Pokemon the wrong way

327. I can't think of a name. .

Six or seven days later.

After sweeping the tentacle...I mean starfish settlements in the sea area around the island, Xiaoyou and the ninja duo successfully completed Yui Kinoshita's capture task with 120 four gem starfish.The price is that there are no traces of gem starfish within more than ten kilometers around Wogang Island... However, there are a lot of starfish left, and after a while, some lucky ones will probably evolve again.

At the same time, Weidi's mining exploration activities have also achieved gratifying results.The Rockets headquarters are obviously also very concerned about the mine veins that can produce evolutionary stones in the waters of Vogan Island. A cargo ship with the signboard of a local registered mining company in the Chengdu area has arrived on the island, and a large number of construction workers and corresponding staff have been released. Material.With the actions of this group of serious-looking "workers" marked with tiny "r" letters in inconspicuous places, I believe that a brand new secret base will appear here soon... Cough, we are talking about mines, mines ...

Hanzo and Kotaro left contentedly with the autographed photo of the trio and the Meow Meow hot air balloon, and the sea thorn dragon and lamp monster used to capture the gem starfish were also handed over to Xiaoyou——the holiday of these two brain-dead fans It's all exhausted, I have to go back to my work...

As for the photo of the unscrupulous store manager who agreed to deliver the sea thorn and the lamp monster... there is no problem.There are a total of more than a hundred photos from all angles, including Rockets uniforms and casual clothes-this number far exceeding the predetermined share is of course the result of letting Geng Gui take the camera-of course there are no swimsuit photos in it, but according to that The store manager’s urination, PS is sure to know...

So a certain puppet put the photos layer by layer with a purely disgusting mentality, covered a total of seven layers of plastic bags, nine layers of wrapping paper, eight layers of cardboard boxes, and wrapped each layer with thick tape before mailing it out, and it was very malicious. Did not specify the sender: It would be great if the store manager couldn’t help but run away and throw away the photos after unpacking halfway through the packaging... Anyway, the promise on my side has been fulfilled...

In the end, probably because of Xiaoyou's hard work, Wei also lent her water elf to Xiaoyou to participate in the competition.Although this wet, sticky and greasy water-blue hairless big wolf dog does not seem to be cheap in terms of attributes, the characteristic of storing water (not only being immune to water-type attacks but also recovering HP) is still very good for some people. A hot-blooded trainer - this kind of trainer doesn't care about the attributes and compatibility of horses, as long as they use water-type elves to fight, they will greet them with a water gun first regardless of 21, right?

Xiaoyou swears that there will definitely be such a trainer in the Whirlpool Islands Contest this time... If not, then Geng Gui won't have dinner until the next time Halley's Comet passes by the earth!

(Geng Gui: "Jie?")

(Xiaoyou: "What is Halley's Comet? Well, in short, it is a thing that passes the earth every 70 or 80 years.")

(Geng Gui: "Kou, Koujie!?")


A certain system said that this time it still has to jump out afterwards to brush up the sense of presence:

Side Quest: "Team Helpful Rocket" Completed!Reward free attribute +1, temporary team contract x3

Temporary team contract: After using it, the target elf will enjoy a 75% system ability value bonus within a certain period of time, and can use the system skill learner skills...

———— Halley’s Comet passed by———

After solving the task of Sanwumeizi, Xiaoyou naturally went to Chiyan Island to participate in the Whirlpool Islands Contest.Taking advantage of the time before the game, Xiaoyou made full use of the light-emitting characteristics of the lamp monster, stopped several times on the way to pull monsters and level up, and let his few water-type elves get a good amount of experience ——Because she went too far and was almost caught by Miss Junsha as a poacher...

"You useless policemen!" Xiaoyou, who was almost covered in a bear by a water gun, changed into a boy Orochimaru's disguise and rode on the back of the Gyarados to shout arrogantly at Junsha who was following her and eating water. Call. "Our bullets are not something you can catch with a few useless fat frogs!"

ps: Ms. Junsha of the Whirlpool Islands adheres to the local environment and also uses the water elf: Mosquito Frog as a combat power.

ps2: The police report: "The juvenile criminal gang 'Bullets' that once roamed the Kanto region has reappeared in the Johto area! It has recently appeared in the Whirlpool Islands area, reminding the residents to be vigilant..."


Chiyan Island, the second largest island in the Whirlpool Islands.Kaco City is decorated with lights and festoons to promote the upcoming Whirlpool Islands Contest.The location is a little bit weird in the local elf center on the top of the cliff.

"Lucky~?" A fat, curious creature with pink feathers held a tray, and yelled with concern at a purple-haired pseudonym.

"It's okay, let's go to your business..." Xiaoyou waved the enthusiastic lucky egg away, continued to shrink in the corner of the hall, pretending to be an inconspicuous stone, and then stared at the long queue in front of the service desk .

The registration for the Whirlpool Islands Contest started two days before the start of the competition, and today is the first day.And Xiaoyou, who arrived early, has been squatting in the corner of the rest area, watching a large number of trainers who came to sign up form a long queue in front of Ms. Joy, but they have been slow to sign up.

In this regard, Xiaoyou said that it was definitely not because she saw a boy with Pikachu on his shoulders, a girl holding a little eggshell monster in her arms, and Squint Eyes who saw that Miss Joey would enter the estrus state came to sign up, so it was inexplicable The reason why he lost confidence in winning the championship all of a sudden... Absolutely not!

It's a matter of face...

"Ah, Xiaoyou!" Half an hour ago, Xiaozhi who came to sign up saw Xiaoyou who also saw him but couldn't hide. "Are you coming to sign up for the Whirlpool Islands Contest?"

"Ahahaha! No, no!" I don't know if it was a coincidence or Shida's mouth was hard, anyway, Xiaoyou waved her hands subconsciously, and it was too late to react. "I just came to see the fun! You know I'm not interested in water elves..."

"What's wrong with the water elf!"

Hearing Xiaoyou's words, the eggshell control and water system control Xiaoxia who came with Xiaozhi immediately yelled in dissatisfaction.

Well, this is the place to sign up for the Whirlpool Islands Contest, which is dedicated to water-type elves. The most indispensable thing is a trainer who loves water-type elves... So Xiaoyou immediately had a good experience of being poked into a honeycomb by dozens of murderous eyes a feeling of.

"That's it... well, although I'm a bit regretful, but Xiaoyou, just watch me perform well in the competition!" Xiaozhi, who has always been relatively insensitive to the atmosphere, ran to sign up without showing any regrets, while the mouthpiece Xiaoyou, who was in a good mood for a while, retreated to the corner of the hall to avoid the limelight temporarily, and by the way, wondered whether he should sign up after the meeting...

"How can I repair...Ah Xu! It's you who infected us with the problem of wanting to die, right? You're out of dinner today!"



In the end, Xiaoyou did not participate in the Whirlpool Islands Contest due to face and vanity, and sadly left Chiyan Island, and returned to Qingyan Island to wait for the regular ship bound for Qiancong City...

Well, how is it possible.

There is no limit to being a hypocrite when she loses her integrity!What's more, Xiaoyou stayed in the corner of the elf hall for more than half an hour, and had already discovered a feature of the competition registration here!

That's right here. To sign up for the competition, you don't need the elf illustration book that is so versatile that it is almost equal to the trainer's ID card. Instead, you can directly report your name and place of birth, and Ms. Joey can enter the computer to complete the registration...

So a few minutes later, a small young man with light gray hair and slender eyes lined up in front of Miss Joy:

"The next one is the Thousand Hands Gate in Tokiwa City..."

"Thousand-handed doors in Tokipan City..." Miss Joy tapped her fingers on the keyboard with her normal face, and soon handed something like a certificate to the guy who claimed to be the second generation of a certain village. "Okay, the entry procedures have been completed...the preliminaries before the official competition will be divided into sixteen areas, and your competition area is in the h venue, Mr. Feijian. According to the number of people participating in this year's competition...you have to win three games to enter Official game."

"Thank you, yes..."

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