Thousands of armies pass through, and a drop of blood does not stain the body.Hua Feixue's sword was so close that there was no blood left when the sword passed, and there was no trace of scars. It was cut in two by a single sword, and the incision was like a smooth mirror!

Looking at the young disciple who looked like a jiaozi, the teeth of the top cultivator who had three slashes in the human way were gritted. He was a devil who disregarded life. He was so cruel that ordinary fourth-level cultivators could kill him with one sword.

That is not one sword, but a group of swords.In Wanjun, all routine moves are flamboyant.Only one sword can translate ten thousand methods, one sword and one method!There is a law without moves, there is a way without style, the sword moves with the heart, and the sword has a law!

Who can be a thousand soldiers alone?

"This is definitely one of the few wizards of swordsmanship in the world! Such a profound essence of swordsmanship can be comprehended at such a young age. What if you grow up? It's a pity that you have entered the way of magic, otherwise the Fenyanghua family would have picked up a treasure. It's a pity that it's a pity after all, I want to appreciate the fall of a kendo wizard." A sword cultivator with a sword gate on his back muttered to himself, thinking that the enemy of millions of years would lose a wizard, he felt a burst of anticipation in his heart .Under his feet is a two-foot-sized sword array!When this sword array is released, it becomes a sword domain!One domain hides millions!

He grabbed the disciple who was about to make a move, and said: Those who died are unusable.What we need are elite disciples who have grown up through the baptism of Li Baijie.Moreover, our elite disciples have not made a move yet.Let these elite disciples take a good look at it, it's up to them to learn something from it.

It was the first time that Hua Feixue was regarded as a living teaching material.

The elite disciples who are still standing still don't live in this family.They all looked at the fleas that they usually hate as if they were chopped melons and vegetables.Having these fleas messing around with their shots will only hinder their performance.As soon as he makes a move, he must be able to catch it!

This demon is just capable of slaughtering chickens and dogs, and they are confident that they can do it.

What I do for fleas is just to win the favor of my senior brothers and sisters or the elders, even if it is a little bit, I can improve a little after digesting it.Who didn't come here like this?It is a tragedy to drink water without thinking about its source.

Hua Feixue's planned breakout point is to find the weakest ones to break through one by one.He didn't expect that the outstanding disciples of these so-called big clans would be so ruthless and so indifferent to their weaker fellow disciples.

If a junior is found, their resources will be divided a little bit.

Thinking of her own clan, Hua Feixue's heart softened!Up to now, except for an aunt who was hunted all over the world by the Star Shark Fairy, no one in this clan has ever stepped forward to help him, but he almost died at the hands of his brother of the same clan.

Just when the sword in Hua Feixue's hand froze, those elite disciples found a chance to make a move.

"He is my prey, no one can snatch him!" At this moment, a pair of black swords had landed on the top of Hua Feixue's head.This is a fairy sword!The sword spirit in the sword is roaring, this sword is like a lion attacking a rabbit!

Locked on his body by the immortal sword, Zhen couldn't move in place!

"I want to grab it! Go away from the Ancient Sword Sect!" Another jade talisman shattered on the top of Hua Feixue, and the fragments of the jade talisman turned into countless runes to form a large formation to press down!This is the Immortal Treasure Level Trapped Demon Jade Talisman of the Pan Talisman Gate!

This thing is a one-time prop, and its power is stronger than ordinary fairy treasures!The supernatural power of this sleepy magic array almost crushed Hua Feixue to the ground!

The number of immortal treasures blasted over was no less than ten immortals, all possible dodging directions were blocked, and there was no way to dodge.Even if the top cultivator of the Humane Three Slashes is besieged by so many immortal treasures, he will lose his skin if he does not die.

Besides, this devil is just a boy who has just entered the fourth realm of cultivation, the pregnancy yuan stage.In the eyes of the elite disciples of these big clans, Hua Feixue has been crushed to pieces!

The scene of Hua Feixue being crushed to pieces was not staged.The destructive power generated when all the immortal treasures were blasted together blasted Baili Void into a black hole!After a few breaths, the space recovered naturally.

"Did he die? Who died in the end? Has Shi Xinfang changed hands? Shi Xinfang changed hands when there is a vision."

The elite disciples of various clans shrugged their shoulders as they looked at each other.If anyone gets the stone heart.The vision cannot be hidden.The destructive force generated by the bombardment of dozens of fairy treasures just now at least crushed thousands of quasi-elite disciples into pieces, but they didn't care about it.

This scene fell into the eyes of those clan disciples who had ruined their fellow disciples in Tianhuang Lei Ze, these people were so ridiculous.Don't take pity on the clan of the weak fellow disciples.No matter how powerful this clan is, it is not far from decline.At the beginning, they were just like these people.If we can unite a little bit at that time, there will be more surviving classmates in the end, instead of only two or three big cats and kittens left.

These so-called elites are nothing more than that in their eyes.

The group of people who survived from Tianhuang Lei Ze have all grown up.Although they can't wait to cut Hua Feixue into pieces, this is not their battlefield, no matter how much they hate, they can only watch the fun from afar.They all had a hunch that no matter how much this kind of chaotic siege could seal the space, it would not be able to trap that person.

They are also wondering at the same time: what about people?

Even the master He Dao who blocked this space frowned: he is not dead, he is still imprisoned in this space.But what about people?

The disciples of various clans in this thousands of miles of space are also fully alert to search every inch of space!

At this moment, Wucheng's He Dao Daoist suddenly remembered that there is a secret method in the second stage of the Phoenix Sword Dao, the Four Elephant Blood Tribulation: Four Elephant Incarnation.

That kid seems to have space as an incarnation!

Doesn't an ant have a trump card to bite an elephant?

He Dao Da Neng of Wucheng finally found Hua Feixue's trace, pointed to a location and said: He is there!

This reminder is late!With this few breaths of time difference, Hua Feixue prepared everything!

Hua Feixue's incarnation of the main space image appeared behind a disciple of the ancient sword sect who stepped into the fourth realm of breaking alchemy!It was this disciple who first targeted Hua Feixue with the sword of the Immortal Treasure Level.

"You really think highly of me."

It was too late when this disciple realized that Hua Feixue appeared behind him. The sword held between Hua Feixue's fingers was already on his neck, and a brilliance trapped his soul.

This seemingly colorful brilliance is exactly Hua Feixue's Indestructible Sword Intent.It has become the color of Hua Feixue's soul!

Looking at Hua Feixue's half-smiling face, a top cultivator of Gu Jianzong knew what he was going to do, and shouted anxiously: Dare!

That is his proud disciple.There are thousands of disciples, and there are only a dozen or so disciples who can make him proud, and every loss of one is like a piece of flesh being cut off from his body.

"It's understandable for you to kill me in order to compete for a piece of destiny. In this great world, why do you find all kinds of reasons to cap me off? You can disdain me, you can even look down on me, But you can’t just let you kill me if you want! Whoever wants to kill me will have to pay a corresponding price! You kill me like a dog, so why should I kill you if I don’t treat you like a dog!”

Speaking of this, the disciple of the ancient sword sect was sealed with a sword.The soul was torn into pieces by the immortal sword intent!

"Kill him!" The ancient sword sect monk with bloodshot eyes roared angrily!His sword was the first to slash at Hua Feixue!

The ultimate sword cultivator who has reached the realm of Humane Three Cuts can transform a sword for a while, and hide ten thousand symbols with one sword!

This sword came well, he needs a top monk in the realm of Humane Three Slashes to stimulate his explosive power!Opponents who are not at the same level, ordinary fourth-level monks are no longer enough for him to kill with one sword!

There was a top cultivator with three cuts in human way, and monks of the same level from other sects also shot.Sit in a row and eat fruit, it's hard to get fat alone.After the monks with the third cut of humanity made their move, there was nothing for the monks of the fourth realm.

Without the protection of a true fairy artifact of Tianhuang Leicheng's level, and Huaman Villa and Shi Xinfang were disabled countless years ago, Hua Feixue felt like being crushed down by several Mount Tai at the same time!It was so heavy that he couldn't even breathe!

Life or death, only in an instant.When it is unavoidable, you can only do everything to burn the last drop of blood.

Gap road meet, fight without fear, the brave wins!

Bright sword, fight!

This moment felt like ten thousand years, watching the sword formation formed by that sword slowly pressing down, a soul color in Hua Feixue's soul suddenly lit up, like twinkling starlight, weaving a battle robe for the soul!

Hua Feixue sensed a starlight coming from somewhere!That's a beam of starlight from White Tiger Killing Star, which is far away from a world of billions of trillions!

At this moment, he saw a white tiger entrenched in the extreme western starry sky.That is White Tiger Killing Star!

There is a pure killing intent in this ray of starlight!In addition to the pure killing intent, there is also a fragment of the law of the beginning.The most important thing for Hua Feixue right now is this pure killing intent.

The killing intent of this Xingyao is the power of the white tiger to kill stars!Without any branding, if Hua Feixue absorbs it, Hua Feixue's power can break through to Humane Three Slashes without restraint.But Hua Feixue didn't do that, but poured this starlight into the blade between her fingers!

When Hua Feixue swung her sword, there was no gorgeous sword light, only the sword light that pierced the world!

The stars shine like awns, who can stop them?Even if it is a great power of Hedao, he must avoid its edge!But Hua Feixue didn't want to use up all her powers with one sword.It just cut off a few top monks who shot at him.

The style of that sword is so ordinary.

Hua Feixue stepped into the space rift cut by that sword, and appeared outside the blocked space.

He didn't escape, and he didn't have a reason to leave here.In that blocked space, there is a black glazed lotus platform!

On the lotus platform, there is a budding fantasy lotus parasitic.

The next moment, everyone realized that the boy had gone out, just outside the sealed space, he could have escaped without a trace, but why didn't he escape?

"Huh? What's that?" Everyone found a black glazed lotus platform suspended in the air.

This was left by Hua Feixue, so it must not be a good thing.

"That's..." Finally, the Da Neng recognized what it was. Isn't that something only in legends?He Dao Da Neng, who recognized this thing, had one word in his mind: Escape!

How to escape?This space was jointly sealed by more than a dozen of them. Others don't know what it is. As long as one person does not withdraw, this space will continue to be blocked!Now it has become their own prison pet. (To be continued..)

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