Pokemon the wrong way

106. Shopping street in Rainbow Town. .

"I'm so stupid, really..." Walking on the streets of Rainbow City, Xiaoyou looked at the VIP card in his hand that was said to be able to buy perfume with a [-]% discount, and murmured sadly. "I only know that gymnasiums can issue badges, but I don't know that there are also discounted VIP cards that can be used... [-]% off, at least one day's daily money can be saved..."

Sighing again, Xiaoyou threw the card into the inventory.I looked up at the sky, because it took less time to challenge the Rainbow Gym than expected, the sky had not yet darkened, it was around three or four o'clock.

"Let's go shopping for a while before going to stay at the Elf Center." Xiaoyou looked at the bustling streets around, and decided to hang out until dark. "Of course, never go to a perfume shop!"

"Koujie!" Suddenly, Geng Gui jumped out of the shadow, and gesticulated at Xiaoyou and screamed strangely.

"What's wrong, Geng Gui?" Xiaoyou asked inexplicably.

"Jie jie, jie jie!" Geng Gui circled around Xiaoyou, pointing at the elf ball on Xiaoyou's waist for a while, and scratching at Xiaoyou's backpack for a while...

"Pokeball, backpack..." Xiaoyou thought for a while, and punched his palm, "Oh! That pokeball given by the Rockets!"

"Jie jie!" Geng Guiguai nodded with a smile.

"That's it, you guys are eager to increase the number of younger brothers..." Xiaoyou smiled and took out the elf ball from the inventory, "I remember it was called Night Skull or something..."

"Anyway, it's the ghost system, so it's good not to be curious..." Xiaoyou took out the elf illustration book that hadn't been used for a long time, and then gently threw the elf ball out with the other hand.

white light flashed—

What "floats" out of the poke ball is a gray-black mass that looks very worn, with translucent rags at the end.And in the middle of the rags was a hideous white humanoid skull... The reason why it is called humanoid is that the two eye sockets of the skull are extremely large and the distance between them is very close. The oversized eyeballs of the skull roll back and forth in the two eye sockets; the skull has no lower jaw, only the upper jaw protrudes unevenly with a row of large and small pointed teeth...

As always, it inherits the horror and ghost style of the ghost department...

Night Skull, a **** elf.Glared by its bright red one eye, even a strong adult will be immobilized for a moment.It will stealthily walk around in the dark and has a nocturnal habit.

"Ah, as expected, it is similar to the description of the name..." Xiaoyou looked very calm, looked at Yekukuku, then looked back at Geng Gui, then smiled and reached out to touch Yekukuku's bones Head, "Seeing this red one-eyed reminds me of Zaku and the like...You guy, you are not as scary as the original ghost!"

Should it be said that Xiaoyou has already trained...?

"Kou Jie, Kou Jie, Kou Jie..."


Geng Gui floated over in high spirits, and after turning around Yekukuku twice, he began to scream strangely, probably trying to instill in the other party that following the boss of Geng Gui would lead to meat.Ye Kukuku also cooperated very well in the face of Geng Gui, who had a big mouth that could swallow him in one bite. The two sides held talks in a cordial, warm and friendly atmosphere, and established a formal diplomatic relationship...probably.

"Okay, don't be haunted in broad daylight." Seeing that the exchange of feelings between the two ghost elves was about to attract passers-by to watch, Xiaoyou put the night skull back into the ball, and then patted Geng Gui on the head . "There will be more time for communication in the future. Next, let's go to... that store to see."

——— Curse of the Night———

"Strange shop name..." Xiaoyou looked at the shop sign and murmured.

Just now on the street, Xiaoyou just casually pointed to a shop.When I got closer, I realized that I didn't even know what the store was selling.

Indeed, ordinary shops, no matter how unusual or non-mainstream the name of the shop, at least clearly write the business content on the signboard.For example, "Smelly Flower 'Perfume' Specialty Store", "Twilight 'Hot Spring' House", "Jet Flame 'Curry' Restaurant" and so on.But this store...

"Takeda House" is the signboard of this "unclear" shop.Basically doesn't tell you anything other than the owner's last name is Takeda...

"The shop owner must be that kind of super retro old man...Is this a castle town in the Warring States Period..." Xiaoyou, who had played a game called "Taibei ~ Lizhi Biography", sighed and walked into the shop.

"..." After entering the store, I realized that Xiaoyou still underestimated the store.

There is almost no decoration at all, and the layout is quite scattered. It is barely divided into three areas, and a few machines that Xiaoyou has never seen are scattered in each area, and then a few dirty baskets are piled up next to them. Pile of colorful fruit.In addition, there is only a bookshelf placed at the door of the store.

Xiaoyou casually picked up the most numerous on the bookshelf, and just looked at the "Easy-to-understand Takeday House Customer User Manual" that was bound together with a few pages...

"Juice milk...Special products in the Chengdu area...Customers can make their own..." Xiaoyou looked at the instruction manual and read in a low voice, then raised her head to look at the strange device in the middle of the shop. "But using tree fruit as raw material...can humans drink it?"

There was no one in the store—neither customers nor clerks.However, these machines seem to be self-service, and Xiaoyou can operate them by himself.From the basket, I found a few purple berries—Xiao You had seen Geng Gui eat them before—and threw them into a machine like a juicer...

"Kacha..." The strange machine started to make a strange sound, which made Xiaoyou's head break out in a cold sweat: "...won't it suddenly explode or something?"

A few minutes later, a plastic bottle filled with lavender liquid gently rolled out from the other end of the machine.Xiaoyou picked up the bottle, opened the bottle cap and sniffed it up to her nose, only to smell a "dandy" fruity scent: "It seems...you can't kill people if you drink it?"

Thinking of a certain characteristic that he had obtained in a restaurant not long ago, Xiaoyou thought: "Drink it! Maybe it can be upgraded..."

"Gudu Gudu..." The small bottle soon emptied...

"..." Xiaoyou put down the empty bottle expressionlessly. "...slightly sour, cold, tastes good?"

"It feels like a nutritional beep~ line..." Putting down the empty bottle, Xiaoyou turned his attention to the machine that looked like a blender against the wall on the right side of the store.Picking up the instruction manual and looking at it: "Make... Fangyuan's special product, energy cube?"

"The taste and effect of the special feed for elves is better than ordinary feed?" Xiaoyou snapped his fingers, and Geng Gui popped his head out from the shadow on the floor: "Koujie?"

Xiaoyou pointed to the basket next to the machine: "Go, pick a few fruits you like and throw them into the machine next to it."

"Jie jie jie!" Geng Gui "drilled" into the basket as Xiaoyou expected, and then jumped out grabbing a few purple berries, and then threw the berries into the machine in one go—

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrer..." The machine made a weirder sound than the previous juice and milk machine...

A few minutes later, a dozen small purple cubes rolled out from the outlet of the machine.Xiaoyou grabbed a few and looked at them: "It's hard... Would elves like to eat this stuff?"

With the precedent of fruit juice and milk, Xiaoyou still has some confidence in these cube-like things: "Geng Gui, come and eat?"

"Mouth Jie...?" Geng Gui leaned over and sniffed the purple cube in Xiaoyou's hand (Xiaoyou: You don't have a nose, okay?), and rolled the cube into his mouth with his blood-red tongue. "Mouth!"

"...Delicious?" Xiaoyou asked, these seemingly hard energy cubes were chewing and chewing in Geng Gui's mouth, but there was no sound at all.

"Kou Jie Kou Jie!" Geng Gui nodded vigorously, and rolled a few energy cubes into his mouth with a sweep of his tongue.

"What, it's a good shop." Xiaoyou looked at the oven-like machine on the left again. According to the manual, it was a machine for making muffins.It's just that for Xiaoyou, who can buy snacks in the system mall at any time, the selling point is that Xin'ao specialty products that can be used by elves and humans, so the temptation is not so strong.

Unregistered items were detected, and the mall catalog was updated: juice milk and energy cubes were added.Note: If you bring your own fruit to provide raw materials, only the processing fee will be charged.

The cuteness of the system—I mean the reminder made Xiaoyou's eyes shine.In this way, those berries that could only be eaten by elves in the past, but which he stared at will be more useful...

"Is the shop owner here?" Xiaoyou started to shout loudly when her mood improved, "It's time to pay!"

I swear to a certain white alpaca god, Xiaoyou never had the idea of ​​sneaking away when there was no one in the store before.

Absolutely not, well...

"Ah, here we come!" Following Xiaoyou's voice, a young man with short black hair and big black-rimmed glasses stood up from the pile of books in the corner of the shop. "My humble servant is Takeda, the owner of this Takeda House. Do you have any orders from this lovely lady?"

Miss your sister!

"I'm a boy!" Xiaoyou gave the young man who claimed to be Takeda a fierce look, and pointed to the empty bottle next to the fruit juice and milk machine: "Check out! How much is it?"

Really, I should just follow my heart and run away directly!Xiaoyou thought angrily. (Arzeus: ...)

"Ah, I'm really sorry, please forgive me for my poor eyesight." Takeda gently pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, the reflection of the lenses made it difficult to see the young man's eyes clearly. "As for the checkout, since you are the No. 20 customer in our store, Mr. Xiao, all your purchases are free."

"Hey, there is such a thing?" Xiaoyou looked at the young shop owner suspiciously, "It's very suspicious, what is the No. 20 second place worth remembering?"

"I'm 22 years old, can I?" Takeda replied with a smile.

Xiaoyou: "...is it really free?"

Takeda: "Really, truer than real gold."

"That's good." With a wave of Xiaoyou's hand, a few elf balls were thrown out, "Weird force, King Nido, Giant Pincer Mantis, empty this place!"

"... Nani?" Boss Takeda's glasses slid down...

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