Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 122: Killing and punishing the heart

ps: The fourth update, it’s too cold, there’s still one more update left, can I have the third update tomorrow?

It was no longer early spring, and there were no traces of the cold winter.

Even though it was a quiet and late night, dotted with stars, there was no sense of coldness.

It's a pity that a layer of hazy fog ruined the beautiful scenery of this beautiful day. An oil lamp, two people facing each other, one big and one small, responded to the meaning of talking at night while holding candles.

Chang Ying looked at Tang Guan seriously, it is a good thing to study hard.

But the questions Chang Ying asked were as strange as those asked by Tang Guan.

"What is murder?"

Tang Guan muttered to himself, it wasn't that he didn't understand, this sentence came from an allusion in the Spring and Autumn Period of the Later Han Dynasty, and all scholars understood it more or less, but when asked, they didn't know how to explain it.

And Chang Ying is obviously more interested in killing people. He is a murderer in the first place. His hands are covered with blood all his life, left by gold and iron horses, and by chasing bandits thousands of miles away.

After a long time, Tang Guan raised his head and smiled slightly, and said, "Brother Chang, it depends on whether you want to hear about killing people or killing your heart."

Chang Ying was taken aback when he heard the words, and said subconsciously: "Then let's talk about murder first."

"Okay." Tang Guan nodded, and blew out the oil lamp on the table.

"What are you doing?" Chang Ying was stunned by the sudden darkness, and couldn't help asking.

In the darkness, Tang Guan laughed and said, "Brother Chang, what did you see?"

"You turned off the light, what am I looking at?"

With a sound of "Zla", Tang Guan lit the lamp again, and Chang Ying looked at Tang Guan in bewilderment.

Tang Guan's smile remained unchanged and he said, "Brother Chang, do you understand?"

Chang Ying was even more at a loss when he heard the words, and didn't understand what Tang Guan was doing.

See him confused.Tang Guan didn't take it seriously and said, "This is murder."

Chang Ying frowned, thinking for a while.After all, he shook his head and said, "Xiao Langjun, although I can read a few words, but I don't read much, so just speak up."

As soon as these words came out, Tang Guan laughed, and then said: "To kill is to turn off the lights. If you turn off the lights, you can't see what you could have seen."

Chang Ying's heart moved when he heard the words, he seemed to have a clue, but not entirely, he pondered for a moment and raised his head, "What about Zhu Xin?"

Tang Guan was silent when he heard the words.He picked up the oil lamp, walked slowly to the other side of the room and put down the oil lamp, and then turned back. Seeing this scene, Chang Ying fell into doubt again.

Until Tang Guan walked back and sat down, the light was still on, he illuminated the corner, and the remaining peripheral vision was enough for people to distinguish the environment.

Tang Guan smiled at Chang Ying again: "This is to punish the heart. Instead of blowing it out, it's better to move it to other places that don't get in the way."

In fact, Tang Guan's words were not too vague.It was almost straightforward, but Chang Ying murmured after thinking for a long time: "But people are not lights, and they can't be removed if they want to."

"Haha, Big Brother Chang. You are quite smart. It's a pity not to study." Tang Guan laughed when he heard this.

Hearing this, Chang Ying blushed.He thought Tang Guan was laughing at himself in his words, but Tang Guan continued: "Murderers. People kill them, and those who punish their hearts. They will never return!"

When it comes to the last sentence, Tang Guan's tone has changed. This theory of punishing the heart is like moving a lamp. As Chang Ying said, people are not lights. Come when you call, go when you call.

Chang Ying half-understood what he heard, and after a long while shook his head with a wry smile, "Qu Bing, you scholars always make three turns when talking, that's all, you go back to rest earlier, I'll just watch over here."

Tang Guan was undoubtedly making trouble for himself by rescuing the man, let alone in a place like Baoshe.

But Tang Guan looked at the oil lamp in the corner as if he didn't hear it, his eyes gradually became heavy. This night brought back too many past events. The trouble of falling asleep.

The oil lamp that was moved to another place by himself and turned on and off was none other than Pei Yan.

"Old man, did I do the right thing, or did I do the wrong thing?"

Pei Yan was born in the Ming Dynasty, he is best at the way of the spring and autumn, he abides by the principles of the monarch and his ministers, and he is the most familiar with this method of killing people. Throughout his life, he disregarded the emperor's order and slaughtered Turkic captives when he was young, and later helped Wuzhao to the throne , and all kinds of bizarre experiences of demoting his subordinates.

He is a self-contradictory person. Anyone who leaves traces in history must have done something extraordinary, but now he is finally defeated by his most proud method of killing his heart.

Rather than saying that Wu Zhao killed Pei Yan, it is better to say that Tang Guan knew Pei Yan's political career directly, and he was willing.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan sighed quietly, everyone's way of life is different, if he were to face something that has no chance of winning, as long as the bottom line is not touched, he would rather live by idling.

Xima Pei's lineage was demoted to common people. This result is reasonable. Pei Yan is not dead but it is unexpected. Fortunately, the means of punishing one's heart is not unavoidable. At least Tang Guan is confident that no one can do it. Kill him, including that woman in Daming Palace!

After pondering for a long time, Tang Guan came back to his senses. Whenever he thought about the future, he would feel weird excitement mixed with a trace of fear. The reincarnation of Zhuge.

But Tang Guan himself is very aware of his own weight, he can't really predict the future, and enough accidents have happened now.

Thinking of this, Tang Guan looked at the Tang Sect "shemale" who was still unconscious on the bed.

"Damn, people are dead and birds are in the sky, I have died before, and I am afraid of you bitch!"

Looking at the unexpected "little shemale" on the bed, Tang Guan suddenly spoke out, and Chang Ying was surprised by his words.

"Xiao Langjun, what did you say?"

Tang Guan regained consciousness upon hearing the words, and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Xiao Langjun, go and rest." Chang Ying saw that Tang Guan often lost his mind that night, and couldn't help reminding Tang Guan again that Tang Guan had a really long day and had experienced too many things.

First came Qin Mo, who was as beautiful as a dream, then got drunk, and then this Tangmen shemale, even Tang Guan himself sighed in his heart, "This world is so fucking wonderful."

Seeing that he couldn't be persuaded, Chang Ying didn't speak any more. Seeing that Tang Guan still had no intention of going after a long time, he could only say: "Then I'll squint for a while, if you rest, just wake me up."

"Okay." Tang Guan responded casually upon hearing the words.

Only then did Chang Ying slowly lay down on the table, while Tang Guan was still staring at the person on the bed.

In the confusion, the oil lamp kept flickering on and off.

Finally, Tang Guan's vision gradually blurred. From the beginning of thinking, he slowly lowered his head and forgot to call Chang Ying.

He finally buried his head and fell asleep.

But just as he lay down, Chang Ying raised his head beside him.

"Hey." Chang Ying sighed softly, he had been dozing off all this time, only hoping that Tang Guan could leave, but he never thought his mind was so firm.

He had no choice but to get up and take off his outer robe to cover Tang Guan.

Then he walked quietly to the bedside.

"Murder?" Chang Ying raised his hand slowly, with veins popping up, he knew that with this slap, the woman from the Tang Sect on the bed would surely die instantly.

But then he stretched out his hand again and said to himself, "Put your heart in?"

Then he turned his head and walked to the corner, holding up the oil lamp.


The lights are off, the night is over...(to be continued...)

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