Pokemon the wrong way

63. Wild Hunting

With the goal of participating in the Quartz Conference, Xiaoyou, who has collected eight badges and still refuses to turn back, continues his journey today.On this day, he saw a lot of tall wooden houses and walls from a distance...

"Oh! Have you finally arrived at the legendary hunting area?" Xiaoyou cheered up all of a sudden, clamped her legs under Duduli's stomach, and ran towards the wooden house at a high speed-it is said that after the upgrade of riding skills, riding The speed on Duduli is faster and the degree of bumps is much less than before. It is more convenient than riding a bicycle in the wild wilderness area without roads...

"Excuse me..." Stopping in front of the wooden house with the blue roof, Xiaoyou knocked on the door. "Is there anyone in there?"

"Who are you?" The wooden door was opened, and a tall, thin man dressed in cowboy clothes with gray hair walked out.

"I'm Caesar, the manager of the wild hunting area." The uncle squinted his eyes like Xiaogang, looked Xiaoyou up and down with a serious expression, and put his hands on his waist——Xiaoyou noticed that there were two clothes on her belt. Take the revolver. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I heard that this is a legal hunting area, so I came here to subdue the elves..." Xiaoyou quietly took a step back, and secretly let Geng Gui go behind the uncle - the uncle seemed to have a nervous breakdown I feel that if the thing is stimulated by something and suddenly pulls out the gun and the gun happens to go off, although it has the property of immortality, Xiaoyou feels that she probably won't die directly, but she is not interested in experiencing it. "……Any questions?"

"...No, come with me." The uncle turned around and took Xiaoyou into the wooden house.

Uncle Caesar went behind the counter to search for something, while Xiaoyou looked around the room idly.The four walls of the small room are covered with various photo frames, including commemorative photos of the trainers who came here, landscape photos of the wilderness area, and various group photos of the manager Caesar himself and the wild elves, and one of them is The photo is a photo of Caesar, who looks very young, and a little snake-like elf whom he has never seen before by the lake.

"What kind of elf is this?" Xiaoyou thought for a while, but couldn't remember. "Uncle Caesar..."

"No! There are no miniature dragons here!" A loud shout suddenly sounded from behind Xiaoyou.

"Oh!" Xiaoyou was startled, and Uncle Caesar stood behind Xiaoyou with a nervous breakdown and shouted: "That is an old photo from 30 years ago! There are no miniature dragons here anymore! No!"

"Yes...Uncle, please calm down." Xiaoyou comforted with a dry smile, "It's true for you to say that. It's been 30 years. If there were any miniature dragons, they would have been taken away long ago, right?"

"...That's right, that's it!" Caesar seemed relieved, and handed the box in his hand to Xiaoyou, which contained a bunch of dark green painted Poké Balls marked with the "s" symbol and a folded style fishing rod. "Here are thirty field balls and a special fishing rod. In the hunting area, only field balls and fishing rods can be used, and elves cannot be used to fight. If anyone dares to violate the rules..."

The uncle reached out to his waist again, and pushed the firing pin of the revolver away...

"I understand, I understand..." Xiaoyou didn't want to say anything anymore, and now she just wanted to leave this neurasthenic uncle as soon as possible...


Entering from the gate next to the wooden house is the scope of the hunting area.Xiaoyou only walked a few steps in the hunting area, and met a large group of Kentaro rushing towards him.

"Ah, I remembered when I saw Kentaro!" Xiaoyou slapped his palm, "Xiaozhi caught 30 Kentaro here, haha!"

Compared with other elves, Kentaro's appearance is very ordinary. Except for three tails, a few small round nails on the head, and a relatively long mane on the neck, it is basically an ordinary bison.But because it is too ordinary, Xiaoyou looks down on it: "It's rare to catch thirty balls casually, I don't want to bring a bunch of Kentaro back..."

Quietly bypassing the Kentaro group, Xiaoyou continued to move forward, and soon found a group of armored rhinos.Like a ceratopsian dinosaur, the bone plate extending backwards to protect the neck, the whole body seems to be spliced ​​with various angular stone decks, coupled with the thick rhinoceros horn at the tip of the nose, giving people a sense of strength and security .

"Well, that's what the rock system should be like!" Xiaoyou took out a field ball, and tentatively threw it at the leading armored rhinoceros.The field ball hit the armored rhinoceros on the forehead, turning the armored rhinoceros into a piece of red light into the field ball and then fell to the ground. After shaking violently for a few times, the red light was extinguished.

- The capture was successful.

"Is this... so simple?" Xiaoyou walked over to pick up the field ball and looked at it again and again, feeling a little unreal.

It was the bushes behind him shaking, Xiao You didn't even want to raise his hand, and a wild ball hit him - anyway, there were enough balls, and he was not afraid of wasting one.

The field ball hit something with a bang, and received it into the ball. After shaking for a while, it calmed down and recovered successfully again.

"It turns out that the success rate is really so high..." Xiaoyou shook his head, and threw out the field ball he picked up. "By the way, let's see what elf we caught..."


What jumped out of the field ball was a large tangled group of blue-blue tentacles. Between the gaps in the tentacles, two big round eyeballs were nervously turning wildly, and several red-colored tentacles twisted into two thick strands. , acting as a foot...

"This thing is..." Xiaoyou's expression became tangled like the little elf in front of him.This little elf is a grass-type elf that he met during the battle with Kaoru in Golden City, the tentacle monster among the tentacle monsters-the vine monster.

"Uh, it seems that there is no release button on it?" Xiaoyou looked left and right with the field ball, and found that this cup was full of strength. "...Forget it, there are still a lot of balls anyway. Apart from being a little wretched, this guy can barely watch, so save it for hitting water-type elves."

Next, Xiaoyou continued to wander around the hunting area.

"Kantai Luoqun... said that I don't want to learn from Xiaozhi, pass."

"Nidona and Nidorino... I already have King Nido, pass."

"Hey, that's Ibrahimovic? But once it evolves... I already have enough wolfdogs, pass."

"Uh, it's the Kentaro group again...there are so many Kentaro here..."

"This is... well, it's you who can make do with it... huh? How dare you resist! Mystery—field ball sniper throw! Heh heh, you know how powerful it is..."


After wandering around for more than half an hour, except for the armored rhinoceros and the accidentally captured vine monster, only Xiaoyou, who was planning to give Musashi Kojiro and his mountain king, was caught, and came to a small lake surrounded by rocks to sit down and rest.

"Really, it's no wonder you can catch elves at will, so they are all common goods..." Xiaoyou complained, taking out food and water to eat. "There are still 28 field balls. Should I just grab a bunch of Kentaro like Xiaozhi? That will tear down Dr. Oki's research institute..."

"Besides, who needs so many elves... Ah, that's right." A light bulb lit up above Xiaoyou's head, and she dragged out a notebook from the inventory, inserted a phone card, and waited for it to be connected...

After a full 30 seconds, the communicator was connected.Yui Kinoshita's wet face wrapped in a towel appeared on the screen: "...what's the matter?"

"Uh, I'm sorry to disturb you." Looking at the other person's appearance, Xiaoyou, who knew that she had made the wrong choice, apologized decisively. "It's like this. I'm in the wild hunting area now. I have a lot of extra field balls that I can't use up. So I want to ask if you remember any elves that you need recently. I'll grab them and send them over."

"That's it, wait a minute..." Wei was silent for a while and turned away from the screen.It took a while to reappear. "The Institute is currently studying the second evolution of Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus. It needs to collect data and information. You can catch some Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus and Iron-clad Rhinoceros. In addition, as elves assigned to lower-level team members, all kinds of elves are in demand. Yes, so you can catch some other elves by the way."

"Oh, I understand." Xiaoyou nodded, but hearing the word experiment, Xiaoyou couldn't help asking, "Speaking of which, what happened to the batch of Ibrahimovic we captured last time?"

"Ibrahimovic?" Wei tilted his head and thought for a while and replied, "Have you been used for an experiment?"

"Uh, can I ask what kind of experiment it is...?" In Xiaoyou's mind, all kinds of heavy taste scenes of Ibrahimovic soaked in formalin jars and dissected by the police appeared in Xiaoyou's mind...

"It's to measure body data, skill power, attribute resistance, and then draw blood samples to save DNA samples. These are basically the experiments." Wei's tone seemed a little inexplicable, "After the experiment, Ibrahimovic will be sent to the Rockets. The game center will be used as a prize, and those with good qualifications will be assigned to the elite players as combat power. I have one here, and it has evolved into a water elf."

"..." Seeing the wet and slippery blue hairless wolfdog with fish fins and tails on his body, Xiaoyou felt that his sun and moon elves were really handsome and handsome...

"The rocket team closest to the wild hunting area is... the action team of Musashi and Kojiro." Wei put down the water elf and said, "I will pass on their communication code to you. After you catch the elf, give it to them. Just send them to headquarters."

"Ah, I see." Xiaoyou noticed that there was a small data transmission symbol flashing in the lower left corner of the screen.

"If there is nothing else to do, then I will hang up." Wei said after the transmission was completed a few seconds later. "Remember to keep in touch frequently."

"Well, goodbye." Xiaoyou waved to the screen, and cut off the communication randomly.

Side quest: wild hunting.Capture 30 Iron Rhinos and/or Iron T-Rex for Team Rocket.Reward: hp+1, defense+1, protective armor x1

Additional task: Big Hunt!Capture as many Pokémon as possible for Team Rocket.Reward: Free attribute +1/every 10 elves, money +100/every 10 elves

"Oh, what a considerate system!" Xiaoyou was very happy to receive the system task just after hanging up the phone. "Uh, wait... 30?"

"Damn it! I only have 27 balls now! Hundan!" Xiaoyou said "I was cheated! I was cheated again!", "Is this forcing me to be a poacher? That uncle Whoever has a gun in his hand..."

"Calm down, the system won't release missions that must kill you..." Xiaoyou circled around the lake, "Ah, there it is..."

"That's right! In this case..." Xiaoyou's eyes became brighter and brighter, "And even the capital investment can be recovered, it is worth a try!"

"Okay! Let's catch the armored rhino first..." Xiaoyou stood up, and when he was about to leave, he accidentally glanced at the lake, but saw a strange elf...

What is this, a blue loach?

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