Pokemon the wrong way

291. Let's run errands, little... years!

Although there is suspicion of changing the subject, the caller ID of the notebook communicator in the backpack is not deceiving, and its unique number identification also shows that it is the special line communication of Boss Sakagi.Update fast no-pop-window pure-text-word

Since it was Uncle Sakagi who was looking for something, Xiaoyou had no choice but to be successfully diverted from the subject, so let's answer the phone first...

"It's been a while, Youjun." On the screen, Boss Sakagi is sitting on the sofa with a glass of wine, looking pretty good - I don't know if it's because he's been staying in the newly built logistics base recently, every day Because of drinking clear spring water. "The elf egg given to you should have hatched for a while, right?"

"Yeah, it hatched a while ago..." Xiaoyou replied with a dry smile—he couldn't tell Uncle Sakamu that he almost forgot the egg that was rewarded with kindness. "It's a very energetic baby dragon."

"That's right, let's cultivate it well." Boss Sakagi nodded, "That's the egg that I lent you before, and I believe that you, as a trainer, will not waste its good talent... ..."

"Oh, that's for sure!" Xiaoyou's eyes lit up when he heard that.Since it is the egg laid by the storm salamander... then the evolved form of the baby dragon is also a storm salamander. Thinking of the mighty shape of the storm salamander, Xiaoyou couldn't help being unhappy.

"Okay, that's all for the gossip..." Boss Sakagi on the screen straightened his face and said in a serious tone. "I'm looking for you this time because I have a special task for you..."

"...Yes, please tell me?" Seeing the uncle's serious look, Xiaoyou became a little more serious.Of course, excitement is still unavoidable—the task assigned by Boss Sakagi himself, which one is not a big event, a big scene...and a big task, a big reward?

"This time, I want you to go to Lalu City..." Boss Sakagi said slowly, "As a special commissioner of the Rockets headquarters, go to assist the senior cadre Bishas to complete a secret mission. ^---Comprehensive station Advertisement - Welcome to "The Pokemon Who Traveled the Wrong Way 291

"Hey...is it just assistance?" Xiaoyou was slightly taken aback. In the past, most of the tasks assigned to him by Sakagi were mainly for him. This was the first time he was asked to help someone other than the uncle.

Just being a deputy to run errands means... the rewards are also at the level of running errands?

"Hmph, the so-called assistance is only in name..." Uncle Sakagi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Your real task is...to monitor."


"Bishias, with titles such as 'Bishias of the Mask' and 'Evil Fairy Messenger', is one of the senior cadres of our Rocket Team." Boss Sakagi introduced this Bisha to Xiaoyou. Sent over photos.

There are two photos sent over. The first photo is a middle-aged man with a square face. Apart from a big goatee on his chin and a cockscomb comb on the top of his head, his appearance is Nothing particularly impressive about it.The second photo explains the origin of the title "Vishas of the Mask". This ordinary-looking middle-aged man wears a brass-colored mask on his head...

Because the face is not distinctive, so you use a non-mainstream beard, hairstyle and mask to add impression points?

I have to say that the shape of this mask is really not very good: it was originally a helmet that covered half of the head, but in order to accommodate the hairstyle, a cut was made on the top of the head, so that the non-mainstream cockscomb head It can flutter in the wind at any time; and the eyes are painted with two vertical black oval shadows, and then two slits are opened, which not only affect the sight, but also look quite wretched...

This is a very tasteless guy, Xiaoyou unceremoniously defined this senior cadre in his heart. ^---All-site advertisement--Welcome to visit

"Bixias has always been responsible for capturing rare elves in the Rockets, so in the Rockets' image improvement plan, I sent him to be in charge of the Phantom Group, and packaged him as one of the signature characters of the Phantom Group." One." Sakagi old nature doesn't care how Xiaoyou judges the taste of senior cadres in his heart, and is still making an introduction. "But also because of this, after the success of the Yameng Project, I did not assign Yameng to him-after all, Yameng will become the iconic combat force of the Rockets in the future, and it is impossible to assign it to the Phantom Group..."

"As a result, this guy became dissatisfied with the headquarters because of this. Recently, he has been circumventing the intelligence network of the headquarters and doing some tricks in secret..." Uncle Sakagi frowned as he spoke, apparently out of anger as he spoke. up. "Hmph, I've given him the Dark Ball to use, yet he's still not satisfied..."

"Well, I'm sorry to interrupt..." Seeing that Uncle Sakagi seemed to have the tendency to crush the glass in his hand again—eh, why did I say that—Xiao You deliberately interrupted and asked. "Excuse me, what is a dark ball?"

"...that is a special elf ball developed by the scientific research department. It seems to have the special effect of making the captured elves go berserk and greatly improve their combat effectiveness." Boss Sakagi explained angrily, "However, due to the considerable side effects, Moreover, the production cost was too high, so they were not produced in large quantities in the end. The only few pieces were basically handed over to Bishas for use. He just handed the Dark Ball to him, but his ambition really disappointed me..."

"Well... Boss, don't be angry..." Xiaoyou comforted casually.Too many ads?There is a pop-up window?Fresh interface, full site advertising

"Heh, I don't need your level of consolation yet... In short, Bixias has been planning some big plans recently, and it seems that he is not even going to do the work of concealing me..." Boss Sakagi wrinkled He frowned and said, "So I'll send you to his side to monitor him in the name of assistance and see what he's planning... If it's a plan that will endanger the Rockets, stop him with all your strength." The pet who traveled in the wrong way Elf 291

"...Two questions, Boss Sakagi." Xiaoyou thought for a while, then stretched out two fingers and said. "The first question...According to what you said, Boss, in the final analysis, Bishas had a rebellious attitude toward the Rockets because of the plan I proposed to improve the Rockets' image...Then he will accept me as a special commissioner 'airborne' Go to it and 'help' him? And if he knows that I'm the one who came up with the image improvement plan...he won't just kill me in a fit of rage?"

"You don't have to worry about this. You must know that most of the members of the Phantom Group still maintain a high degree of loyalty to the Rockets, but they were kept in the dark by Bixias, so on the bright side, Bixias is not I will reject my 'legitimate assistance'. As for your identity..." Boss Sakagi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "If the elite captain 'Lily Xiang' who has won the trust of Boss Sakagi recently goes, Bixias may really rebound, But if it’s an insider in the Phantom Corps…”

Insiders of the Phantom Group?A pale black-clothed mixed-race swordsman soon appeared in the mind of a certain puppet...

"Oh, I understand..." Xiaoyou nodded, "Then the second question. ^---All-site advertisement--Welcome to visit You must stop him... Boss, are you sure I can beat a senior cadre?"

"Hmph..." Boss Sakagi sneered, "The reason why that guy Bixias has the merits of being a senior cadre is that the Rockets' personnel and equipment account for three points, and the determination to act ruthlessly accounts for three points. Take three points, and the rest is his own strength... Is there any problem?"

"……there is none left."

"Then let's go to Lalu City." Boss Sakagi nodded with satisfaction, "There's no need to rush, it's enough to arrive within three or four days."


Generally speaking, every time Uncle Sakagi assigns Xiaoyou a mission, he will give Xiaoyou some consideration for his trainer travel route, and this time is no exception.Lalu City is not too far from Xiaoyou's current location, so Xiaoyou is basically on the road with the mentality of passing by once during the trip...

But along the way, I did miss some things.For example, held in a small town called Wrestling Town, there is a very local elf sumo competition.The elves participating in the competition must weigh more than 80 kilograms, and it is forbidden to use a series of skills including all long-range attack skills in the competition. , I have to regretfully give up this competition where the championship reward is the certificate of the king plus a year of elf feed...

It's definitely not because I found out that some stupid boy who always wears a Pikachu on his head and therefore never grows tall is bringing a Snorkel to participate in the competition.

And Xiaoyou, a small town known as a designated candidate area for historical heritage, only rested for one night, and did not stop for long.At night, the townspeople chased and killed the Tutu dog who scribbled graffiti on the wall and destroyed historical and cultural heritage around the town. Xiaoyou’s rest was also not disturbed—this kind of hair has a little personality except for the tail and head hair. It seems that iuhe is an elf who is no different from ordinary domestic dogs, and a certain pseudo-girl whose visual aesthetics has almost been spoiled is now despised...

"We'd rather have a cat than a dog..."

ps not counting ps:

In the newly built Qingcheya logistics base in Chengdu area of ​​Team Rocket...

Seeing that Boss Sakagi finished the video call, the new secretary Matori who had been standing at the door of the office immediately stepped forward and handed over a document: "This is the financial report of each regional branch for last month, which has just been sorted out. "

"Oh..." Boss Sakagi nodded, and began to check page by page. "Well, the budget application amount for the Chengdu area seems to have decreased? The construction of the Qingqingya base has just been completed, so there should be a large funding gap..."

"According to the report of the head of the branch, it seems that a new source of funds has been found." The secretary of the girl with purple bangs who are as neat as noodles said, holding up the thin-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, "They will send some abandoned legendary novels after the experiment. The genetic samples of elves are mixed with common elf tissues with similar characteristics, and after processing, they are sold as body tissue samples of legendary elves to local rich men and collectors, earning a lot of money."

"Oh? It seems to be a good idea..." Boss Sakagi raised his eyebrows, "There are indeed many stupid rich people who are willing to spend a lot of money on this... It can be used as a reference for other regional branches. Is it worth it?"

"This..." Secretary Zhenniao showed embarrassment, "It seems that a certain degree of technical craftsmanship is required to achieve the processing of a real city. It is said that only a few people can achieve this kind of craftsmanship, so the output is also affected. limit……"

"That's it... Indeed, if a large number of such counterfeit products flow into the market, it will easily attract attention." Boss Sakagi closed the folder, "Then we will treat it as an individual case and separate the team members with this processing technology to form a separate team." Team, reserve it as a source of funds for special times."

"Boss, these people seem to be part of a small team..."

ps2 not counting ps:

Near a ruin in a remote mountainous area of ​​the city, in a beige camping tent in the shape of a meow's head...

"Okay..." Kojiro carefully used tweezers to pick out a light blue feather exuding cool air from a thick metal jar. "This production was also quite successful!"

Musashi quickly wrapped the feathers in flannel and put them in a beautifully decorated box: "The fake frozen bird feathers are complete~~"

Miaomiao was operating a somewhat dilapidated notebook communicator: "Hey, is this the Manjin branch meow? The entrustment has been completed this time, please send someone to pick it up quickly, meow! Mmmm, this time The effect can be maintained for more than two months, so please also pay... oh! Thank you so much, meow!"

Turning off the notebook, Miaomiao turned around with a happy face: "We have earned another 2000 yuan from this work entrustment, meow!"

"Oh!" Musashi and Kojiro also looked pleasantly surprised, "In this way, with the salary from the previous few jobs and the money from odd jobs, it is more than enough to assemble a robot!"

"With such sufficient funds this time, we must create the strongest robot and capture the little devil's Pikachu!"

"That's right! Grab Pikachu and give it to Boss Sakagi first!"

"Then get promoted and raise your salary! Promote to a cadre!"

"What a happy feeling!!"

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