Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 107: Tang Sect in Central Shu

It is true that trifles consume time, Tang Guan went out of the palace and wandered all the way.For the latest free chapters of this book, please visit www.

First, a visit to Pingkangli, and then Fengyuge and his party.

It was almost dusk.

The carriage wobbled to a stop.

Chang Ying was about to call out, but Tang Guan jumped out of the box by himself.

Looking at the full house in front of him, Tang Guan shook his head secretly, it seemed familiar after living for a long time, but it was not his own after all.

Immediately Tang Guan jumped out of the car, at this time the door of the house was opened, and several housemen in the courtyard were cleaning the not-so-cluttered ground.

One of them raised his head, saw several people returning, and rushed forward to meet them.

It was the sheriff here who said in a hurry when he opened his mouth: "Zhuangyuan Lang, there is an official waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Tang Guan raised his head when he heard the words, and saw that the door of his room was closed, and it didn't look like someone was there. Before asking, the sheriff added: "It's Zhou Guogong."


Tang Guan's heart moved when he heard the words, and he smiled slightly. Wu Chengsi actually came to wait for him again.

Just about to step in, he stopped, turned his head and smiled and asked, "How long has he been waiting?"

The sheriff suddenly smiled when he heard the words, remembering that Wu Chengsi had come to this room to rest since noon, and had been waiting for the whole afternoon, he immediately said: "How many hours has it been?"

"Oh?" Tang Guan heard that Wu Chengsi waited here for several hours, and there was no guard of honor outside the door. This is not in line with this person's past style.

Immediately, Tang Guan didn't ask any more questions, and several people went into the house together, and the house staff led them in front, and they hadn't reached Wu Chengsi's room yet.Tang Guan said: "Brother Chang, take Xiaoqi to dinner first."

Chang Ying was taken aback when he heard this.Then he realized something, nodded and said, "Okay."

The two turned around and went back to the room, only then Tang Guan stepped forward and knocked on the door of Wu Chengsi's room.

"Bang Bang Bang."

"Is Duke Zhou here?" Tang Guan smiled and shouted when the knocker responded.

Seeing that the door was still closed tightly, Tang Guan wanted to open it, but the door suddenly opened.

A middle-aged man stood in front of the door, looking at Tang Guan in front of him, he cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Lang has come back. I have been waiting for a long time."

Tang Guan hurriedly made a flattered expression, bowed and said, "I don't know why the teacher came to find students?"

Wu Chengsi stroked his beard with a smile, and said: "Happy event, happy event, come in and talk in detail."

Immediately Tang Guan followed Wu Chengsi into the room, and Wu Chengsi closed the door.

Although this full house is in the alley.Not far away is a busy city, but after all, it is where the government office is located.

There is a row of lush trees in front of the house, and it is spring at this time, but this evergreen plant blooms luxuriantly throughout the year.

Usually this row of trees is not conspicuous.But at this time, there were a few movements between the branches.

A few people in black costumes are hiding here.

They were not masked, and the leader was a middle-aged man with a beard. Although he was big enough to hide in the bushes, there was no trace of him.

It can be seen that the arms of several people are amazing, each of them is rigidly fixed on the tree trunk, not moving at all.

The rest are young people.The youngest one looks to be only fourteen or fifteen years old!

But the most attractive thing is not their attire, but a thing hanging from their waists!

At first glance, the thing looks like a mess.But if you take a closer look, if a craftsman who knows the art of mechanism sees this thing, he will definitely turn pale in horror.

Because this turned out to be a folded crossbow!

It is conceivable that they are hiding here, they must have a plan, and Chang Ying has practiced martial arts for many years, so he has good ears and eyes, so he didn't even notice this group just now!

They all stared at Tang Guan and Wu Chengsi in the middle of the house.

It wasn't until the figures of the two disappeared that a young man beside the big man said, "Who was that doll just now?"

The big man heard the words and said in a low voice: "You know a hammer, like a melon, is haunted by ghosts all day long."


Seeing the strong man reprimanding his companions, the young man couldn't help laughing.

His smile instantly attracted stares from his companions, and he hurriedly kept quiet when he saw this.

"I call him a fairy, Wu Chengsi, a son of a bitch, why is he still related to Zhuangyuan Lang?" The big man frowned and murmured.

The few people behind looked at each other after hearing the words, the big man stared at it for a moment, and the only young man among the passers-by said, "Qinggouzi, leave you to me, and everyone else will go away."

These people are always swearing when they speak three sentences, and they can be identified as people from the Bashu area by their accents.

The young man was not surprised but pleased when he heard the big man let him stay. He nodded vigorously, knowing that the opportunity to make meritorious deeds had come.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm here."

The strong man nodded when he heard the words, and was about to run away with all his might, when he suddenly ordered: "Guawazi, be smart for me!"

The boy kept nodding his head again, and then the big man said hoarsely: "Withdraw!"


The muscles between the legs of several people tensed up, the stronger ones, like a big man, escaped quietly, and the weaker young people also shot out with a hoarse sound from their throats.

For a while, the boy himself stared intently at the movement in the house.

In Wu Chengsi's room.

Wu Chengsi and Tang Guan sat opposite each other, and Tang Guan listened to each other's chatter.

"Xiao Langjun, congratulations for the gift of a house from the Queen of Heaven."

"Msister-in-law is too much, Qu Bing just wants to serve the Holy Majesty better and handle official duties."

Tang Guan talked with the two brothers from the Wu family, and he always kept calm and focused on Tai Chi.

He was also a little dumb, Wu Chengsi knew about it just after he was given a house on his front foot.

"The Empress Dowager wants this old man to help you with this matter. The old brother has nothing else to do. Since the Empress Dowager has spoken, I will accept this good house for the time being."

Wu Chengsi said that it was like fumbling in his sleeves again, Tang Guan's eyelids twitched when he saw this, remembering what he did before, co-authoring this is an old story again.

Sure enough, Wu Chengsi groped for a while and took out another land deed.

Standing in front of Tang Guan, Tang Guan glanced at it with a half-smile, and said: "The Duke gave you a generous gift, and Qu Bing took it. It's just that Qu Bing can't afford this good house and beautiful land, so let's choose a place to do it."

Wu Chengsi's heart sank when he heard the words. In fact, he also wanted to be lazy. Wu Zhao's words were so obvious that he asked him to build a house for Tang Guan with the prime minister's specifications.

This kind of thing must be approved by the Ministry of Rites before people can build it. Instead of spending a lot of time building civil engineering, it is better to give this ready-made one to Tang Guan.

Seeing this, Tang Guan smiled slightly, and said, "Qu Bing Duo Meng will take care of the public, and the students will surely be rewarded in the future."

Hearing this, Wu Chengsi, who was still a little depressed, immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter, it should be, Brother Lang doesn't dislike how old you are, how old is your elder brother? How about you and my brother want to be called in the future?"

Tang Guan was delighted when he heard the words, this Wu Chengsi is really shameless, this is not how old he is, and regardless of their identities, just talking about their age, Wu Chengsi is his father.

But Tang Guan was also happy that the other party depreciated himself, and immediately stood up pretending to be happy and said: "Old brother, younger brother is polite."

"Haha." Wu Chengsi was also overjoyed, and felt that all the hard work was not in vain. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to m to read.)

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