Pokemon the wrong way

139. Abo-jun, we will never forget your sacrifice!

"Oh——" With a loud roar, a powerful electric current erupted from Roentgen Cat's body. The electric ball on his body rushed towards the low-altitude Hackron in one breath.

Facing the massive attack of the blue-skinned big-faced lion, Xintang looked very calm, and said softly: "Hackron, use the destructive death light..."

Hackron raised his head, and after a short charge, a red and white oversized "Positronic City Destroyer" sprayed out from Hackron's slightly flat mouth.The Roentgen cat, which was charging in a straight line, couldn't dodge, so it simply rushed up to face the destructive death light——


After a violent explosion, the roentgen cat flew upside down from the thick smoke, displayed its feline instincts in the air, and landed firmly on the ground after spinning twice.But Xiaoyou still can see from the slightly trembling limbs of the Roentgen Cat that the state of the Roentgen Cat is actually not optimistic-Wild Volt itself is a skill that will cause certain damage to itself, and when the two tricks explode, the Roentgen Cat is almost Right at the heart of the explosion...

"(Roentgen cat, hold on!)" It's just that Xiaoyou, who was pulled into a state of anger by the outstandingly effective taunt, didn't care about it, "(Use) one hundred thousand volts when Hackron runs out of the freezing time that destroys the dead light !"

The roentgen cat stood firm, gritted its teeth and forced out a burst of one hundred thousand volts.The electric current passed through the smoke, sparking a flash of lightning, and at the same time, Hackron's deep cry came, as if he had been hit by a hundred thousand volts.

"Very good!" Xiaoyou yelled, "(The Roentgen cat, rush up and use it) Thunder's teeth are crushed!"

"Hackron, let's shoot another destructive death light!"

Before the Roentgen cat bared its thunderous teeth and rushed forward, another thick red and white light beam broke through the few remaining smoke, and directly hit the Roentgen cat who was caught off guard.The Roentgen cat screamed and was sent flying high. This time, there was no gymnastics such as turning 360 degrees in the air and landing. The Roentgen cat simply fell to the ground, rolled its eyes and remained motionless...

The referee also simply raised the flag: "The Roentgen cat loses its combat power, and Hackron wins!"

(Mouth commentary: "Oh! After changing the elves several times in a row, Xintang player finally chose Hackron, and won a round cleanly... Uh wait, Hackron on the field seems to be Something's wrong?")

I saw Hackron raised his neck high and let out a long hiss, his body lit up with a white light...

(Mouth commentary: "Oh! This ray...is Hackron going to evolve on the field!?")

In the dazzling white light, Hackron's appearance began to change drastically.The slender snake-like body began to become shorter and thicker, and limbs began to appear on both sides of the body... When the light dissipated, Hackron had basically turned into another creature...

"..." What appeared in Xiaoyou's eyes was a huge amphibian creature.The skin densely covered with orange-yellow scales still looks slippery, there are still a few webs between the thick and short limbs and claws, and the two bright yellow tentacles on the huge flat head are constantly shaking. The disproportionately short wings kept flapping... In Xiaoyou's view, this was the fusion product of a faded charizard and a loach or catfish...

Kuailong, the dragon elf.The huge body flies in the air and can fly around the earth in about 16 hours.Dragon/fly multiple attributes.The evolution form is Mini Dragon-Hack Dragon-Quick Dragon... The system kindly gave a prompt this time.

"Just this thing can go around the earth in 16 hours?" Xiaoyou's eyelids twitched.

However, despite its ugly appearance, the attributes of the fast dragon given by the system are undoubtedly powerful, plus the messy buffs brought by the baton, and a 30% bonus to all attributes added by a certain "blessing", Xiaoyou has no doubts This is the strongest elf I have ever met besides Chaomeng...

"Ah la la, I clearly reminded Hackron to be patient, but I didn't expect it to evolve by accident..." Xintang on the opposite side began to use his taunting skills again, "Poor little sister, it seems that you are destined to You lost to me here..."

"..." But Xiaoyou, who had already learned a lesson, ignored Xintang's provocation this time. After thinking for a while, he took out the elf ball, "Go, armored shellfish!"

Xiaoyou gently threw the elf ball, and a huge purple-gray shell appeared on the field.The two shells covered with thorns opened and closed, making a clanging sound.

"(Tiejiabei, use) the icicle needle!" Xiaoyou ordered.

"Use the ice element... It's useless." Xintang smiled confidently, and then ordered. "Quick Dragon, use high-speed movement!"

The armored shell opened its shell and shot dense ice cones at the fast dragon, while the fast dragon fluttered its disproportionate wings and flew in the air at a completely unscientific speed. The icicle needles shot everywhere, but always One step slower than Kuailong, he could only fall helplessly behind Kuailong's tail.

The icicle needle couldn't hit Kuailong, but Xiaoyou still looked very calm on his face: "(Tie Jiabei, don't worry, get used to Kuailong's speed, the next blow is to give it a good look!)"

Even if it is an armored shell with the skill chain feature, the use of skills is not unlimited, and the number of ice picks will soon become sparse.Xintang immediately seized the opportunity to order Kuailong: "Very good! Fight back with Dragon's Wrath!"

Kuailong opened its big flat mouth, spewed out a yellow energy ball, and threw it at the slow-moving armored shell.

"(Iron Armor Shell, use) shelling!" Xiaoyou immediately shouted, "(use now) Freezing Light!"

"It's been expected for a long time! Kuailong!" Xintang showed an expression of "you've been tricked", and also ordered loudly, "Use one hundred thousand volts!"


The tentacles on the top of Kuailong's head trembled, and a strong electric current emanated from between the tentacles. As soon as the armored oyster evaded Dragon's Wrath by shedding its shell, it was hit by a current of [-] volts before it could react.

"The armored shell loses its fighting power! The fast dragon wins!" The powerful electric attack, the shelling skill weakens the weak special defense, and the attacker strengthens the buff layer after layer, the armored shell Killed by Kuailong without any suspense...

"Oh! Kuailong defeated Xiaoyou's Tiejiabei in a blink of an eye. Xintang's Kuailong is really powerful! How will Xiaoyou deal with it?"

"We must find a way to break the buffs transferred by the relay, otherwise we will not be able to fight..." The corner of Xiaoyou's mouth twitched slightly, "But now that the relay enhancement has been completed, how can I break it... Are there any skills that can... um?"

Xiaoyou suddenly remembered a certain elf that she had placed on play for a while, and a skill she had never used before: "I can't help it, I can only try it..."

Reaching behind his back, Xiaoyou stealthily replaced an elf ball from the inventory, and then threw it vigorously: "Go! (Abo monster, use) dig a hole!"

A flash of white light flashed, but there was no sign of the elf on the field, leaving only a dark hole on the ground.

"A travelogue about digging a hole?" Xintang was still full of confidence, "Kuailong, use [-] volts on the entrance of the hole."

Xiaoyou stared at the entrance of the cave, and quietly commanded and issued an order with spiritual power: "(Abo monster, use protection! Continue to use digging to create as many caves as possible...)"

Kuailong once again released a sizing current from its tentacles. After the current rushed into the hole, it flickered for a while and then there was no sound. However, a new hole suddenly collapsed on the ground behind Kuailong. After Kuailong turned his head, no attack was fired. , and soon a new hole appeared on the side of Kuailong...

"Although I don't know what you are doing..." Xintang looked at the several holes on the field and frowned slightly, "But it's useless! Kuailong, use [-] volts continuously on all the holes!"

"Oh——" Kuailong screamed, and the tentacles were full of lightning, and several currents spread out, shooting into several holes on the field one by one. Character issues, failure to protect...

Fortunately, due to the distribution of electricity to each hole, this blow did not kill Arbor, but under the influence of a large number of baton buffs and "blessings", this blow also caused Arbor to be seriously injured. The attack hits two more times, Xiaoyou doesn't guarantee that Abo Monster can take it down...

"I can only fight..." Seeing that Kuailong was about to use the second shot of [-] volts, Xiaoyou decisively ordered loudly: "(Abo monster, come out from the hole behind Kuailong, use) black mist!"

"Black mist?!" Xintang's face changed slightly when he heard the name of the skill shouted by Xiaoyou, "Kailong be careful! Use [-] volts with all your strength!"

"Aw..." A huge dark purple cobra several meters long popped out half of its body from the hole behind Kuailong. The bright red snake letter was swallowed back and forth, and a thick black mist was sprayed from its wide-open mouth.Although Kuailong immediately turned around and used [-] volts, the black mist with bursts of cold air still spread rapidly...

"Kailong, use the tornado!" Xintang ordered in a low voice with a long face.

The wings on the back of Kuailong flapped vigorously, creating a small tornado on the field.The tornado quickly blew away the black mist, revealing the Arbo monster lying motionless on the ground next to the cave——Because it insisted on spraying out the black mist, the Arbo monster completely withstood the [-] volts of Kuailong...

"Abo monster lost his combat power! Kuailong won!" The referee quickly raised the flag and announced the verdict.

"...Thanks for your hard work, Abo Monster." Xiaoyou raised her hand to retract Abo Monster, but the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, "Good job."

While the black mist was being cleared, Xiaoyou clearly saw that a burst of colorful light spots sprinkled from Kuailong's body and then disappeared - obviously the pile of buffs brought by the baton were all cleared by the black mist .

"Hmph, without the buff, Kuailong is just a slightly more powerful elf..." Although three elves have been lost, Xiaoyou is still full of confidence, "Go, Geng Gui!"

"Jie jie jie!" The purple ghost elf didn't do any stunts this time, and simply floated out from the shadow under Xiaoyou's feet.

"...Come back, Kuailong!" Unexpectedly, Xintang also took Kuailong back.

Xiaoyou looked at the other party with some doubts. Could it be that he still wants to do the relay again?But those elves were almost all wounded in order to use the relay before, and Xiaoyou, who was already on guard against the relay tactics, was absolutely confident that Geng Gui would see them one by one...

Xintang carefully took out a Poké Ball from his pocket and threw it with both hands.After a flash of white light, another elf that Xiaoyou had never seen before appeared on the field.

This is a bright yellow bird-shaped elf, with a pointed and long straight beak, fierce eyes with thick black eye sockets, and a body that is as sharp and straight as a thorn sword, which looks a bit messy feather.As soon as this little elf appeared on the stage, he was jumping with shining arcs all over his body, with the characteristics of an electric system that couldn't be more obvious.

"What is this..." Xiaoyou looked at this poor-looking but powerful little elf, and listened to the louder and louder discussions from the surrounding auditorium, feeling a little bad?

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