Pokemon the wrong way

96. Contact the terrorists on board. .

"Doodoo, use triangle attack!"

"(Don't give him a chance! Use) your power!"

There are three vicious big ostriches with different colors of light gathered on the long beaks of the three heads.However, before the light clusters were connected together, a purple ghost inlaid with gems rushed forward and slapped its claws violently. The loud noise and energy impact caused the three ostriches to stagger suddenly, releasing half of the triangle attack It also dissipated.

"Damn it, Duduli, attack like crazy!"

"(Ecstasy Eye, use) Crazy Scratch!"

The three ostrich Duduli yelled "three" and rushed forward. The three heads pecked irregularly at the jewel ghost's ecstasy eye, and the ecstasy eye went forward without fear, with two sharp claws. Also quickly waving and grabbing Duduli...

After an indiscriminate fight that seemed very unnutritious, Duduli fell to the ground exhausted and scratched all over his body, standing on the spot unscathed and screaming...

Daily tasks completed.Reward: Money +500

Hidden task: "Beat Gao Fushuai!" Completed.Reward: Free attribute +2, money +200

"...That's all right." Xiaomao withdrew Duduli with a straight face.

"It's enough to say that you mean it, you really 'mean' it thoroughly..." Xiaoyou smiled helplessly.

Avoiding Xiaozhi and his party, Xiaoyou and Xiaomao ran to the warehouse on the lower level of the cabin to fight.Facing Xiaoyou's ghostly and evil dual-attribute seductive eyes, Xiaomao sent elves and used tactics that were outrageous: Lada who used the killer front teeth; Pipi who used serial slaps; and the one who used crazy attacks Duduli...

The result is that the soul-hunting eye is immune to the whole process, and it is clean and harmless to [-]v[-]. This guy is so happy that he can't find him now.

The release of water was exaggerated, so blatant, it was the first time Xiaoyou saw it: "It's also fortunate that you can find the elf teleporter on this ship, even if it is to cover the main lineup, there is no need to do this, right?"

"No way, you are different from Xiaozhi." Xiaomao chuckled, "As a trainer who has won ten badges, I regard you as a strong enemy, so of course I won't leak any information."

"Anyway, don't forget, the matter about curry must be kept absolutely secret!" After leaving this sentence, Xiaomao walked out without looking back. Maybe he went to Xiaozhi to change his mood...

"Okay, so today's daily routine is complete." Xiaoyou looked at the soul-hunting eyes who were still posing in various bodybuilding poses, twitched the corner of her mouth and raised the poke ball, "Okay, okay, don't get complacent and come back soon... The next time you brush monsters and level up, let you come out alone to solo once and you will know how good it is..."

"By the way, we have to book a hotel next." Xiaoyou also walked out of the warehouse and came to the cabin where the computer transmitter and video phone were placed. "The little elves are going to fetch a few too, and I'll call the doctor by the way..."

After teleporting the Vine Monster, Nine-Tails and Nido King, Xiaoyou thought about it and called Dr. Oki by the way.

The call was connected quickly: "Yo, Doctor! How are you?"

"Oh, it's Xiaoyou." Dr. Omu held a large stack of manuscript paper in his hand, "Why did you remember to call me?"

"Well, I just want to ask how the ancient elves are doing now." Xiaoyou asked, "Doctor, have you found a suitable environment for them to live in?"

"This..." Dr. Oki scratched the back of his head and smiled, "They seem to like a dark and humid environment, so I dug a deep hole in the backyard, and then brought the groundwater here, and now they all live It's good, you don't have to worry. But Xiaoyou, your father asked me to tell you a few days ago, so that you can call him when you are free. It seems that there is something for you?"

"Hey, is that so?" Xiaoyou asked curiously, "Then I'll hang up first, and then I'll call home."

"Well, go ahead." Da Mu waved his hand, "Call home quickly, so as not to worry your father."

After finishing the call with Dr. Oki, Xiaoyou dialed his home phone again: "What could happen?"


"Hello... ah, it's Xiaoyou!" Xiaoyou's father exclaimed in surprise after the call was connected.

"Uh, Dad..." Looking at the "beauty" with blond wavy long hair and healing style wearing home clothes and an apron on the screen on the screen, Xiaoyou greeted with difficulty. "I just contacted Dr. Oki, and he said you have something to ask me?"

"Hey, yes." Xiaoyou's father nodded, "Speaking of which, where are you now, Xiaoyou, and how many badges have you got?"

"Well, I'm on the boat going to Honglian Island now." Xiaoyou took two steps back, allowing the camera to shine on her belt, "As for the badges, there are already ten."

"Red Lotus Island..." Xiaoyou's father carefully looked at Xiaoyou's belt covered with badges, put his thumb against the tip of his chin and thought for a while, "Xiaoyou, after you rested on Honglian Island, you started to go Shall we go back?"

"Eh?" Xiaoyou was taken aback.

"I looked at your badge, and there are no rainbow badges or green badges." Xiaoyou's father said to himself, "Then on the way back, you can take the route of Rainbow City and Changpan City, by the way Come back with a badge or two."

"Why..." Xiaoyou wondered.

"By the way, when you arrive in Rainbow City, buy some new perfumes by the way, and I'll send you the money..."

"...Dad, Dad!" Xiaoyou couldn't help but yelled, "What happened, did you suddenly ask someone to go back?"

"Ah..." Xiaoyou's father smiled helplessly, "I can't tell you the specific reason, but it's not a bad thing in general... Anyway, you will know when you come back."

"Okay..." Since his cheap father said so, Xiaoyou has no choice. "I'll be back as soon as possible."

"Oh, by the way, there is one more important thing to remind you." Xiaoyou's father's expression suddenly became very serious, which made Xiaoyou also nervous. "From now until you get home, if you girls attack you, you must not 'get on base'!"

"Mr. Zhoufang Yakumo..." Xiaoyou also had a serious face—even though steam began to rise from the top of his head, "Do you know what you are talking to a ten-year-old child!?"

"I can't help it, who made our Xiaoyou so cute! Speaking of which, Xiaoyou, have you booked a hotel in Honglian Island? Have you eaten on time these days..." Xiaoyou's father started to be unruly again, and then used a lot of The topic of housewives diverted Xiaoyou's attention...


"...Yes, yes, goodbye." After finally escaping from Xiaoyou's father's home bombing, Xiaoyou hung up the phone with a long sigh, and was about to go back to the deck to take a good rest when he saw the first person in the morning The passionate idiot who challenged himself ran towards him with Xiao Zhi: "Here, this is the very powerful trainer I told you about!"

"Ah, it's Xiaoyou!" Hot-blooded idiot No. [-] Xiaozhi looked very happy, "Great, let's fight!"

"...Only one-on-one." For Xiaozhi's challenge, Xiaoyou really had no way to refuse, after all, the witness who followed him everywhere to challenge others in the morning was standing beside him. "Because I have to make a hotel reservation later."

"Hey, hotel?" Xiaozhi was taken aback, "Xiaoyou, are you also going on vacation instead of challenging the gym?"

Xiaoyou patted his belt: "I've already been to the fire gymnasium."

"...Eh! Ten?" Xiaozhi counted the badges on Xiaoyou's belt, and then shouted in surprise, "Isn't this a long time ago to participate in the conference?"

"Hmm, there's no harm in going through more gyms." Xiaoyou shrugged indifferently. "Anyway, there is no rule in the alliance that you can only challenge eight gyms. Speaking of which, do you still want to fight me?"

"Ah, yes. Fight first!" The hot-blooded fool was easily distracted.

When they came to the deck, Xiaoyou and Xiaozhi opened up an open space.

"Let me see how strong you are after traveling outside for so long..." Xiaoyou took out the elf ball and threw it with a smile, "Go, gas bomb!"

"What, it's a gas bomb..." Xiaoyou relaxed when he saw the little elf whom he didn't know how familiar, and then tensed up immediately, "No! This is Xiaoyou's gas bomb, not Kojiro The double bomb gas!"

So Xiaozhi suddenly felt as if he was facing a big enemy: "Come on, Pikachu! One hundred thousand volts!"

"(Gas bomb, use) smoke! (And avoid it!)" Under Xiaoyou's order, more than a dozen large and small holes in the gas bomb sprayed out black smoke, and then hid itself in the smoke, Pikachu The electric current shot into the smoke and there was no response, obviously it missed.

"(Continue to use the smoke, cover Pikachu in the smoke!)" Xiaoyou calmly directed the gas bomb with mental power.The smoke expanded rapidly, and soon covered the entire temporary battlefield.

"Pikachu!" Xiaozhi shouted nervously, "Don't be careless, be careful of the opponent's sneak attack!"

"Hehehe..." Xiaoyou smiled darkly, "I don't want to sneak attack... (gas bomb, use) a screwball!"

"Buzz..." A large purple ball spinning at high speed cut through the smoke and appeared behind Pikachu, sticking to the ground and rushing straight towards Pikachu.Xiaozhi quickly yelled: "Jump up to avoid it! Then use the electric shock!"

Pikachu turned around calmly, and jumped up on the spot just before the spiral ball approached, just high enough to allow the spinning gas bomb to pass through.It can be called a textbook-level jumping and dodging action while avoiding attacks and avoiding revealing flaws to the greatest extent!

But Xiaozhi and Pikachu both overlooked one thing: this gas bomb is not an ordinary gas bomb!Because its owner is an existence with no integrity at all...

"(Now,) self-destruct!"

Under Pikachu's surprised eyes, the gas bomb spinning at high speed under his feet shone with dazzling light——


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