Fight back?Do you still have the strength to fight back?Fuck me!

A group of young monks stepped up and killed again!

At this moment, a mighty force as vast as heaven and earth erupted from Hua Feixue's body in an instant!It is the projection of the Inner Universe Dome Furnace. After his power reaches the stage of transforming into a baby, his Inner Universe Dome Furnace can project it at will, just like a routine!

"What is this? The realm of Hedao Dao? How is it possible! He is just a sword repairer at the Nascent Soul level!"

Everyone panicked, and then someone recognized that this was the inner space projection of Jianxiu!

Sword cultivators don't have Yuanying, they cultivate the inner universe. When the strength reaches the realm of Yuanying, the inner universe can be thrown into one's own sword or projected into the outer world at any time!

But Hua Feixue's inner space projection is also so powerful that it has no limit!

At this moment, even the peerless genius monks who surpassed Ning Caier by a few chips were trapped in a swamp!The more they struggle, the deeper they sink!What is the Inner Space Dome Furnace used for?Of course it is refining all things!

Right now, the Inner Universe Furnace is full of berserk sword lights!Fifteen kinds of sword lights of different origins smashed the countless magic circles trapped in the furnace of the inner universe to pieces!

Under the miraculous effect of the Inner Universe Furnace that everything is refined, the screams of the spirits came from those fairy treasures, and then even the fairy treasures were cut into diced meat by countless sword lights!Seeing this scene from a distance, the backs of the Hedao powers who are watching here are chilling!This son has become a climate, and the same realm is invincible, and the general top monk with three cuts in human way may not be able to pass five swords under his sword, and last ten breaths in this inner universe dome furnace!

They knew what Hua Feixue was going to do, and they were about to come over via voice transmission and shout: Dare you!

Tens of thousands of sword lights shone from the inner dome furnace, and fifteen swords were condensed into the inner dome furnace, which fell into the hands of Hua Feixue's fifteen elephant incarnations!The incarnations of these fifteen elephants then formed a large killing formation: Neiyu Liansha!

In the final struggle, all the monks took the initiative to use their killers to save their lives, but it was useless!With the blessing of combat power projected by the Tianyu Dome Furnace, each elephant incarnation can exert several times higher combat power than usual!

In the Neiyu refining and killing formation, even the space was shattered, not to mention that they wanted to use the space fairy treasure to escape by teleporting for their lives.Unless they have fairy artifacts!There is no semi-immortal level, and it takes a long time to brew an immortal weapon to activate it, enough for Hua Feixue to kill them thousands of times!

In the Neiyu killing formation, more than a dozen sword shadows swayed the sky full of sword lights, and only slashed back and forth in the formation, and there was no other life in the formation!At this moment, the brows of those watching from a distance jumped, panic stuck in their throats!With so many monks, he only needs to kill a circle back and forth in seconds, without any mercy or soft-heartedness.Not even a frown!

This kind of person can no longer be described by the word devil, he is simply killing gods!

The murderer always kills.Whoever wants to kill me must kill him!Although I don't know which day I will be killed, it will be sooner or later.

Among the hundreds of elite monks in the northern part of Tianluowei Land, there are about 50 or so who are pregnant with Shi Xinfang from two to four ancient ruined cities, and have the destiny of the Marquis!And these hundreds of elite monks from Tianluobei are all ranked around [-] on the Longzi list!

At this moment, the sky was pierced!Not only did twenty or so ancient ruined cities change hands at once, but they also lost more than 100 super geniuses on the Longzi list!

The sloughing dragon list was shocked!Someone who can have such a big hand is definitely a peerless genius!The eyes of the slough dragon Zibang opened in the millions of meters above Hua Feixue's head, and when he looked down, he found that it was the devil who had been dragged into the blacklist by him again!

This eye is angry!at this moment.Nearly a thousand fortune dragons roared out from the corpse of the fallen genius!These fortune dragons were guided by the will of the sky eye, and immediately merged together, turning into a nearly purple-black pillar of catastrophe and hitting Hua Feixue!It doesn't matter, the eye of the sky has lowered a more powerful pillar of catastrophe!

Five purple-black pillars of catastrophe flew out from the sky eyes.Straight to Hua Feixue's true self!This is enough for him to drink a shell, and being blasted into the body by these six purple-black pillars of calamity, even the half-immortal power will become useless!

This is not enough, I am afraid that this guy like Xiaoqiang will not be killed.A creepy absolute light emanated from the eyes of the sky, and the six pillars of calamity blasted into Hua Feixue's body at the same time!

Hua Feixue couldn't even smile wryly.The six pillars of catastrophic luck directly shattered his phoenix catastrophe!

Just before the Phoenix Tribulation was shattered, he instinctively operated the third layer of the Phoenix Tribulation to the extreme, and at the same time as the Phoenix Sword was shattered by the Pillar of Tribulation Luck, another new Phoenix Tribulation tire re-condensed.

Fortunately, Hua Feixue refined the first tortoise shell in ancient times, the 'Inner Universe Dome Furnace'!His Inner Space Dome Furnace is a fusion of Jia Gang and Qi Gang.It is very different from the Inner Space Dome Furnace of the Primordial Monk Luo Dao, and more powerful than the Qi Dao Inner Space Dome Furnace of the Primordial Monk Dao!

This Inner Universe Dome Furnace is tailor-made for Phoenix Tribulation!

Although Phoenix Jietai relied on the Inner Universe Dome Furnace to withstand this devastating blow, the Inner Universe Dome Furnace was pierced through six large holes, and the pieces were cracked, and another blow would completely kill it!

Seeing that Hua Feixue hadn't completely perished, the celestial eye on the sloughing dragon list was about to chase after Hua Tianqi, but this celestial eye suddenly lost its brilliance, like a color TV suddenly turned off, and then disappeared into the world!Everyone thought that there was a standard for Tianqi, and as long as they survived this standard, there would be no more Tianqi.

Only Hua Feixue sensed a wild gaze sweeping across his soul at that moment, and he heard an arrogant and unruly sneer!It wasn't Hua Feixue who sneered.Hua Feixue didn't have the mood to take care of these things anymore.

A certain day will not harm others, Yan Zhi is supporting Hua Feixue, who is fluttering in the air.

The green light that entered his body with the pillar of calamity was like a piece of stinky meat that absorbed flies. The thousands of monks he killed at the moment thought they were invincible, and they were unwilling to die. The resentment generated after death was also great!

Called by the green line, these resentments poured into Hua Feixue's body like a tsunami!Resentment ignores all defenses, not even the Inner Universe Dome Furnace can stop it.These grievances were absorbed in that green light, absorbing a little bit of absolute light, and then there was a huge change, turning into karma one after another!

Resentment karma is weirder and more difficult than killing karma!

Hua Feixue ran over and killed them, and they refused to accept it!How could an ant who was betrayed by his own family kill him!They didn't even admit to death that Hua Feixue was stronger than them!

The resentment of karma will undoubtedly make things worse!

At the same time, twenty or so stone heart chambers were instantly submerged into Hua Feixue's body!Before Hua Feixue had time to deal with these stone atria, the stone atrium in his body suddenly opened and swallowed these twenty or so stone atria, which are equivalent to elixir!Qi Ling, who had been sleeping, finally opened his eyes, and with a long howl, it turned into twenty divine thoughts and blasted into the twenty stone atriums.

Before the spirit in the inside could scream, its spiritual consciousness was obliterated, and it was swallowed up like an elixir!

Qi Ling let out a long roar, and then realized that something was wrong with Hua Feixue!He can't help Hua Feixue anymore, he needs to get over it by himself!

Rouge calmly stood beside Fenghuang Jie's fetus, she knew that the man she chose was the strongest in the world, bar none.This confidence comes from her choice!

Before reincarnation is about to be shattered, if you can find your belonging in this life, no matter what the result is, whether you have an afterlife or not, you are content.

At this moment, thousands of lights and shadows galloped from the sky!I don't know who took the lead, those who have been watching the fun also shot!

This is not called beating a dog in the water, but killing you while you are sick!

Including the six ancient ruined cities owned by Hua Feixue, there are now a total of 32 stone houses in the ancient ruined cities!This is a huge temptation, plus everyone depends on the situation, this kid will definitely not be able to survive!

Now let's talk about who is faster!

"Haha, boy, you are dead. I will sacrifice your life, and I will help you take care of your woman! If not..." A humane three-slasher who came first took the lead and said teasingly!

His words caused the crowd behind him to boo!Then everyone realized that his words stopped abruptly!Because his heart was chilled by a sword light in space, and his soul was also killed by this indestructible sword intent until there was not even a scum left!This is not enough, another shocking sword light exploded in his body, blasting the body of this peerless cultivator with the third degree of humanity into nothing left!

Want to kill me while I'm sick?I saw Hua Feixue supporting her violently shaking body in front of Rouge, facing the thousands of monks facing the city and said hoarsely: My woman, I will protect it with my life, and I will burn my life to live go down!Anyone who wants to get rid of a single hair of ours will be destroyed by my sword.

The sword of anger beheaded millions of corpses, and the sword roared with anger, shaking the sky!

"I have the stone hearts of 32 ancient ruined cities on my body. Who wants to take them? Just let the horse come here, even if there are thousands of troops, I will only fight you!"

Just when Hua Feixue was confronting Zhu Xiong with cold words, Po Jun appeared in front of Hua Feixue!

Enduring boundless pain, Hua Feixue turned into an elephant stand-in, patted Po Jun's horse's head and said, "Brother, let's kill until the world is turned upside down, and the corpses are thousands of miles away!"

Before Hua Feixue's phoenix catastrophe survived this catastrophe, she couldn't move casually, standing in place like a huge magic fetus!He can only fight as an elephant stand-in!

Yan Zhiyi quietly guarded beside Fenghuang Jie's fetus.

Facing the powerhouses of the heavens, Po Jun raised his head to the sky and hissed loudly: I fight without fear!kill!

Po Jun's Po Jun's long roar is a provocation to all monks!

How can you be afraid of an animal?Someone pointed at Hua Feixue and Po Jun and said:

"You are arrogant, let's see how long you can last!"

All the monks stopped not more than five hundred miles away from Hua Feixue, and all the secret methods, grand formations, and immortal treasures shot out one after another!The effective range of Hua Feixue's Inner Space Dome Furnace is only five hundred miles in radius!They were also afraid of Hua Feixue's madness before she died!

If the sky wants to die, do people have to die?People do not strengthen themselves, the sky does not perish, and man perishes by himself!

Hua Feixue's elephant double drank a loud drink and charged away!

Afterwards, hundreds of elephant incarnations flew out from the phoenix womb, suspended above the head of the phoenix womb to form a peerless sword formation!

This handwriting consumed [-]% of Hua Feixue's current strength!This is a helpless thing!

After doing this trick, Hua Feixue's consciousness began to slacken!Endless resentment karma is being destroyed in the phoenix fetus robbery, and the spiritual consciousness is being eroded!He now needs to devote himself wholeheartedly to survive this hurdle! (To be continued..)

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