Pokemon the wrong way

142. Vampires… pixie hunters. .

On the second day, the last two games were played on the General Assembly grounds.

First of all, it is a competition between Xiaoyou and another player who was eliminated in the semi-finals to compete for the No.3 third place.Xiaoyou expressed extreme indignation at this——

"I just said yesterday how could the system be so kind and take the initiative to settle so many rewards..." A certain pseudonym gritted her teeth, "So it's because there is still a match to decide No.3 today! If you get No.3, there will definitely be more rewards... ...Are you still cheating on me after all! "

With such resentment, Xiaoyou's opponent—the girl trainer who defeated Xiaozhi's good friend Ah Hong and advanced to the semi-finals—unfortunately became the target of this resentment...

"Giant pincer mantis! B-3-6 tactical plan! (Use high-speed movement to catch the sword, dance to catch the iron wall, and then take the baton!)" After seeing that the opponent's first elf was a Lada, Xiaoyou fought unceremoniously. Taking advantage of Mr. Tanglang's advantage that Lada can't lose in seconds, he shamelessly resorted to the relay tactic that he learned yesterday.

"Fossil pterosaur, a-2-1! (Use Thunder Fang to crush!)"

After being strengthened by the relay, the Fossil Pterosaur began to kill and kill, killing the opponent's three elves in one breath, until the fourth elf on the opposite side took out the stinging jellyfish that restrained the rock system, the Fossil Pterosaur still fought hard Focusing on serious injuries, use Thunder's teeth to crush and kill the stinging jellyfish before ending...

After taking back the fossilized pterosaur, Xiaoyou unceremoniously dispatched Geng Gui, using a combo of hypnosis and dream-eating to instantly kill the last moth, and then used overwhelming shadow balls and mud bombs regardless of the cost. The frog grass was so blown up that even its owner dared not recognize it (Xiao Zhijun seemed very happy in the audience?), easily won No.3...

In the championship match held in the afternoon, Xintang, a man with pseudo-sunshine glasses, used a lineup of elves that was completely different from that of Xiaoyou except Kuailong, which surprised his opponent who stayed up all night studying relay tactics.And Xintang also showed its due strength as a contender for the championship of the League Conference. The violent fast break tactics of the all-attack elves made the opponent miserable. In the end, they defeated the opponent with a loss ratio of [-] to [-], and successfully won the Kanto Quartz Conference. champion.

It is worth Xiaoyou's attention that Xintang did not use Lightning Bird in this game.

"Is it because the lightning bird is not as easy to heal as ordinary elves?" Xiaoyou guessed. "It's more convenient this way..."

Later in the evening, the closing ceremony of the Quartz Conference was held.Xiaozhi, his good friend, and the 253 trainers who participated in the competition took their favorite elves and walked into the main venue together in a square formation, thinking about the auditorium and the camera and waving, making Xiaoyou feel like they are in a military parade.

Well, Xiaoyou herself was not below, but stood on the podium with Xintang and the runner-up of the conference, waving sillyly to the below.A few bright large searchlights shone from behind Xiaoyou and the others, making them look a bit "brilliant"...

"But the backlight is so strong, isn't it impossible to see the face from the front?"

After the chairman of the alliance, Mr. Guixian Dama Lanqi, gave a short speech, the trainers participating in the conference came to the stage one by one, and received a commemorative gift for participating in the conference from Dama Lanqi - a photo frame-sized, local specialty quartz Shaped ornaments made of stone.

Xiaoyou, the top three in the conference, received a trophy, which was also made of quartz stone. It looked like several slender crystal stones intertwined together, holding up a brass Pokéball.The runners-up and the winners, of course, had silver and gold-plated Poké Balls—definitely gold-plated!It's as big as a fist ball!

Finally, after a slew of fireworks, the Quartz Conference was officially closed.Since it was getting late, Xiaoyou's family and Xiaozhi and his party decided to rest here for one night and return to Zhenxin Town tomorrow morning.

Back in the dormitory of the contestant village alone, Xiaoyou gently took out the communicator from the backpack and opened it...

"According to the information." Kinoshita's only unchanging calm face appeared on the screen, "The target seems to be planning to leave the Quartz venue tonight..."

"Hmph, do you know that you will be missed?" Xiaoyou grinned, "Then how is the staff arrangement?"

"Kotaro Hanzo and their team have successfully sneaked into the athletes' village and are preparing to join you." Yui replied with an unchanged expression, but there was a hint of doubt in his tone. "The troops led by Ah Yi also brought their equipment to the Quartz Plateau. But why did you let them all equip them with equipment for ordinary elves and humans? Those equipments will not have much effect on legendary elves. ..."

"Hehe, don't worry." Xiaoyou smiled and waved to Wei on the screen, "I have my own plan~"

"...Well, I believe you won't mess around." Wei could only nod, "The opponent is also a legendary elf... Be careful."

"I know."


After losing to the opponent in the semi-finals—to be precise, the system, although Xiaoyou quickly recovered from the blow of defeat with full blood, but this does not mean that the narrow-minded pseudo-mother will let go of the soul-light training named Xintang Home.It was also Xiaoyou who made a phone call to Uncle Sakagi...

"Boss Sakagi, do you want a wild lightning bird?"

In any case, it is also a legendary elf. The sane leader of the evil organization, Uncle Sakagi, naturally expressed a certain degree of interest in the Lightning Bird. Considerable progress has just been made. If Chaomeng can be mass-produced, it will be much more effective than Lightning Bird...

So Uncle Sakagi is on a tight budget recently...

But the beasts are not for nothing, Uncle Sakagi handed over the task to Xiaoyou, and handed over the temporary command of Yui and Hanzo's team to Xiaoyou.The task is also considered loose: even if you can't catch the lightning bird in the end, the task is not a failure if you get enough genetic samples-probably because you saw Xiaoyou being abused by the lightning bird on the live TV...


After cutting off the communication with Wei, Xiaoyou put his backpack on his back, opened the window on the second floor and jumped, rolled around on the grass outside the dormitory and stood up unharmed——a three-month hell special Training is not just kidding.

"Captain Lily Fragrance." Two figures stood up from the flower bed not far away and waved at Xiaoyou. It was Hanzo and Kotaro who had taken off their Team Rocket uniforms and put on black trench coats.

Xiaoyou nodded towards the ninja duo: "Did you bring anything?"

"Yes, here." Kotaro handed out a package.

Xiaoyou took the package, turned around and got behind the flower bed.A few minutes later, a young man with pale skin, slender figure and handsome appearance stepped forward.

After using the transformation toolkit, Xiaoyou wears the clothes brought by the Hanzo team: a black windbreaker with a small metal shoulder pad on the shoulder and tight trousers, black boots on her feet, and a black hat with a large brim , with slightly natural curly black long hair, completely black from head to toe...

But standing with Kotaro Hanzo in the same black windbreaker is quite interesting-at least you can tell who is in the lead at a glance...

"From now on, the code names of Hanzo and Kotaro cannot be used." Xiaoyou said, her voice became low and magnetic according to her appearance. "I'll call your real names Kusanagi and Iori for the time being, remember."

"...Yes, we understand." The duo, who didn't know that their real names were actually much stronger than their code names, nodded yes.

"Let's see where the target is now..." Xiaoyou took out a small prototype machine that looked a bit like a Dragon Ball radar from his arms, and when he pressed the switch, a small yellow bright spot flashed on the green grid screen.

"Is this...?" Hanzo asked softly.

"Of course this is a tracker." Xiaoyou raised the gadget in his hand, "I asked Musashi Kojiro and the others to make this, and it can track the target's position at any time—of course, the transmitter is also the one that Musashi and the others installed on the target." Up……"

"Oh! Is it the masterpiece of Musashi-sama and Kojiro-sama?" The ninja duo instantly changed jobs to the brain-dead fan duo. Install a transmitter on the champion of the tournament... Musashi and Kojiro-sama are indeed the elites of the special operations force!"

"Ahaha, yes..." Xiaoyou knew how Musashi and the others installed the transmitter - they hid the transmitter in the Lightning Bird doll they made overnight, and then sent it out pretending to be a champion fan... …

By the way, during the conference, the business of Kojiro Musashi’s elf box eggs was booming, and the trainer postcards that were also launched under Xiaoyou’s suggestion were also in short supply. The trio had already stayed up for several consecutive nights in pain and happiness. I haven't slept in rush work...

Xiaoyou threw out the elf ball and called out the two vultures that were exchanged with the teleporter during the day—the fossil pterosaur is a little more conspicuous after all—Hanzo and Kotaro each rode one, while Xiaoyou himself rode Hanzo and released a A toucan and three little elves flew high into the night sky with their wings fluttering.


On the Quartz Plain, Xintang, who won the championship of the tournament, walked happily and hummed a ditty in the night.

Fortunately, he subdued the legendary elf Lightning Bird—although he was not obedient, but it was still very useful at the critical moment, and his own elf seemed to be inspired by the Lightning Bird, and they exploded collectively in the semi-finals and performed well. Better than usual - this is how he defeated the trainer who used Gengar.

Although Lightning Bird lost his temper and refused to participate in the final, and the elves returned to the normal level of the usual trainers, but fortunately, the opponent in the final was too concerned about the baton tactics that he thought of in a flash, and he had traveled for many years to reserve the elves. Rich, caught his opponent by surprise with a completely different lineup and tactics, won the victory without any risk, and won the league championship he had longed for.

Although there may be an element of luck in it, but luck is also a kind of strength...

"Next, just find a way to make Lightning Bird really obey my orders..." "Then join the Champions League, the Four Heavenly Kings are nothing to worry about, even the leaders of the alliance... Haha!"

Thinking of this, Xintang glanced at the woods not far away: "At that time, those who hide their heads and show their tails will naturally respect me..."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up in the open space in front of Xintang, and Xintang subconsciously blocked the beast in front of him. When the gust cleared, three mysterious men and women in black trench coats stood in front of Xintang.

"Who are you?" Xintang asked loudly, although he could tell from his posture that the other party probably had malicious intentions.

"Mr. Xintang, the champion of the Quartz Conference?" Standing at the front, the young man wearing a black hat with a large brim nodded slightly to Xintang, "I'm sorry to disturb you. I'm just an elf hunter, call me d... Hunter d is fine."

"Someone paid a lot of money to buy the Lightning Bird you hold, can you please give up?"

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