Pokemon the wrong way

127. MK2 in the preliminary round of the official competition. .

After taking back the big-mouthed bat, opponent a—Xiaoyou still didn't remember the name introduced by the commentator just now—showed the excellent qualities that the top sixteen players should have, and calmly dispatched the second elf.

A blue-gray iron ball about the size of a coconut suspended in the air.In the middle of the iron ball is a huge eyeball with extremely small pupils and bloodshot eyes around it. There are thick screw-like objects protruding from the top, left and right bottom of the ball, and on both sides there are two eyeballs. The u-shaped magnet rotates slowly against the sphere—although the magnet looks like it grows on the iron sphere, if you look closely, you can find a small gap between the two...

Xiaoyou was shocked.

This elf, who can't be named but looks familiar, obviously doesn't have any natural creatures on the earth as a prototype, but it doesn't look strange at all-the star has never stopped moving since it appeared, and it looks quite In the eyes of Xiaoyou, who has been "trained" by various strange-seeking life forms, the neurotic bloodshot big eyeballs have no deterrent power at all!

Xiaoyou decisively reached into his pocket, pointed the elf guidebook at the iron ball through his clothes-this was a live broadcast, and took out the guidebook in front of the audience all over Kanto to show how ignorant you are, even Xiaozhi would not do this Two things.

Because it has not been opened, the illustration book will naturally not make a sound.But Xiaoyou is purely using the illustration book as a guide, calling out a higher-end system gentleman to explain:

Number 081, Magneto.Electric system and steel system meet the attributes.Common traits are Magnetism, Hardness, Rare traits are...

"So that's it, it's the steel type..." Xiao Youming nodded.As soon as the property of steel is heard, it is known that it is a metal material, and even if the elf with this property has a curious shape, its metal texture will not make it less curious.

For a moment, Xiaoyou was thinking about catching a magnetite to play with himself, but immediately Xiaoyou came to his senses: Judging from the cheating nature of a certain system, there will never be such a cheap good thing!If the evolution of this thing is not done well, it will be very cheating...

"Xiaoyou player?" Seeing that Xiaoyou seemed to be distracted, the referee on the sidelines kindly reminded him. "The game will continue soon, okay?"

"Ah, sorry!" Xiaoyou immediately realized that she was still in the game.

"Don't be careless..." Xiaoyou shook her head trying to concentrate.The unevolved elves who can play in the official competition must not be simple, and they are likely to be talented people like those walking grass trumpet buds in Girl Town players-well, Xiaozhi's vote for cuteness is not considered standard ...

"(Fossil pterosaur, use high-speed movement to get close to the magnetite and use it) Fire Fang!" Although the attributes of the fossil pterosaur are at a disadvantage against the magnetite, Xiaoyou has no plans to replace the elf. "The teeth of fossil pterosaurs are very versatile..."

"Little Magneto, use an electric shock!" Opponent a on the opposite side rarely used a direct attack tactic.

The U-shaped magnets on both sides of the blue-gray iron ball rotated rapidly, emitting light yellow currents, but the fossil pterosaur moved at a high speed, moving left and right flexibly during the dive, and opened its teeth after dodging all the currents. With a big red mouth, it snatched away the magnetite in one bite. The damage from the fire teeth caused the magnetite to struggle in the mouth of the fossilized pterosaur, making a noise similar to a radio malfunction...

"Hold on, little Magneto! Just use electromagnetic waves like this!" Opponent A raised his head and shouted.

Hearing the master's order, the magnetite in the mouth of the fossil pterosaur stopped struggling. The two magnets rotated rapidly, and bursts of tiny currents spread along the teeth to the whole body of the fossil pterosaur. The fossil pterosaur froze and flew. The posture immediately swayed, and the little magnetite took advantage of the situation and jumped out of the mouth of the fossil pterosaur.

"Damn it, I made a mistake..." Xiaoyou gritted her teeth secretly.Originally thought that the fire teeth of the fossil pterosaur could easily kill an unevolved elf in seconds, but who knew that this one-eyed little iron ball was not only still alive and kicking, but also had the ability to launch a counterattack at the first moment of being attacked. As a result, the fossil pterosaur Falling into a state of paralysis—the defense of this little Magneto was obviously unexpected.

Could it be that this product is also from Girl Town?Xiaoyou looked at the opposite trainer with some doubts—there is a mustache on his chin, so he is obviously a pure man?

"Good opportunity, use Dalei!" Opponent a didn't care about Xiaoyou's eyes, and decided to add insult to injury.The little magneton made a metallic sound, and fired a strong current that was almost as thick as its own diameter, straight into the sky, turned around at the highest point, and then slashed straight down towards the fossil pterosaur...

"(Fossil pterosaur, use it quickly) move at high speed (avoid)!" Although Xiaoyou issued an order, the fossil pterosaur in a paralyzed state moved stiffly, and the small electric arcs that appeared on its body from time to time were inconspicuous but greatly disturbed. The actions of the fossilized pterosaur, and in the end it was too late to dodge and was hit by a wing by the thunder skill - and for attacks such as electric shocks, being hit by a part is basically not much different from being hit by all of them...

After a dazzling flash of lightning, the scorched fossil pterosaur hit the ground like a meteorite.Seeing this, the referee took a step forward and raised the small flag in his hand: "The fossil pterosaur has lost its fighting power, the little magneto...!?"

"Roar!" A roar interrupted the referee's sentence.I saw the fossilized pterosaur panting heavily, using its wings and forelimbs to support its body and get up from the ground.

"...Come back, Fossil Pterosaur." Although he climbed up with perseverance, the loss of Fossil Pterosaur's physical strength is beyond doubt.So Xiaoyou took the fossil pterosaur back. "You've done a pretty good job."

Think about the Rockets trio's information about opponent a, the opponent doesn't seem to have a water-type elf...

So Xiaoyou took out an elf ball and threw it out: "Go, Nine Tails!"

"Woo—" The sky burst into white light, and Nine Tails appeared on the stage.The gorgeous posture caused a burst of girl screams in the audience—it seemed that no trainer had used Nine-Tails before.

"Little Magneto, use electromagnetic waves!" Using Xiaoyou to replace the elf's neutral position, opponent a launched an attack first.

"(Nine tails, use yourself as the center) flame vortex!" Xiaoyou ordered immediately.

Nine-Tails let out a low cry, and spit out a large stream of flames at its feet, quickly forming a swirling flame tornado to surround itself. The electromagnetic waves emitted by the little magnetite were blocked by the flame vortex, which did not work.

"...Did you use the fire-igniting feature?" Opponent a whispered to himself, "But the flame vortex can't defend directly above, right? Little magnetite, use thunder!"

Xiaoyou: "(...)"

After the little Magneto charged up for a short time, the huge lightning strike slashed down in the air again, directly above the flame vortex, and the violent explosion even scattered the flame vortex...

"What!?" The flames dissipated, but opponent a was taken aback.Except for some scorched black marks caused by flames and lightning strikes, there is only a black hole on the ground where Nine Tails is. "Not good! Little magneton, be careful on the ground..."

"It's too late!" The ground directly below Magneto exploded, and Nine Tails charged straight up from the ground, sending the unsuspecting Magneto pia flying with one claw.The little Magneto, who had suffered a fire fang from the fossil pterosaur before, passed out cleanly this time, and lost its electromagnetic buoyancy and fell to the ground.

It turned out that when Magneto was using thunder, Xiaoyou used the command of mental power to secretly order Nine Tails to use digging, and then took advantage of the opponent's stunned opportunity to knock down Magneto in one fell swoop.

"Little Magneto loses its combat power, Nine-Tails wins!"

"Damn, careless..." Opponent A frowned, and sent out the last third elf: "Go, Ghost Stone!"

"Oh?" Xiaoyou squinted his eyes as he looked at the hideous purple-black elf with his head and claws separated. "Hmph... (Kyuubi, use) Sunny!"

With the convenience of the first hand, Kyuubi raised his head and spit out a ball of light that flew over the field, and the entire field was immediately enveloped by a burst of strong sunlight.

"Ghoststone, use the strange light!" Opponent a ordered loudly.

"(Nine Tails,) use the shadow clone to dodge and then spray flames!" Xiaoyou responded quickly.

The Nine-Tails gracefully jumped back and forth on the field, leaving a clone phantom in place every time it rose and fell.Ghost Stone released strange colored light from his eyes and swung his head left and right, scanning several Nine-Tails in a row before the light was hours, but he was not lucky, all of them were clones.Nine Tails took advantage of Ghost Stone's attack to stop, and opened its mouth to spray a pillar of fire.

"Invisibility, Ghoststone!"

Under the reminder of opponent a, Ghost Stone's figure quickly disappeared into the air, and the flame jet immediately lost its target and hit nothing.

"Don't panic, Nine Tails!" Xiaoyou instructed, "(The opponent just became invisible, and will show his flaws when attacking, so seize the opportunity to attack when the time comes!) Move together with the shadow clone!"

Kyuubi nodded slightly when he heard this, and circled around with the remaining shadow clones on the field.

Opponent a looked at it, and couldn't tell which one was the main body because of the cause, so he had to order Ghost Stone to attack first and then said: "Ghost Stone, use the poison! Then go invisible again!"

Ghost Stone revealed his figure directly above the Nine-Tailed "men", opened his big mouth with jagged fangs, and spewed out a puff of purple poisonous smoke, covering most of the shadow clones in one breath.The shadow clones covered by the poisonous mist disappeared one after another, and one of the purple-faced Nine-Tails remained on the field, which was obviously the main body.

"(Nine Tails, use) Burst Flame!" Xiao You immediately shouted the first time Ghost Stone appeared.

Kyuubi raised his head and shot a red fireball at Ghost Stone who was disappearing again.Since the ghost stone disappeared immediately after releasing the poison, it disappeared before the fireball approached.But unlike jetting flames, this fireball exploded with a bang when it flew to Ghost Stone's hour position, and the flames exploded in all directions...

"Koujie..." Below the explosion, the splashing flames seemed to have touched something in the air, and at the same time, there was a low and strange cry in the air.Xiaoyou, who was familiar with this voice, immediately ordered Jiuwei: "(That's right there! Use) supernatural power!"

"Woo!" Jiuwei stared at the place where the flame was acting abnormally, his eyes lit up with a blue light, and an invisible force in the air flew away, followed by a scream, Ghost Stone seemed to be watched. Like the invisible heavy punch, he appeared from the void screaming loudly.

"The last blow! Use... eh?" Xiaoyou, who was about to hit the ground, was taken aback for a moment, only to see Ghost Stone falling to the ground unsteadily, rolling his eyes and passing out.

Referee: "Ghoststone lost his combat power, and Nine Tails won! So the winner of this match is Xiaoyou from Zhenxin Town!"

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