The night streets of Sunny City are still bustling, and the streets are bustling with traffic.There are roadside vendors who yell for two meals, and there are also small pickpockets who occasionally appear...

All the disputes in the world have nothing to do with them, they are just the most ordinary people in the world.They don't even know that there are cultivators in the world. <Among the dozens of night pearls hanging in the wind tower, there is a pearl that emits a strange halo, which can affect the memory of living beings. <The people in the Fenglou do not seem to have the existence of Xiangyou Xiaozhu in their memory!

In the depths of the small building, there is no piano or flute, except for the sound of breathing and heartbeat of each other.

Xiang You'er is in Hua Feixue's embrace, Hua Feixue just hugs Xiang You'er like this, they don't speak to each other, is that a dream?If it is a dream, it must be a dream that will never be forgotten in eternity. It is engraved deep in the soul, and it will never be forgotten even after eternal reincarnation. The feeling is so exciting when it is recalled.

Is it sweet?Is it bitter?Is it painful?Is it beautiful?I can't tell, I don't know the way.If you embrace each other without love and look at each other without affection, blending is also tasteless.

A moment later, Hua Feixue was about to say something when Xiang Youer put her little fingertips against his lips and said softly, "I have something for you."

Hua Feixue looked at Xiangyou'er's snow-white body, as if admiring a heavenly sculpture.

Xiangyouer found a small sachet among the messy clothes.

Handing the small sachet to Hua Feixue, Xiang Youer said, "This is for you."

Hua Feixue took a deep breath, the faint floral fragrance from the small sachet was also mixed with a faint virgin fragrance, he liked this little sachet very much.

After the two embraced and kissed for a while, Xiang You'er said that she would go out of the city with Hua Feixue.

Even if he wants to accompany this person to the ends of the earth, he is willing. <Everyone in the Wind Tower regards them as ordinary passers-by.

Hua Feixue didn't notice these abnormalities, and he didn't even realize that his soul had cultivated into an immortal sword soul!And his sword tripod was sacrificed to the Phoenix Tribulation, and now his body is no longer the ordinary body he used to be, but a 'peerless scabbard' - the immortal body.

Xiang You'er's eyes fell on that magnificent pearl, Hua Feixue noticed it, but didn't find anything abnormal. <The old bustard and Mr. Gui did not come forward to strike up a conversation.

In front of Xiang You'er, Hua Feixue is a big boy who doesn't compete with the world and only lives in his own world. His unshakable world affairs make her feel too much love and reluctance.

The jujube horse in the stable was quietly chewing hay, and when it saw its master appearing, it neighed excitedly.Hua Feixue pulled the jujube horse out, patted the horse's head and said, "Let's go, take your other master out of the city for a stroll."

After helping Xiang Youer onto the horse, Hua Feixue rode away!

Along the way, Xiang Youer's eyes kept flashing with light and shadow. She saw the rolling heads of Huazhuang, and also saw Lan Meier blew herself up for death, but in her sea of ​​consciousness, she kept restoring the real truth. history.

Restoring the original history until the little maid entered the Xiangyou Pavilion, it became a mess, and nothing can be restored from it.

In the old history, there was no such little waitress.

Now that all is done, enjoy this last dying moment.

Xiangyouer hugged Hua Feixue tightly, letting the horse gallop.

The horse galloped all the way out of the city.The mountains outside the city are still lingering for thousands of miles. There are frogs and cicadas singing beside the horse road in the mountains, and there is the rush of wind in my ears.

Hua Feixue still couldn't see through the fire clouds and thunder in the night sky, and she didn't feel that the Taishang's anger was brewing above Fanyang County.

There are nine heavens above the heavens and worlds.

Legend has it that Taishangtian is the tenth heaven above the nine heavens!

Xiang Youer still hugged Hua Feixue tightly, no longer caring about whether the world will collapse in the next moment.

Forever is too long, I just want to cherish this moment.

Everything in the past is like a breeze turning over a book.

Meet, get acquainted, know each other, pity each other, embrace each other, cherish each other, and depend on each other.

Her world became quiet, there were no angry clouds in the sky, and no frogs chirping and cicadas beside the mountain road, only the heartbeat of the two touching each other.

Hua Feixue had ridden his horse for more than ten li away from the county town, and was galloping through the mountains with his beloved, this feeling is beyond words.At this moment, Xiang You'er's gradually ethereal voice came from his ear: "I should leave, I am the heir of the Supreme Heaven, and you are just an object for me to train my mind in the world of mortals. Now my Dao, Dao, Dao, and body are all broken, and it is time to enter the next reincarnation and start again. There are billions of worlds of mortals under the heavens and worlds, and I don’t know which world of mortals I will reincarnate into, so you don’t need to look for me, then I was no longer who I was then.”

When Hua Feixue turned her head, her heart ached, as if being pierced by a dagger!

Immediately there was only him alone, and Xiang You'er was standing in the distance among the mountain paths, watching him quietly.Her body is gradually dissipating, and even the memories of this life are also dissipating.

In her pupils, scenes of unforgettable past events in this life are constantly flashing, and finally Xiang You'er completely disappeared in the world.

It all happened so fast, it was like a hangover dream.

When you are drunk, it is like a dream, and when the dream is broken, you are not awake.

Confused, puzzled, perplexed, heartbroken, heartbroken!

"No one can take you away! You are mine!" After a long time, Hua Feixue finally came to her senses, and roared to the sky:

"Too God, I don't care who you are, return You'er to me."

The seemingly peaceful night sky was suddenly filled with fiery clouds and thunder.

On the Boundless Fire Cloud, Lei Ting was furious and did not respond to Hua Feixue, it was looking for the culprit who disrupted the fate of this side of heaven.

But what responded to Hua Feixue was an angry will from above the Nine Heavens!

Outside Fenyang City, Hua Feiyan stood obediently behind Hua Tianzhu.

Hua Tianzhu's pupils were bloodshot, and she walked towards the panic-stricken Xuanyangzi step by step with the Wufeng epee in her hand, and said in a deep voice, "I don't want to care about the shitty thing between you and Hua Feiyan. But you, as the leader of the sect of cultivating immortals, slaughtered mortals at will, that is a thousand servants! It is not easy for people to live in this world, what right do you have to force them to continue to live! "

When Xuan Yangzi had just faced Hua Tianzhu, he was shot flying by Hua Tianzhu's sword without being able to move at all, breaking his Chunyang Zifu.

The Purple Mansion is the foundation of self-cultivation cultivated through false self-cultivation after returning to the Yuan.Whether it is a cultivator of Confucianism, Swordsmanship, or Immortal Dao, once the foundation of the Zifu is broken, the Zifu will be destroyed. If you want to rebuild the Zifu, you will pay a huge price.

Xuan Yangzi's mind has been lost, and he just wants to struggle to stay away from this crazy woman.He never dreamed that there was such a strong swordsman in the Hua family. If he had known this, giving him a hundred water tanks would not have moved the Hua family.

There are far more cultivation families in this world than the Chunyang Immortal Sect.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the sky!

Several void cracks appeared successively in Fenyang County.

Hua Tianzhu and the others quickly looked at the sky, and several strong men came out of the cracks in the void one after another. These strong men looked at the burning Huazhuang in the distance, and then at the traces of killing outside the city of Fenyang.

"It's nothing more than mortal people's fights in the rivers and lakes." One of the strong immortal cultivators said disdainfully, and then stopped paying attention to it. Like the few people behind him, he came for the vision of the world's holiness and wanted to come. Check it out here.

The life and death of saints have a great influence on their interests.If the last saint in ancient times really fell, then troubled times would come, and they could fight for the greatest benefits in the shortest possible time.

The situation in the world will be reshuffled.

This world will no longer need 'monarchy'!In the future, a powerful cultivation sect will rule the world, and ordinary people in the world are only fit to be reproductive tools!

Several strong men finally discovered the place where the saint died, it was a place of burial!The relics on the saint's body are enough to make any comprehension and powerhouse in the world crazily snatch them!But everyone knows that there are only a handful of powerhouses in the world who can kill a saint!

These strong men stepped into the space-time rift one after another and went back, and they had to arrange countermeasures as soon as possible.

At this moment, Xuan Yangzi finally discovered his patriarch: 'Ling Yangzi', the current suzerain of Jiuyang Xianzong.

Xuan Yangzi seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw, and begged Ling Yangzi for help in a frenzy.

"Are you Chun'er's disciple? Hmph, the Chunyang Sect he founded has been turned into a lowly sect by you juniors, how dare you recognize your ancestor Panzong?" With a wave, poor Xuan Yangzi was immediately burned into nothingness!

Then Ling Yangzi's eyes fell on Hua Tianjiao and the others, and he snorted coldly:

"Anyone who dares to bully my branch of the Nine Suns Immortal Sect will be punished!"

Ling Yangzi also wanted to crush Hua Tianzhu and the others into pieces by the way, but as if seeing a ghost, he escaped into the time-space rift with a whoosh.

He saw the frontless epee held by Hua Tianzhu, engraved on the body of the sword was a seven-colored lotus blooming in the calamity fire!

That is the anger lotus held by the 'Phoenix Sword' among the ancient four swords!

The person who can hold the lotus of anger is not necessarily stronger than them, but the sword in her hand can kill them all with one sword!

At this moment, Hua Tianzhu looked back in Hua Feixue's direction in horror!

A blood-colored lightning shot straight down towards all of Hua Feixue's positions!Then the fiery cloud and furious thunder above the head finally got out of control, and the boundless furious thunder poured down from the nine heavens, like the wrath of heaven!

Hua Tianzhu raised the 'Wrath Lotus' in her hand without hesitation!

A huge seven-colored lotus appeared on top of Hua Tianzhu and the others!

Thousands of colorful treasures fell from the seven-colored lotus, and then condensed into a protective shield to protect everyone!And Hua Tianzhu's thoughts condensed a phoenix in the fire on the lotus!

Colorful petals, phoenix as stamen!The lotus blooms in the fire, and the lotus is angry for it!

When that bloody lightning directly pierced through Hua Feixue, the wrath of the heavens broke out immediately after!

The murderer who murdered the saint could not be found, the heavens could only cast their anger on the place where the saint fell to the ground thousands of miles away!

In an instant, heaven and earth shattered!Thousands of miles around are in a catastrophe.

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