Pokemon the wrong way

65. The consequences of offending Yoooo will be serious...

Successfully leaving Caesar's cabin before the disguise failed, Xiaoyou quickly rode a Duduli for a long distance, then found a bush, and took out the Team Rocket communicator.

After inserting the magnetic card as before, two communication codes appear on the screen for selection.

Xiaoyou chose the second number to connect, and then waited...

In a few seconds, the communication was connected.However, there is no video displayed on the screen, but only sound.

"Let me meow!" Meowth's excited voice came from the communicator, as well as the screams of Musashi and Kojiro - it seemed that Meowthie used some extraordinary means to seize the right to talk. "Hello? Is it the boss, meow?"

"Uh, meow?" Xiaoyou put her face close to the communicator and said, the lack of video made Xiaoyou a little uncomfortable. "It's me, I'm Xiaoyou."

"Hey, it's Xiaoyou?" Miaomiao's voice seemed a little surprised, "Xiaoyou, why do you have our communication code meow?"

"Captain Wei gave it to me." Xiaoyou said, "You should still be near the Latin American settlement, right?"

"Boom!" There was a strange muffled sound from the communicator.Then Musashi's voice came over, "Hey, is that you, Xiaoyou! We are now tracking the little devils, and we have left the Latin American settlement. But we haven't gone far, what's the matter?"

"Ah, it's like this." "I caught some elves in the wild hunting area, and Captain Wei told me to let me give you the elf balls and send them to the headquarters..."

"Oh, as expected of Xiaoyou!" Kojiro's voice was not loud, it sounded like he was speaking from a distance. "Leave this matter to us with confidence! By the way, what is the approximate number? Twenty? Thirty? Could it be fifty?"

"Well, let me see..." Xiaoyou simply calculated, "There are about 150 or so."

"..." There was silence on the other side, and it took a while before a small voice came. "No, as expected of Xiaoyou..."

Although he didn't understand what happened on the other side, Xiaoyou continued: "I'm now near the woods about 500 meters west of the gate of the hunting area. Come over in a hot air balloon. When I see you, I'll take you away with the eagles." bring it here."



After cutting off the communication with the Rockets trio, Xiaoyou splashed a lot of green field balls from the inventory, and began to make statistics and classify them by the way.

"Well, this was caught in the grassland area. The task requires 27 iron-clad rhinos and three iron-clad tyrannosaurus..." Xiaoyou first put a bunch of field balls into a pocket and attached a tag.

"Then these are the armored tyrannosaurs, vine monsters, and gas bombs I kept..." Then Xiaoyou picked and picked among the pile of poke balls, and put a few wild balls back into the inventory—fortunately, the wild balls The structure is different from the elf balls, no matter how many you hold, they will not be automatically teleported, otherwise Xiaoyou really wouldn’t know how to explain to Dr. King Chuanshan..."

"And the rest are for the Rockets' supplementary combat power suits." Xiaoyou looked at the sky, but did not find the familiar hot air balloon with a meowing head. "Since there is plenty of time, let's count the remaining Poké Balls..."

Data statistics...

Among the remaining more than 26 field balls, there are 3 Kentello caught in the grassland area, 6 armored rhinos that exceeded the mission requirements, 5 Dudu and Duduli, and 10 Xiaodala and Lada , 1 Nido series, 1 flying mantis, 6 Caracalla; 4 small fist stones and rumbling stones, 3 supersonic bats and big mouth bats, 6 mountain rats caught in the jungle area; There are 3 large needle bees, 4 Bada butterflies and moth moths, 5 walking grasses and stinky flowers, 7 trumpet buds, pocket flowers and big food flowers, and smaller birds such as bibi and sparrows. There are 26 elves; there are also [-] elves of various water systems that were finally caught in the river area...

Counting 30 armored rhinos and iron armored tyrannosaurs, there are 146 elves in total.However, the settlement of system tasks does not seem to look at the mantissa, there is no difference between 146 and 140...

"Hmph, luckily I was prepared..." Xiaoyou took out four red and white ordinary elf balls.Inside are Li Que, Xiao Lada, Hot Monkey and Ba Dahu who have been making soy sauce in Damu Research Institute for a long time.After Xiaoyou discovered the telephone and teleporter in Caesar's cabin, he exchanged it from Dr. Oki's research institute with Big Needle Bee, Liuwei, and the sun elves and moon elves that Dr. Oki was very interested in. Just use it to round up when necessary...

"Well, there will be 150 of them...huh?" When preparing to pack the poke balls, Xiaoyou suddenly picked up one of the field balls.This ball contains the weird little Smurf who was caught with the last ball...

...that big purple shell tucked in its tail.

Big tongue shell, bivalve elf.The hard carapace deflects all attacks, but is weak when the carapace is opened to reveal the inside.

"Big tongue..." Xiaoyou looked at the stupid big tongue in the illustrated book, "Ah, when I saw it, I thought of Geng Gui for some reason, and finally I caught it back..."

"Kou Jie Kou Jie!" Hearing his name, Geng Gui immediately happily jumped out of the shadow behind Xiao You, and stretched out his blood-red tongue to lick Xiao You fiercely.

"Ah, it turned out to be the tongue." Xiaoyou thumped her palms, "No wonder I think this guy has a sense of intimacy... Let it out and see."

A flash of white light flashed, and the big tongue shell jumped out of the poke ball.There are two small thorns protruding from the top and bottom of the seemingly very hard purple shell. The slightly opened shell looks dark inside, and a big pink fleshy tongue hangs out.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be the sticky and greasy type..." Xiaoyou looked at the face-sized purple shell with an illustrated book, "The skills she knows include impact, shrinking shell, ultrasonic wave, ice needle... oh, ice needle ?”

"Ice-type skills?" Xiaoyou's expression suddenly changed when he saw the big tongue shell. After all, Xiaoyou doesn't have ice-type elves yet. "Now I know ice skills, maybe I will have ice attributes after evolution. It's decided, this guy stays and raises himself!"

After thinking about it, Xiaoyou also threw the ball of Bidiao No. [-] into the bag.Anyway, the usage rate of "Distant Ravaging Hegemony" has been greatly reduced...

At this time, a hot air balloon in the shape of a meow floated in the sky.

So Xiaoyou put away the big tongue shell and threw Bi Diao's elf ball: "Bi Diao, go and bring them here!"

Bi Diao flapped his wings and took off into the air, and quickly landed next to the woods with Miaomiao's hot air balloon. Musashi, Kojiro and Miaomiao ran down with smiles on their faces.

"Here!" Xiaoyou handed over two bags, one big and one small, "a total of 150 elf balls. This small bag contains the elves used by the research institute at the headquarters, and the big bag contains other elf balls that I am in the hunting area. Catch the elf, be careful not to get confused."

"Okay..." Kojiro took the bag carefully, "Speaking of which, Xiaoyou, how did you get so many field balls? I remember that one person can only get 30 balls, right?"

"Hmph..." Xiaoyou smiled smugly, "You have also seen my disguise technique? I have received it five times with different identities..."

"Oh, there's this trick!" The three of them nodded deeply, thinking that Xiaoyou was completely different from usual, like another person's Team Rocket mode. "As expected of Xiaoyou..."

"And this." Xiaoyou took out another field ball, "This one is specially reserved for you, the ground-type elf who is not afraid of electric shocks, the King of Mountains. Work hard, don't always be hit by Xiaozhi and the others again." .”

"Hmm!" The trio burst into tears of gratitude, "We will definitely work hard!"

Side mission: "Wild Hunt" completed.Reward: hp+1, defense+1, protective armor x1

Additional quest: "The Great Hunt!" Completed.Completion degree: 150, reward: Free attribute +15, money +1500

"Oh, that's right." Xiaoyou thought for a while, and stopped the three Rockets who were about to leave, "Do you know elves like mini dragons?"

"Miniature dragon?" Seeing Musashi's dull face, you can tell that she definitely doesn't know...

"Wait..." Kojiro took out a large stack of cards from his pocket and quickly rummaged through them. "Mini dragon... I have it! Mini dragon is a very rare dragon elf, and its evolution form is Hack dragon and Kuailong. Xiaoyou, why do you ask this... Xiaoyou?"

I saw Xiaoyou holding a small tree, and was banging his head against the tree while thinking: "Dragon elf! Can evolve into a fast dragon! I actually missed such a rare elf twice!"

Well, who let the mini dragon stay in the water when it came out, making Xiaoyou subconsciously regard it as a water elf?Moreover, in Xiaoyou's incomparable elf common sense, the evolution of the Mini Dragon is just a Hack Dragon - a kind of elf that is also in the shape of a long snake, while the Kuailong is a completely different species...

You said flying type encounter coupons?Xiaoyou has long forgotten that one-time thing...

"Well, what's wrong with Xiaoyou?" Musashi asked his partner in a low voice.

"No, I don't know meow..." Meow quietly backed away and stood behind Kojiro, "But I think we'd better not disturb him at this time meow..."

At this time, Xiaoyou had stopped hitting the tree, and was in self-hypnosis: "It's okay, Zhou Fangyou, it's just a big blue eel... We have system attributes, and when the time comes, it's okay to catch a green caterpillar. Can instantly kill it... yes, that's it..."

"Musashi, Kojiro! And Meow!" Xiaoyou suddenly turned around and yelled, the three of them trembled in fright and immediately stood at attention. "I have an important piece of information to tell you!"


"In the wild hunting area, there are super rare elf mini-dragons!" Xiaoyou said with a serious and mysterious face, "There are photos in the house of the hunting area manager Caesar to prove it! And this person knows the exact nature of the mini-dragons." whereabouts!"

"Really!" The trio's eyes all lit up, "But such important news, wouldn't it be more..."

"Because you are my friends!" Xiaoyou's eyes showed sincerity (characteristic: acting experience value is up!), "Of course I will leave this opportunity for meritorious service to you first!"

"Xiaoyou..." The simple-minded Rockets trio burst into tears when Xiaoyou fooled them, "We will never forget your great kindness!"

"You have to remember that Caesar is very stubborn, and ordinary torture can't deal with him." Xiaoyou took out a note, scribbled something, and then leaned in front of the three Rockets and said, "But It doesn't matter, I'll teach you a trick! Musashi, you let your Abo monster, and then Kojiro, at this time, you just recite the words on the note to him..."

"It will swallow you from foot to head, inch by inch...you have at least an hour to experience the fear of death before you are completely digested... oh oh oh!" Kojiro shuddered, "that's amazing If it were me, I would definitely find out where my most precious collection bottle caps are buried!"

"Well, let's work hard!" Xiaoyou smiled happily, "I look forward to your success!"

Caesar, didn't you tell us about the mini dragon?Isn't it also intentionally mass-breeding Kentaro pit trainers?Then it shouldn't be too much for us to trick you a little bit today...

So offending a fake mother is a very dangerous thing. "They" have the boldness and action of boys, but they are also as easy to hold grudges as girls...

ps; before uploading, I suddenly had a cramp in my head, and I made a big change, so it's a bit late, sorry...

ps2: There are new votes

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