Pokemon the wrong way

191. Chengdu First Blood. .

For a long time, although the system has been vague about the quantified attribute data of Xiaoyou's elves, it is very simple and clear about the cultivation of elves: battle - how you fight, after victory, convert the experience value according to the opponent's strength, and then levelup , new skills get...

Therefore, after being led to the predetermined ambush circle by a provocative poisonous needle from King Nido of Xiaoyou, the big needle bees who were about to watch the provocateur were met with inhumane and strong anti-watching... Text/Text

And Xiaoyou left Xanadu and Genggui on the big tree where the big needle bee lives, and ensured that Nanako and the unicorn could fight one-on-one "fairly, justly, and openly", then slipped away quietly and joined the onlookers In the action of the big needle bee colony, Yameng was released to gain experience...

As a result, the big needle bees who were ravaged by direct and indirect attacks such as confusion, hypnosis, burns, paralysis, etc., could only watch helplessly as a elf that had never seen it before released a strange look from its eyes. Blu-ray uses invisible power to give his companions a fatal blow...

Anyway, Big Needle Bee is an elf and has no human rights...

The experience value is increasing...


When Xiaoyou got rid of the big needle bee and came back under the big tree, she saw the baseball girl Nanako holding a poke ball in her hand, singing while waving the trumpet in the other hand, and the chrysanthemum leaf Following the singing, he excitedly shook the big leaves above his head:

"Riding on the gust of Yuejian Mountain~~ rushing up with a flash of lightning~~The Wall of Light~~Thunder Fist..."


In all fairness, Nanako really doesn't have the talent to be a singer. The girl's strong regional accent is completely brought into the singing. On the next day, Xiaoyou decided to grit his teeth, let's bear it.

"Come on~~Come on~~Electric Beast~~"

Nanako, who was said to be the team song of the Dengeki Beasts after finishing singing, finally found Xiaoyou who had been standing aside for a long time, and immediately ran over excitedly: "Sister Xiaoyou, you are here! I caught the unicorn! No I can't deal with so many big needle bees for your help, thank you so much!"

"Uh huh...you're welcome." Xiaoyou smiled with the corners of her lips twitching—"sister" and so on have been too lazy to correct and just pretend they didn't hear it. "Then you have to train it well and try to make it evolve into a big needle bee as soon as possible..."

"Of course!"

———Thunder Fist———

Saying goodbye to the dialect baseball girl, Xiaoyou used the portable teleporter given by the Rockets to send Duduli's elf ball over, then rode on three big ostriches, and headed for Kikyo City according to the route pointed out in the Chengdu League instruction manual ——The reason why I called Duduli instead of fossil pterosaurs is because I want to see the characteristic elves of Chengdu.

"If the little elf I meet later is from Kanto, I'll replace it with a fossil pterosaur and fly directly to Kikyo City..." Xiaoyou had already made up her mind.

As a result, Xiaoyou really found a new elf in a forest that he passed through afterwards.

It was on a big maple tree whose diameter was thicker than that of the big needle bee, and the trunk was covered with more than a dozen bat butterflies, and a kind of insect-type elf that Xiaoyou didn't know.

This is a kind of elf with a dark blue hard carapace. Its appearance is somewhat similar to a beetle called a unicorn, but it only has four limbs; the forelimbs are relatively thick and have sharp claws, and the hind limbs are relatively short, but they are enough to support The head is tightly connected with the thick torso with a huge bifurcated horn; occasionally, such an elf will open the carapace on the back, revealing translucent insect wings and flying in the air for a while... …

Looks like a good-looking guy (compared to the bug type)...

Xiaoyou took out the elf illustration book:

Heracross, the unicorn elf, is a strong man who can penetrate the opponent's abdomen with his proud horn, then lift it up and throw it out in one breath. .This is the description given by the new version of the elf illustrated book.

Heracross, composite attribute of insect type + fighting type, racial value division: hp80, attack 125, defense 75, special attack 40, special defense 95, speed 85, total 500.This is the data given by the system elf interface at the same time. It seems that because of the update of the elf illustration book, the system's description of the elf has also become much more detailed.

"A bug elf with a race value of 500..." Xiaoyou looked at the group of large beetles lying on the trees and sucking sap and touched his chin, "Well, the name is quite cool, and the appearance is okay. Master Zhou Fangyou captured the first elf in Chengdu, you guys are qualified..."

"Come out, Bi Diao, Nine Tails, Forked Bat!"

"..." Xiaoyou thought for a while, and then took out the Pokeballs of Super Iron Tyrannosaurus and Iron Armor Shell and put them on standby. After all, the opponents this time are a group of guys with a race value of 500, so it's better to be cautious.

"(Forked bat, fly above the maple tree and use ultrasonic waves to create chaos!)" Using spiritual power to communicate and issue a silent command, Xiaoyou's elves moved quietly, preparing for a perfect sneak attack. "(Bi Diao, use Gale Storm!)"

The forked bat that secretly flew directly above the big maple tree opened its mouth, and waves of sound waves visible to the naked eye spread out, covering the whole big tree. Ba Dahu and Heracross were concentrating on licking the sap Caught off guard, they all fell into chaos and started flying around the maple tree.And Bi Diao also flew out of the grass where he was hiding, flapped his wings with spiritual power in mid-air to create a strong wind, and blew the gusts of wind towards the insect elves under the maple tree.

"Okay, the plan is going well!" Xiaoyou waved his hand in satisfaction and threw the poke balls of Super Iron Tyrannosaurus and Iron Armored Shell, "(Next, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus and Iron Armored Shell used rock blasting together to suppress firepower, and Nine Tails used jet blasting to suppress firepower. Flame against those who dare to stand up... Uh, what's the situation?)"

Before Xiaoyou finished "speaking" the follow-up instructions, the insect-type elves under the maple tree who were attacked by the violent wind rushed away.Not only are the flies with big butterflies who don't seem to be good at fighting, but even the mighty Heracros with a race value of 500 stretched out their wings and ran away. It's not the first time doing this...

Xiaoyou foolishly stayed where he was with his mouth wide open, the forked bat was covered by the shade directly above the maple tree, Nine Tails was still hiding in the grass, and the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and Iron Armored Shell just came out of the poke ball However, only Bi Diao really appeared in front of the insect elves.And a mere Bi Diao actually scared seven or eight Ba Da Huo and a dozen Heracrosses and ran away in one breath?

500 race value!The number of dozens!Even if Bi Diao is a flight type that restrains insects, it wouldn't be exaggerated to this point, right? ...

With a gloomy face, Xiaoyou took back the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus Rex and Iron Armor Shell, who had done nothing but show their faces, walked out of the grass and came to Bi Diao who had landed, and carefully looked up and down at the long colorful bird on the top of its head. Crested super-sized raptors...

"Well, it's Bi Diao, that's right, it's not Lightning Bird or something..."

After much deliberation, Xiaoyou can only attribute the reason in the end to the fact that Heracross is a very "pacifist" elf. Facing Bi Diao's provocation, they decisively chose "strategic shift" to avoid "senseless violence" conflict"……

Is such an elf worth catching...?

"...No! Wouldn't it be embarrassing for us to just give up like this?" Xiaoyou gritted her teeth and gave up the idea of ​​turning around and leaving immediately. "However, it is also the first elf in the Chengdu area. Just train (tiao) and practice (jiao) your personality!"

"Bi!" Bi Diao flapped his wings and let out a cry, which caught Xiaoyou's attention.

"(You said those big beetles didn't run far, but hid in the nearby bushes and watched here?)"


"Very good..." Xiaoyou nodded, and looked at the huge maple tree beside her.A golden viscous liquid secreted from the small hole on the tree trunk bitten by the insect-type elf, exuding a sweet smell in the air, judging by Xiaoyou's knowledge, it should be the raw material of maple syrup...

"Heracross feeds on this tree sap, right?" Xiaoyou waved, motioning for Kyuubi to leave the bushes where he was hiding and come to him. under the tree.

"Nine Tails, use jet flames on the maple tree!" Xiaoyou deliberately loudly issued an order to Nine Tails. "(Shoot a little, just burn some twigs and leaves.)"

The nine-tailed fox, who received Xiaoyou's instructions, opened its mouth and spewed out a small pillar of fire. It deliberately brushed past the tops of the maple trees. A few leaves were scorched by the hot flames and turned into ashes and drifted away with the wind.

"Hera!" The Heracrosses who were hiding not far away to watch the situation suddenly became anxious, and jumped out of the bushes where they were hiding one by one.


Before these courageous Heracrosses could make any further moves, Super Iron Tyrannosaurus took a step forward under Xiaoyou's signal and roared.The gigantic figure of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus that ate calcium tablets of unknown origin made the Heracrosses turn pale. After less than a second of spiritual decision, the unicorns turned around decisively and got into the bushes again ...

"Hmph, I know it's not that simple..." Xiaoyou bared her teeth and grinned, "Nine Tails, go on! I don't believe that even a spineless guy can't be found among these big bugs!"

"Woo!" Nine Tails yelled in cooperation, and once again sprayed flames at the big maple tree...

The fire flashed, and a few strands of ashes fell from the tops of the huge maple tree again.The group of Heracrosses in the bushes became commotion again, and a few Heracrosses dared to poke out half of their heads, but the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus only exhaled forcefully from its nostrils, and when those heads came out, they It shrank back several times faster.

"Continue!" Xiaoyou's face remained unchanged.

"Hera!" After the fourth flame burned a large clump of branches in one go, a Heracross finally jumped out again.

"Hmm, um!" Even though Heracross's legs were trembling under the stare of the super iron tyrannosaurus, and there was even a trembling sound in the cry, Xiaoyou was satisfied enough to stand up against the pressure up. "As long as you have the heart, you can still do it!"

Taking out the elf ball and putting away the super iron tyrannosaurus, Xiaoyou replaced it with another elf that was not so intimidating in appearance, and said loudly to Heracross who had just breathed a sigh of relief: "Let's have a duel!" Well, if you can defeat it, I will obediently leave... However, if you lose, I will burn the whole tree down!"

"H, Hera!?"

"Sa, what are you going to do, Unicorn?" Xiaoyou showed a blackened smile to the terrified Heracross, "Try to show your strength, it will determine the future of your group ..."

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