Nine Heavens Imperial Sword Record

Chapter 87 Blood Splatter 5 Steps

How can a little cultivator of the fourth level of comprehension be able to hold the finger of a half-immortal?The white-browed old corpse who had met Hua Feixue once wanted to make a move, but was held back by the blond old corpse, and said via voice transmission: "Someone doesn't want him to die, so he won't die!"

"Who?" The old corpse with white eyebrows asked.

"The one in the depths of the secret realm, but now, it seems that there are two more." Halfway through the blond corpse's words, he suddenly looked up at the sky.

Facing this finger, Hua Feixue's elephant double was about to go up to him, a lotus platform was hidden in the body of the elephant double, and he had already decided to abandon this fetish!If the lotus platform is allowed to explode, these so-called semi-immortal powers will suffer a big loss.Babies are used to save lives.

At this moment, an old drunk cat who smelled of alcohol appeared under that finger. He was picking his nose, took out something in his nostril, and flicked towards that finger. Da Neng shuddered inexplicably, there are such unmannered Da Neng in the world, how disgusting it would be to be hit by this booger bomb.

That mighty man was about to stop before it was too late, so he treated it like a lump of mud!

It would have been fine if he had run over a lump of mud, but the problem was that the black thing slid around his finger and flew directly into his nostrils, scaring this mighty thought and dissipating on the spot with a fright.What face does he have to stay here?He had to hide in his old den and be disgusted for hundreds of years.

"So it's you, a little thief, what are you doing here!" A half-immortal power pointed at the old drunk cat and shouted.This old drunk cat is naturally a star-seeking old ghost.The old ghost picking stars glanced at the half-immortal power and said: "Old guy, if you ask me why I am here again, I will pick a star for you and hang it in your nose."No matter what hat you old guys want to wear to my prospective disciples, it's fine, but you can't do it yourself.If you insist on making a move, I will naturally not be able to save him, but all of you disciples below the half-immortal level must hide in the mountain gate.I don't believe you half-immortals can get together every day to protect them.

After being yelled at by the old ghost who picked up the stars, all the half-immortal powers fell silent.The old ghost who picked up the stars was a generation or two lower than them.It's a newly promoted half-immortal, threatened by such a junior, although their faces are dull, but they are not real bodies, it is enough to scare the three old corpses with old nests, but it is enough to scare a thorn who makes trouble every day. Head, that is powerless.

This guy is hunted down by a group of half-immortal powers every day, and he is still alive and kicking in front of them.Would he mind messing with some more half-immortal enemies?I heard that Da Neng who went to chase and kill him was turned into a guerrilla by him, killing a few He Dao and giving them to other disciples.

The Four Great Divine Continents.There are as many Hedao powers as lackeys, but for every Weilu, Hedao powers are the lifeblood of a clan.

Seeing that these old guys were silent, the old ghost picking stars turned around, and greeted the three old corpses carelessly: "Three old brothers, long time no see, I will take you to see the Dragon Witch take a bath when I have time some other day."Reminisce about our youthful years!

All the powers are more silent, this...

The three old corpses looked at the ground, to see if there was any money on the ground.who knows him.It's just a puppy... When he first reincarnated from a dead body to practice Taoism, he was quite a human teenager, and his blood was numb when he was young. Now that he is old, he has forgotten those things!

The three old corpses blushed.It was as if he was gnashing his teeth and cursing something.

The old star-seeking ghost didn't take it seriously, so he greeted Hua Feixue and shouted: "Little guy, we meet again."The old man wanted to wait for you to come to Xiniu Hezhou to find me.But it was so boring to stay there all the time.So I found something to do, and ended up being chased here innocently by people all over the world.Passing by your site, just drop by to see you.Now these immortals dare not touch you anymore.You can safely play with their disciples, if you don't play until their eggs turn yellow, you are not my disciple.

Then the old ghost picking stars pointed to those half-immortal incarnations and introduced: This is Qianluoji from Luoying Mountain, and this is Ming Daozi from Mingfeng's family...

After the old ghost picking stars finished counting the names of all parties, these half-immortals trembled all over their bodies, and it was not the same thing as the incarnation of their thoughts.And Hua Feixue bowed slightly, and said to the old ghost who picked up the stars: "I have made a note, I will definitely live up to your old man's expectations!"

After these half-immortals heard this, their hearts stopped. All of their descendants clamored for Hua Feixue, so they let them not hurt their morale, but now it seems that this Hua Feixue Feixue is simply a great killer. He may not be the strongest among the young disciples, but his combat power can be ranked among the top ten of his generation!Let such a killer go out?Their disciples will not have a good life, and this enmity has been forged!

"Dare! There is no place for you in the world!" Several semi-immortal powers shouted at the same time!

There is a tiger skin, Hua Feixue is also willing to pull it, looked up at these powerful people and smiled, said: "I dare or not, you will not allow me to survive, how can I not dare?"Hehe, Luoyingshan, Mingfeng's house, Huodemen... that Wucheng!

After Hua Feixue counted the names of the dozen or so clans that invited the idea of ​​the semi-immortal power to descend, she said: "I will have fun with your disciples!"People don't mess with me, I don't mess with you, if people want to destroy me, even if I am weak, I have to cut a piece of flesh from him!

Speaking of this, Hua Feixue's elephant double turned his head up to the sky and ran away suddenly with a phoenix whistle, and the arrogant sword intent condensed into a space sword energy, splitting a space crack in front of him!After the space crack, you can see the disciples of various sects guarding behind the secret tomb of Bailing!


With a long howl, Hua Feixue's long body went straight into the space crack.Such a low level can tear apart the space, and even the ghost who picked up the stars was stunned, which can no longer be described as a monster.

"If you want to escape, leave it to me!" The half-immortal powers quickly reacted, and several half-immortal powers shot at the same time, trying to shake Hua Feixue out of the space crack. At this moment, the three old men The corpse and the old ghost who picked up the stars actually shot at the same time!

The incarnation of the idea of ​​four new half-immortals resisting a dozen old half-immortals!In an instant, the sky was shattered, Yang Yang and the dozens of He Dao Dao experts at the front ended up being torn to pieces on the spot.

It's okay, this is the lifeblood of this clan, the three old corpses in Bailing City really dare to do something?

"You are dead!" The half-immortal's thought incarnation shouted angrily and shot at the four old ghosts at the same time.Without any suspense, the incarnations of the dozen or so half-immortal thoughts were turned around and picked up.

This time, the rest of the Hedao powers were stunned.When it was unclear what was going on, the Bailing Secret Realm was suddenly closed!These He Dao experts shouted in horror: Do you want to kill yourself in Bailing City?

As soon as the voices of these He Dao powers fell, they were suppressed by a huge divine sense, crushing these He Dao powers into nothingness.A man in armor with a broken body and riding a deadly war horse appeared above Bailing City. Only half of his face was left under his helmet, and the other half was bones.

Is that existence?He recovered?Among the three old corpses, the red and white corpses were terrified.This thing generally won't come out from the depths of the secret realm.Only the old blond corpse saluted this existence calmly.

The man in tattered armor ignored them, his gaze pierced through the secret realm, into the small world, his eyes fell on Hua Feixue, he saw through the reincarnation mark deep in Hua Feixue's soul, and suddenly shed a line of blood and tears, and then His eyes cast a thought coldly!

Hua Feixue stepped out of the secret realm of Bailing step by step, and appeared in front of the disciples of the clans who were waiting outside the secret realm of Bailing!These disciples were shocked, they didn't know what happened in the secret territory, but Hua Feixue was able to appear in front of them intact.That means something went wrong inside.

What happened?When these disciples were wondering, roars came from Tianluobei Middle School: Four yellow-toothed children, dare you!

Those half-immortal powers who had been incarnated by their extinguished thoughts were furious. The next moment, there were bursts of soul jade slips exploding in the mourning hall of their clan.

Those who perish are all He Dao-level disciples, and every He Dao disciple is their lifeblood!So many fell at once, enough for them to break through!

The culprit is that kid, he deserves to die!These semi-immortal powers can't control so much anymore, they have to kill Hua Feixue this moment.A gaze shot out from the secret realm of Bailing, followed by a thought: I am Shura, and I am still willing to die in Baizhan.The heaven and the earth can be destroyed, but the heart of the Tao is immortal.Even if you practice reincarnation for thousands of lives, the way of immortality is still there!

The divine sense in this gaze was so powerful that it shocked all the strong men of the same level in the world, and they all collided with the divine sense in this gaze...

All the powerhouses at this level instantly shifted the location of the confrontation to outside the ancestral world.

This moment.In the turbulent flow of the void, a black hole that can never be repaired is created, which is a space annihilation point!

Everyone is aware that Shura Dao has been destroyed for endless years.Finally, an old demon testified to the Tao with a dead body, and his Tao heart was revived!

It's not good news, but it means something.All the immortal-level powers were silent, and some glanced at the huge holy mountain deep in the bottom of the mother world.The meaning of Destiny Mountain to them is different from that of those half-immortal juniors. The freedom they want is different from the freedom that the juniors want.

The armored man stood quietly over the Bailing Secret Realm and confronted these more than a dozen real immortal-level powers for a few breaths, and reached a tacit understanding: each takes what he needs!

"From this moment on, all the disciples at the half-immortal level, before the opening of the Destiny Mountain, will be closed to us honestly. All those who participate in the battle of Destiny will have their own destiny, and they will not blame others for life and death. Those with higher realms .Do not go beyond two levels to attack juniors. Anyone who dares to attack without authorization will be killed!

what does that mean?All the true immortals compromised.Can He Dao masters attack the juniors in the fourth realm of cultivation, but those who have three cuts in the human way can do it!

Hua Feixue faced everyone, with a smile on his face, and said: Good dogs don't get in the way, and anyone who gets in the way will be punished!

What kind of attitude is this?Do you think you are invincible among your peers?They are all peers of the famous side, who can stand such a supercilious attitude!They are all elite monks of the fourth realm, who is afraid of whom? (To be continued..)

ps: Brothers, if you enjoy watching it, let us know if you enjoy it.Prepare to finish the first part with a million words.The result of this book is not good, so it ends with the battle of Destiny Mountain.Even if it is accepted, it will not be unfinished, so that the brothers who have been chasing this book will enjoy the first ending.

The recent plot rhythms are very fast, but not chaotic, and there is a lot to write.Some small pits don't make it to the top.The most important thing is the main line, which can give you a complete story.

The grades of this book are a bit bad, so I have to finish it early. The new book is in conception, and I try to write it before the Chinese New Year.Write urban comprehension.With the foreshadowing of this book, the settings of the next book will not be as messy as this book.

When the results are obtained, the second part will be written.I have a fairy world and cultivation civilization that belong to me in my heart.

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