He wanted to rescue Lei Yuanshi who was kept in captivity, and what made him even more anxious was that besides the little ones, there were still a few little ghosts who were still in special detention in the memory of the remaining characters.Those little ghosts were found to have extremely talented innate dao roots, not ordinary innate dao roots.

The prison demon wants to exchange these little guys for more valuable things in the hands of the monk.High-quality human children are undoubtedly the first choice for these prison demons to exchange for!If the prison demon wants to cultivate into a great demon king, he must take away the human fetus and reincarnate to rebuild after three slayings.

Such demons are the true descendants of that troll, and they are called Demon Lords!Those who practice the Blood Slaughter Hell are called the Blood Slaughter Demon Group, those who practice the Non-Return Hell are called the No-Return Demon Sound, and those who enter the Hell are called the Yumo Lord.

Demon Lords can practice all the way to the He Dao level without bottlenecks. Those who are in the early stage of He Dao are called inferior Demon Lords, those who are in the middle stage are called Intermediate Demon Lords, and those who are in the later stage are called Great Demon Lords.

That Demon King... should have been reincarnated and rebuilt by Chi Ling from the Prison Demon Pool!

"Ten Demon Kings!" A fire was brewing in Hua Feixue's heart, waiting for the moment when the fire would completely erupt!

The darkness of the night spreads more and more strangely in this endless thunder liquid ocean, exuding a suffocating evil breath!

The city of no return is guarded on the seabed by a huge barrier, isolating the thunder and sea water.In the center of the city of no return, there is a huge prison full of resentment, and hundreds of huge ghosts hover above the prison!

These are all inferior demon kings who have been reincarnated and cultivated.

A thin, triangular-eyed boy came to the prison's giant world and showed a waist card with the word 'no return' engraved on it.

"Huh? Du'er, you haven't arrived on duty yet." A low-ranking demon king who was seven points similar to Jiao Du was standing above Jiao Du and looked at him.

"Grandfather, I missed something and I didn't take it inside. Maybe I won't find it when I come back for my shift the next day." Hua Feixue said in her lonely body.

Jiao Du's grandfather opened a hole in the result of No Return Hell to let Hua Feixue pass without saying anything.

Under the watchful eyes of all the inferior demon kings, Hua Feixue stepped up the long and endless steps!

The moment she stepped up the non-returning steps, Hua Feixue had a very strange feeling, like walking on the body of a giant!Faintly, Hua Feixue sensed that Jiaodu's body and the Hell of No Return had an origin connection.

The No Return Prison Pool is in the No Return Hell!Hua Feixue suddenly thought of something!

Or maybe the hell of no return is a prison pool!

Hua Feixue can't control that much anymore.His aura was so restrained that even the demons couldn't detect it.Hua Feixue couldn't feel the natural temperament of breaking through the shackles through practice in the princes.It's like a crafted item being upgraded by constantly replacing old parts!

The original reincarnation was nothing more than adding a shell to the assembled parts.It is the finished product!The prison devil just born from the prison devil pool is like a embryo.There are good and bad products, those who can be processed from rough embryos to semi-finished products are Hell Demons, and those who fail are Hell Demons.The Hell Demon still has the opportunity to recreate the Eternal Hell Demon again, and if he fails, he will end up becoming a waste!

After Hua Feixue entered the hell of no return, Jiaodu's grandfather looked at the direction where Hua Feixue disappeared. He always felt a little weird, as if his body had been scanned by a pair of invisible eyes!

Hua Feixue seized the moment when he was not on guard against Jiao Du and activated the sixth sense to scan Jiao Du's grandfather's body structure.After completing Qi Gang, he has a strong ability to analyze structures.In an instant, the basic structure of this inferior demon king was dissected.

80.00% of the prisoners locked in the Hell of No Return are demon lords who have committed serious crimes.These demon kings are all hooked and pierced by soul locks.Every devil has endless hostility in his heart!When seeing Hua Feixue pass by the prison, each of them reacted differently.Those who overreact a little bit will be tossed comfortably by the soul lock hook. If there is no independent barrier to restrain them, the entire City of No Return will be overwhelmed by this comfortable scream.

Those imprisoned on the first floor of the hell of no return are all inferior demon kings.On the second floor, Hua Feixue felt a special aura from these middle-level demon kings: Sin!

In the beginning of time, there was a saying that there were two poles at the beginning of human beings.The original nature of human beings is good and the original nature of human beings is evil!Evil is the root of sin, and evil gives birth to sin: desire, greed, anger, ignorance, resentment, anger, hatred!

The evil of the devil way produces seven sins, and the eighteen abysses are the prison of human nature!

There is no return for the crime!The abyss of hate is hell of no return!Also known as the Abyss of No Return to Hate!

With sin, there is humanity.Hua Feixue came to her senses, but she was not in the mood to study it carefully, so she rushed down to the third floor.

When you go down to the third floor of hell without return.Hua Feixue suddenly felt a throbbing!All the people imprisoned on this level are the Great Demon Monarch.In order to give the Great Demon Lord enough respect, they were not shackled by any shackles, but were just symbolically imprisoned.They can come and go in this layer at will.

When they saw Hua Feixue appearing on the third floor, these demon lords hadn't eaten blood for some time.Seeing the letter hanging on Hua Feixue's waist, the demon kings didn't dare to do anything to Hua Feixue, they just stared blankly.

Sure enough, he entered hell without return!Entering here is considered to save people, but how to get out?I can only do it step by step!

A special barrier was released from that waist card to protect Hua Feixue.Occasionally, some big demon kings want to attack Hua Feixue, but it's like punching a nail board!

There are four floors in the No Return Floor, and the fourth floor is where some special characters are detained.Each cage is covered by a layer of enchantment, and it is impossible to see what is imprisoned inside.

The captured Leiyuan people are usually concentrated in a cell on this floor.Hua Feixue walked to a cell at the bottom of the fourth floor based on memory.

When passing a certain prison cell, Hua Feixue's sixth sense instantly captured the broken images.When the screen came back, Hua Feixue saw two people, one of them was Tie Huatang.

"It's him!" Hua Feixue paused outside this cell for a moment, this is an opponent worthy of his respect, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit sad.

And that's all.Hua Feixue continues to move forward!

The fourth floor is very weird. Only by taking a step forward can you really see the road in front of you and the things around you.Suddenly a team of jailers approached.This team of guards, Hua Feixue found relevant information from Jiao Du's memory, is another team of guards on duty under He Jiao Du.

Jiao Du didn't have any instructions, and these jailers generally didn't talk to their superiors when they were on duty.

When these jailers passed by Hua Feixue, a slightly intelligent jailer seemed to sense something was wrong, but couldn't remember it for a while.At this moment, in the sky above the Hell of No Return, a great demon lord on duty suddenly received a city-wide order, and half of the young monks and guests of No Return City were slaughtered!Even several sons of the Great Demon Lord of Wuhui were assassinated!

He didn't know the appearance of the murderer, but he was very curious about those eyes!After the big devil on duty announced the order, Jiaodu's great-grandfather suddenly realized something, and immediately went forward to report: Great devil, I have never seen this person before, but I can't forget those eyes!

Just at the moment before Hua Feixue entered the hell of no return, in a vast manor in the city of no return, there were endless bursts of shengqin and zither, and the splendor piercing the night, making this piece The manor casts a shadow of heaven.

This is the 'paradise' of no return city

There are dozens of young human monks gathered in a magnificent palace.They were all male monks, and they were specially invited to the banquet.

"Brother Ziming, wouldn't you have more fun without the presence of our female senior sisters? What are you twisting about?" A man with a strangely pale complexion asked with an evil smile.

"Hey, what brother Luo said is true!" Deng Ziluo said with a relieved smile.

Everyone is here, why are you pretending to be a gentleman!A gentleman can only dim the lights and cook rice in clear water!

Surrounded by beauties who are drunk, and served by maids to feed wine, live this life once in a while, let yourself indulge, and release your Dao heart, and the future road will not be smoother!

Moreover, you can also see the legendary Tianma Yanwu.

Many clans have legends and records about the magic way. The magic way is the representative of wine, lust, and evil.No matter how beautiful and talented other women are, they are less seductive than female devils!

Luo Hua knows what these people really want to see and do!Straight into the drama, a group of girls in gorgeous light gauze clothes were invited to come up.

The sheng song starts, the zither sounds, and the magic dance is beautiful!

Wu Bibiao, the yarn is like zero, Linglongyin, Wuzangfeng, longing for it!

Looking at the confusion in the eyes of these young monks, I feel a sense of pride, and the young elites of human monks are nothing more than this!The more hypocritical you are at ordinary times, the faster you will fall when you indulge!Because their desire is suppressed like a volcano by hypocrisy!

At this moment, a shadow appeared in the manor, who could it be if it wasn't Li Zigan?

Li Zigan took out a small jade bottle, absorbed the drop of blood in the bottle with a secret method, and then changed into another person, the same from the inside to the outside!Even the fierce look in those eyes is breathtaking! (To be continued..)

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