Pokemon the wrong way

286. The final interpretation right of the rules belongs to the sponsor of the contest

On the second day of the official match, the weather was fine, and the "Goblet of Fire" competition of the fire elves was going on as usual.

"Three, two, one..." Xiaoyou, who was counting down in a low voice, waved his hand lightly, "(It's now! Menus, use) the water cannon!"

The gold and silver two-colored deep-sea sea snake that moved to the side of the field opened its mouth, and a powerful high-pressure water jet that was several times more exaggerated than a fire truck sprayed out from the long and narrow mouth full of tiny fangs, shooting towards the other end of the field where it was burning. flame tornado.And at the moment when the water cannon was about to hit the flame, the flame vortex that lasted for a long time just disappeared, revealing the dumb hippopotamus and lava snail trapped inside...

Although in terms of speed and maneuverability, the lava snail and the dumb hippo were completely suppressed by Xiaoyou's Nine Tails and Menus, but the two elves are the type with strong defense and resistance, so they simply became Fixed the turret, and after both of them propped up the light wall for defense, they used various long-range skills to shoot at Xiaoyou's elves, and they fought very well for a while.However, Xiaoyou is not a hot-blooded person who pays attention to being upright. After ordering Jiuwei to use flame vortexes and hot wind to cover his sight, he first asked Jiuwei to pretend to use a digging attack to attract attention, and at the same time let Menus quietly walk to the opponent Xiaoyou The side of the elf, and then calculate the amount in advance to use the big move sneak attack at the moment before the duration of the flame vortex disappears-the light wall skill is really powerful for the defense effect of special attack attacks, but the wall is a wall, as the name implies, it can only control one side, isn't it? 360-degree cover with no dead angle...

Of course, the flame vortex also blocked Xiaoyou's own field of vision, making it impossible to determine the detailed positions of the opponent's two elves, so a certain puppet chose the water cannon skill very conscientiously - this powerful skill is in Xiaoyou's hands. The range is basically not much different from AOE...

The dumb hippo is not seriously injured by virtue of its own water attribute, but the lava snail, which is restrained by the water system four times, is a tragedy. Even if it is relatively far behind and only affected by part of the attack, it is enough for this relatively anemic guy. Lying on the ground with the mosquito coils in the eyes, the damage to the extent of losing combat effectiveness...

So Xiaoyou successfully advanced to the semi-finals.


Kaoru's game went fairly smoothly.Although the red-haired girl's opponent has a very powerful flame chicken, but too much trust in her elf has become a weakness. Kaoru launched a fast attack at the beginning of the game, using digging + Xunxing + mud jet to focus the fire. In one breath, he solved the soy-sauced water-type elf Sea Star... The price was that the marsh king was almost beaten into a brain-dead by the flame chicken's set of fighting skills that specially greeted the head.

But don't forget, the skill learner that Kaoru borrowed from Xiaoyou hasn't returned yet...

After yawning loudly—this is actually not the skill that puts the opponent into a sleep state, but the flame chicken still jumped away cautiously under the reminder of the trainer—after that, the Marsh King lay down on the ground and began to sleep soundly. Quickly regain strength.Although the flame chicken wanted to stop it after finding out that he had been fooled, he was entangled by the fire rock mouse that jumped out of the ground suddenly, and watched the big giant salamander regain its full hp and climb up...

Then the rest of the time proved one thing: under the circumstances that the difference in strength is not too great, [-]v[-] is the right way to die...

Kaoru also advanced to the semi-finals, and will compete with Xiaoyou in the semi-finals.

As for the trainers who also advanced to the semi-finals in the second half of the schedule...

Standing out from a group of passer-by trainers, a combat passer-by trainer, unfortunately fell into a state of charm and blood loss after meeting the sexy big sister with long legs and short skirts. The double debuff directly caused his combat power to drop by more than 70% in an instant, and was cleanly The big sister with long legs had an innocent face: she just greeted the other party in a normal way based on the spirit of friendship first and competition second, but who knew that guy would suddenly spit out such a scary blow big beach nosebleed...

Xiaoyou: "Well, it turns out that there is more than one strange species like Xiaogang..."

However, being defeated in terms of computing power but relying on the strength of the little elves to successfully counterattack the Xueba Xueba children's shoes proves another thing: like a wild animal that acts on intuition and pays attention to strategy and tactics is the same as death—— When you calculate the sine and cosine parameter functions of attack power and angle, the wild animal has already slapped your face with a skill that you don’t know what it is, but it’s easy to use...

Therefore, the final four of the competition were confirmed: a purple-haired dummy, a red-haired tomboy, a long-legged royal sister, and a wild animal.

It doesn't seem very reliable...


It only took four matches to decide the top four, and there was still a long time before noon. In theory, it was enough to play three more matches to directly determine the champion.But the organizer still saved the rest of the competition until the afternoon, not only to whet the appetite of the audience, but also to allow the contestants enough time to adapt to the new rules of the upcoming semi-finals...

"Eh?" Xiaoyou's eyes widened, "Change the rules again?"

"Whatever," Kaoru didn't care about it, "as long as the new rules are interesting."

"Ah, that's not what I meant..." Xiaoyou forced a smile at Ah Xun.

I can't tell you directly that we are all going to secretly replace the Nine-Tails' heat with a drought that automatically creates a sunny effect, and then immediately launch a sun flame at the beginning of the game to kill your swamp king in seconds...

The big rule of the semi-finals is still 2v2 battles, and the first elf is still the fire elf registered at the time of registration, but the attribute of the second elf participating in the battle is changed from the elf that restrains the fire element to An elf restrained by fire; at the same time, the victory condition was changed from knocking down the opponent's fire elf to completely destroying the opponent...

This is also the reason why the competition is held in the afternoon, so that the players can reconsider the elves in the competition.Of course, the organizers still provide elf rental services with corresponding attributes for contestants who do not have suitable elves, but naturally, none of the trainers who have reached the semi-finals still have this need.

"Did you reverse the position of the elf that needs protection..." Xiaoyou didn't go to the elf center in the town to send the elf, but took out his portable elf ball in the hotel room used for rest to send the elf device.

"Hmm..." Xiaoyou couldn't help frowning slightly when recalling the expressions of the other contestants when the rich man like the head of state announced the rules. "I always feel like there are some subtle details that I haven't noticed..."

The coolly dressed long-legged Yujie is obviously not the first time to participate in this fire competition. When she heard the new rules, she looked prepared. The sharp-eyed pseudonym even noticed that the other party looked at her. The strange look in the eyes of the "newcomers"...

"There must be something worth noting!" Xiaoyou said firmly to herself.

But having said that, there are actually only a few elves in Xiaoyou's hands that can be restrained by the fire system, and the range of choices is not that big...

Just like most people who restrain the fire element will think of the water element, when it comes to being restrained by the fire element, the first thing Xiaoyou thinks of is the grass element.Although most of the grass-type elves are curious about biochemically mutated plants, Xiaoyou also has a grass-type... vine monster in his hand.This tentacles-like vine is tangled together so that no one knows what the body inside is. Although it meets the standard, it seems that Kaoru also has a giant vine that has evolved. If you are unlucky, you can match it. If not, the vine monster will undoubtedly suffer a disadvantage against its own evolution...

Except for the grass type, the insect type elves are not very resistant to fire.And there are quite a few large bugs in Xiaoyou's hands... As one of the main forces, the giant pincer mantis who has been in battle for a long time and likes to pretend to be aggressive; his character is a bit weak, but after training (tiao) (exciting) (excited ao), it is no longer a problem and he is still Unexpectedly explosive Heracross; buy one get one free, the iron masked ninja and shell ninja who have not been in actual combat except for brushing "wild monsters"; oh, and the pot...

The giant pincer mantis is four times restrained by the fire element, and it is likely to be passed by one move if it participates in the battle; the iron ninja lacks actual combat experience and it is easy to suffer in a battle with Kaoru, especially the shelling ninja, which only has 1 hp no matter how much it is trained... pass; Huhu... Although it is said that there is a set of tactics that is specially suitable for this thing, but as far as it is concerned, it has not been counted by Xiaoyou as a fighting elf at all...

Then the remaining attributes that are restrained by the fire system are the ice system...

"...Huh? Armor shell?" Xiaoyou looked at a big gray-purple shell with a ghost face in his elf list, and his eyes lit up slightly. "This guy is a water element + ice element? Although the ice attribute is restrained by the fire element, but the water attribute can in turn restrain the ice element... But can such a composite attribute be used? It won't be a foul, right?"

So Xiaoyou sent the armored shell from the switchboard from Dr. Oki's research institute, and then took Heracross' poke ball to the elf center - the plan of the pseudo-mother was that if the attributes of the armored shell did not meet the competition regulations, then So I had to use the big unicorn as a spare tire.

"Okay, your participating elf has been registered." Ms. Joy, who was working part-time in the registration form of the competition, smiled and handed the elf ball back to Xiaoyou, "Please do your best for the next competition." !"

"It passed very smoothly..." Xiaoyou twitched the corner of her mouth, and took the poke ball. "Sure enough, is this a loophole in the rules? At that time, the eyes of the long-legged sister should have meant this. If you foolishly choose a grass-type or insect-type with a single attribute, you will definitely be pissed... um , do you want to remind Kaoru that guy?"

Xiaoyou took two seconds to think about this question: "Sure enough, let's forget it! It's not a particularly difficult problem, and Kaoru should have noticed it—anyway, she also happens to have that attribute in her hand that can counteract the fire element." The little elf who was suppressed by the fire element again..."


In the afternoon, the semi-finals started on time.The first thing to happen is naturally the battle between Xiaoyou and Ah Kaoru.

Standing on the battlefield, Xiaoyou took out two elf balls from her waist, and threw them out first: "Go——Yang Yan, Tiejiabei!"

"Tiejiabei..." Ah Xun on the opposite side didn't have a trace of surprise on his face, "I knew Xiaoyou that you would definitely not send that kind of elf who is simply restrained!"

"Come out, my elf!" Kaoru also threw out her two elf balls——

"Fire Beast, Big Steel Snake!"

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