Pokemon the wrong way

234. Cold nose can not breathe so painful. .

"As a result, that Emperor Yan also disappeared?" Uncle Sakagi on the screen asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Xiaoyou replied solemnly to the camera of the communicator notebook, "The crystal Yandi took the initiative to break through the energy core of the unknown totem's runaway energy, and after losing the energy supply, he himself turned into a crystal, covering the entire villa and the green The crystals of the field dissipated together."

"The crystal elf..." Boss Sakagi frowned slightly, "I guess there will be no genes to collect?"

"Indeed, I'm very sorry." Xiaoyou lowered her head solemnly, "In addition, the 260 unknown totems that appeared in the crystal body disappeared together with the mysterious puzzle that seemed to summon them to appear after the crystallization phenomenon disappeared. Macchiato, a member of the A-level special forces who carried out the rescue operation, successfully captured a few unknown totems before they disappeared, and they have been sent to the headquarters. It's just that there is too much difference in the number, and it is possible to reproduce the abnormal phenomenon at the level of the crystallization tower very small……"

"Forget it, I can't blame you for these things." Boss Sakagi waved his hand to signal Xiao You not to care, "Being able to capture the unknown totem is already an extra gain, plus Dr. Xiuli's research materials on the unknown totem brought back by Macchiato ...This operation was successful. Thank you for your hard work, little Youjun."

"Yes." Xiaoyou solemnly raised her hand and saluted.

"Speaking of..." Seeing that there was something wrong with Xiaoyou's serious face, Uncle Sakamu suddenly changed the subject, "That Emperor Yan is really stupid, isn't he? To think that for a brat who doesn't understand anything, he doesn't even know his own existence?" give up……"

"Yes, I think so too." Xiaoyou continued to reply solemnly, "If the power of the unknown totem is stabilized with the help of the Rockets' technological strength, the existence of Emperor Yan can be maintained, and we can use this as an opportunity to develop The possibility of a new effective force for the Rockets exists."

"Oh? That's right..." The boss Sakagi who stared at Xiaoyou twitched his mouth, "Little Youjun, your acting skills are almost perfect, but physical phenomena can't be solved by acting skills-first make up eye shadow, Cover the corners of your red eyes and say this."

"Boss, you misunderstood." Xiaoyou still explained seriously, "The red eye socket is an allergic phenomenon caused by the debris when a large number of crystals dissipate."

"I also passed Macchiato, why is she not allergic?"

"Macchiato team members wore goggles with anti-flash function in order to take the opportunity to capture the unknown totem."

"Hehe..." Uncle Sakagi smiled softly, "Well, you can justify yourself. In short, this green field mission is over, and there should be no more missions for you in the short term... However, there are If you have free time, remember to cultivate your Yameng more - if it is not convenient, you can also send it to the headquarters, the ability of the Rockets' original ancestor cultivation house is still trustworthy."

"Well, I understand." Xiaoyou replied solemnly, "The work of cultivating Yameng has not been left behind, and its level has been steadily rising-in fact, I have already put it into actual combat in this operation. Boss, do you need to recover battle data?"

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, you just need to cultivate it well. Maybe one day it will be of great use..." Sakagi waved his hand casually, "The green field you are in now is [-] meters away from Manjin City where the Manjin Gymnasium is located. It’s not far away, it’s one of the best big cities in the Johto area, let’s make some corrections there.”

"Yes." Xiaoyou nodded, saluted again, and hung up the phone.

———Awakening Power———

Scene rewinding...

When the blue flame broke through the energy core of the unknown totems, triggering a violent flash, Emperor Yan, who had lost his source of power, also turned into blue crystals and slowly dissipated in the flash.The unknown totems in the air no longer maintained their formation, and each of them drooped their eyelids and slowly floated down with a listless look.

A round hole exuding a strange light suddenly opened on the ceiling of the hall, and dozens of square wooden boards fell from it.These small wooden boards that look like building blocks or puzzles light up after landing, turning into scattered light spots and disappearing, and the unknown totems also opened their eyes wide again as if they woke up, looking at the mysterious sky in the sky. The round hole flies away...

"That... what?" Xiaozhi squinted his eyes and murmured—the eyes stimulated by the strong light could not be fully opened yet.

"It seems to be some kind of space tunnel or something..." Xiao Gang, who also squinted his eyes—although there is basically no difference whether he squints or not—replied softly, "The unknown totems are going back to their original place. ..."

"Ghost, black eyes!"

A skull-shaped elf surrounded by thick purple-gray smoke suddenly jumped out from behind the remaining crystals behind the unknown totems. The eyes sunken deep in the eye sockets radiated black unknown light, and launched an attack on the unknown totems. attacked.Those who were about to fly to the channel were

"Beep beep——" four small metal rings flew out, automatically enlarged in mid-air, and accurately hit the four unknown totems hit by Guisi's skills. After hitting the target, The ring tightened automatically, and at the same time, bursts of electricity were released, causing the eyeballs of the four unknown totems to tremble wildly.

Immediately afterwards, four special elf balls painted in gray and black with the letter "a" printed on them flew out, hit the bodies of the four unknown totems, and received them together with the metal rings on them. In the Poke Ball.Probably because the energy core received a certain impact when it was broken, and then received electric shock damage. The four poke balls fell to the ground without moving, and all of them were easily captured.

"Ball of thread, spin silk!" A green spider with a short horn on its head climbed out, spewed out several strands of silk, stuck to the four elf balls and dragged them back behind the crystal.

"F, what happened!?" Because the series of events from the string ball ghost's attack to the four poke balls capturing the unknown totem happened too fast and suddenly, it was not until the string ball dragged the poke ball away that Xiaozhi and the others reacted , and hurriedly yelled and chased after him.

"Double bomb gas, use a smoke screen!" A burst of gray-brown smoke suddenly filled the air, obstructing everyone's sight.

"Abo monster, use the dissolving solution!" With a tooth-sickening sound, a big hole was dissolved in the wall of the hall, which had gradually returned to the normal building appearance. Barely saw a slender figure jumping out of the hole through the thick smoke...

"Damn it, stop!" Xiaozhi yelled angrily, "Who the hell is that!?"

Familiar lines came from the smoke:

"Although you asked sincerely—"

"But we don't have time to be merciful and tell you..."

"In short, this time we will retreat first, meow!"

Well, it seems to be different this time.

"...It's the Phantom Group." Xiaoyou frowned and said in a low voice, "I should have thought of it earlier, this level of mutation will definitely attract them..."

In the gradually dissipating smoke, no one saw the headset-type walkie-talkie that Xiaoyou quietly stuffed into his pocket...


Theater side mission: "Emperor of the Crystallization Tower!" Completed!Rewards: hp+1, attack+2, freedom attribute+8, money+6000, Yandi's blessing hair ornament

Obtained the achievement: Emperor of the Crystal Tower!Participate in the "Emperor of the Crystal Tower" event.Reward free attribute +2, money +1000

Yandi's Blessing Hair Ornament: A small hairpin shaped like the golden part of Yandi's head.Souvenir for participating in the Emperor event in the Crystal Tower.Wearing: Protected by the volcanic incarnation, the resistance to high temperature environment +50%, will never be attacked by volcanic eruptions, and slightly reduces the hostility of fire elves.

For the cheating system, the shameless behavior of forgetting to give the task before the event and then remembering it after the event is over, pretending to be nonchalant and directly throwing out the task completion notification and task rewards Tucao.After silently using up the rewarded attribute points, Xiaoyou looked at the bright golden hairpin in her hand with a slightly more rounded shape than the guy on Yandi's face, so it looked a little cute...

To wear, or not to wear, that is the question.

"..." After a few seconds of hesitation, the temperature that had quietly risen in early summer helped the puppet girl make a decision.Xiaoyou sighed, and pinned the hairpin on the hairband that fixed the ponytail behind her head.

With the wearing of the hairpin, the surrounding air seemed to become cooler all of a sudden - the effect was very obvious, but...

"Well, hopefully, it doesn't seem so obvious..."

ps: It’s not that I turned on the air conditioner because I was greedy for coolness, and I caught a cold. It’s just that the integrity of a certain tea has dropped again—if I really want to grit my teeth, have a runny nose, a headache, or something, take two bottles of medicine and then pour 5.0 liters of boiled water, and nothing will happen. . o(__)o

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