Pokemon the wrong way

211. The most wretched spider in history. .Lineman! ? (fog

"Ah, there it is." The familiar little loli who pointed to the front and led the way for Xiaoyou said loudly, "That's the juniper gymnasium."

In fact, without Qianhui leading the way, Xiaoyou was able to find this huge building with a semicircular glass roof on the edge of this small town where the average building does not exceed two floors.Looking in through the open door, you can see the lush growth of the woods...

"It's another botanical garden..." Looking at this building with obvious functions, Xiaoyou couldn't help but think of a certain gymnasium in Rainbow City, and sighed softly. "At least the roof of this botanical garden is not shaped like a king flower. The gym trainers here should be more reliable..."

Side mission: One-hit kills little Youyou!Challenge the Juniper Gym and get the Insect Badge.Reward: Speed ​​+1, Free Attribute +4, Skill Learner x1

The task content itself is a standard side task in the gymnasium, but this time the system did not know what was going on. The painful task name made Xiaoyou sweat coldly: "I am not a twelve-centimeter-tall pest expelling robot... (Note 1)"

Anyway, since the door was open, there should be someone inside, so Xiaoyou walked in without any burden. "I'm here to challenge the gym's trainer!"

"Please wait a moment..." A voice came from the grass not far away, and it sounded like the owner of the voice was not very old. "It will be fine soon..."

Xiaoyou walked in the direction where the sound came from, and pushed aside the grass at half a person's height, and saw a boy wearing a dark green short-sleeved shirt and shorts similar to a boy scout uniform, and a boy with dark purple hair cut neatly into a mushroom head was squatting In the grass, with a notebook and a tape measure in hand, I was fiddling with two big red caterpillars with spikes on their tails...

"...Okay, the growth status of this week has been recorded." After writing the last word in the notebook, the mushroom-headed boy put away the things in his hands, turned around and stood up to face Xiaoyou, "Sorry for keeping you waiting, But just now I was making a record for the thorntail, so I couldn't get away - this is unique to the Fangyuan area, a rare insect-type elf in the city, and it is said that different genders of the thorntail have different evolutionary forms, It is very worthy of raising and researching..."

"Ah, I'm sorry to interrupt..." Xiaoyou interrupted the young man who was about his own age, who was talking about elves like thorntails, in a cold sweat, "Excuse me, are you the gymnasium here?" Trainer?"

"That's right, I am the gym trainer of the Juniper Gym." The boy straightened up and slapped his chest, "Abi, who is known as the 'Encyclopedia of Insect-Elf Encyclopedia' is me! You are the trainer who came to challenge, right? ?”

"Well, I'm Xiaoyou from Zhenxin Town." Xiaoyou nodded, expressing no pressure on gimmicks such as encyclopedias of insects. "I'm here to receive the badge of the Juniper Gym."

"Oh, isn't your tone low?" Ah Bi raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It is the duty of gym trainers to not refuse anyone who comes. I accept your challenge."


With the gym trainer Abi leading the way, Xiaoyou soon came to an open space in the center of the botanical garden.Here, a standard battle field was drawn on the ground, surrounded by bushes and big trees.

Specific battleground - Jungle environment: all attributes of insect and grass elves +5%, all attributes of flying elves -5%

"Then the gym trainer, Abi, and the challenger, Xiaoyou from Zhenxin Town, will start the official gym challenge!" Next to the battlefield, the staff wearing standard referee uniforms began to introduce the rules of the gym competition, " The number of elves used is three, and if all three elves on one side lose their combat power, the game will end..."

Because it is a very standard 3v3 gymnasium competition rule, so neither Xiaoyou nor Abi paid much attention to what they said to the novice trainers (the referee said that it was very hard for him to be ignored)...

"Xiaoyou!" Before the start of the competition, Ah Bi suddenly asked loudly, "Have you ever heard of the saying 'He who conquers the insect-type elves is equal to conquering the whole world'?"

"Not at all." Xiaoyou shook her head resolutely, "Which patient with advanced secondary illness said this?"

"Second childhood illness? It doesn't sound like a good word..." Ah Bi frowned: "It's too rude, I don't have any second childhood illness!"

"So you said it yourself..." Xiaoyou broke into a cold sweat: "I just said, the bug-type elves are not strong enough and have many weaknesses, it is too reluctant to conquer the world..."

"Hmph, it seems that you also don't understand the charm of bug-type elves." Ah Bi shrugged his shoulders, with an expression of "I sympathize with you", "Then I will let you see, bug-type elves strength!"

"The first elf I'm going to take out is the silent warrior among the worm-type elf--" As a gym trainer, Abi first took out the elf ball and threw it out, "Go, string ball!"

"Chirp!" A six-legged green spider-shaped elf the size of a washbasin with a single horn on its head jumped out of the poke ball.

How could this be a silent warrior—Xiaoyou was in a cold sweat again.Isn't it calling when you come out?

"If you want to fight insects..." Looking at this large green spider covered in bristles, Xiaoyou frowned and took out her poke ball, "In the absence of pesticides, burning it with fire is the most convenient— —Come on, Yang Yan!"

"Woo!" A golden fox elf with nine tails appeared on the field.As for the name "Yang Yan", it comes from a manga that a pseudonym read a long time ago. I don't know if it's because the name has something to do with fire, or because the female character with this name has a good compatibility with the fox...

"Did you really take out the elf with the fire element..." Seeing the elf that Xiaoyou took out, Ah Bi had a completely expected expression, "Do you think you can win with the fire element? It's not that simple. !"

"No, I just made the most reasonable judgment rationally." Xiaoyou habitually reached out to the bridge of her nose, and then remembered that she didn't wear those glasses. "Well... (Yang Yan, use) jet flame!"

After getting a new name, Kyuubi finally got rid of the slightly subtle pronunciation of his original name (Note 2). Without a word, he opened his mouth, and a hot pillar of fire sprayed towards the opposite green spider thread, which was not very attractive in appearance or name. ball.

"Thread ball, use silk spinning!" Ah Bi's voice showed no trace of panic.

"Chirp!" The ball of thread, which had been lying still after entering the field, let out a strange cry again after hearing the order, raised its head and spit out a stream of off-white sticky worm silk the size of a little finger from the dark red pincer-like mouthparts. However, the direction is not towards Nine Tails, but a big tree beside the field...

With a slight slap, the worm silk was firmly stuck to the branch, and the next moment the thread ball quickly retracted the worm thread, and then the reaction force rose into the air, avoiding the flames sprayed out by Nine Tails without any danger.

"Uh, can you still play like this?" Xiaoyou's eyebrows twitched slightly, "Hey, isn't this a foul?"

Ah Bi shrugged without pressure: "My string ball itself didn't go out of the field..."

"Okay... But this little cleverness ends here - the string ball running in mid-air is like a moving target!" Xiaoyou pouted, pointing to the string ball in mid-air like a swing and commanded, "(Yang Yan, look at the trajectory of the line ball, do it again) Jet flames!"

Kyuubi raised his head, looked at the ball of string in the air, quickly calculated the amount of advance, and sprayed out a flame in the direction that the ball of string was heading, so that it could almost be said that the ball of string crashed into the flame of Kyuubi. ...

"Do you think thread spinning is such a simple trick?" Ah Bi loudly ordered confidently, "Thread ball, use thread spinning!"

What happened next shocked Xiaoyou: the green abdomen with black markings shrunk for a while, and another strand of sticky worm silk shot out from the... "chrysanthemum" of the thread ball Come out, stick to the branch of another tree outside the field, and at the same time, the pincer-like mouthparts of the ball of string are closed, cutting off the worm thread connected to the head, and the ball of string has made a sharp turn in the air, and once again "gorgeously" "Averted the flame attack of Nine Tails.

His attacks were dodged one after another, and Nine Tails himself felt a little uncomfortable, and without Xiaoyou's command, he automatically sprayed flames to make up for it.But the ball of thread seemed to have the same tacit understanding, spit out worm silk from the mouthparts to stick to the third tree, and at the same time, "Chrysanthemum" tightened and "clamped" the worm silk at the broken tail and turned in the air again...

"..." Xiaoyou remained silent, letting Nine Tails continue to use jet flame attacks with an angry face...

In fact, compared to the continuous miss attack, the string ball's "air-spinning dodge technique" caused more outstanding damage to Xiaoyou-what kind of stupid "vomiting and diarrhea" dodging method is this damn!As long as I think that this thing spits out the same thing from the "mouth" as the "chrysanthemum", I feel super unhygienic!Speaking of which, is it silk or Xiang that you spit out?Did the coach make a foul? This is a mental attack, is there a mental attack...

In the eyes of ordinary trainers, the string ball is just an elf who looks more like a doll than a bug, but in Xiaoyou's eyes... well...

While Xiaoyou was complaining, Nine Tails on the field had used flame jets nearly ten times in a row, and was panting slightly at this moment.And Ah Bi's thread ball spider is still wretched, hanging in mid-air with the worm silk spit out by the "chrysanthemum"...

And after using the silk-spinning skill more times in a row, the thread ball's silk almost spread all over the trees around the battlefield, and the entire battlefield seemed to be covered by a sparse spider web.Although it was burned a lot by the flames of Nine Tails, it was obvious that more thread balls were spit out—now the thread balls can directly stick to the existing worm threads if they turn in the air, and the moving route has become more weird and changeable.

Talking about the unscientific amount of silk, the volume of the worm silk spit out is almost twice the volume of the thread ball itself, right?

"Hmph..." Ah Bi on the opposite side smiled triumphantly with his arms on his hips, "The 'String Ball Field' has been completed... Next, I will show you the power of the insect-type elf! !"

The word "attack" was added to the order, and the ball of thread dangling in mid-air immediately aimed at Nine-Tails, who was still panting on the ground, and sprayed off-white sticky worm silk—but at this moment, the ball of thread used " The "mouth" is connected to the spider web between the big trees, so now it is the "chrysanthemum" that sprays "unidentified objects" at the nine tails...

"(Nine Tails! Get out of the way even if you die!)"

Note 1: Please use Baidu to "kill insects with one strike!! Xiao Huihui"

Note 2: As a reader said, the Japanese pronunciation of "Nine Tails" is indeed "qb". .

ps: "Yangyan" comes from the flame of fire, a relatively small "Naruto" manga. .

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