Hua Tianzhu brought a group of people back to her lair.

Looking from a distance, there are no more mountains here, only a huge broken bowl is left lying on the ground.The wretched little pig hiding in the broken bowl immediately put away the broken bowl after seeing the girl nainai come back.

The huge bowl turned into a beggar bowl and landed on that wretched little piggy's hand, and the beggar bowl disappeared after flipping his hands.

The continuous mountains were blasted into a [-]-foot deep pit by the wrath of the sky, but a pig shed stood unharmed in this huge pit, which felt as weird as it could be.

The big white pig wanted to be the first to rush up to meet Hua Tianzhu, but was kicked away by this wretched little pig. The wretched pig ran forward with its own buttocks, and wailed excitedly: " My great auntie, we can finally live to wait for you to come back. Xiaotian really thought that I would never see you again, auntie."

Unexpectedly, Hua Kaizhu kicked him away and led the crowd in. The wretched little Huazhu who claimed to be innocent hugged Hua Tianzhu's thigh again and wailed: "My great girl nainai, in order to save the crowd Pig, I sacrificed all my beloved little bowls, it drained the true energy that I have been cultivating for several months, if I don’t make up for it, I will say goodbye to you forever, my great girl nainai!”

Hua Tianzhu was finally annoyed, she lowered her head to look at this wretched little pig and squinted her eyes, the little wretch realized the scary eyes of this girl nainai, immediately let go of the pig's trotters, touched the pig's head and said with a smirk: "Just kidding!" , Xiaotian is just overjoyed. It is Xiaotian's job to protect the pigs, girl nainai, don't be polite to me."

"You have nothing to do now." Hua Tianzhu asked.

The wretched little pig shrugged and grinned, "Joke, this is not easy to answer, pigs are not that stupid."

"Hmph, I'm in a bad mood right now, you'd better not provoke me. You haven't finished washing your pig shed for a month, so keep washing it."

"I've washed twice today. Still wash?"

"Then continue facing the wall!"

"The back mountain is gone"

"Then go to the pig shed!"

"I..." The wretched little girl was extremely injured.

Shoot the head bird, who made this pig naturally more wretched than other pigs, it is a standard punching bag, it is automatically sent to the door to abuse, I am sorry if I don’t abuse!

After bullying this wretched little pig, Hua Tianzhu's mood improved a lot.So many people died under the wrath of the sky, even if the dead were dogs all over the ground, the mood would not be any better.

Millions of people living in a county town just watched them evaporate in front of their eyes!Hua Tianzhu can't wait to drag out the butcher!

The poor wretched little pig was very hurt and sat outside the pigpen by himself drawing circles and cursing someone.

After returning to his old nest, Hua Tianzhu went to visit Hua Feixue after arranging things.

Hua Feixue was already awake, he didn't want to see anyone, and he didn't want to talk.

Seeing Hua Feixue's emaciated state after waking up, Hua Feiyan felt uncomfortable. He didn't know what to say, and it was not suitable for him to say anything.

There is always such a barrier between father and son that is hard to break.Hua Feiyan dared to go up to beat him and scold him, but she didn't dare to go up to enlighten and comfort him.

With Xiang Youer's departure, the tenderness of the past has become a knife, stabbing hard into his heart!If she can leave ruthlessly, this knife will not pierce through the years, but only through the heart.

Love without edge, pain without trace.

The one she loved left, and even her eyes were permanently blind. Hua Tianxue suddenly felt that the world was ridiculous. Are all the people in the world just playthings of heaven?Or good fortune is playing tricks on people!

What a plaything must abide by is that it can never resist all the arrangements of its master, but you must bear its ruthless anger.It wants to be deprived at will, but you are powerless to resist!

What else can I do besides unwillingness, grief, crying, and shouting?Is this how life should be!

"Ha...ha..." Hua Feixue laughed alone, so hoarse and powerless, so confused!

"Take me out for a walk, can you?" Hua Feixue finally spoke.

The wretched little Huazhu finally had something to do, Hua Tianzhu arranged for it to take Hua Feixue out for a walk.

After the wrath of the sky passed, what was left was the endless wasteland under the cold night.

Hua Feixue walked on the gravel and rubble on foot.

The wind in the middle of the night was so cold that Hua Feixue's thin body shrank a little from the night wind.

The city of Fenyang County disappeared, and the entire 38 cities of Fenyang County also disappeared overnight, leaving only rubble and rubble.

Tired from walking, Hua Feixue sat on a bed.

Looking up at the night sky, there is only endless darkness, neither the stars nor the moon can be seen, and there is only a lonely soul standing between the sky and the earth.

There were no frogs or cicadas, only the sound of the wind.

Hua Feixue wanted to ask Tian where she was.Lost her, lost his eyes, what is left of him, is there nothing left?

His heart just drifted above the night sky.

The shattering of the big dream is so cruel, the soul is like being peeled off one by one, the pain is too painful to face, struggling to pray for God to give a little comfort, even if it is a perfunctory one.

Ask the sky, the sky is speechless, only a piece of silent stars.Ask the earth, I am just an ant on the earth, it will not give any answer.

Only ask yourself.

All the answers have long been hidden in my heart, but I have been escaping.

Does the sky want to deprive me of everything, so I have to compromise and bear it?Maybe in this way, I can spend the rest of my life like a walking dead. Is this what I want?

Do you want to make You'er, who is nowhere, feel her decadence and feel distressed?Can she feel it?Would you feel sorry for a useless and decadent person?

Or do you want to be decadent and lost to the point of making God take pity on you and return what you have taken away?

Does innocence really pity people?

Unknowingly, dawn broke and the sun shone on the pig shed.There are no trees for thousands of miles, and the morning light is also very poisonous. It makes the buttocks of the pigs burn, and these pigs are still too lazy to move.

When Hua Tianzhu was resting in the wooden house with her eyes closed, she suddenly felt something, and immediately opened the door and looked in the direction of the sun, a majestic dragon shadow broke through the sky and landed at the end of the world!

This is not the wrath of the sky, but the descendant of the sloughing dragon list!The sloughing dragon list comes into the world once every ten thousand years, and stays in the world for thousands of years each time!

Legend has it that there are five heavenly pillars supporting the heavens and myriad worlds. These five heavenly pillars are also called the five lists of heaven and earth: Supreme, Tongtian, Xianyuan, Feisheng, and Slaughter Dragon.

These five lists are in charge of the laws of power and all living beings in the heavens and worlds.

The sloughing dragon list is in charge of the cultivators of the billions of small thousand worlds, and each small thousand world will have a sub-list of the sloughing dragon list.Each sub-list of the sloughing dragon list has millions of places, and each Xiaoqian world whose strength or talent reaches the standard of the sloughing dragon list will be automatically listed after the sloughing dragon sub-list is born!

Those who are not on the list can challenge the ones on the list, and they can replace them by defeating their opponents.Those ranked at the back can also challenge those ranked at the front!

There are no rules at all if you want to rush to the sloughing dragon list, and the same is true for the top five rankings in the world!

It is said that those who can enter the top 1000 of the sloughing dragon list are eligible to enter the main list of the sloughing dragon list!Only those who reach the top [-] million on the main list of the Transforming Dragon List are eligible to enter the Ascension List!The ascension list is in charge of the law of ascension for billions of trillions of small worlds to ascend to the great world.

The Great Thousand World is also widely known as the Immortal World!

As the saying goes, once you get on the list, you can't help yourself!As long as you are on the list, you will face endless slaughter, if you don't enter, you will perish!

"Unfortunately, the sublist of the sloughing dragon list was born a hundred years earlier. It just happened that the world has no saints. Which god did this? The world is really going to fall into a chaotic world of endless killing!"

Hua Tianzhu can only sigh!

As soon as the sloughing dragon list was finalized, millions of names and corresponding images emerged!

The last name on the sloughing dragon list is Hua Feixue, and it also has an image of Hua Feixue!

At this moment, Hua Feixue came back.

Hua Tianzhu noticed that his temperament had changed, and there was a little more tranquility in the unruly, just like a sea of ​​flowers under the moon!

"Auntie, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, but I don't see you anymore. I hope you don't get tired of it." Hua Feixue finally smiled.

Hua Tianzhu couldn't believe her ears and eyes, and asked incredulously, "Are you alright?"

"It's okay. I figured out a lot of things overnight. How much God has taken away from me, I will let God give me back double. No matter where You'er is, I will find her. If the sky is not fulfilled, I will Just go straight to the sky and ask the sky for love. I will use my strength to get back what belongs to me!" Hua Feixue smiled slightly, and then said: "I want to go in and see how the little girl is doing."

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