Pokemon the wrong way

150. Older youth are boring. .

"Little Zhijun, I envy you..." Chenglong swam past the Gyarados, and Xiaoyou's light voice came from beside him.

"Xiao Zhijun, I'm jealous of you..." After 5 minutes, the Gyarados accelerated and overtook Chenglong, Xiaoyou's voice came again with a hint of resentment.

"Xiaoyou, enough is enough..." Xiaozhi said helplessly with black lines all over his head.Beside him, Xiaoxia and Xiaojian covered their mouths and laughed lightly.

Xiao Jian, the new logistics captain in the team, has been traveling for a long time to observe and record elves, so although he can't compare with Xiao Gang, a good man who can do all kinds of housework, in terms of life skills such as camping and cooking, at least he is better than Li Xiaogang. Xiaozhi, who will get lost and starve to death in the wild, and Xiaoyouqiang, who always relies on the system to "deliver food" for food—at least the backpack behind him is a circle bigger than Xiaogang's.

But because of this older young man, Xiaoyou's Gyarados obviously can't carry everyone at once. After all, the snake-shaped body of Gyarados is not very convenient for carrying people——Xiaoyou himself Relying on the convenience of the universal saddle, Xiaoxia's small raft is already out of specification, and it is still unknown whether Xiaoxia would like to ride on that thing again...

At this time, the superiority of Chenglong as a mount elf recognized by the elf illustrated book is reflected.The paddle-like fin-like limbs provide excellent stability and comfort while ensuring speed. Sailing on the choppy sea is as easy as rowing a garden boat in an artificial lake for riding a dragon—and The way the Gyarados snake-shaped body moves means that Xiaoyou, who sits close to the head, spends most of the time swaying up and down; the dry and smooth back shell is also a natural seat, Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia and Xiaojian added The three backpacks piled on Chenglong’s back are not crowded. Xiaojian can even take out a sketchbook to make drawings and records for wild elves passing by. Those round spines can not only rest the feet on the back, but also hang the backpack for storage. Luggage, even after securing yourself with the straps, taking a nap on the back of the dragon is completely stress-free (in fact, Xiaozhi has already done this)-and the small armchair of the universal saddle can only let Xiaozhi If you keep sitting for a long time, God knows if you will get hemorrhoids...

So a certain puppet is out of balance.So every few minutes, Xiaozhi would be harassed by Xiaoyou's erratic voice who "passed by inadvertently"...

Who made Chenglong's load exactly three people?

———— Riding the waves———

Due to Xiaoyou's continuous harassment, Xiaozhi subconsciously speeded up, and soon arrived at the destination - Xiagan Island.

Unlike Penggan Island, which develops tourist attractions and has developed commerce, Xiagan Island pays more attention to the maintenance of the ecological environment. Less than one-fifth of the huge island has been developed into a residential town, and the rest of the place remains primitive. In the jungle state, it is an island with a comfortable and pleasant environment.

After landing on Xiagan Island, Xiaoyou, Xiaozhi and others first went to the local elf center to recover the strength of Chenglong and Gyarados, who had been traveling with people for a long time, and registered for joining the Orange League by the way.During the period, Xiaozhi called Dr. Oki as usual to report the progress, and Xiaojian was able to meet his idol as he wished. The smelly mud was pushed down and hung up the phone, which did not prevent the older youth from jumping up and down with excitement...

"Is Dr. Oki's reputation really that high?" After leaving the elf center, Xiaoxia couldn't help asking.

"What are you talking about!" Xiaojian jumped out decisively to defend the majesty of the idol, "You must know that Dr. Oki is one of the authorities in the field of elf research, and all elf observers can let Dr. Oki read his Proud to report!"

"Hey, it turns out that the doctor is so famous..." Xiaozhi looked like he heard it for the first time, "I thought the doctor just wrote some strange sentences all day long."

"That's the elf Chuanliu (Note 1)." Xiaojian still knows his idol very well, "Even in the Chuanliu world, Dr. Oki's name is quite resounding."

"The doctor often uses the alcohol lamp and beaker in the laboratory to cook instant noodles and hot pot..." Xiaoyou broke the news suddenly.

"Uh..." Xiaojian clenched his hands into fists, "The doctor must be so focused on his research that he doesn't even have time to go out for dinner! What an admirable professionalism..."

"I already said that there is hot pot..." Xiaoyou said that there are quite a lot of idiots in the world.


According to Miss Joy of Xiagan Island, Xiaoyou and others came to Xiagan Gymnasium after crossing a path lined with coconut trees.

"Okay! I'm going to challenge the gymnasium!" Xiaozhi rushed up first, but halfway through the rush, he was attracted by a coconut on the roadside. "Ah, but I just happened to be thirsty..."

Then when I picked up the coconut, I was doused by a large bucket of cold water. There was a thin thread tied to the coconut, and the thin thread was connected to a thick thread. bucket...

Xiaoyou said that it wasn't that he didn't see the mechanism, but that Xiaozhi moved too fast.

"Haha, I got the trick!" A dead child with a spiky head laughed and jumped out of the bushes in front, "Do you want to challenge the Orange Alliance Gym at this level?"

"What did you say!" Anyone who could be hit by such an extremely low-end provocation, except for the hot-blooded Xiaozhi, would not think about it.

When Xiaozhi took out the elf ball and was about to duel with this brat who was obviously only five or six years old, a man ran out from Xiagan Gymnasium wearing a suspenders and a long skirt, and used a hairpin to mess up his long red hair. The later older... girl: "Ada! I told you to clean up and you sneaked out to play again!"

"Sister, it's not me!" The hedgehog-headed brat instantly showed an aggrieved look of a poor kid, "This is the one who wants to be kicked out!"

"Ah, I'm sorry." Xiaoyou stepped forward and raised her hand, "I'm also here to challenge the gym."

"Xiaoyou!" Xiaozhi yelled regardless of the water all over his body, "I rushed up first!"

"But didn't you fall into the trap and die?" Xiaoyou looked at Xiaozhi with a look of surprise, "I will avenge you, Xiaozhi, you can become a Buddha with peace of mind..."

"I'm not dead yet!"

"Okay, don't make any noise." The red-haired older girl stretched out a hand to stop Xiaozhi and Xiaoyou's cross talk, "Since you are in a hurry, come together! As the western star of the Southern Cross, Xiaoyou Brothers and sisters, I, Atsumi of Xiagan Daoguan, have accepted your challenge!"


"I'm a boy! You are the little sister! Your whole family are little sisters!"


In the gymnasium, Xiaozhi Xiaoyou, the red-haired girl Atomi who claims to be the Western Star of the Southern Cross, and her younger brother Ada the hedgehog stand at the two ends of a standard battle field.Xiaoxia and Xiaojian stood aside as spectators.

By the way, Xiaojian, an elderly young man, has been muttering "observation records" while writing and drawing in his sketchbook with great interest since he was outside the gymnasium. A sketch of the trainer Atsumi - this is dead boring.

"Why, is the rule in this gymnasium a two-on-two doubles match?" Xiaozhi asked with a poke ball in his hand.

"Heh, I know it's a layman." Tomi smiled and shook her head, "The game in the Orange League is not just a battle to decide the winner, Ada!"

"Yes!" Following her sister's signal, Ada the hedgehog took out a remote control and pressed it, and the wall on the side of the battlefield began to descend, revealing a row of long tables hidden behind, and a large colorful table above. Empty the can.Immediately afterwards, the dead child pressed the switch on the remote control again, and the battle field was also separated from the middle to the two sides, revealing the pool below...

"Let's play, sea thorn dragon!" Tomi took out a poke ball and threw it into the pool, and a super-large blue seahorse more than one meter long and covered in spikes appeared in the pool.

"This is..." Xiaozhi took out the elf illustration book naturally, and then got a slap in the face because he commented on the fierceness of the sea thorn dragon...

"The style of our Xiagan Gymnasium is to compete with the elves' skills as sports." Atsumi said with a smile, "The first project is to use the elves' water gun skills to accurately hit these jars—Ada! "

Ada on the side cooperated with blowing out a string of soap bubbles with a pipe, and Seathorn did not disappoint. He quickly shot small streams of water guns in the pool, bursting all the bubbles in the air without falling to the ground.

"...Okay!" A demonstration of this level naturally wouldn't make a hot-blooded boy like Xiao Zhi back down, and he threw out the little blue turtle with a squirrel tail. "Jenny Turtle, it's up to you!"

But Xiaoyou was embarrassed: "This...can I use other skills to hit jars? I don't have an elf who can shoot water guns..."

"What!" The dead child Ada jumped out decisively and taunted, "Don't you even have a water elf?"

"I have a Gyarados that can use water cannons and an armored shell that can vortex." Xiaoyou shrugged, "Even if I don't know how to use water cannons, I can't help it."

"This is a headache... If you use water cannons or something, the meaning of the competition will be lost." Totsumi touched her head, thought for a while and said, "Well, if you have the skills of elves that can use attack mode to approach water cannons, I will count you as well It's over."

"In this case..." Xiaoyou thought for a while, then took out an elf ball, "Go, Abo monster!"

"Hiss—" The huge purple cobra raised its head high, and its scarlet tongue kept protruding in and out of its mouth.It seems that because it is relatively rare on tropical islands, the dead child Ada cowered and hid behind Atsumi.

"...Abo monster?" Dunmei tilted her head and looked at Xiaoyou's poison elf, "Let's talk about it first, if you use a skill that is too different from the water gun, you will be out of the game?"

Xiaoyou chuckled: "Don't worry about that!"

"Then..." As soon as Tomi signaled to Ada, the dead child immediately ran aside to act as a referee, and shouted loudly: "Get ready—start!"

"Seathorn/Squirtle, use the water gun!"

"(Arbor, use) Dissolving Solution!"

Note 1: Chuanliu, a form of poetry in District 11... After reading the example sentence given by Du Niang, I found that Dr. Oki doesn't seem very strange

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