Without any luck, under the guidance of the gods, there will be no miracles on the ants!

Before Hua Feixue could take these villagers into Huaman Villa, the space of the entire island was imprisoned.Even Hua Feixue felt like falling into the swamp, any struggle to escape would be futile!The power of the inner universe can't explode out of the body!

Hua Feixue was in a hurry, but found that Zhu Xiao was hiding in his sleeve like a frightened kitten.These guys seem to have the power of the Dao, and they are quite happy to bully those who are weaker than them, but when they are in the same realm as them but stronger than them, these little guys The guy shrank.What's more, Moyin Prison will be a peerless demon standing at the pinnacle of He Dao!

Now only these little guys can move, without thinking about it, Hua Feixue transferred a brand to the boss of the little ones, stared at him and said: This is the ancient treasure's tool spirit brand, I will transfer it to the boss. Leave it to you for the time being, and remove everyone.Only you can move now!They will all be your people, and it is your mission to protect them!

The small eyes looked at Hua Feixue with a bit of grievance.It feels that this guy's tone of voice is too harsh at this time, and he doesn't like it.But when they heard that this was the mission, the little ones went to the chase again!That's right, even if they haven't rewashed their blood, they are still the sub-city of Tianhuang Leicheng, and Tianhuang Leicheng was refined by the mother with her own bones, they are not subjects but also compatriots.Think again about future investments!A few little guys unceremoniously took over Huaman Villa.

If you want a few naughty kids to learn how to drive a train, you have to hit it a thousand times before you can figure out the way!

The dead silence was finally broken, and countless figures came out of the sea!It is still Thunder Demon who takes the lead.

Every Thunder Devil has a wave left!They betrayed their ancestors and were cursed by their blood. They could not leave the water of this sea for the rest of their lives.As long as one maintains a slight connection with this sea, one can absorb the lightning elemental power from the sea water.Leaving the water of this sea, they are like fish leaving the shore!

Thousands of thunder demons have the strength of enlightenment and above!The aura they exuded gathered together to form an impenetrable aura forbidden area: Thunder and Lightning Plague Area!

"The devil's plague from the Prison Demon Way! Damn it!" Hua Feixue's heart turned cold again. The plague demon way uses plague.There is still a trace of humanity left, so that there is a way to understand it.And the devil's plague, which has exterminated humanity, will cause people to self-mutilate or eat themselves!Even Hua Feixue has taboos about this thing, so it can't be infected!

The entire island was imprisoned by the Thunder and Lightning Plague Domain.Zhu Xiao also knew that it was not a fun thing, and after fumbling around, they finally found the way, and began to collect them one by one into Huaman Villa.Because they are not descendants of Shura Dao, there are many restrictions on using them.

Looking at the Lei Moren in the sky, the village chief finally recognized an acquaintance.That's his father!His father abandoned his mother and son decades ago and wanted to escape to find his own freedom, but he was discovered by the Thunder Demon who had been watching here, and a wave drove him into the sea.I thought he was going to die, but it turned out that he was a traitor.

Those who did not rebel voluntarily could not be cursed by bloodlines.

The village chief pointed at his father, his lips trembling so that he couldn't say a word.

The two father and son stared at each other for a while, and an old thunder demon finally said: "Ants are still alive!"Surrender or be destroyed!Give you two breaths!

Lei Moren's sanity is eclipsed, and he can only feel comfortable by killing constantly.It is a very exhausting thing to organize your thoughts and say something with emotion.

Without waiting for two breaths, the village head resolutely said: It is better for jade pieces than for tiles!The royal family will avenge us!

"Your royal family? Hehe. Are you referring to them?" A blood-winged girl flew into the sea, followed by two followers like dogs!Looking at the golden lightning mark on their foreheads, the village chief finally saw despair!

The royal family has disappeared for nearly a million years, and the ancestors of all generations thought that they were vaguely recuperating.Yitu made a comeback.They have always pinned the hopes of Lei Yuanshi on them.It turned out that they had already betrayed!

The faith that has been clinging to for millions of years has collapsed at this moment!Even those ordinary Lei Yuanshi who had not awakened their blood felt like the sky was falling!The ancestors have huddled in this place for millions of years.The reason is to keep the faith in the royal family!

Some Leiyuan people have already collapsed, and they don't feel the meaning of survival.Even those little kids who don't know what belief is, feel a sharp pain deep in their blood!

"It's better to perish than to live!" Hua Feixue was not angry, only endless killing intent in her heart!The blood-wing girl didn't let the dog slaves behind her speak, so that guy didn't dare to start.

"What is the royal family?" These guys don't know at all, because their ancestors have rebelled for dozens of generations!

"Hey, are you desperate? In fact, whether you surrender or not surrender, you will end up in the same way. The purpose of my trip is for those few Chaos Stones, which are your sons of God!" The blood-winged girl pointed hard Little ones with personal income.

Realizing that he was being pointed at by someone, Zhu Xiaozheng wanted to fight back, but when he found out that the blood-winged girl was thousands of feet behind, the magic sound prison general shortened, and continued to take in people with difficulty!

"If you want to snatch them away, step on my corpse!" Hua Feixue said calmly, looking up in that direction.

There is a killing intent in this calmness!It's chillingly peaceful!

At this moment, he was as quiet as an autumn leaf falling in the lake!Countless selves can only drift with the wind, but they dance with the autumn in their hearts in this wind!

"Human? Hehe!"

"Catch them all alive! Don't miss any of them!" The blood-winged girl ignored Hua Feixue's words. In her eyes, no human monk who had reached the Nascent Soul level was enough to make her take a look.

At the order of the blood-winged girl, the Thunder Demon moved!At this moment, a vast force unsealed from the depths of the island, and rushed directly into the village chief's body!

The village chief triggered the ultimate killer left by the ancient people's congress: the wrath of the thunder god!

The end of the instigator will be smashed to pieces!

"Go! As much as you can save!" The village chief rushed to the sky with a roar, like a thunder god descending from the earth!He only has one hit!A Thor hammer appeared in his hand.

Thor's sledgehammer directly blasted at the Prisoner of Magic Sound with boundless power!Only by holding back this big guy can we win a momentary opportunity for Hua Feixue!

Where Thor's giant hammer passed by, Thunder Demon was shattered into thunder fog!Both the Thunder and Lightning Plague Field and the Space Confinement were broken!The sledgehammer really hit the Prisoner of Magic Sound!

The Magic Sound Prison mobilizes all its strength to attack with a roar of the magic sound!When the giant hammer collides with the bone stick, the Magic Sound Prison will be knocked thousands of miles away, and everything it plunders will be shattered into nothingness!

The power of the village chief's blow has reached the pinnacle of He Dao's power!But the price was that it was blown to pieces by Wei Li's countershock.After all, his realm is too low, and his body and bones are not enough to withstand the backlash of this blow!

Hua Feixue seized the opportunity at that moment, and when she was about to roll up Zhu Xiao and the rest to escape, a huge demon claw appeared in the air and fell towards Zhu Xiao Claw!Hua Feixue was in a hurry, and was about to use her sword to interfere, but a blood shadow flashed in front of her and blocked her way!

It's the blood wing girl!

Just when Zhu Xiao was caught, Hua Feixue attracted Huaman Villa, and took Zhu Xiao into Huaman Villa first!

That is a broken immortal artifact!As long as Hua Feixue doesn't die, even a hundred super-comprehensive Daoists can't destroy this ancient treasure!That powerful existence also noticed this, and snorted coldly: You are courting death!

Just another Great Demon Lord of the extremely powerful level!

Facing this giant claw, when everyone thought that Hua Feixue had no escape, a phoenix howl resounded through the world!

A bloody phoenix wing appeared behind Hua Feixue!Hua Feixue turned into a phantom of a blood phoenix and galloped away!A layer of faint black flames burned on the blood phoenix's wing feathers!

That giant claw wanted to crush Hua Feixue, but was burnt through a big hole!

"Why do you have such a thing, ah!" There was a panic and anger from the sky on the other side, and he quickly broke his arm to stop the spread of the lotus fire!

"Want to escape?" The blood-winged girl sneered, spread her wings and chased after her.

There were bursts of wailing and crying from the island.The whole island was caught by Thunder Demons!


Hua Feixue fled away with endless grief and indignation!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The demon nature erupted like a torrent! (To be continued..)

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