Pokemon the wrong way

71. Fight against sister and brother. .

Hello everyone.The first meeting, the next is the narration.

Well, this is the story of a pair of brothers and sisters...

Like the plot arrangement of ordinary third-rate soap operas, the parents of the brother and sister died when they were young, and the two were sent to an orphanage, where they grew up together...

To protect my sister!Thinking like this, the elder brother rushed forward without hesitation, and wrestled with the bad boy who wanted to bully his younger sister—even though the other party was only here to borrow crayons...

To set an example for my sister!The elder brother who thinks this way, incarnates a standard three-good student in school, excellent in homework, all-round in sports, and has monopolized various No. 1 for many years... After graduating from school, my elder brother took the initiative to join the league and worked hard for a period of time. Pass the assessment and become a respected alliance investigator...

Then, when this good brother who is perfect in the eyes of everyone turns around, he finds sadly that his lovely sister has turned into a bad girl outside at some point, and even joined an evil organization like Team Rocket...

director!This script is wrong!The elder brother was so distraught that he drank his sorrows and got drunk for three days—one bottle of sake, five cans of beer, two boxes of fruit juice and soft drinks...

This is the test given to me by God!The brother who woke up regained his strength and made up his mind to take his sister back from the clutches of the evil organization...

Of course, so far without success...

———Healing Wave———

"...you are so embarrassed by such a guy?" Xiaoyou looked at the opposite brother who claimed to be Kinoshita Yui with twitching corners of his mouth, and took out a microphone cos narrator from nowhere to publicize the alliance search of his brother and sister's black history Officer, asked Hanzo Kotaro and the others in a questioning tone.

"This, this is the first time we have seen such a situation..." Kotaro's expression was also very tangled, "otherwise we would have thrown him away..."

"Damn it!" Hanzo slammed his fist on the ground, "We were forced to such a degree by this guy..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, I lost my temper when I mentioned that my sister is here..." On the opposite side, Investigator Yu Kinoshita also ended his history self-explosion, and smiled apologetically at Xiaoyou and the others. . "Thank you very much for staying in place patiently and listening to me so much. As a thank you, after arresting you, I will moderately reduce your punishment... Miss Junsha?"

With the rustling sound in the bushes, Miss Junsha with Katie dogs appeared one after another, and a dozen of Miss Junsha surrounded Xiaoyou and the duo.

"Uh..." Seeing so many identical Junshas, ​​Xiaoyou felt as if she had seen the clone army, and even felt guilty that the opponent would not be able to beat them no matter how hard they fought. "Is this the real strength of Miss Junsha...?"

"Do you think I will really foolishly rave in front of the enemy? I'm just waiting for the scattered Miss Junsha to gather and surround you." You smiled triumphantly, "Surrender, don't make unnecessary resistance , you who have already run out of ammunition and food... eh?"

I saw that Hanzo and Kotaro had no fear on their faces, and each released another elf: Dai Rubi, the bone dog, and a dull beast like a big pink fur otter.Not to mention the stupid drooling mouth and dull and empty eyes of the dull beast, these two elves look full of energy like the double-bombed gas abo monster, and they don't look like they have been injured at all.

To be precise, even Hanzo and Kotaro themselves are in high spirits at the moment, without a trace of fatigue...

"Idiot! Do you think we will really listen to your long talk?" Xiaoyou also smiled complacently, and returned You's words. "While you were concentrating on exposing yourself, I have already recovered all the elves of the two of them! And they have also taken Weitai's refreshing potion, so there is no problem at all if they want to fight!"

"...Ten times stronger black coffee with Chinese herbal medicines added?" Surprisingly, You Leng asked such a sentence.

"Uh, so Chinese medicine was added into it?" Xiaoyou was dumbfounded, "No wonder it's so bitter..."

"That's the mysterious prescription that Xiaowei made for me before!" Surprisingly again, Yu suddenly blew up. "You can actually drink it... unforgivable! Miss Junsha from all towns, attack!"

"Leave this search officer to me, Hanzo, you all take the mission items and retreat first!" Xiaoyou could not help but insert a walkie-talkie to Hanzo and said in a low voice, "Use this to communicate with the feint attacking troops at the foot of the mountain, they will cover your retreat! Junsha's words shouldn't be able to stop you, right?"

"Please don't worry, we have no problem with Junsha's words!" Kotaro replied confidently, "It's You...Captain Lika, you have to be careful of that investigator!"

"Don't worry," Xiaoyou smiled confidently, "How could I be hurt by my own kind?"

Well, in various senses (whether they are pseudo-mothers or unscrupulous...), Xiaoyou and You are the same kind...


"Double Bomb Gas uses Smoke Screen! Deruby uses Poison Mist!" "Abbe uses Acid Bomb! Slowpoke uses Water Gun!"

Hanzo Kotaro is worthy of being an elite rocket team member who has been cooperating for a long time. The smoke screen of the double bomb gas and the poisonous mist of Deluby mixed together and filled the air. considerable confusion.However, the attacks of Abo and Slowlymon were concentrated and knocked down a Katy at one time. Hanzo and Kotaro took the opportunity to rush out from the gap opened by Abo and Slowly.

"If you run away, I'll be very troubled," Yu watched the duo escape through the smoke, and ordered with a finger, "Electricize the monster, use thunder—no, jump up and avoid it!"

As soon as Yu's voice fell, a strong vibration came along the ground, and the electric shock monster reacted quickly and jumped back forcefully, which barely avoided this wave of attacks.I saw a tall and strong Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus striding out of the smoke.

Xiaoyou followed behind the armored tyrannosaurus and revealed a figure, and beside him was Hei Lujia with curved horns on his head: "If you keep them, I will be the one who bothers you!"

"...Interesting." You smiled, and then ordered loudly, "...Miss Junsha, I'll take care of it here, you go and chase the escaped Team Rocket!"


"Looking at you, you should be very familiar with Xiaowei..." You said while retracting the lucky egg, throwing another elf ball to release the fast-swimming frog, "It will definitely be fine to catch you and use you as bait It must have led Xiaowei to come..."

The image of the fast-swimming frog is basically a muscle-strengthened version of the mosquito-repellent frog, and Xiaoyou's eyelids twitched when he saw it: "Hey, hey, is it okay for the investigator of the alliance to say such a thing..."

"That's why I let Miss Junsha leave!" You said with a sunny smile again, "Swimming frogs use water guns against Ironclad Tyrannosaurus! Wind Speed ​​Dog uses flame cars against Heluga! Electric shock monsters use electric shock! "

Xiaoyou showed no sign of weakness: "Tyrannosaurus evaded and blasted with rocks! Heluga used jet flames on the wind speed dog! (Geng Gui faced the investigator from behind—) Ugh!!"

Before Xiaoyou's order was given, an electric shock hit Xiaoyou directly, knocking Xiaoyou to the ground...

Following Xiaoyou's order, the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus strutted sideways and sprayed water jets, roaring and throwing several glowing sharp stones in return, but was easily dodged by the fast-swimming frog; The flame hit the wind speed dog who was curled up in flames and rushed towards him, but it seemed to have no effect, and instead made the flame on the wind speed dog grow bigger, knocking Helujia into the air...

"Hehe, you don't even consider the fire characteristics of the wind speed dog, and the Rockets are nothing more than that." Seeing Xiaoyou lying on the ground covered in smoke, You chuckled, and directed the elves to focus on the armored Tyrannosaurus, "Quick swim The frog uses the burst fist, the wind speed dog uses the crush, and the electric monster uses the lower kick, attacking the armored Tyrannosaurus from three sides!"

(... Ironclad Tyrannosaurus used Earthquake when he saw the opportunity, Hei Lujia used Thunder's Tooth to crush the fast-swimming frog after locking it with his sense of smell, and Geng Gui used shadow balls consecutively against the fast-swimming frog!)

The armored tyrannosaurus stood in a defensive posture and let the wind speed dog "dog" bite its own leg first. After the electric shock monster and the fast swimming frog approached, it roared and stomped on the ground with a violent kick. The magnitude of the shock erupted with the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus as the center, and the three elves were all caught off guard, except for the fast-swimming frogs, who were seriously injured.And after being knocked into the air, Heluga, who was lying on the ground and killed, rushed over with a loud cry, biting the arm of the fast-swimming frog with its flashing fangs.Immediately afterwards, Geng Gui also jumped out, smashing three pitch-black energy balls in a row around the fast swimming frog and the wind speed dog while waving his claws...

"What!" You was taken aback. He thought it would be easy to kill an Iron-clad Tyrannosaurus without the command of a trainer, but unexpectedly, the opponent's elf still made a tacit counterattack, and knocked down one of his own elves— —The fast-swimming frog was already lying on the ground with white eyes.

"You have a weak soul!" I saw Xiaoyou turned over and sat up and yelled, with smoke still faintly smoking from her body. "Are you still a trainer of the alliance? You actually use skills to attack humans directly! What should you do if someone is dead? Even I haven't done that before!"

"Hey, you're okay?" Yuu looked surprised, "Are you really human? The electric shock from the electric shock monster will lie on the human body for at least half a day..."

Xiaoyou, who was only slightly injured because of her characteristic: Undead lvmax, was furious. If this inspector is digitalized, he will definitely have at least level three unscrupulous means: "He has no repentance! Then you can try it too! Geng Gui, use... er ?”

Temporary Mission: Escape or Kill?Escape from Alliance Inspector Yu Kinoshita, or defeat Yu Kinoshita.Bonus Speed ​​+1, Freedom +2 (choose to flee), or Attack +1, Special Attack +1 (knockdown)

Note: If you choose to knock down, Kinoshita's reputation will drop by 50%

Xiaoyou jumped: "System, you don't want to jump out to be cute at this time, Hundan!"

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