Pokemon the wrong way

157. The heaven-defying Miss Joy and the tropical snow-capped mountains. .

"Oh! Kona of the Four Heavenly Kings is coming to this little orange island?" Xiaoyou looked at the poster in the elf center with her head tilted and her eyes widened. "Amazing! But... who is Kona?"

Well, please forgive Xiaoyou.This anime has not watched a hundred episodes in total, and the games have never added up to ten badges. Poor kid paper, it is understandable not to know the Four Heavenly Kings...

Fortunately, the content on the poster is quite detailed, Xiaoyou read it carefully from beginning to end, and then she understood the general idea.It said that Miss Kona, one of the four heavenly kings of Kanto, will come to this small orange island in a week. It is said that the reason why she chose this place instead of other more prosperous islands is because Kona has a building here. For the sake of the villa - do speaking engagements.In addition to speeches, there will also be live special battle performances.

"Special battle... what is that?" Xiaoyou continued to look at the poster...

"...So that's how it is." According to the introduction on the poster, if you want to officially challenge the Four Heavenly Kings, you must first win the championship in the regional conference; after becoming the champion of the regional conference, you are eligible to participate in the Champions League; Only after the champions of the regional conference champions win the Champions League, there are only four who challenge the Four Heavenly Kings of the Regional League; and it seems that after successfully challenging the Four Heavenly Kings, they are eligible to challenge the Champions League masters who are above the Four Heavenly Kings...

"It turns out that there are so many things behind the Quartz Conference... Uh, I'm almost confused..." Xiaoyou shook her head vigorously, trying to drive away the swaying Venus in front of her eyes. "...Anyway, the opportunity to directly fight against the Four Heavenly King Kona like this time is quite rare, right?"

"Well, there's still..." Xiaoyou continued to look down. "In order to select the players who will fight against Master Kona at that time - after all, they are fighting against the Four Heavenly Kings. It would be too ugly to randomly come up with a trainer who uses **Little Lada. Little Orange Island will be on the island in six days. The scope of the 'selection battle event' is launched... so stay tuned?"

"No wonder there are battles everywhere..." Xiaoyou suddenly realized. "It turned out that they were all preparing for this."

Side Quest: King of Ice!A battle with Kona, the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto League.Reward: Free attribute +x, ice skill learner x1 (x depends on the performance in the battle)

"Oh, because it's not a gymnasium, so you finally remembered to give the mission in advance?" Xiaoyou looked at the mission content calmly, "The mission requirement is not to win... Does it mean that the Four Heavenly Kings are very strong?"

Since there is a task to do, Xiaoyou naturally wants to fight for a place in the battle.There is just one small question that needs to be considered: do you want to stay here for a week and wait for the Heavenly King?

"Well, the next Eastern Star gymnasium is... Naipuru Island." Xiaoyou, who obviously didn't intend to wait foolishly, took out the map and checked the route, "There is a place between Little Orange Island and Naipuru Island." ...Yangbella Island, South Island, Marcotte Island, Meow Meow Island, Seven Fruit Islands...there are so many."

Xiaoyou put away the map: "If you go to every island, you will definitely not be able to make it in time, then..."

———A flash of light———

"(Fossil pterosaur, there is no problem with the wind at all, you can speed it up!)" Xiaoyou rode on the back of the fossil pterosaur and flew over the sea, keeping his body as low as possible to reduce the wind resistance, "(try to use Move at high speed!)”

"Roar!" The fossil pterosaur roared, and the speed increased sharply again, and the stronger wind pressure made Xiaoyou have to hold on to the spikes on the fossil pterosaur's back to avoid being overturned by the strong wind.

After making the decision to go to Naipuru Island to challenge the gymnasium and then return to Little Orange Island to challenge the Four Heavenly King Kona, Xiaoyou gave up the comfortable and stable but relatively slow inflatable boat, and released the fossil pterosaur instead. After moving at a high speed, she flew in the direction of Naipuru Island from the air—thanks to the system's attribute strengthening and Ayako's mother's hell training, plus the windproof equipment brought in from Team Rocket, Xiaoyou was able to play this kind of game. Extreme sport.

All the way east.The first is Yangbeila Island which is next to Little Orange Island. Xiaoyou skipped over this city island which is mainly inhabited and has no characteristics. Xiaoyou took a rest at the southern island at noon. It took a lot of effort to calm the fossil pterosaurs from running to prey on a group of scallion ducks that flew out from there (Xiao You: "Come back, fossil pterosaurs! That thing is to collect and protect elves, if you eat them, I will be invited by the search officer Tea drinkers!") ... and finally landed on Makot Island before the sun went down.

Marcotte Island is also known as the Island of Insects. There are a large number of insect-type elves living in the forest on the island. However, Xiaoyou is not interested in green caterpillars and needle bees. Encountered a group of flying praying mantises on the way, Xiaoyou immediately threw several elf balls, flame vortexes, rock explosions, spiked cannons and so on to greet them...

Although the leader of the flying mantis who looked quite old seemed very unwilling to get up, Xiaoyou resolutely added a lead bullet without sympathy—who made you happen to be the target of today's daily mission? ...

After recovering the strength of the fossil pterosaur at the elf center on Makot Island and resting overnight, Xiaoyou rode the fossil pterosaur again in the direction of Naipuru Island the next morning.After passing what appears to be the base of a cult—with a giant gold-plated statue of Meow Meow—on the island of Meow, Yoo comes to the skies above a small tropical archipelago...

"Huh?" Xiaoyou, who was flying at high speed, glanced down inadvertently, but saw a conspicuous waterline on the sea closely following her. canoe. "...What kind of guy can use a rowing boat to keep up with the speed of a fossil pterosaur?"

Full of curiosity, Xiaoyou lowered the fossil pterosaur again, and then saw clearly the person on the canoe: a dark-skinned young woman in a one-piece swimsuit, with a very iconic pink ring-shaped hairstyle, On the back seat was sitting the same lucky egg who was always holding the paddle...

"Uh...could it be Miss Joy?" Xiaoyou's face was black.

However, this heaven-defying Miss Joy seemed to be on the way with Xiaoyou temporarily, and soon after, she and Xiaoyou staggered and headed towards a small island next to her through the waves, and Xiaoyou didn't intend to follow her—according to As shown on the map, after passing through the small island group that is not marked with a name on the map, there is the Naipur Gymnasium where the Western Star Gym of the Southern Cross is located.


The area of ​​Naipuru Island is not very large, but it has a very high mountain. From a distance, you can even see white snow on the upper half of the mountain—this is a tropical climate...

Flying around the island, Xiaoyou didn't see any conspicuous buildings like gymnasiums on this sparsely populated island.So Xiaoyou turned and flew to the coast to land, and stopped an older man with dark red hair who was tying the sailboat to the pier: "Sir, do you know how to get to the Naipur Gym?"

"Oh, are you also the trainer who came to challenge the gym?" The older red-haired young man looked very friendly: he nodded with a smile and said, "I happen to be going to challenge the gym too, let's go together?"

"..." Xiaoyou looked the young man up and down, and nodded after confirming that the other party didn't seem to have any bad thoughts, "Then I will trouble you."

With the red-haired trainer who called himself Xiaodan——Xiao You didn't call it very fluently, after all, the other party seemed to be over 20 years old—walked along the path and came to a high wall.Xiaodan pushed open the door familiarly: "This is the Naipur Gymnasium. I have been here once so I can't go wrong."

"But this looks like the entrance to the mountain trail..." Xiaoyou frowned and looked around, but there was no building that looked like a gymnasium at all. "Look, there's a cable car over there..."

"Xiao You, take a look at this." Xiao Dan pointed to a notice board at the entrance of the mountain road, "You will know it when you see this."

So Xiaoyou leaned forward and read the words on it softly: "Everyone, challengers, welcome to Naipur Gym... The rule of this Gym is that challengers must climb the mountain first?"

Xiaoyou raised her head and looked at the towering mountain peak, sweating coldly.

"There are more." Xiao Dan also came over, and continued to read, "Challengers must rely on their own strength to climb the mountain, and must not rely on the power of elves on the way, otherwise they will lose the qualification to challenge..."

"This... is there a mistake!?"

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