Pokemon the wrong way

47. The Ibrahimovic massacre and the system cheating. .

Half an hour later, Xiaoyou and a group of Rockets left Dorp City in batches through different channels from another exit in the basement and headed for Dorp Forest.

Just like there is a piece of Viridian Forest at the gate of Viridian City, the simple-minded citizens of Dorper simply named the forest at the foot of the mountain near the city as Dorper Forest.This is mainly because this forest is the same as the gymnasium in the city, it is an authentic ordinary type, there are no special attractions, no treasured specialties, and even the elves that inhabit it are green caterpillars, little Lada, Nido These common varieties...

But recently, a group of Ibrahimovic lived in the forest. If the Ibrahimovic stopped migrating and were observed by people, maybe this forest would be renamed the Ibrahimovic Forest.

Of course, the premise is that if there is no action by the Rockets...

In a small open space in the forest, Xiaoyou brought a dozen rocket team members under his command and joined Wei and the others' large troops.

"Then let's start the action." Wei nodded and began to assign tasks after finding that the number of people was complete. "My first team will disperse to the periphery of the target location to guard, and deal with the idlers who broke in by mistake. The second, third, fourth, and fifth teams will surround the settlement of Ibrahimovic from all sides and wipe them all out. Because of the number of security personnel It is limited, and it is not ruled out that there will be fish that slip through the net, so the action must be quick."

"I have marked the target location on the map. If there is no problem, act quickly. Pay attention to keep in touch with the walkie-talkie." Several rocket team members handed an electronic map to several team leaders. Xiaoyou took the map and opened it. On the screen A map showing Dorp Forest, with five small green spots marked "t-1" through "t-5" crowded together at the edge of the forest.In the area near the center of the forest, there is a red "x" marked, and there are 4 light white circles around the "x", which presumably is the location of the Eevee community.

"Then, the action begins." After confirming the situation again, Wei ordered decisively.So the Rockets began to go deep into the forest in several ways.And Xiaoyou's system prompt finally couldn't bear the loneliness and jumped out:

Side mission: Ibrahimovic cleansing!Complete capture of the Eevee colony that inhabits Dorp Forest.Rewards: Depends on task completion.

Subsidiary task: competition!Capture more Ibrahimovic than the other three teams.Reward: Depends on task completion; Punishment: Depends on task completion.

"Let me just say, being caught by Wei to work, how could he not give the task..." Facing the sudden attack of the system, Xiaoyou was not surprised at all, after all, she was used to being tricked. "But this time there is still punishment, it seems that we have to be a little more serious."

Xiaoyou turned around and asked: "It's time, all the staff equip masks and take out the stinky flowers."

Before this operation, the rocket players of the fifth team were equipped with a lot of messy props under Xiaoyou's order.Now that Xiaoyou gave an order, the Rockets of the fifth team took out their gas masks and put them on, and then the two Rockets threw the elf balls and released two stinky flowers.This pixie is like a low plant with root-like limbs, and the twisted lines on the stubby branches form organs that resemble eyes and a mouth--the mouth is constantly oozing a viscous liquid that is disgusting. There are five or six withered yellow leaves on the top, and there is a "bump" in the middle, which looks like pumpkin and garlic, but its texture is more like some kind of malignant tumor. From the moment it appears, it emits an indescribable stench ...

However, the Rockets team had already put on their gas masks, and except for Xiaoyou who was shocked by the appearance of Smelly Flower again, the others were not affected in any way.Xiaoyou ordered: "Let the two stinky flowers take turns to open the way ahead, and we will keep a certain distance behind and move forward."

There are powerful biological and chemical weapons clearing the way ahead, and the wild elves on the way encounter the stinky flowers in full bloom, and run faster than anything else like meeting the god of plague. Place.

Xiaoyou took out the walkie-talkie and announced: "The fifth team has arrived at the scheduled location."

There was silence on the intercom, and it was only after a while that Wei's calm voice was heard: "The other teams have not yet arrived at the scheduled location, and the fifth team is temporarily on standby."

"Did you hear that? No. 1." Xiaoyou shook the walkie-talkie in his hand at his subordinates, "But don't be careless, prepare to set up traps immediately, we have to achieve the mission goal perfectly!"

"Yes!" The subordinates replied energetically, and began to set traps.

Xiaoyou didn't stay idle either, raising his hand and throwing two elf balls: "Big Needle Bee, King Nido, spread poisonous water chestnuts in this area for me!"

Big Needle Bee and King Nido nodded, and each shot a large number of purple four-cornered nails from the tail needle and back, and disappeared after falling to the ground.Xiaoyou stopped by and ordered Team Rocket: "All the traps are arranged around this poisonous water chestnut area, drive Ibrahimovic into the poison water chestnut!"

This is a team member of the Rockets raised his hand and whispered: "Report to Captain You, I have a rumbling stone that can turn invisible rock (*), do you want to..."

"Oh? Very good!" Xiaoyou's eyes lit up, "Let your Rumble Stone lay a layer of invisible rock here immediately, since it's a trap, the more effects the better."

"Yes, Captain!" With Xiaoyou's affirmation, the rocket team happily released the Rumble Stone, causing Rumble Stone to shoot out a large number of sharp small stone anchors from his body, mixed with the poisonous water chestnut.

"This is the second team and has arrived at the scheduled location."

"This is the fourth team, which has arrived at the scheduled location."

While Xiaoyou was setting up the venue insidiously, other teams also reported on the walkie-talkie that they had arrived at the predetermined location, and everything was proceeding according to plan...

But isn't the so-called plan meant to be disrupted?

"This, here is the third team! We were attacked by a large group of stingers!" There was a messy noise and intermittent voices from the intercom, "there are too many stingers, we are entangled and unable to move forward— —Ahhhhh!!"

The intercom was interrupted with a rustle.After a while of silence, Wei's voice sounded: "The plan has changed, the third team retreated immediately and joined the first team. The second, fourth, and fifth teams carried out their missions."

Xiaoyou suddenly had an idea, turned on the walkie-talkie and said, "Captain Wei, I have set up a lot of traps here, I can drive Ibrahimovic to my direction, and use the traps to make up for the lack of manpower, how about it?"

"The second team will reconsider." Hanzo's voice came from the intercom.

"...Okay." Wei Wei made a decision after a few seconds of silence. "The second and fourth teams moved their positions and drove the target towards the fifth team."

"Okay, everyone cheer up!" Xiaoyou turned around and said to his opponent, the Rockets, "This is the fifth team's opportunity, everyone perform well!"



In the woods in front of the fifth team, a group of cute elves with brown fur, thick fluff on their necks and tails, and a size similar to a small Spitz are gathering together to play and play.Suddenly, several black metal round cans flew from a distance, landed on the side of Ibrahimovic, and sprayed a large amount of gray-white tear gas. At the same time, there were a lot of noises from both sides of the forest, accompanied by various flames and electric lights.The frightened Ibrahimovic panicked and fled in the only direction where no movement was made.

"Here is the second/fourth team, and the operation is going well." Such a message came from the intercom.Xiaoyou put away the walkie-talkie and raised the hand holding the binoculars: "Attention everyone, the target is about to appear, prepare to act!"


When the escaped Ibrahimovic appeared in Xiaoyou's field of vision, Xiaoyou waved his hand: "Explode!"


The small bombs planted by the Rockets on both sides of the woods detonated one by one. Although there was not much real damage, the flames and loud noise made the Ibrahimovic even more flustered. As a result, they all rushed into the poisonous water chestnut and invisible rock prepared by Xiaoyou. composed of trap areas.

Just when the Ibrahimovic were screaming purple and screaming from the invisible spikes under their feet, Xiaoyou gave an order, and the Rockets ambushing all around picked up the bazooka-like equipment, a dozen pieces of metal wire The large woven net was launched, and the Ibrahimovic netted in the trap area. At the same time, several small magnetite monsters with lightning balls emerged from the grass, and together they used [-] volts; It also flew out from the treetops, and sprinkled a large amount of poison powder, paralysis powder, sleep powder, and various powders over Ibrahimovic...

A few strong Ibrahimovic were still struggling to resist, spitting out a few shadow balls to make a gap in the net, but just a few steps out of the trap, they encountered a few Haoli Savalang fiery monkeys head-on, all kinds of knives Flying and kicking a million tons of boxing immediately sent Ibrahimovic, who was already holding on to his breath, flying back screaming...

Xiaoyou put down the binoculars: "...The battle was successful, and the capture operation began."

It was the Rockets who appeared behind the bushes and trees, took out their elf balls and threw them at the Ibrahimovic.The Eevees showed that they were tortured enough by the poisonous thorns and stone nails on the ground, and were beaten to death by various attacks. At this time, they had no power to resist, and they were captured by the poke ball without even struggling.

"Very good, the task is completed." Seeing the last Eevee being put into the poke ball, Xiaoyou waved his hands enthusiastically. "Leave the aftermath to the rest of the team, we will take Ibrahimovic and retreat first."

Side mission: Ibrahimovic cleansing!Finish.Task completion: excellent.Rewards: Free attribute +6, 1000 gold, Ibrahimovic x2 (distributed by the Rockets), and the Rockets' reputation increased.

Subsidiary task: competition!Finish.Task completion: excellent.Rewards: Free attribute +3, 1000 gold, according to the reward status of side missions, reward the Bell of Consolation x2, the reputation of the Rockets will increase

yeah!Xiaoyou cheered softly happily.Not only did they get a lot of attribute points and two cute Eevees, but the total bonus of 2000 yuan also eased Xiaoyou's economic deficit in time—this task really didn't come in vain!

"When I get back to Dorpu City, I'll find a restaurant to have a big meal and treat myself~" Xiaoyou happily opened the system panel, "Should I eat pizza or—— eh!?"

Xiaoyou rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and saw that the money column in the inventory was still a pitiful 50, not only that, there was a red bracket behind the 50, and a big "-4250" was written inside!

Xiaoyou fell headlong.What's going on here!

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