Pokemon the wrong way

314. Because he didn't give mid laner, he sent 1 blood at the beginning. .

"Now the Gym Challenge will start with the Gym trainer Tumen of the Locke Gym, and Xiaoyou from the challenger Zhenxin Town..." On the dedicated battle field of the Locke Gymnasium arranged in a rocky and hilly terrain, Xiaoyou and Uncle Tumen were already standing in the trainer areas at both ends of the field, and Ding Lip, a good young man from the street neighborhood committee who didn't bite anyone, acted as a referee, announcing the rules of the game loudly.

The battle method is standard one-on-one, and the number of elves used is limited to two like the Nibi Gym hosted by a certain black-skinned squinting clan in Kanto—I don’t know if it’s because of the rock system in Kanto and Johto There are not so many types of elves?

Well, in Dr. Oki's research institute and the Rockets base, there are fossilized helmets, sickles, helmets, ammonites, spiny ammonites, and fossilized pterosaurs. There are not as many types as expected...

"Come on, let's wager the blood and perseverance of the trainers for a battle without regrets!" The uncle Tu Man who was standing on the battlefield seemed to have found the feeling quickly, and pulled off the turban tied to his head, revealing Punk hairstyle like a cockscomb—it turns out that the uncle is not bald? "It was my first elf—"

The poke ball was thrown, and white light flashed.On the other hand, there was a strange expression on Xiaoyou's face...

"What kind of elf is this...?"

Originally, in Xiaoyou's expectation, the pixies used by such a muscular and expensive trainer, Uncle Tumen, should also be tall and mighty... the existence of stones, such as big rock snakes and iron-clad tyrannosaurus What.But this elf in front of me...

He is a little over one meter tall, with a stick-like slender body, bark-like brown skin, branch-like slender arms and leaf-green claws, tree-root-like short feet, trunk-like distorted facial features, and branches on top of his head. Irregular protrusions on the branches... No matter how you look at it, Xiaoyou thinks that this is a funny version of the tree man summoned by a strange professional named "Druid" in a certain game after drinking too much morning dew wine—— The reason why it is called a funny version is because this little elf has been writhing wretchedly in place since it came out of the poke ball, giving people a strong impression of "shaking m"... dry and cracked The same mouth kept making strange noises of "Uso~Uso~"...

Isn't it said that Locke Gym is a rock-type gym?No matter how you look at it, this weird thing in front of you is grass-type, right?

"Hahaha!" Uncle Tumen seemed to see the entanglement and doubt in Xiaoyou's eyes, and said with a big smile. "It looks like this is the first time you've seen an elf like a nonsense tree, right? Don't look at it looking like this, but it's a genuine rock elf!"

"Ahaha, is that so..." Now that someone has seen it, Xiaoyou took out the elf illustration book in a very lonely way...

Bullshit tree, imitating elf.Rock properties, hard characteristics.Race value: hp70, attack 100, defense 115, special attack 30, special defense 65, speed 30, total 410.Introduction: Although it often imitates trees to protect itself from attack, its body structure is closer to rocks. It is naturally afraid of water and will disappear when it rains.

"Uh, not only is it really a rock type, but it's also a pure rock type..." Xiaoyou's mouth twitched and put away the illustrated book, "Looking like this, is it going to trap those trainers who want to catch it..."

It is conceivable that the first reaction of the trainers who met the nonsense tree for the first time must be to regard it as a grass-type elf, and then naturally use the types of elf that restrain the grass-type, such as flying type and insect type. , fire-type, etc... As a result, he was abused into a dog by a nonsense tree that was actually a rock-type...

Nonsense, do you know that Dr. Oki is so ruthless...

It's just that in the gymnasium battle, for the trainers who are prepared, the deceptive appearance of the nonsense tree is obviously useless.And as an elf with a single rock attribute, whether it is a four-armed philosophical brother in Xiaoyou's hand or a touch... well, a vine expert, or a certain flash or a certain vehicle can output it Tons of effects, outstanding damage...

It's just that this time, Xiaoyou had already decided in advance which elf to use...

Take out the selected Poké Ball decisively, and then throw:

"Metal monster, attack!"

"Buzzing——" Accompanied by a slight buzzing sound of metal vibration and small electric sparks, the light blue metal monster was suspended on the battlefield in this way—this is Xiaoyou seeing the evolution of the metal monster The "good habit" specially cultivated for him later: as soon as he comes out, he will automatically give himself an electromagnetic floating buff...

The use of metal monsters, on the one hand, is to test the combat effectiveness of the newly evolved metal monsters in actual combat, and at the same time, it is a little bit of water in it - after all, the evolution has just been completed, and it is inevitable that there will be some small mistakes such as improper power control during the battle , it seems that the battle will naturally appear more difficult, and it will appear that the image of Uncle Tumen is more "tall"...

And before the start of the battle, Ding Lip had secretly revealed some "information" to Xiaoyou: there is a chance that the elves who use the rock type and steel type will let Uncle Tumen play super long - the former can cause rock type users Resonance, the latter can ignite resentment towards a trainer of a steel-type gymnasium...

"Ah! It's actually a hateful steel type!" Sure enough, as soon as the metal monster appeared on the stage, Uncle Tumen judged (one of) the guy's attributes from its metallic luster, and immediately ignited further. "Let the horse come here! Even if it is an opponent of the steel system, the elves in the Locke Gym will not be afraid!"

The uncle seemed to want the challenger to attack first, so Xiaoyou gave an order unceremoniously: "(Metal monster, use alloy claws!)"

Compared with the twisting, twisting and screaming opponent, the metal monster, which is much more stable in appearance and style, silently raised its thick arms, and the three sharp claws on it were glowing like a dozen layers of wax. Showing a shiny metallic luster, the metal monster flew forward while hovering at low altitude while not forgetting to give full play to the advantages of its own body structure. After approaching the nonsense tree, it spun violently, trying to turn the ordinary alloy claws into more powerful ones. Strong "alloy right uppercut" - the steel type is equally effective against the upper rock type, the metal monster seems to be planning to hit the wretched-looking nonsense tree with a heavy blow...

But the nonsense tree is not a wild monster that jumped out of the grass on the side of the road. When the metal monster waved its claws and approached the nonsense tree, Uncle Tumen immediately ordered loudly: "Nonsense tree, use imitation after avoiding it!"

So the scene where Xiaoyou almost shouted that the coach was cheating appeared in the painful scene: Hu Huashu continued to shout "Uso~Uso~" in a strange voice while showing a level comparable to that of a national sports athlete With the flexibility of his body, he suddenly bent his long stick-shaped body like a tree trunk into a "C" shape, allowing the metal monster's right uppercut to swing over his head like this-Nima, this cliff is hanging Bar!Where did the rock-type elves get the flexibility of eating rubber and rubber fruits!You can't say that if you grow like a tree, you can really do the splits like a tree... Uh, no!Even if it's really a tree, you can't play like this, dear!

Immediately afterwards, the Nonsense Tree continued to yell "Uso~Uso~" and waved its branch-like arm. The leaf-like claws of the canopy shone with the same metallic luster as the metal monster's arm. And Kamiji slammed right under the metal monster's washbasin-like body structure——alloy claw · rising dragon fist mode!

Xiaoyou's eyes widened.This is the first time he has seen such a unique skill, he even directly copied the opponent's skill completely and then counterattacked back intact!It looks like a high-end atmosphere and a high-grade look!

Fortunately, the steel attribute skill of alloy claws has very limited effects on metal monsters of the same steel type, and the body structure of metal monsters without legs does not have the key point of "between the legs", and metal monsters have not received much attention. After tumbling around in the air, he regained his balance and stopped, cautiously staring at the wretched opponent who twisted harder after a successful blow...

"(Metal Monster, do it again) Alloy Claw!" Xiaoyou ordered again. After all, the newly evolved Metal Monster doesn't have many skills yet, and even if the Alloy Claw is imitated, the damage will be limited. "(Be careful this time, don't be avoided by the other party in a strange way...)"

"Nonsense tree, continue to use imitation!" Uncle Tumen on the opposite side also issued an order at the same time.

The metal monster shook up and down slightly, then raised its claws and used its alloy claws to charge up again.And the wretched tree on the opposite side... let's say the nonsense tree also called "Uso~Uso~" - let's talk about how persistent it is to the weird sound - waving the same metallic shiny branches Shaped arms and short legs greeted him.I saw the two little elves rushing towards each other, and then unhesitatingly launched a "Cross Cross Love Fist"...

"..." The metal monster retreated slightly, and a few slight scratches appeared near the single horn between the two red eyeballs.

"Uso~" Nonsense Tree staggered back a few steps, his bark-like face sank and became even more distorted.

While the effect is not good, the effect is outstanding. The nonsense tree that looks like a grass type is actually a rock type obviously suffers a lot...

"(Metal monster goodjob! One more) alloy claw!"

"Don't be afraid of bullshit trees! Use imitation!"


Under the command of their respective trainers, the two little elves attacked each other again.Nonsense tree takes advantage of its height - although this product is only a little over one meter, but after all its opponent is a "washbasin" height, this thing can only be said haha ​​- imitated alloy claws and hammered vigorously from top to bottom On the top of the metal monster's head, the suspended metal monster bounced to the ground; and the metal monster did not show any weakness with a side uppercut and hammered the waist of the nonsense tree, almost breaking the figure of the nonsense tree from "1" to "" 7"...

Two consecutive exchanges of injuries exchanged injuries, and grandma's Hu Huashu obviously couldn't keep up with his physical strength after suffering a loss. His arms were hanging down weakly, and his elongated body no longer wriggled wretchedly, "Wu Suo~Uso~" The voice of the earth monster has also become weak... Xiaoyou can be sure that if there is another alloy claw, this guy will definitely kneel down and receive the lunch box.

"But this style of play is obviously unscientific, isn't it? How could anyone be so stubborn knowing that the attribute is not good..." Xiaoyou frowned quietly, "Uncle Tumen is also a gym trainer after all, it is impossible to have such a mindless tactic... ...There must be a trap here! Then..."

Thinking of this, Xiaoyou ordered decisively: "(Metal monster, continue to use) alloy claws!"

We're here to release the water, aren't we? If we don't lose a game, we can't look like a wise and powerful uncle!

"Good opportunity!" Seeing the metal monster rushing up again under Xiaoyou's order, Uncle Tumen's eyes burst into a frightening light, "Nonsense tree, use the dying struggle!!"

Dying struggle, another skill that Xiaoyou has never seen anyone use...

I saw a faint red light appearing on the body of the nonsense tree, and then I closed my eyes, "Uso! Uso!" screamed and rushed towards the direction of the metal monster...

Originally, at the speed of the metal monster in the magnetic levitation state, it was easy to fly the pia with one paw before the bastard punch of the nonsense tree hit him. The trainer intentionally put some water on it, but the metal monster was beaten up by the arms of the nonsense tree, and flew out in a state of embarrassment. The power of this move seems to be unexpectedly powerful...

I saw the metal monster hovering in place after being hit for a long distance, as if hesitating for something, and then simply fell to the ground, motionless...

"..." Ding Lip, who was serving as the referee, also seemed a little puzzled. After observing and confirming that the metal monster had stopped moving, he raised the referee flag in his hand. "The metal monster lost the ability to fight, and the nonsense tree won!"

ps: Because I clicked on the wrong directory when downloading, it turned out that I read the xy16 words a little late. .

To be honest, there is nothing to complain about in Chapter 16, it's just that the two cute electric mice and their "adopted" loli are acting cute. .Although the electric mouse has basically been selling cute. .However, this remark sold extraordinarily hard. .Even the Yan-eared Fox followed suit and ate branches. .

You Lijia, little Lolita, clicks on the sleeping electric mouse and shakes it. Let's rewind it and watch it seven or eight times so that we don't talk nonsense. .

You Lijia, as always, "loved her brother" and was taken away. .Stallone's invention is also, as always, making afro hairstyles. .Before the explosion, Xiaozhi also worshiped it with star eyes as always. .

You still don't need to rub your cheeks in the battle of electric mice (unhappy!). .The big needle bee, a battle scum like this, still tried his best to explain what is called a numerical advantage, and then was a by Pikachu. .

Wife Na is still playing soy sauce in the audience. .But this time it was her who cooked. .It has finally changed from a vase to a multi-functional vase. .But that green unidentified thing on top of that plate of spaghetti bolognese is a mystery horse. .Is it whole green peppers or. .Leaves?

Considering the excellent sync rate of the last two lolis and their older siblings. .Stallone, why don't you just marry this girl this time?

In this case, the Rockets trio have no role at all. .But after watching the next preview, I will understand. .In this episode, they must be working hard to save money for materials to make the meow robot that will appear in the next episode. .

By the way, the NPCs in the Carlos area are really hardworking. .Xiaozhi and the others had to act as sculptures on the street without moving. .

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