Pokemon the wrong way

217. You Can Lose a Team Battle, But You Must Die

The elf center in Leaf Town is full of trainers who stayed in the town for the elf exchange meeting.

Relying on the low-temperature halo effect attached to Geng Gui's "possession", Xiaoyou finally snatched a room key from Ms. Joy, and came to the telephone booth in the corner of the hall. .

First of all, I called my family and reported the safety of my pseudo-mother and dad about the current travel situation.After that, Xiaoyou called Dr. Oki's Institute again...

"It's Xiaoyou!" Dr. Oki on the screen seemed to be eating dinner, "It's been a long time."

"Dr. Oki..." Looking at the beaker containing instant noodles in Dr. Oki's hand and the unextinguished alcohol lamp on the laboratory table behind him, Xiaoyou's face was filled with black lines. "As a country's authoritative elf researcher, you should pay more attention to your body. Eating instant noodles all day long is not good for your health—and you still use beakers and alcohol lamps to cook noodles... I seem to have heard Your experimental equipment is crying."

"Ahaha, isn't this more convenient..." Dr. Oki smiled dryly and perfunctorily, "Speaking of which, I called at such a late hour, what's the matter?"

"Well, that's how it is." Xiaoyou said slowly, "I'm in Leaf Town now, and an elf exchange meeting was held here..."

"Elf exchange meeting..." Dr. Oki touched his chin and smiled, "Speaking of which, Xiaozhi is also in Leaf Town, and asked me to send Kentaro to him in the afternoon..."

"...I exchanged an elf named stupid fish with someone else there." Xiaoyou, who knew well that Dr. Oki was prone to digress, wisely did not answer the topic about Xiaozhi, "I would like to ask , what type of evolution is this elf?"

Although the information in the system can accurately provide the data and information of an elf, it becomes as weak as the elf illustration book when it comes to the evolution chain of the elf, so Xiaoyou intends to inquire about Dr. Oki's "walking See "Pokemon Encyclopedia".

"Stupid fish? This is indeed a rare elf..." Dr. Oki on the screen opened his eyes slightly, "Although stupid fish is recognized as the ugliest elf, even some scholars don't want to To study it, but in fact, the stupid fish still has considerable academic research value. This kind of elf has tenacious vitality, and can survive even in the harshest environment. This kind of super power that other elves do not have The ability to adapt to the environment is worth studying, if you can crack the secret and apply it to..."

5 minutes later……

"...My research data shows that the stupid fish living in different poor water quality also have subtle differences in appearance characteristics. For example, the dark spots on the body surface of the stupid fish living in acidic water quality The area will increase significantly, and the number of broken branches at the fins and tails of the stupid fish in the alkaline environment is 1.45 times that of other environments..."

10 minutes later……

"...In fact, there is a certain degree of support in the academic circles for the homology theory of the evolutionary chain of the stupid fish and the carp king. After all, the two have a certain degree of similarity in appearance, and this similarity is in the There are also certain reservations in the evolved form..."

"Oh?" Xiaoyou, who was drowsy sitting in front of the phone, finally came to his senses, "Then doctor, you mean to say that the evolution of the stupid fish is similar to the evolution of the carp king into the tyrannosaurus?"

"Hehe, how should I put it..." Dr. Oki chuckled, "I can tell you that the stupid fish, known as the ugliest elf, has evolved into the most beautiful elf, right? However, the evolution conditions of the stupid fish are not as simple as that of the king carp. Compared with the king carp, the evolution of the wild stupid fish is less than one-twentieth. Most of them are unwilling to disclose the specific process of evolution, so the specific method of the evolution of the stupid fish is still very mysterious... But why do you want to ask questions about its evolution?"

"Uh, it's because... I want to learn more about it, so that I can better arrange the corresponding cultivation policy and battle tactics." Xiaoyou replied solemnly, "It's definitely not because it looks like a mermaid. It’s because of the nuclear-radiated King Carp!”

"Hahaha..." Dr. Oki laughed loudly, "Don't worry Xiaoyou, train that stupid fish well, maybe one day it will evolve unexpectedly, this is also one of the joys of trainers! Oh, by the way, if you have time, please send the stupid fish to me, so that I can collect research data..."

"Well, I'll do it when I'm free." Xiaoyou hung up the phone reassuringly.Although I don't expect much from the description of "the most beautiful", the evolutionary form "similar to Gyarados" is good news. For Gyarados, at least they won't be too curious...

———Water Splash———

The next day, morning.Leaf Town, on the square.

"Look at the scythe of this flying mantis, look at the shiny metallic luster..."

"Speaking of my circle bear, in terms of attack power, I have the confidence to not lose to anyone..."

"Don't underestimate my Gotha Duck! Although this guy is a water-type elf, he can skillfully use super-power skills..."

"Oh? My owl also has super power skills, do you want to exchange them with me?"

Just as Xiaoyou expected, after watching and testing the water on the first day, genuine elf trainers also began to join the ranks of elf exchange.More and more elves with certain combat power and after evolution began to appear on the square. Among the questions that people mentioned when discussing the exchange, the content related to the battle gradually increased.

It's just that for Xiao You, who has circled half a circle in the square, the elves brought out by the trainers are still not enough to look at.After all, no one would be so brain-dead that they would exchange their strongest combat power with others, so the elves flooding the square are actually second-line members of ordinary trainers—even though they are not ordinary trainers. In the eyes of people, this is already a remarkable and powerful elf.

"Hi~ Here are the special fried noodles and takoyaki you want!" At the edge of the square, in a bustling snack bar, Musashi, wearing a hawker outfit with a headband and a business smile on his face, quickly packed the snacks and found them. The change was handed over to the customers in front of them, while in the background, Kojiro and Miaomiao quickly waved their shovels and awls, cooking special fried noodles and takoyaki at a speed no less than that of an industrial assembly line...

After being flown by pia the day before, Musashi and the others changed their outfits today, and by the way, even the business items have changed a lot. They used the 3 yuan of stolen money and portable money that Xiaoyou "chased" back from Uncle Carp King. A small shop selling Japanese snacks on the square.

As for how the business is going, the "great feeling" expressions on the faces of the three of them can explain the problem very well...

"These three guys feel like they can succeed in everything except bad things..." Xiaoyou came to this conclusion after tasting a portion of takoyaki and fried noodles.

"Uh...not right." After all, Xiaoyou didn't come to go shopping, and it's not good for her fighting spirit to be sapped by "Musashi Lina snacks full of happiness". "We're here to find valuable elves in exchange!"

However, after discovering that the active elf exchanges in the square had only changed from third-rate high-end goods to second-rate high-end goods, Xiaoyou had to admit the fact that the good things at the end obviously would not appear until the last day...

In desperation, Xiaoyou had no choice but to turn her target to the edge of the square again, to see if she could find some not-so-powerful but at least distinctive elves like yesterday—such as Huhu, Huhu, and Huhu some type of……

"Ah, I found the target." On a bench 200 meters away from the big tree where I met the bespectacled Mrs. who was exchanging pots yesterday, Xiao You found a man looking around, with a vaguely anxious white face. Fat boy, and at his feet, a bug elf that he had never seen before was crawling around...

This elf is not big in size, it seems to be less than half a meter long, and its whole body is covered with a gray-white carapace that doesn't look very strong; a pair of inconspicuous little wings are erected on its back, obviously it can't be relied on to fly at all; on the contrary It is a pair of dark brown front legs that are well developed, like a pair of sharp shovels, digging on the ground once or twice; the overall image is more similar to that of cicada larvae, a kind of insect that lives underground by digging soil kind.

"Ah, this lady! Do you want to exchange this earthen ninja with me?" Xiaoyou just looked at the elf a few more times, and the white-haired boy grabbed his own elf and rushed to Xiaoyou In front of him, with an expression of offering treasure, he held the gray bug under Xiaoyou's nose. "Miss, you are not only cute, but also have a good eye! This elf is called Doi Ninja, and it is an elf that does not exist in the Kanto and Johto areas! And even in its original place, Hoen, It is also an ultra-rare elf that is rarely seen in a century! And you don’t think it is small, but it knows a lot of skill classes and is powerful, no matter digging holes and throwing sand, biting people and sucking blood, it is proficient in everything! And the level of this elf is already very high, you will soon be able to evolve and become more powerful after you exchange it! And now it is the two-day anniversary of the opening of the elf exchange, so there is a special discount, you only need to take one You can switch to this super..."

"Geng Gui..." Xiaoyou took a step back expressionlessly and said calmly, "Lick him."

"Mouth, mouth, mouth..." The purple Geng Gui immediately emerged from the shadow under Xiaoyou's feet, and stretched out his blood-red long tongue at the long-haired boy...

"Ugh!" Seeing Geng Gui, the long-haired boy immediately turned pale as if he had seen a ghost—well, that's true in a sense—and then acted as if his chrysanthemum had been blasted by a million horns of power. The miserable voice screamed - Geng Gui's tongue hadn't touched him yet:


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