Legend has it that when reincarnation was still alive, there were 16 floors in hell, and the No. [-] floor of blood slaughter!

"I promised not to kill you, then you will become a blood god son of the Blood Slaughter Hell!" The Blood Slaughter Hell in the hands of the blood wing girl was awakened!At this moment, Hua Feixue saw the endless sea of ​​blood, and countless pairs of eyes suddenly opened in the sea of ​​blood, that was the Son of Blood God!

A powerful attraction sucked Hua Feixue in!But the next moment, the blood wing girl was like a ghost!What was sucked in was not Hua Feixue's main elephant incarnation, but a lotus elephant incarnation!

A lotus flower burning with black flames took root in the sea of ​​blood.

The first leaf of the lotus fell and became fuel for the fire of karma!The weak karmic fire immediately turned into lotus fire, this is a spark falling into the sea of ​​oil!Instantly ignited the sea of ​​blood!

The lotus fire can burn away all crimes and resentments!The Blood Winged Girl has met her nemesis!She absolutely should never have sent Hua Feixue into the Blood Slaughter Hell.The lotus fire is the sublimation of the karma fire!Her Blood Slaughter Hell can only be forged by igniting karmic fire, but Hua Feixue is a monstrous evildoer. His phoenix robbery attracted lotus fire when he passed through the first calamity, and he turned the lotus fire into The Dan Ding Wen of the Inner Universe Dome Furnace!

Even if an immortal takes him into his natal Tao, he will suffer a big loss!What's more, the sea of ​​blood in her natal instrument is made up of guilt and resentment!

What frightened the blood-winged girl even more was that the fire of karma not only ignited the sea of ​​blood, but also gradually burned the ignited water of the sea of ​​blood into nutrients for the lotus flower.The lotus leaves fall one by one, and every time an old leaf falls, a new leaf grows!

Dan Dingwen with the word 'Lotus' is the most difficult existence to grow.Hua Feixue finally found someone who took advantage of her!This blood-winged girl slaughtered more than tens of millions of Lei Yuan's ancestors. In order to refine this sea of ​​blood, she slaughtered [-]% of Lei Yuan's ancestors in Tianhuang Lei Ze!

Two hundred million?Multiply by two!

Every time the lotus replaces an old leaf, Hua Feixue's lotus character Dan Ding Wen becomes stronger!

This is naked sucking!The blood wing girl was shocked and angry, but Hua Feixue was nowhere to be seen!The moment Hua Feixue was sucked into the Blood Slaughter Hell, she transformed the incarnation of the main elephant of thunder and lightning into the incarnation of the main elephant of space and escaped to the bottom of the sea!

The blood-winged girl didn't care about chasing Hua Feixue herself, and ten blood shadows emerged from her body with an angry roar, each of which was her model, but with different images.

This is the Blood Demon Baby!Take the female fetus that has just become an embryo.Separated a ray of souls to seize the house, and bred a blood devil baby in its mother's body. The blood devil baby needs to absorb 49 fetuses and mothers to be born!After the blood demon baby is born, it must be stored in its own body!

This is the most evil and fierce thing in the world!

Seeing the embarrassment of the main body, these ten blood demon babies laughed without any spirituality. This is their evil instinct.After the ridicule, he fled into the sea to hunt down Hua Feixue.The main body has given a death order and can only be captured alive!

"It seems that the main body is not lightly humiliated. I really want to replace this trash as the main body now..."

One blood devil baby smiled sinisterly, and a trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the other nine blood devil babies!

This blood demon baby has already given birth to its own spirituality!

Chapter 41 Cyclone

"Damn it, it seems to be discovered by this deity! Are you too proud?" This blood demon baby exuded a more sinister coercion, overwhelmed the other nine blood devil babies who only had instinct but no spirituality, and led the group of babies to Hua Feixue chased in the direction where she was fleeing.But after a while.It seems to be lost!

"Lost it? How is it possible! Peekaboo, I like to play!" There are countless blood shadows in the body of this spiritual blood demon baby, this is blood spirit!

The blood spirit is a combination of resentment and blood evil, and its penetrating power is extremely strong!A great tool for penetration reconnaissance!

Countless blood spirits were scattered to search for Hua Feixue.

At this time, Hua Feixue didn't know where she was, and there were strong electric currents and dark currents all around her!As long as it is caught by these dark currents, the incarnation of Thunder Elephant will also be crushed!

At this moment, Hua Feixue's sixth sense sensed some strange things spying on her!After this thing was discovered, it self-destructed without leaving any traces!

was found!Hua Feixue used her sixth knowledge to probe within a range of tens of miles, and finally found a cave under the sea that could crush the consciousness.Occasionally, a few months of seabed dragons erupt in this cave.

The dark ocean current is twisted by the submarine dragons that exist like dragon whirlwinds.A submarine dragon spin can twist a sea current that is tens of thousands of miles long!

Something is chasing after me.That evil breath made Hua Feixue's hair stand on end in shock!What an evil existence that must be!

Hua Feixue didn't even think about it, so she teleported directly to the undersea cave, and broke in before the undersea dragon whirled out!

Hua Feixue calculated the time just right.As soon as the blood demon infant chased to the entrance of the cave, two underwater dragons erupted, and instantly twisted two dark currents that were hundreds of miles long, and everything caught by the dark currents would be swept back into the cave.

A blood demon baby was sucked in by the sudden eruption of the sea dragon before it could brake in time, and it was about to be wrung to pieces!

After Hua Feixue entered the cave.I felt that the dragon spin under the sea was about to erupt, so I immediately chose a fork to fight for the chance.Every channel will spew out a submarine dragon whirl from time to time.

Maybe it's because of his good character, the channel he chose is exactly what the underwater dragon spins to erupt!Unable to dodge, Hua Feixue was sucked into the depths of the seabed cave!Hua Feixue only had time to transform the incarnation of Lei Jian's main elephant into the incarnation of Thunder Elephant.

The electric energy turbulence of the dark ocean current is so strong.The main incarnation of Hua Feixue's Thunder Elephant was shocked to the point of cramps!

After an unknown amount of time, the dark sea dissipated, and Hua Feixue's phoenix embryo was stuffed into the sea eye.

This is the bunker!No matter how hard Hua Feixue exerted herself, she couldn't help herself!Just when Hua Feixue was about to struggle to get out, a bloody shadow also fell beside Haiyan!

what is that?Hua Feixue felt boundless resentment and guilt from this bloody shadow!A howling evil breath instantly filled the ten-foot-square place.

It was only then that Hua Feixue discovered that this place was shielded by a powerful electromagnetic field, which shielded the spiritual sense and all connections with the divine mind.That blood demon infant lost contact with the real blood demon infant and other blood demon infants, only the killing instinct remained!

This blood demon baby, whose arms and legs were broken by the dark sea current, immediately attacked Hua Feixue!For this brainless thing that lost its brain, Hua Feixue turned into three avatars and beat up the brainless thing.In the end, Hua Feixue burned it into a human-shaped torch with a lotus fire!

This is a great tonic!A lotus flower was planted in the blood devil baby's body, constantly sucking all the nutrients of the blood devil baby!

Hua Feixue only heard a loud soul bang, and a vast force rushed out of Hua Feixue's inner space furnace, and directly entered Phoenix Jietu.When Phoenix Jietai absorbed these powers, those fifteen Dandingwen were gradually becoming stronger!The fastest progress is the 'Lotus' character Dan Dingwen!

'Lian' is a super cheat!With the power of 'Lian', Hua Feixue felt an urge to burn all the evil in the world!

The Inner Universe Dome Furnace is a whole, when this Dan Ding Wen is strong enough, it will give back the excess power to the other [-] Dan Ding Wen of the same level!

Since the phoenix robbery was stuck in the sea and couldn't get out, he simply started to practice here.Now it's fun, as soon as Hua Feixue enters the cultivation state, the blood-winged girl on the sea is called father and mother in an instant!

The black lotus fire suddenly exploded, and sparks rushed to every corner of the blood slaughter hell!It's like throwing a torch into a forest, and every corner is burned!The only way the Blood Wing Girl can think of is to sever the connection with her natal Tao.

Abandoning one's natal Dao weapon is like self-mutilation, and it is also dangerous. There are many people who want to reap the benefits.

With no other choice, the Blood Wing girl ruthlessly disconnected all the connections of this natal Tao. At this moment, it was as if she had smashed herself with a hammer in the chest, and the plasma burst out from the seven eyes in an instant!This time the injury is not serious, if not done well, it will cause a Dao injury!

Hua Feixue realized that the Blood Slaughter Hell had been abandoned by the Blood Winged Girl!

This woman is so cruel!This is Hua Feixue's evaluation of him.

As soon as the Blood Slaughter Hell was parted, it broke through the air and appeared directly above the phoenix robbery!This thing is controlled by the lotus in the sea of ​​blood

"I will definitely put you in a dilemma!" The blood wing girl said bitterly, and then she sat quietly on the sea and prepared to adjust herself.At this moment, a giant claw descended from the sky, followed by a young man's voice: I can't bear your end like this, I'm here to love you dearly. (To be continued..)

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