It is indeed one of the four sub-buildings of the first floor in the world. The building has a unique cave, and all the facilities and services are available.

The first floor of the building is the hall. There are large two-way teleportation arrays in the eight directions of the hall, which are convenient for guests to enter and exit the Devil's Pool Mountain. Apart from explorers, these guests also have monks who come to have fun.

The second floor is the big dining room, which has a big stage. The world-famous women's hall and danjiao are invited to walk the stage.

The third floor is all kinds of small bags, and the fourth floor is a gourmet world, with dozens of specialty counters selling all kinds of food from all over the world!

Up to the fifth floor is the entertainment venue.The fifth floor is a huge casino with all kinds of handicap.The sixth field is the gladiatorial arena, which has various gladiatorial fights for fighting and watching.On the seventh floor, there is no cave, it is a dreamlike land of wind and moon, with a total of four seasons gardens in spring, summer, autumn and east.Every garden has a top card: Yuankui!

One of the most attractive is that the battle of the oirans held every [-] years in the Four Seasons Garden is the most eye-catching!All the heads of the Four Seasons Garden are virgins, whoever becomes the head of the night of the oiran, as long as there is a young and strong man who can win his heart, he can spend the night with him and become her first woman.A man can choose to marry her, or he can choose to have a happy night without a trace.

There is a condition for taking the oiran, that is, to become the nominal son-in-law of the first floor in the world!God knows how many nominal son-in-laws have been cheated on the first floor of the world in these endless years!The oiran is the gift given to this young and strong man by No. [-] Tianxia, ​​and he has to do his part for No. [-] Tianxia when he is in danger!

The four major divisions recruit free thugs each with their own unique skills, and the Four Seasons Garden is the best!The thugs recruited for free are absolutely dedicated to contributing to the No. [-] building in the world.

Since ancient times, heroes have been sad for beauty.

The news that Hua Feixue had entered the first floor of the world spread like wildfire, attracting a lot of attention.Luo Weilu's talents were looking for him all day long, but he unexpectedly came to his door automatically.Although this is the number one building in the world, there is always a way to force him to leave the number one building in the world!Who wants to wear a turtle hat?

Po Jun's eyes seemed to be boiling with anger, but his heart was as still as still water!This is his natural aura, not angry but majestic!He was guarding Hua Feixue's side, and no trouble could hide from him.Feel the teasing eyes from the pair of double-strands.There is always an itch in my heart: there are so many birds looking for death!

His main opponents are the powerful warriors of those monks!A monk with a powerful cavalry will double his combat power!

This smoldering aura in the silence of the master and a rider makes people feel a little indescribably arrogant.Is this low-key luxury?Or the eyebrows are expressive, and the words, smiles and actions hide thunder!

This is a kind of aura that is naturally formed from the horror all the way through the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood!He doesn't need to carry a sword on his back to make people feel that he is a sword ready to be unsheathed and pointed at Jiutian!

"How dare a dog in the water appear so arrogantly?" So more people who saw it frowned, and some of them couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to rush up and shoot bricks behind them!Be blinded by the dog?

Hua Feixue ignored the strange eyes.There are sentient beings in the world, and sentient beings have various forms. You can make others sit there obediently gnashing their teeth for you, but you can't make them like you gnashing their teeth.

When Hua Feixue went up to the third floor and was about to get something to eat, there was a sound of running water from the seventh floor, and Hua Feixue froze in his footsteps!This is his favorite piece of piano music played by Xiang Youer: Slow down!

"I don't know who the dude thinks of here!" From the winter plum garden on the seventh floor came a voice that seemed to float from the heart!

Such a strong charm!Hua Feixue knew that she was on the right track just as soon as the memory was brought back!Except for his father and aunt in the world.There is no one who knows what is hidden in his heart.Those hidden things in everyone's heart have one thing in common: Intellect!

Words with a slow voice are like demons, which can arouse faint thoughts.

The rain is dripping, the sound is slow, and the heart is full of thousands of threads, who can solve it?A song of Yangchun white snow washes cold plums, and clusters of silver needles press the branches!

The sound of the piano is nothing but clusters of silver needles pressing down on the branches!When you get stuck, you can always remember those ruthless thoughts!The plum blossoms have been washed away, and the bitter cold only makes the plum blossoms more beautiful!

No matter how strong a person is, there will always be a heartache that can be pierced.

"Whoever I think of has nothing to do with you!" Hua Feixue wanted to play these entanglement tricks on this one at first.Unexpectedly, the other party said again: Immediately, it will be the once-in-a-hundred-year garden leader of the Four Seasons Garden.I think the son must be interested to come and have a look.

This sound is like falling petals all over the sky!

Hua Feixue wanted to refuse, but his heart shook slightly. The sixth sense seemed to sense something, and he turned around instinctively.Go up to the seventh floor.Seeing Hua Feixue leading the horse up to the seventh floor, many people felt disgusted, as if seeing a fly flying towards them.

These young monks are all talents in Tian Luo Wei Lu's highest circle.To be praised to the sky by the brothers of the sect, of course he would not look down on a bastard who even his family ignored him!

Even though he knew that there was a backstage supporting him behind him, so what?That's just a group of miscellaneous fish!

Han Meier, the head of the Dongmei Garden, invited her.No one dared to intercept Hua Feixue's way, they just felt angry, they all spent a lot of money to find elegance, and they didn't get an invitation from the chief of the Four Seasons Garden, even if a small flower bud jumped out and waved a handkerchief to them!For thousands of years, flowers love flower fat!

Brother is the one who picks the flowers. Whoever likes the flower fertilizer can be the one.

On the seventh floor, there are four manor houses with their own characteristics, which are the Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Four Seasons Garden.

The Winter Plum Garden is on the east side of the seventh floor. When Hua Feixue stepped into the Winter Plum Garden, he immediately felt that the world had changed. It was like walking into a snowy plum garden, and the depths of the garden were lit with lights.If you take a closer look, what you see in front of you is nothing but the Fengyue Memorial Archway.

Under the strange eyes of everyone, he went straight into the depths of Dongmeitu.

Before arriving at Dongmei Pavilion, a servant stepped forward and said: Dogs and horses are not allowed to enter...

Not letting the boy continue talking, Hua Feixue took out a few ingots of gold, put them in the boy's palm, and went in.

This boy already possessed the power realm of Humane Three Slashes, looking at the few ingots of gold in his palm, he had the urge to tear Hua Feixue apart: Have you become confused after practicing!

"I'm so poor that only gold is left, I'm sorry to use those rotten wood and green grass to shame you. Don't look for the rewards!" Hua Feixue just swaggered open the door and walked in!The people inside all stared at Hua Feixue dumbfounded!

Just the boy was flushed with anger at Hua Feixue's words,

Hua Feixue was really so poor that she had a few blooms of gold left.All other magic weapons are in the custody of Zhu Tianzhen. Is it easy for him to support a Daoist system?And now he no longer needs those extraneous things, he is the sword!Just bring some gold and silver utensils to go out, so as not to look at a bunch of candied haws and be so greedy that you have no money to buy them. If you take the seven-star grass as your treasure, your uncle will treat it as grass!

One piece of grass needs to be exchanged for a bunch of candied haws, you are like an uncle or a sheep!

Everyone knew that this boy wanted to make things difficult for Hua Feixue because of some people's favor.Who knew that the disgusting Hua Feixue hadn't finished speaking yet.He was so angry that he hopped his feet.

Hua Feixue didn't go up to the second floor, she found an empty table in the lobby on the first floor and sat down, and then a guy came up to say hello: Young Master, would you like some drinks and desserts.

"Does water cost money?"

The buddy shook his head, Hua Feixue nodded and said, "Excuse me, I quit drinking and don't like sweets, and now I'm fasting again, just bring me a glass of water."Convenient, add a few slices of Longjing!

This guy also possessed the strength of Humane Three Cuts, and he looked at Hua Feixue with wonderful eyes.A black line flashed across his forehead!

Longjing?What is that.The buddy said: Young master, Biyun tea is free.

"Oh, then bring me a pot, I like to drink tea!"


"Okay, son, wait a moment!"

Under the stares of everyone's astonishment, the gang backed away with a dark face.It's really unreasonable, there is really someone who comes to Dongmei Garden to drink miso tea!

A piece of Biyun tea can buy tens of millions of tons of Longjing tea!

Hua Feixue didn't take it seriously, and sat quietly in Dongmei Pavilion.Although this place is a place of love and moon, those young monks respected the flower cards in a very dignified way.

This sentence, miss, you are so beautiful.That young master, you are so talented, the other one is shy and shy!Hua Feixue couldn't help but feel a familiar feeling welling up in her heart.

This feeling, long gone.

Xian Yi angrily scolded the dog for wearing a human costume, cooing coquettishly and shyly drawing human skin.This is Jiang Hu!

Tea is served.A light smoke is separated into the billowing world of mortals, and there is a smell of smoke fat.It can't help but remind people of clasping fingers and kissing each other.There is no pungent smell of smoke, only faint powdery body fragrance.

Just when Hua Feixue shook his head and smiled.A young monk came to Hua Feixue's side, no one knew when he came in, and no one knew him.He asked at the table: brother.can i sit down

Hua Feixue smiled slightly, took a cup and poured him a cup of tea, and motioned: "Please sit down."

There is only one possibility for people who have no hostility towards him in this kind of place: have plans!

Hua Feixue didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.His eyes can't see, and the feeling of silence is even more oppressive!The young cultivator with three cuts in humanity couldn't stand this kind of oppression, so he spoke first: I think we can cooperate.

"Cooperation?" Hua Feixue was confused, and he couldn't help but be annoyed by the chaos of the gods and Buddhas, and he didn't have the ability to bother, so he didn't know what was going to happen.But when the young monk mentioned cooperation, it was as if something triggered the sixth perception, and countless broken pictures played in his mind like a picture.

Hua Feixue still didn't know what the sixth sense was going to tell her, she only felt that the sky was about to collapse.

The young monk didn't say anything about the broken reincarnation, because he didn't know, he was just a messenger.

"Well, it's cooperation." The young monk also said with a little doubt in his eyes:

"I am the disciple of the shopkeeper with the yellow character semicolon in the first floor of the world. You can call me Mo Qing. Now, I will convey the intention of cooperation on behalf of the shopkeeper of the first floor in the world. Our big shopkeeper wants to form an alliance with you, and we don't need you to do it for us now." No matter what you pay, you only need to lend a hand when the first building in the world is facing extinction. Our sincerity is to offer five ancient ruined cities to help you when necessary."

What to help, we understand each other.It's just that the giant cake that fell from the sky almost bounced Hua Feixue up.There is no free pie in the world, Hua Feixue did not rush to refuse. (To be continued..)

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