Pokemon the wrong way

84. Dark Gym MK3 in Dark City. .

During the lunch break, a man in windbreaker and sunglasses found the restaurant where Xiaoyou temporarily lived.

"..." The man in the sunglasses just made a strange gesture to Xiaoyou from a distance, and Xiaoyou followed him knowingly.

Xiaoyou followed the man in dark glasses all the way, until he climbed over the wall and slipped into a small warehouse with no one there. The man in dark glasses stopped, turned around and took off his mask, revealing the same face as Xiaoyou's current youth in cross-dressing hole to.

"I was taken aback when we met for the first time. If I hadn't been mentally prepared, I would have wondered if I had a twin brother who had been lost for many years." The disguise was removed, revealing the same panache as Xiaoyou. Ping Zhi, the elite captain of the Rockets in a white denim outfit, said with admiration, "As expected of Captain Lily Xiang of 'Thousand Faces', he really has a superb disguise technique."

"Thousand faces?" Xiaoyou asked strangely, "What is that?"

"That's your title circulated within the Rockets, describing your incredible disguise." Pingzhi replied with a smile, looking like an ordinary big brother next door, and it is completely impossible to see that it is the evil organization Rocket. members of the team. "It is said that it was first spread by Captain Wei's subordinates."

"Ahaha, I'm really overwhelmed." Xiaoyou, who thought that A Yi and others were spreading the word, smiled, took out a small disc and handed it to Ping Zhi, "This is the recording from this morning to noon, you After taking it, listen to it during the nap time, so as not to reveal any flaws in the afternoon."

"Oh, thanks." Pingzhi took the disc and thanked casually, "Actually, I was there when you confronted those two third-rate gyms, and what you said was really beautiful, if you follow that style It shouldn't be a big problem."

"Well, please." Xiaoyou waved at Pingzhi, took out three elf balls and handed them to Pingzhi. "Here, this is your elf ball. If you're lucky, you won't use it. Otherwise, it will be bad if you make a fool of yourself."

Ping Zhi took a look at the elf ball and stuffed it into his waist: "Hehe, my elves are very strong. It's your bad luck that you didn't have the chance to see how powerful they are."

"Isn't there a chance soon? I made an appointment for you to fight against two gyms tomorrow morning." Xiaoyou reminded, "Are you confident, tomorrow?"

"After seeing the clumsy performance of those two guys, I am full of confidence." Pingzhi grinned confidently, "You can see how I deal with them tomorrow..."

After speaking, Meiji walked out of the warehouse in a gracious manner.But Xiaoyou cancels the disguise effect and returns to her usual appearance.Then he took out the communicator and connected to Yui Kinoshita's channel.

"Hi, I have successfully handed over to Captain Pingzhi." Xiaoyou greeted Wei.

"Well, I'll see when you transform back. It seems that Pingzhi will arrive earlier than expected." The only face said calmly holding the lunch box, it seemed that Xiaoyou didn't pick a good time. "In addition, Hanzo and Kotaro are relatively close. I asked them to help in the past, so that we can deal with it in time in case of any emergency."

"Does Pingzhi know?" Xiaoyou asked.

"Yes, I have notified him."

"Oh, that's it..." Xiaoyou rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, "Then let them pretend to be the friends that Pingzhi met during his travels. Hearing that Pingzhi is going to build a gymnasium, so they come to help, it should make sense."

"It's a good idea, I'll tell them both." The only one nodded, "If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

"Well, goodbye." Naturally, Xiaoyou will not continue to disturb others for lunch...


In the following afternoon, Xiaoyou dressed as an ordinary trainer and followed Pingzhi's "missionary" team from a distance to see how he persuaded the local residents.However, this real Pingzhi also has a bit of eloquence and acting skills, and he is as good as Xiaoyou in one set of principles, bluffing the residents of the dark city for a while.

"Cut, I'm just borrowing my light..." Xiaoyou's tone was slightly sour.

Shortly thereafter, Hanzo and Kotaro also appeared.The duo seemed to be pretending to be Pingzhi's friends as Xiaoyou said, and greeted Pingzhi in a very high-profile way when they arrived, and Pingzhi also cooperated very well, receiving them cordially and inviting them to be referees for tomorrow's match...

"Well, it seems that there is nothing wrong with me, so you can rest assured to make soy sauce." Xiaoyou nodded and came to a conclusion.

———— Burning out ———

The next morning.

In the square in the dark city center, today is the busiest scene that hasn't been seen in a long time.Most of the residents came to cheer for the new gym trainer they supported, Pingzhi. Of course, some people came to see how he taught Katz and Yas Gym, and Xiaoyou was one of them...

Pingzhi stood in the middle of the square early in the morning, and his figure looked extraordinarily tall and straight in the anticipation of everyone - because he was not particularly handsome, there were no girls screaming.As for the opponents, the two gymnasiums were reluctant to show up until almost ten o'clock.

"You are finally here." Pingzhi said loudly to Katz and Yas, "I am challenging you, so the rules are up to you to decide."

The two looked at each other: "Then use two-on-two battles, and the outcome will be determined in one game!"

"Weng—" the crowd suddenly started discussing.Those present who were not idiots could tell that the two gym leaders wanted to take advantage of the fact that the two of them could command at the same time, and immediately shot contemptuous eyes at the two on the field like arrows.

However, the two uncles are thick-skinned characters, turning a blind eye to the rain of contempt, and they are quite old-fashioned.

It's a pity that the two of them didn't notice the slightly upward curve of Pingzhi's mouth...

"Everyone be quiet!" Ping Zhi raised his hands to signal everyone to calm down, "Since I said that the rules of the battle are set by the other party, then naturally I will not break my promise. If I can't even bear this small promise, then what else do I have?" Qualified to shoulder the responsibilities of a gymnasium trainer? Two, I accept your terms!"

"Hmph, then don't regret it!" Katz and Yas snorted coldly, and threw the poke ball vigorously, "Come on, Flying Mantis, Electroshock Beast!"

"Electric Beast, it will evolve into an Electrified Beast..." Xiao You in the crowd looked at the elf with yellow and black fur on the field.Electric Shock Beast looks a bit similar to Electric Shock Beast, but it is a little smaller, with the same thick and strong body, thick and long arms, and two antennae like antennae standing on top of its head...the big difference As for the face, the face of the Electric Shock Beast looks like a bigfoot snowman, and the face of the Electric Shock Beast... quite a subtle feeling...

"Then my elf is..." On the field, seeing that the other party released their own signature elves, Pingzhi calmly took out two elf balls and threw them, "Come out, Dark Crow, Heluga!"

The appearance of the two evil spirits immediately aroused the amazement of the "bumps" who had never seen the world in the dark city.And Xiaoyou also took a second look at the dark crow that he had never seen before: "It looks like an ordinary crow. Although it is about the size of an eagle... the feathers on its head are so burned that it looks like a hat..."

"Then, the two-on-two battle in the name of the official gymnasium, let's start!" Standing on both sides of the temporary battle field, Hanzo and Kotaro raised the small flags in their hands.

"Flying Mantis, use one-word slash!" "Electric Beast, use Thunder Fist!" As soon as the battle started, the two gym uncles ordered the elves to attack first.The two little elves rushed to their opponents in front of each other without special instructions, which was obviously discussed in advance.

"Hmph..." Pingzhi laughed in a low voice, and ordered loudly: "Dark Crow, use shadow clones to disrupt! Helujia freely attacks!"

(Heluga, use Jet Flame on the Flying Mantis!)

Hearing the words, the Dark Crow swayed in the air, separated five or six clones and flew around the charging electric beast together with the main body.The Electric Shock Beast swung two fists surrounded by electric lights in a row, only shattering two phantoms.On the other side, Hei Lujia opened his mouth and spewed out a fiery pillar of fire under the surprised eyes of the onlookers, driving back the flying mantis flying from the low altitude.

"That black... elf, can it attack on its own without the trainer's command?" Yas, the bamboo pole uncle, was surprised.

"My Heiluga and the Dark Crow have been training together for a long time, and they have already established a tacit understanding with each other!" Ping Zhi said proudly, "If you want to use the two-on-one method to take advantage, you are making a mistake!"

"Damn..." Uncle Kaz gritted his teeth, "Even so, I'll beat you! Electroshock, use [-] volts!"

Yasi was not to be outdone: "Let's go too, Flying Mantis, use the cross scissors!"

Seeing that the electric shock beast began to gather electricity, Pingzhi immediately ordered loudly: "Dark Raven, use sneak attack!"

(Hei Lujia, after withstood the attack, use Fire Fangjia to bite and fight back against the Flying Mantis!)

I saw the Dark Crow swooping down, with a purple light from its sharp beak pecking at the head of the Electroshock Beast, knocking the Electroshock Beast backwards, and the [-]-volt current also missed its aim and shot into the sky .On the other side, Hei Lujia leaned down and used the rib-like armor on his back to win a cross slash from the Flying Mantis's sickle, and then opened his red-toothed mouth to bite on the Flying Mantis's. On the slender waist, Flying Mantis couldn't help screaming.

"Flying Mantis!" Yas yelled in panic, and then pushed Katz beside him, "What are you still doing? Help me!"

"...Electaken Beast, use high-speed stars to attack Heruga!" Although he was upset, Katz still ordered Electroshock Beast to rescue the Flying Mantis, but Pingzhi's Dark Crow is not a soy sauce: "Dark Crow, use provocation!"

"Croak!" The Dark Crow let out an ugly cry, a faint puff of smoke came out of his body, and then a very humane expression of contempt appeared on his face—although Xiaoyou didn't quite understand how a bird's face was made Such a rich expression.But the Electric Shock Beast obviously understood the subtext of that expression. With a few veins popping out of the top of its head, it shook its head, and threw all the golden five-pointed stars to the Dark Crow, leaving the Flying Mantis to struggle helplessly...

(That's how you lift the Sky Mantis to use Flame Jet!)

Hei Lujia raised his head, and lifted the struggling flying mantis to the top of his head, and then flames spurted out from the mouth biting the flying mantis. The flying mantis screamed and was pushed into the air by the flames, until it fell to the ground It was already scorched black, only the occasional twitching of the paws proved that this guy was still alive...

Hanzo resolutely raised the small flag: "The Flying Mantis has lost its fighting power!"

Uncle Yas got angry and yelled at Katz: "You bastard! Did it on purpose!"

Uncle Katz immediately responded: "Stop talking nonsense! Didn't you see the electric shock beast being attacked by that crow?"

Pingzhi will not let go of the opportunity of the opponent's internal strife: "Dark Crow, use the hot wind!" (Hei Lujia, cooperate with the use of jet flames!)

Kaz/Yas: "Ah! Oops!"

Helujia sprayed out a pillar of fire again and shot at the electric shock beast. The electric shock beast was about to dodge, but was hindered by the scorching strong wind blown by the dark raven in the air.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Uncle Katz seemed to be about to die, "Electric Beast, use thunder!"

But the reality is very cruel: "Dark Crow, another sneak attack!" (Hei Lujia, siege!)

As if replaying the scene, Electroshock Beast was interrupted by the Dark Crow in the process of brewing a big move, and then Hei Lujia also came to watch strongly... So Electroshock Beast resolutely remained silent.

"Electronic Beast can't fight!" Kotaro held up a small flag, "So the winner is Heiji!"

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