushing an ant.

"The mantis' arm is like a car, and resistance is futile. It is better to die with peace of mind."

This round of the moon has not been completely crushed, but the mountain where Hua Feixue is located is forcibly sunken!Even the air is compressed until it is as hard as steel!Hua Feixue couldn't even move.He doesn't want to die, but wants to make a final struggle!

At this moment, two phantoms roared out from Hua Feixue's body, one python and one wolf!

"Father, take care!"

The voices of a pair of tender children echoed beside Hua Feixue!These two psychic swords are intertwined with each other, condensing into a sword array, sometimes ghosts howl, sometimes corpses and blood seas, sometimes wandering into the sky, and sometimes phoenix screams nine swords!

This formation diagram allowed Hua Feixue to see what she had learned all her life, and then was woven into new things.This array is like a complete world, with eighteen levels of hell and nine levels of heaven!At this moment, Hua Feixue saw many things.

Because Greedy Wolf and Thunder Python are the sword spirits raised by Hua Feixue, they know everything Hua Feixue knows, and the things they comprehend are purer and more miraculous than Hua Feixue's.

This picture of the sword formation was the only and last gift that Tanlang and Lei Mang gave him!This sword array picture gathers all the talents of these two sword spirits and weaves them together, it is the result of interweaving with life!

But in the end, it became an instant and eternal gorgeous firework!

The moment the sword array collided with the moon wheel, the void was shattered, and a thousand miles around became a hole in the void!After a few breaths, the space is automatically repaired. (to be continued..)

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