A barefoot handsome man was walking slowly on the streets of Bailing City, and saw a fat and strong pig carrying a long gun on the street, shouting advertisements and handing out leaflets, he was very interested. walked over.

"Are you still troubled by the fact that your ex-girlfriend's boyfriend often drifts in front of you? Are you still troubled by the fact that your enemy is living a better life than you? We will solve your troubles, and your disdain will be dealt with by me." To do it for you, as long as you choose Rakshasa, you promise to let you receive the head of the enemy within five working days. The local tyrants who pass by come and have a look, and those who pass by don’t miss it! We use the name of Xue Luosha to guarantee that you want your enemy to die as badly as you want, whether you want to dismember the corpse or light the sky lantern!"

When Zhu Tianzhen was yelling, many passers-by quietly took a leaflet from Zhu Tianzhen's stack of flyers when they passed by Zhu Tianzhen, and then left as if nothing had happened.

"It seems that there are so many people who have these troublesome brains. I understand, I understand." Just as Zhu Tianzhen was muttering to himself, a person came to him and said in a somewhat old voice: I heard that you Rakshasa Road Also revenge on behalf of others.

"Hey, it's a job to help others. If you solve their hatred, I will be happy when they are happy. If you are happy and pay more tips, we will be happier." Zhu Mimi smiled innocently.

All the guests who enter Bailing City will wear the 'Hidden Breath Talisman Jade' distributed by Bailing City, which allows guests to easily remember their own breath, appearance and voice in the city.

The guest handed a jade slip to Zhu Tianzhen and said: This is the relevant information you should know, please make a price.

After reading this jade slip, Zhu Tianzhen was a little dazed, what is the origin of this master to provoke such an enemy.

"What? Are you afraid? He killed my little disciple, and I, an old man, can't do anything to him. As long as you can relieve my hatred, this is a deposit! The contribution you get after the incident is [-]% of the deposit. Times!" The guest took out a ring and put it on the pig's innocent trotters.

"This space ring..." Zhu innocently glanced at the guest.

"This ring is my meeting gift to you. The deposit is in the ring."

Then Zhu Tianzhen smiled and put his consciousness into this unowned space ring, and when he saw the deposit inside, he was dumbfounded:

"I am obedient. They are two seventh-rank fairy treasures. There are also a few bottles of Yunxiao brand Baiyaozhu produced by Baicaotang! It is said that as long as people are not dead, they can be reborn with severed limbs if they are painted on. This is priceless but has no market. Good stuff."

"Excuse me, can I order to kill?" the guest said.

It's rare to meet a local tyrant, and the pig's innocent head nods like a rattle.The guest condensed an image out of thin air, saying that I want to order these two people.

It's Yan Buhui and Xiaoji!

"My guest, you really have vision. They are the treasures of our Rakshasa Road." Zhu Tianzheng praised Yan Buhui and Xiaoji.

The guest nodded and said: I want to see the head within five days.

The deal is done.

Zhu Tianzhen wanted to laugh at Mimi and say something flattering to the guest, but the guest drifted away.You can't even shake the pig's naive face.

"Hey, just take care of me with your money. Who doesn't have an enemy who can't take action to solve it himself? It's better to help people deal with hatred to make money. I can get half of this deposit. Go scratch your feet tonight and find a girl Take a shower and feel refreshed." When Zhu Tianzhen was distributing leaflets and thinking about it, he saw a pair of bare feet on the ground.

Which monk is so poor that he has no shoes these days?Either you are really poor, or you are pretending to be thirteen!

Zhu Tianzhen glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and it turned out to be a little boy pretending to be thirteen.But my intuition tells me that this family is very powerful.Pig innocently still sent him a leaflet with a smile and blinked.

People who sell killers are pretending now.It's like a person who has a dark disease and wants to be cured but is afraid that others will know.There are so many hypocrites in this fucking world.So silence is better than sound, just don't ask, everyone understands.

Zhu Tianzhen blinked at the barefoot handsome man for a long time.The handsome man turned around and said: I'm so sorry, I slept for too long, my head was a little dull, and I just finished reading it now.Uh... what happened to your eyes?Into the sand?

The pig blinked innocently and sincerely.Where did this stupid guy come from? I don't know how to do it, but I still don't know.Not all good people know what to do!

There are no good people in Bailing City!

Those who can come to Bailing City are all here to trade things that cannot be seen in other places.Will good people come to Bailing City?Pig innocently smiled a bit ugly.Said: No, I was stunned by your handsomeness.

Then Zhu Tianzhen changed the subject again and asked: Handsome guy, what can I do for you.

The handsome man smiled slightly and said: Yes, have you seen this little sister?I have something to look for her!

Zhu Tianzhen recognized who it was when he saw the image projected out of thin air by this handsome man, he grinned and showed two pairs of obscene fangs, and said cheerfully: Isn't this our sister who doesn't return!

"Hehe, dear sir, this is the second-ranked 'Luo' in our Rakshasa Road. You are really discerning. Her mission completion rate has remained at 90.00% and [-]. If you want to kill, you need an extra markup.

"I just want to meet her. You're overthinking it," said the handsome man.

"It turned out that I just wanted to see beautiful women for free." Zhu Tianzhen looked at the man with a bit of displeasure.The handsome man smiled and took out a blue and white stone bracelet, handed it to Zhu Tianzhen, and said: You have been standing here for so long, and you have drank.I drank it too.

The pig understands!This must be a fan of my younger sister's brain!

Hello everyone is really good.Zhu Tianzhen closed the stall, and took this handsome man back to his old nest. Today, he did a few business deals and made another windfall. Zhu Tianzhen was in a good mood.The stone bracelet he received was very weird, and it made people feel an indescribable sense of oppression. The pig really knew that he had picked a treasure.

Generally, those who can give this kind of ancient treasure as a meeting gift are either peerless masters or peerless local tyrants!How could this handsome man not look like a local tyrant.

On the street near the center of Bailing City, there is a compound with unique architectural flavor.This is the lair of Rakshasa Road.

Yan Buhui was sitting in a pavilion by the pond looking at the countryside.What she embroidered was a man she hadn't seen in more than ten years. He had a pair of unparalleled eyes, so indifferent and so sharp.

This man led a fiery red war horse and looked at the common people on the top of the mountain.Because of those eyes, no matter how you look at them, they look like a mountain filled with billions of bones!There is no wind, and it is an unsmelling wind.

But in that indifference and fierceness, there is a trace of compassion that others have never read.This world is not worthy of his mercy, but there are still lives in the world worthy of his mercy.For example, those who are indifferent to the world, those who love life!

Life is only cherished by those who love life.The heart of compassion is only reserved for those who are indifferent to the world.

Where there is contention, there is no mercy; without contention, there is great love.All compassion and pity can only be given to those who have great love.

Although this man once saw the ruthlessness and evil in this world, he took her away from the light and walked in the dark.When she understood the man's intentions, the man had disappeared for more than ten years.

Walking in the dark, you can see the essence of the world more clearly.The current sunlight has deteriorated, and only by hiding in the dark can we feel the beauty of the night.

Sunshine is just the shackles of longing.As long as you live well, that is freedom.She thinks she is doing well now,

There are people to think about, there are grace to know, and there is a home to return to.Isn't it great?This is freedom, without binding her, why yearn for things that cannot be chased?Now I want to do my best to fulfill the expectations of my teacher.

To strengthen the Rakshasa Tao is the mission she gave herself.No coercion, no chains.

At this moment, she raised her eyebrows, and she could smell the smell of that pig from a long distance away.She has a love-hate relationship with the pig.

This pig is ambitious but greedy!Backbone but wretched!

"Huh? There seems to be one more person." Yan Buhui just finished the last stitch, and his eyes fell on the handsome man behind the pig.This man is very strong, very ethereal, right?Or a demigod?

Rakshasa Road is not yet qualified to enter the Dharma Eye of He Dao Dao.

This handsome man instantly fell in love with the eyes in front of him!He was born for his Wuxin swordsmanship!

"Haha, Buhui girl, this handsome guy said he wants to meet you. He is your fan." Zhu Tianzhen brought the handsome man to Yan Buhui, and he opened his mouth first and said.Here's the naked hint: it's a big water fish!Kill as much as you can!

Faced with the visit of such a strong man, Yan Buhui didn't dare to be sloppy, and hurriedly got up to salute, and asked, "Dare to ask senior Gao's surname, what can I do to find a little girl?"

After Tian Wuxin sized up Yan Buhui, he smiled and said: You can call me Tian Wuxin if you are not high.Can I join Shura Dao?It's okay to be your little follower, I like you very much!

Heaven has no heart?Yan Buhui felt that this name seemed to have been heard there before, a little familiar but he couldn't remember it for a while.But Yan Buhui could hear the taste of this liking, it was a very pure liking without any motives mixed in.

Wuxin's heart is very clear this day!Yan Buhui also likes this handsome man very much, just like he likes his master, but without the kindness.She respected her intuition very much, and let down her guard against Tian Wuxin.It's just that he wants to join the Rakshasa Tao, so he doesn't know how to answer, he wants to join for a purpose.

Zhu Tianzhen was also stunned for a moment, but this guy's head was too mixed, any pure words passed through his brain, and what was filtered out was black.

"Like it? Join the Rakshasa Tao? Funder? Wow quack! So that's it! Our non-returning sister has a crazy suitor!" Zhu Tianzhen grinned and blinked before saying: No return, now you are Rakshasa's deputy, all decisions are up to you, I still have something to do, so I will step down first.

After finishing speaking, the pig disappeared in a flash. (To be continued..)

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