All of a sudden, the sky was raining blood, and a wind blew past the bloody wind!

The younger generations fight, the older ones can only watch, and no one dares to disobey the death orders given by the true immortal-level powers who stayed behind in this small world.Seeing the disciples of this clan being cut down like melons and vegetables, this time it was a pain in the ass, and the hearts of those He Dao experts were bleeding. They are different from those half-immortals and real immortals. The juniors are all their own disciples and grandchildren, and some even see them grow up from their infancy.

Although the road of comprehension is a road of no return, no one knows what is on the way to perish.

What made this person feel even more hated was that the swords transformed by those fifteen elephants were like fifteen afterimages devouring blood, passing by without a blade of grass or a drop of blood left behind!

These elephant incarnations have carried out Hua Feixue's frugal spirit, not wasting a drop of blood or soul.The phoenix robbery wants to complete the first nirvana rebirth, and the nutrients it needs are a bottomless pit.

Although there are ten thousand people in the sky, this scene is quite spectacular in the eyes of outsiders.But compared to Hua Feixue who had seen tens of billions of lives being sacrificed by blood in the entire secret realm, this number was not enough to move him.

Another [-] of these things would not be enough to kill him, nor would he be moved.

If there weren't so many people rushing forward, but to form dozens of formations to surround and kill him, or to condense all the forces into one, Hua Feixue would be fine with them!It's a pity that people are utilitarian animals!

A fist that is pierced will end up like an elephant stuffed into a chrysanthemum by a rainstorm.The flowers are so gorgeous!

Hua Feixue became more and more courageous as he fought, and his combat power fully displayed the destructive power of the Humane Three Slashes!Those cold guys are like little lambs being trampled by thousands of giant beasts in the sheepfold!

With a howl of swords, the fifteen sword shadows merged into one again, turning into a wandering dragon across the sky.

See also the seventh sword in the Seven Swords of the Immortal Tour, Li Shenyoulong!Ling Bu is free and easy, the sword is like a dragon, and the mind travels to the sky!

Yijian Li Shenyoulong breaks out!Hua Feixue's double was floating in the distant sky, looking at the messy sky.He just said lightly: Dao is merciless, Xuanhuang weeps blood.The way of heaven is ruthless, I am the only one who walks alone!There is no way of reincarnation, regardless of eternal life.Shura has passed away, and Rakshasa should stand.Remember my name 'Blood Rakshasa' Hua Feixue!

The three characters "Xue Luo Sha" are like a knife carving three blood characters in the air, which is regarded as the interpretation of killing by this world!Being engraved in the heart as hatred by the world, even if reincarnated for a hundred generations, it will not be forgotten.

He won't care about what the world will regard him as in the future, as long as I live, I will walk my way!

The elephant double turned into a phoenix phantom and galloped away. He wanted to go back to Fenyanghua's house to have a look.I don't know if my father is doing well in this house.He didn't know that Hua Feiyan had been accepted as a disciple by Hua Wuchang and took him to travel around the world.

Those who gave birth to me are parents, a father for a day and a father for life.No matter how many grievances and grievances there have been in the past.As the road got farther and farther, it was time to see him, perhaps for the last time.

After Hua Feixue left, the sky echoed with whimpers, and there were only eight out of ten survivors!Survived a catastrophe, and some hugged each other and cried!They were beaten to death by Hua Feixue!Some just stood there blankly looking at the mess all over the ground, without a trace of expression on their faces.Was killed by Hua Feixue to the point of blindness: What a brutal killing he had to go through to be so ruthless and crazy!

The one killed by Hua Feixue's sword didn't have a trace of flesh and blood, only a layer of withered skin remained!After this battle, his demon name became even more prosperous!

A mountain tens of miles high is a hundred miles away.A girl immediately stood on the top of the mountain, and she witnessed a shocking scene: What have you experienced?

When Nie Yu was lost in thought, he suddenly turned his eyes and stared at the edge of the sky.That person has met a real opponent!And there's more than one!Nie Yu set his sights on that girl in colorful clothes, she is very strong!

"This opponent is mine!" Nie Yu yelled and rode away!

Hua Feixue was intercepted.

"You are Hua Feixue?" A boy with three swords on his back rode a unicorn unicorn and looked at Hua Feixue from above the clouds.Said lightly.He and Ben didn't take Hua Feixue seriously.

"Exactly." Standing on the cloud, Hua Feixue replied calmly, but the sword in his hand was not calm, trembling between his fingers.In fact, what trembled was his fighting spirit, what he needed was an opponent who could make his blood boil!Especially sword cultivators!

It was not only the young man who came to intercept the road, but also a girl in colorful clothes.She stood several miles behind the boy, not intending to make a move.She just came to see this devil who has caused a lot of trouble in the city recently!She never thought that Hua Feixue would be able to escape from that young man with three swords on his back!

Let him take the ancient ruined city first, and then cut his way.

"Huh? The girl in colorful clothes noticed something, and looked sideways at a red horse coming towards her in the distance.

"Oh, so it's this yellow-haired girl, why is she here to join in the fun?" the girl in colorful murmured.Hua Feixue and the boy with the three swords on his back also noticed something, looking at the red horse that approached from a distance.

"It's her!" Feeling this familiar aura, Nie Yu's heroic figure instantly appeared in his mind!Hua Feixue's heart was touched, she will never be her enemy, and she has only one reason for coming.

Nie Yu's dragon and horse were terrifying enough to smash through the void with one stride, one step at a time.Two breaths later, she appeared beside Hua Feixue.The two looked at each other and smiled, like two old comrades-in-arms who haven't seen each other for a long time.

Their respective breaths are intertwined, as if they are telling their respective experiences since the last breakup!This kind of silent appeal can only be possessed by comrades who have fought side by side and have lived and died together.

Feeling Nie Yu's powerful aura, the sword in Hua Feixue's heart was about to move.Nie Yu smiled slightly and said: Don't worry, there will be a long time to come.Here are two opponents to get excited about, let me pick one.

Hua Feixue shrugged.Nie Yu smiled, rode away, stopped five miles before the girl in Caiyi, and said, "Are you 'Flower Butterfly' Ning Cai'er?"

"Oh?" Ning Cai'er glanced at Nie Yu and said: This is not a place for you to join in the fun.

"I'm not here to join in the fun, I'm here to challenge you! I'm a disciple of the Reverse Sword Sect, Nie Yu! Please enlighten me!" Nie Yu looked at Ning Cai'er with red eyes.Ning Caier felt the fighting spirit burning in Nie Yu's chest. This girl was really like herself in the past.In her heart, Ning Caier disliked this kind of people who overestimated themselves, just like a person who once made a fortune by begging for a living turned back to hate people who beg for her.

Hua Feixue noticed the change in Ning Caier's mood, and the respect for her powerhouse disappeared instantly.The boy with the sword on his back heard that Nie Yu was challenging Ning Cai'er, and he couldn't help thinking that there are so many people in this world who are beyond their limits.

He knew that there was a person like Nie Yu in Tianluobei, and she was at best a monk of the same rank in the second circle.Both he and Ning Cai'er were already standing in the third circle, watching the grasshoppers in the two circles who considered themselves number one in the world jumping around.

As for this Hua Feixue, if he hadn't had Shi Xinfang on him, he wouldn't have come to intercept Hua Feixue's way.He has won four ancient ruined cities, and has become the second disciple of the Longquan Sword Sect, named as one of the two candidates for the next suzerain.He needs to get more meritorious deeds to make greater contributions to the sect.

The boy pulled out one of the swords and said: This sword is called Qingfeng.Originally, you were not worthy of me drawing any of these three swords, but these three swords are the only ones in the world worthy of me.You draw your sword, I will not kill an unarmed sword repairman.

Hua Feixue shook his head, this young man's swordsmanship is limited to Hedaoer, he actually regards the sword as a slave, instead of seeing the sword as a sibling, there is no match or incompatibility between siblings.Did not regard oneself as a sword!

"The sword is me, and I am the sword! I have always had only one sword, and this sword is called Blood Rakshasa! Out of respect for the swordsman, you also report your name, and I will not kill the unknown!" Hua Feixue looked at the boy and said.

"Don't kill the unknown person? You are so arrogant!" The young man said with a disdainful smile: Then you will remember it for me, the person who killed you is called Yu Canglong!I will let you do three moves, and after three moves, I will kill you!

Just as Hua Feixue was about to answer, she suddenly heard a strong heartbeat coming from Shi Xinfang!It's Pojun, he has finally become a Mountain Breaker, and he is about to break out of the chrysalis!He looks forward to fighting side by side with Po Jun!

The Qilin beast under Yu Canglong's seat also noticed something, looked around the field, but found nothing in the end.Shi Xinshi is not on the double body!

"Three tricks? Then let it go!" Hua Feixue felt the strength of Yu Canglong, and the opponent had Qilin Beast as a cavalry, and the cavalry was more than doubled. Only when Po Jun was born, could he resist His chance!

Meet the strong and get stronger!The God of War is shining in the soul, only a stronger opponent can make him break through continuously, this is his way!Hua Feixue made a move!

As soon as he makes a move, the eighth Stegosaurus of the Seven Swords of the Immortal Tour will fight Hoshino!

Shenyou Seven Swords is Hua Feixue's favorite swordsmanship, and each sword interprets a different law of the inner universe.Hua Feixue's sword spirit turned into a fierce dragon roaring with fighting intent to kill Yu Canglong!In Kuanglong's body, there are streaks of thunder source sword energy walking along different trajectories!These trajectories correspond to some kind of connection with Hua Feixue's soul.

All the inheritance has become the quality of Hua Feixue's soul, and all the laws of inner space are like the scriptures of the soul!Having energy running in these trajectories is like power running in the meridians, which will produce different powerful powers!

In this sword, there are countless Shura scripts in the Han Dynasty!This sword is a burst!

At the third level of comprehension, you can practice formations, and sword cultivators at the fourth level can do sword formations!One sword at a time, one at a time hides thousands of swords!

After this sword was slashed, there was no violent confrontation as imagined!Yu Canglong easily blocked the sword.Then came the second and third swords!

These three swords have exhausted all Hua Feixue's understanding of swords!The proud ability was smashed to pieces at this moment.

The strong have their own strong hands. When I don't meet a genius stronger than myself, I always think that I am the best in the world. (To be continued..)

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