Training Wu Zhou

Chapter 149: 1 Life as a Slave

Court farces have been common since ancient times. In the West, there is Prince's Revenge, and in the East, there is Jing Ke's assassination of the King of Qin. However, since the reign of Zhenguan in the Tang Dynasty, apart from Wu Zhao's huge farce, there has been no second protagonist on this stage.

But now Tang Guan staged a scene of blood spilling on the court by accident. He underestimated Princess Taiping's arrogance when she was young, and ignored Wu Zhao's love for her.

If one can describe the relationship between mother and daughter in one sentence, Wu Zhao is full of doting on Princess Taiping at this time, perhaps to make up for her first child who was strangled to death in infancy, or for other reasons.

But at this time in the dormitory, Wu Zhao's face was so cold, it was rare to see him, it could be called expressionless.

And the person lying on the dragon couch was none other than the unconscious Tang Guan.

At this time, a group of old doctors surrounded the wound, one of them was busy treating the wound, and saw a terrible wound opening and closing on Tang Guan's chest, reaching to the navel. Fortunately, although the wound was long, it was not fatal, it only scratched the flesh.

The person who treated the wound was sweating profusely, and the people around him were also chattering. It must be said that Tang Guan was really lucky.

"Oh, I got it wrong! I got it wrong!"

"let me!"

Zhuangyuan Lang was injured by a knife in the queen mother's bedroom. The three women present knew that it was a farce, but those who didn't know it thought it was an assassination and Tang Guan was loyal to protect the master.

"Quiet!" Seeing the noise here, Wu Zhao called out.

A group of imperial physicians hurriedly stepped aside after Wenyin, leaving only one person busy applying medicine and bandaging. Wu Zhao slowly approached the couch, looking anxiously at the unconscious Tang Guan.

"Why are there so many old injuries on his body!?" Wu Zhao looked at him.Can't help but feel shocked, Tang Guan's upper body clothes have been removed.Layer after layer of medical cloth was wrapped, but scars were still exposed on both sides.Looks like those scars have seen some days too.

Wu Zhao frowned, Tang Guan was just a scholar, and he had no strength to restrain a chicken. Wu Zhao was puzzled by the fact that there were so many old wounds on his body, but he didn't know that these were left by Tang Guan when he was tortured before. The injury almost cost him his life.

Standing over there were two young girls, kneeling and standing, their faces pale.Both of them were shocked by Tang Guan's behavior, but their moods were different. The girl who was still kneeling had empty eyes, as if she hadn't recovered yet.

And the other has a complicated complexion, beautiful eyes twinkling, obviously fighting between heaven and man, uneasy.

It wasn't until the old doctor bandaged the last piece of medicine cloth, and then stretched out his hand to check Tang Guan's pulse, that he breathed a sigh of relief.Turning around and worshiping: "Your Majesty, it's just the flesh that hurts the ear, and your lord is fine."

"Huh." Hearing this, a sigh of relief can be heard.Seeing this, several imperial physicians looked at each other, one sound came from Wu Zhao's mouth, while the other sound came from Princess Taiping's mouth over there.

Wu Zhao heard that Tang Guan was fine.While heaving a sigh of relief in his heart, he suddenly turned his head to look at Princess Taiping.Seeing this, Princess Taiping couldn't help taking two steps back, her feet softened.Almost had to kneel down with Shangguan Wan'er together.

"Several lovers are busy, you go down."

"Yes." The several imperial physicians looked at each other, sensing that the atmosphere was not right, they hurriedly handed over their hands and said goodbye.

A group of people left the palace one after another, only the three women and Tang Guan on the dragon couch were left in the bedroom.

Standing in front of the couch, Wu Zhao looked back at Tang Guan, and then said, "Come here, send the guild back to the bedroom."

"Mother!" Princess Taiping hurriedly said when she saw this.

"Shut up!" Wu Zhao said coldly, and the two maids entered the palace tremblingly, and carefully helped Princess Taiping out. Before she left, Princess Taiping did not forget to take another look at Shangguan Wan'er on the ground.

Suddenly, another person went to the dormitory, only Wu Zhao and Shangguan Wan'er remained awake.

With the departure of Princess Taiping, the dormitories were closed tightly.

Shangguan Wan'er was awakened by the sound of the palace door closing, and a little brilliance returned to her beautiful eyes.

But suddenly he held his breath again, because Wu Zhao was walking towards her step by step.

It wasn't until Wu Zhao walked in front of him that Shangguan Wan'er said, "Your Majesty, my concubine has been wronged!"

Wu Zhao remained silent, and after a long time stretched out her hand to pick Shangguan Wan'er's chin. It must be said that Princess Taiping was acting naive and arrogant at this time, but the mother and daughter had many similarities, and they both stood in a strong and domineering image. In front of people, it's just that Wu Zhao will not be so naive as to be full of flaws.

"You lift your head up."

Shangguan Wan'er trembled when she heard the words, and slowly raised her head. It was the first and only time Wu Zhao looked at Shangguan Wan'er so carefully. Seeing the expression on Wu Zhao's face, Shangguan Wan'er was terrified. It was exactly the same as when Princess Taiping looked at herself just now.

"The old prime minister has given birth to a beautiful granddaughter." Wu Zhao condescendingly spoke softly, looking at Shangguan Wan'er who was about to rain pear blossoms, his words seemed to indicate something.

Upon hearing this, Shangguan Wan'er hastily stepped forward and grabbed the corner of Wu Zhao's clothes.

"Your Majesty, Wan'er has been wronged!"

Seeing this, Wu Zhao frowned, kicked her away, and said with a flick of her sleeve: "I saw that your mother and daughter are lonely and helpless, and I let you have something to eat because of the old relationship, how dare you bully my son and daughter! "

Shangguan Wan'er was speechless for a moment, this time was considered an accident, she usually served her carefully, she did not expect disaster to come from heaven, but what shocked her most was that Tang Guan was so reckless, her image in her heart was subverted again for a while.

But at this time, Tang Guan, who doesn't know life and death, can't be cared about. In fact, Wu Zhao has no old feelings for Shangguan's family. If there is a relationship, it is also a relationship of enemies. Even the queen can't do it!

Now that she keeps her enemy's children by her side, it's really interesting. No one can understand Wu Zhao's thoughts. Is this her absolute evil taste, or her unparalleled self-confidence, or is it her extraordinary desire to control?

We don't know this, we only know that Shangguan Wan'er has mixed emotions in her heart, Wu Zhao finally speaks out again after being silent for a long time, but her words make Shangguan Wan'er feel like being struck by lightning.

"Your face is really a disaster. Say, how did you seduce my ministers so fascinated?"

Suddenly the atmosphere dropped to freezing point, Shangguan Wan'er was really speechless, Wu Zhao clearly knew in his heart that this was a farce caused by his daughter, but it was still the same sentence, everything would not be groundless.

If Tang Guan had turned a blind eye to punishing Shangguan Wan'er, even if it was just a plea, Wu Zhao would not have paid so much attention to it, but Tang Guan's behavior was beyond expectations, and he even risked his life.

The relationship between the two will not be so simple.

But for Shangguan Wan'er, Tang Guan's actions were indeed unexpected. She and Tang Guan had a mediocre relationship, and strictly speaking, there was only a special connection. In fact, she was no more vigilant towards Tang Guan than she was towards Wu Zhao. less.

But the matter had come to this, Shangguan Wan'er had no choice but to remain silent, but Wu Zhao stopped asking after seeing this. Instead, she walked slowly to the desk and picked up Tang Guan's article on Mingtang architecture.

She lowered her head and read it again, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes. The article came suddenly. At first she just read it roughly, but then she was dumbfounded. Now after careful study, she found that what Tang Guan wrote was exactly the same as what she thought in her heart. With the supreme authority of the emperor, the temples that will attract the admiration of the world are exactly the same.

Thinking of this, Wu Zhao raised his head and glanced at Tang Guan on the bed. Yes, at this point, Wu Zhao became more and more reluctant to kill him. As for Shangguan Wan'er, Wu Zhao's heart suddenly moved.

Then he walked towards the mirror stand calmly, took out a makeup knife from it, and then held a delicate silver makeup knife in one hand, the so-called starvation is a small thing, and injustice is a big thing, most women have this thing, it is not practical at ordinary times, but it can be used Time is when you die and I live.

Shangguan Wan'er saw that Wu Zhao was holding a text in one hand and a knife in the other, her complexion turned pale for an instant, until Wu Zhao turned back to her side, and she only heard her say, "Then it seems that you two are in love with each other?"

"Your Majesty, there are no concubines. The concubines and the lord are innocent!" Shangguan Wan'er hurriedly said, wronging this thing is like snowballing. (To be continued..)

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